
Parent-child Relationship Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"I think what's going on in society right now is that there's a disconnect between parents and their children."
"We hope that by the kids understanding what the parents go through, that it'll improve their relationship."
"Our approach is first and foremost how to communicate effectively with your child and more importantly how to build what we call an alliance."
"Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what."
"I'm sorry that your parents put you in a situation where you felt so lonely and abandoned that you had to call your mom from prison just to hear her voice."
"The Earth admitted that he didn't want to be Hero's kid anymore."
"I thought it was pretty normal for a child to want to spend time with their parents."
"Sometimes I think like it's on us to try to teach our parents too."
"I'd also like you to know not to have any regrets, as I had a really wonderful childhood with really loving parents."
"I feel like you're gonna be very close with your child."
"A father should never see their child die before them."
"His final words to his son Murad were, 'Son, I’ve reached the end of my road while you are just starting out on yours. May God the Almighty bless your reign.'"
"I think you actually empathize with your son."
"Logan's final moments, which he spends giving heartfelt advice to his cloned daughter, gets us choked up every time."
"Thank you for being a part of the family, I would never have wanted a better son like you."
"I love you so much son, I really can't believe you've made it this far."
"Parents cannot be unjust... Parents and children are supposed to have a trusting relationship."
"The bond between parent and child through Jiu Jitsu is priceless."
"Mike Tyson made his return on January 16th..."
"The connection between a parent and child is never over."
"A person that loses a partner is called a widow, a child that loses a parent is called an orphan, but there's no word to describe a parent that loses a child because that is a loss like no other."
"The unshakable bond between parent and child."
"The dua of the parent for the child is one of the most acceptable duas to Allah. Allah always accepts it."
"You have to talk to your kids, start off early with the easy stuff so that later on you can get to the somehow desirable point where you're exchanging sexual fantasies with the people who birthed you."
"Like with kids it's like just hug me just prove that you- I'll hug you more!"
"I hope this will cause a new dynamic to be created between parents and mental health professionals."
"If your parent is one of those parents that say 'I don't remember'... that's gaslighting."
"The most important reason it was such an incredible experience to spend all that time with my grown-up daughter."
"I love you because I don't love you because you obey me. I love you because you're my son, and nothing can change that."
"School should be enjoyable. You should want to learn. You should want to do what you should want your kids will be. It'll be so much more beneficial if you're not fighting with them."
"The most intimate relationship should be between you and your child."
"You're grounded for a month. Make it two for being such a liar."
"Lorelei realizes she needs to allow Rory to have some space."
"Johnson also elegantly referenced an episode 5 moment between a parent and their child during Leia and kylo Ren's Force Connection in The Last Jedi."
"I wanna tell my son how much I love him, how much he means to me."
"She's always been my little princess."
"Restoring the relationship with the targeted parent, in this I want to revalidate the targeted-rejected parent as a nurturing protective parent."
"The child's hyper bonding motivation towards the narcissistic borderline parent isn't a symptom of healthy bonding, it's a symptom of pathological bonding."
"my parents wanted to hang out with us the whole time but we were too cool and tried to distance ourselves from them as much as we possibly could"
"My son doesn't talk much when he's at home, but when he does, it's about baseball and how great you and Mr. Sha are."
"Love between a parent and child is one of the most precious and deep connections we make during our time on Earth."
"Even though I'm an adult he's not bothered to ever show an ounce of respect to me."
"And obviously, a solid way to completely lose the trust of your child. This is such a bummer to watch but it's so on point, her self-blame and feelings of guilt break my heart."
"Hearing 'you are such a disappointment' from a parent can be incredibly devastating; it can even make us question our own self-worth."
"I can’t think of any parent/child relationship in Star Trek that’s left a deeper, more lasting imprint on my heart than Ben and Jake Sisko."
"A parent shouldn't have to bury their child."
"You shouldn't have to parent your parent."
"Human nature is interesting, a child's push for acceptance by a parent never wavers."
"The greatest gift I can have is you being my daughter."
"And she'll always be his baby, no matter what."
"A parent-child relationship can develop over time through shared experiences and mutual affection."
"I've never felt so close to another human being, just having that bonding time with my son."
"I would like to believe my daughter and I have a solid relationship, especially when it comes to conversations."
"Mommy, the more I see, the more I want."
"And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels, And I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the earth."
"I know, oh my God, that's amazing son, I'm so proud of you."
"But the thing is, the generation do not understand the rank of the parents."
"When you open yourself up to your child in that way, that's the biggest gift of all."
"No one can give you the love a parent would give you, not even your best friend, or the dog, okay? This is something which you will realize once maybe, you know, you have lost."
"Do not toxify your parent-child relationship over homework. It is not worth it."
"There is hope that my 16-year-old daughter will someday be able to trust me again."
"You are nothing but pure love, always caring for everyone. You will always be daddy's little girl."
"Inheritance in Webflow is about passing down values from parent to children, and the children can choose to keep those values or ignore them."
"The relationship with your child needs to become so good that you don't need anything external."
"This attitude of yours, I mean, she's scared to death of you. She's your daughter and she's frightened to death of you, your own child."
"The transaction between a child and a parent actually goes both ways."
"Attunement is really a system of communication between the parent and child."
"Part of healing trust, especially between parent-child, is practicing seeing and understanding, validating that child's emotions."
"We need to develop a deep relation with our children, create a positive emotional environment."
"If it provokes an open discussion about sex with their parents, I think this is a really good thing."
"I'm very lucky to have a daughter like you."
"You can only have a single parent being returned from a component."
"Inheritance is a mechanism by which a child object acquires all the properties of the parent class."
"You're always going to have a good bond with your kid."
"All children go through that if they make it to adulthood, they usually come back to the parent and say, 'Mom, you were right, I understand now, I get it.'"
"I'm very grateful for the relationship I have with my children."
"I'm so fortunate to have a daughter like you."
"A component can also receive properties from its parent components."
"When we reject a parent, we reject aspects of ourselves."
"There is nothing worse and more devastating than to be abandoned by your parent."
"The fact that your son is coming up to you and telling you what he or she did wrong, he's actually good because he or she trusts you."
"The relationship between a parent and a child is a gift, it's a joy."
"I love you, I'm not a dinosaur, I'm your dad."
"The resemblance between father and daughter is unmistakable."