
Emotional Baggage Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Sex is an energy exchange. If you're going to have sex with someone, you better be ready to get all the baggage and everything that comes with them."
"Pain body is a term I use for an accumulation of old emotion that's still lives in you."
"You believe that by holding on to the emotions of the past, people from all walks of life struggle to create a new future for themselves, limiting their potential and ultimately their pursuit of happiness."
"You're why good women have this baggage. Because you're leaving them with garbage to tote around."
"Why is she hanging on to stuff like that if it was so mentally scarring for her?"
"Your plate should be clean when you walk into a relationship. Your plate should not be full with your problems with an expectation that your partner should clean your plate for you."
"Cancers start to be less weighed down by your past and you start to actually have present and future opportunities."
"You shouldn't have to apologize for your baggage."
"I feel like whatever that is, it could have happened in the past and you've been carrying the trauma."
"Their years of baggage that they've brought into where they're at, so you have to start to unpeel that and that takes months, can take a long years to really work with somebody to overcome that disordered eating."
"Signs that your partner is not over their ex."
"If you find it hard to trust in a new relationship, it means you haven't healed from your last one."
"Sometimes people hold on to their childhood trauma."
"If they haven't already undone a lot of that stuff that they've learned, they can be carrying over a lot of those issues into future relationships."
"Y'all are both still holding The Grudge. Y'all are both still pissed off at each other about whatever it was that happened."
"Carrying from the past ain't going nowhere and eventually if you leave it unchecked it will bubble up to the surface and manifest itself between you and the new person."
"Be sure that whatever unfinished business you have from the past, that is completely separate from this."
"If you're still tied to the frequency of that past person, what do you think you're going to attract into your life?"
"The worse it was, the more toxic it is to cling to."
"If someone keeps bringing up their ex, that is a red flag that means they still have a soul tie with that individual."
"People who haven't let go... it's really hard for them to enter these states with someone else."
"I will not bring my baggage to anyone's son. That is why I took my time to heal."
"Your cup is getting filled with trauma, the moment of pleasure usually does not last."
"Just let it go man... if I was still holding on to all that baggage I would be like this, carrying it over my shoulders."
"You can't erase the bad memories of your past but you can let go of the heavy attached."
"We all have stories that affect how we are with a partner, and that affects our relationships."
"Never ever, no matter how amazing the chemistry is, never get married in less than 12 months."
"If you can help carry their baggage, everybody gonna come with some baggage."
"You might have not known that if you're dealing with someone newish and they want to go next level, they actually are still grieving from another relationship or from a loss of some sort."
"We've all got stuff, we are all wounded children."
"You're letting go of the baggage, lightening the load, all those burdens."
"It's very important to heal all these things because a lot of the times these emotional issues, these baggage we have, are past life scars."
"Grudges are garbage. Grudges are fucking garbage."
"Fear has got to go. Stubbornness gotta go. Keeping holding on to something in your past gotta go."
"Some of us have lived in the past of feelings that have originated decades ago."
"You don't really want to head into a relationship when you've got your own baggage."
"Every time you get knocked down, you get back up again, right? That's one thing."
"You got to let go... let the dead weight go."
"A grudge is when you hold on to anger, bitterness, or resentment long after the hurt has happened." - Pastor Mike
"You gotta clear that baggage out of the way before you sail forward."
"Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. It's our job to figure out how to carry it."
"They want to talk about the baggage here, they want to make amends."
"You're ready for a commitment, but still holding onto some disappointment."
"Why keep hanging on to all this embarrassment? Just let it go."
"It's very scary for them about how they feel about you, especially for those people that were in crappy relationships in the past."
"This person might still have a lot they need to let go of from their past."
"I have found that most of the [ __ ] that I have held on to like grudges the people that I was holding the onto the grudge about didn't realize that they had slighted me."
"There's nothing wrong with still having baggage as long as we are sorting through our baggage exclusive of anything else going on around us."
"Whatever wounds you have, you will carry with you whether your spouse comes from your town or from across the globe."
"It's not the weight that's our problem, it's what's in our mind – the negativity, the past, the trauma."
"I feel like the girl who started all of this in a way, and don't get me wrong, with a lot of baggage I'm trying to get rid of but also a lot of wisdom."
"If you don't make new memories, the old ones will always hold you back."
"Improvements in love, someone needs to let go of baggage."
"How can you accept something new when you're still holding a grudge for the past?"
"You will be able to release any baggage that you have."
"It's hard to understand our true selves when we're holding on to past traumas."
"You guys will always work it out and work through it, you are absolutely meant to be. You've just got to work on this emotional baggage, codependency issues, and that comes through soul-searching and some help from the spirit guide."
"I think it's difficult to just, um, try to pretend that all of that stuff has been left behind when it hasn't."
"It's okay to let go of the bag of rocks, guys. Holding onto that, you are preventing yourself from finding that love."
"We said goodbye to the emotional baggage we were carrying around as much as the physical things that had piled up."
"No matter what, since ever since you guys separated here or distanced yourself from them, no matter what, you've always carried them with you."
"So maybe for some of you if you are holding on to some heavy feelings from your past this could be forgiving other people forgiving yourself."
"Shame's going to go. Shame has got to go. It's just it's a burden. It's baggage that you're never into. You and I were never intended to carry. The heavy baggage that is shame."
"Some of you that had a breakup with this person, they're still carrying a lot of that heaviness, a lot of that weight from the relationship."
"It helps you get rid of baggage that you don't need, get rid of people you don't need to get rid of, you know, feelings that are holding you back in life."
"We gotta forgive guys. What we don't forgive, we carry."
"Hate is baggage. It's just not worth it."
"Stop holding on to old energies that have hurt you."
"I left him because every time I looked at him, I saw my son."
"The question I would ask is how many people have been in your life that are not in your life physically but yet emotionally still control and own you? You haven't let them go, and you block the sacred sacral chakra."
"It's representative of you burning up all your baggage."
"A spirit of unforgiveness or spirit of bitterness I often work together these spirits then what the person would do with he would they would find that they're constantly feeling offended and hurt by things that people are doing to them."
"So much time is spent carrying around baggage for others that aren't even ours to carry."
"It really is like, imagine every single time you get like a one-on-one, and you're like, 'Great, we're gonna get to have this fun date,' and then we have to sit down for this candlelit dinner and it's just trauma dump, trauma dump."
"Bitter people are not fun to be around. When you're dealing with bitterness, there's always something. Enough is never going to be enough."
"Unforgiveness is like an invisible umbilical cord that connects us to all the pain and people of our past."
"You're asking me to give you where the good men hang out but you still walk around with this hurt and pain."
"You have to heal yourself you have to just deal with your own issues because otherwise you don't want to carry emotional baggage into another situation."
"I didn't realize until Grand Final week how much people are still carrying all those scar tissues or stories from the losses."
"That's why healing is important, because what happens is, you walk around and you're taking your pain out on everybody else."
"Some of us are carrying prisoners in our hearts, prisoners who are caged behind the bars of unforgiveness."
"You may have healed, but they're haunted by their past."
"You know you just hurt from your last relationship."
"You're collecting all this garbage inside of you. No wonder you're bothered, scared, anxious. You've decided to get hurt. You've decided to get bothered. You've decided to get disturbed."
"Unforgiveness is an invisible umbilical cord that connects us to the pain of our past."
"Holding on to grudges is holding on to trauma, is how I'm taking that."
"They've got a lot of emotional baggage and it feels like they're projecting like crazy all of that baggage onto the connection between the two of you."
"It's hard to not carry. It's kind of addictive."
"It's a lovely feeling, yeah. Because you're carrying it around like a rucksack full of bricks for your whole life and the more you do it, the more you feel you've got something to hide."
"What you're really wanting for that person that has done you so much wrong is for them to leave you alone. And yet, you're carrying around roped to your spine."
"Most of you are carrying it around with you. It's your psychological baggage. And that being the case, I do think it should be openly discussed."
"You are carrying a minefield inside your mind. Every single thing that ever happened that bothered you, you kept inside because you weren't able to experience it and let it go."
"Your biggest message is to take steps to kind of progress towards releasing emotional baggage."
"Until we deal with it, it's always going to be there, always dragging us down."
"I felt a lot of resentment and bitterness towards everyone in my family about that."
"Everyone got baggage from past relationships, past trauma, past experiences, absolutely."
"Once it's off, then you're like, 'Oh crap, I was carrying that the whole time. I didn't even realize it.'"
"I came in my pain and said here you go, and I left that baggage outside, and I just came to be healed."
"Talking of getting intimate, this is like a dream come true for Mercer because this new Grayson has just had her first date with him. She doesn't have all the emotional baggage Commander Grayson has."
"We all have every single one of us is carrying around stuff that's bottled up."
"And even though you couldn't put words around it, you know, in some ways, you carry some of those, you know, wounds or feelings from that period of time that make you not sure about the whole damn thing. And that's understandable."
"You might not tell us exactly what you went through, but trust me, that anger, that resentment, that bitterness is going to find ways, it's going to seep through your parenting whether you like it or not."
"A guy will get with a woman and he'll realize he still has these unhealed abandonment wounds."
"It's sort of the way that people will hold on to something and want to...you know, it's very difficult to let things go."
"Isn't it amazing the baggage we carry around with us and we're not even aware of it."
"I talk a lot about the emotional baggage of seeing what you've seen."
"We all have relationship baggage, but you have to do things to not mask it but to still have your actions be a level of openness."
"If you don't forgive, you bring in all this baggage and emotional turmoil into your next relationship."
"Let go of the anger, the resentment that has followed us, that has poisoned us from the wounds that were caused to us."
"I think you know we all have our kind of emotional baggage when it comes to Christmas."
"It's like letting go of all of this sort of unnecessary baggage and pain."
"I am comfortable with myself without the load of pride and guilt and shame, and I am comfortable with others without the load of hatred and jealousy and envy."
"Everything's behind us now, so will you stop dragging it all up? The past has a way of never letting go."
"We still have to deal with things that hurt us years ago."
"It's never going to be over for us. I still have unopened birthday presents from 10 years ago; the memories are still there."
"Forgiveness allows us to leverage the lessons of the past without lugging around the luggage from the past."
"We can carry baggage from other relationships and not having done the work on ourselves."
"We all come to a relationship with baggage, we just do."
"I'm worth this conversation, I'm worth calling and getting help, I'm worth not carrying this stuff around anymore."
"If you take things personally or to heart, or hold grudges, you are killing only yourself."
"Some things are harder to bury than others, and some people take longer to let them go."
"Childhood baggage exists and it doesn't go away."
"Relationship debris is kind of piling up on the Buffy highway."
"I put her down after crossing the stream. You are still carrying her with you."
"You can't get your healing if you carry around guilt, resentment, shame."
"Every time I think I turned the corner as a person, I just realize there's another storage shed of emotional stuff I have to go through."
"Trauma is considered to be the baggage we carry around with us that is unresolved."
"It's time to drop that weight, whatever that baggage is that some of you are carrying around."
"There is nothing that will keep you stuck like a grudge, like something you won't forgive."
"Be really, really careful about that because you don't know if you want to tether those emotions back to the past anymore."