
Supply And Demand Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"As price goes up, supply eventually catches up, and prices collapse. It's very normal."
"The twin forces of supply and demand... Demand is how much someone wants something. Supply is how much of it there is to have."
"All Christian television is... a function of supply and demand. Whatever the demand is, that's what they're going to supply."
"The crucial thing is market value. Any limitation on supply usually increases MSRP for popular cars in high demand."
"It's like an oversupply of milk; milk can be dumped to maintain prices, but you can't demolish houses."
"Capitalism works pretty well. You know, when you allow supply to grow to meet demand, housing prices come down, services get better."
"This is a picture-perfect example of how supply and demand zone works."
"The reality is that what we see in the U.S. housing market isn’t a bubble about to burst but the natural economic process of supply and demand."
"There's so much more demand for housing than there is supply."
"More Supply and less demand and the prices go down; more demand and less Supply and the prices go up. It's easy right? Except that prices don't always move according to supply and demand for many reasons."
"The household supply chain for toilet paper simply wasn't built for the level of demand it's now experiencing."
"The demand keeps increasing and the supply keeps decreasing."
"Supply and demand zones work best when the trend is in our favor. The trend is your friend."
"If there's less of the supply and the same demand, then the value should go up."
"If you have more buyers than sellers, the stock price goes up."
"Although this may be a virtual economy... it still adheres to the laws of supply and demand."
"The basic premise of business is to supply what people demand... to do otherwise is pure arrogance."
"We have a supply and demand situation that is going to require more supply to come on than it's currently being supplied, and that's going to cost even more."
"You have fixed supply, increasing demand. You don't have to go to MIT to know what's going to happen."
"Understand, if the circulating supply is lower, then guess what? The end number, the price, will be higher."
"It's the reality of what goes on in our world, it's supply and demand."
"The value of anything is determined by supply and demand and errors that are sought by millions of people are worth a lot more than errors that are not that popular."
"Pre-orders would eventually decline because now that our supply has met up nobody's going to need to do that."
"Scalping is basically an inevitable consequence of demand exceeding supply."
"Stock prices are determined by supply and demand."
"The demand side is rising while the supply side or the cell side is being capped at that 72k level."
"Every price is determined by supply and demand on real-time exchanges."
"Once the herd starts running for the stuff, it starts getting unavailable very, very quickly."
"Nothing to do with opinion, all this has to do with looking at the charts and understanding supply and demand."
"If we start to see more supply than there is demand that's when we could start to see the housing market start to slow down even more or maybe even potentially come down to create a correction in housing prices."
"Increasing demand and decreasing supply is the promise of erp 1559."
"Demand for battery cells far exceeds supply, and that’ll be the case for the next decade."
"We're going through a temporary period, uh, of inflationary pressure because now, with the reopenings and the fiscal juice, and the fact of the matter is that now demand is running well ahead of supply."
"The fundamentals for oats are supplies going down, demand skyrocketing."
"The overwhelming majority of people don't understand certain principles about supply and demand."
"Supply and demand, one thing that is fundamentally right."
"Anytime you reduce the supply of anything, even if demand holds constant, it should increase the price."
"You cannot just get hyper focused on demand you've got to look at the supply side of the equation."
"The greater the demand, the greater the supply."
"In any Market, whether it's fruits, vegetables, or financial assets, prices are determined by supply and demand."
"Less supply of real estate drives prices up."
"Demand is slowly being satisfied as expected."
"We're beginning to see more inventory finally coming on, it feels like they're now kind of beginning to panic a little bit."
"I just have something that's needed, that's it. Supply and demand, that's what will make the world go around."
"You want to be in the position where there's not very much supply but there's a lot of demand."
"When it comes to breastfeeding, supply and demand is the rule of thumb."
"The market has been in a bad place for a long time. It's been crashing, crashing, crashing. Of course, the more gold that's generated into the game, the lower the price is gonna be because there's more supply and demand."
"Labor demand relative to supply is at its highest level."
"Every having it becomes more difficult and the more difficult the more rare the more rare the more expensive a simple supply and demand."
"The more houses are built, the lower the price."
"Every market cycle is driven by demand outweighing supply."
"Bitcoin going much much higher supply and demand, it's really that simple."
"A lack of supply causes an increase in demand."
"The supply is as high as it's ever been and the demand to be fair is probably as low as it's ever been, so it causes the dip."
"The only thing that can ever matter, ever, ever, ever, ever is an imbalance of buyers and sellers at a current price action."
"If you're having demand skyrocketing and you're having supply staying the same or actually even getting smaller right because of bitcoin havings well what do you think is going to come out of this my friends."
"The more you build, the more the price goes down."
"Overall, what we ideally want is some form of equilibrium between supply and demand buyers and sellers."
"I am the vendor of fiscal conservatism. Demand and supply, yes, a basic principle of economics."
"Demand is now exceeding production to a ridiculous degree."
"The real reason that real estate is becoming unaffordable is because of a lack of supply."
"Limited supply with heavy demand could create an explosive situation."
"If there is demand and there's no supply, the only logical economic thing to do is jack up the price."
"Supply and demand, it's a beautiful thing."
"If demand remains the same and supply is reduced by half, the price equilibrium will have to rebalance at double the price."
"The more rare services, the less supply, the higher the demand."
"We don't need any more catalysts; we've got a 30 to 50 million pound supply deficit in the market probably for the next 5 years."
"The root cause of inflation is simple economics; it's supply versus demand."
"Price moves down until the last seller sells and price will move up until the last buyer buys."
"The price of silver does not seem to be set by Supply demand imbalances."
"If you can master supply and demand, you will be able to trade with the large institutions, find big risk for all trades, and bank consistent profits."
"First lesson in economic supply versus demand: if demand is high and Supply is low, bada bing bada boom, our wallets are emptied and capitalism wins once again."
"They're just supplying and demand."
"It's super simple. If there is five billion dollars worth of sell orders in a price lag and you know a hundred billion dollars worth of buy orders, well, price is going to very easily go up in price because there is far more demand than there is Supply."
"When someone is too abundant, it's a supply and demand issue. This is how the economy itself works."
"...inventory is so important because it measures both the supply side of the market and the demand side of the market."
"I mean, this is driven by market forces. Fundamentally, it's an issue of supply and demand."
"The interest rate is the intersection of a supply and demand curve for savings."
"Possible like other Commodities and currencies if the supply is outpaced by the demand you can have a very positive price Dynamic."
"Understanding supply and demand levels is crucial for successful trading."
"Mastering supply and demand in trading is one of the most important skills you can learn as a Trader and failing to learn it can be a disaster."
"Let's hope finally we're going to get more Supply than demand like is generally the case with new cars."
"This is just simple economics, it's supply and demand."
"If you increase the supply of something, then the price of it should go down, right?"
"In terms of what's why prices are going up, I think a lot of it has been, a lot of the places where prices have gone up quite a bit have been situations where supply is constrained and demand is very strong."
"When investing, you want to know what's actually going on with supply and demand dynamics."
"Market analysis comes down to supply and demand."
"Price moves due to supply and demand. It's that simple."
"It's tough to see people that are diehard yee nation and they find their favorite shirt and then they click large and it says sold out. I don't want that to happen to you."
"The havning creates a supply and demand imbalance like the drop in new issued Bitcoin does nothing to the people that are out there in the market saying I need to buy Bitcoin."
"When you have low supply and high demand, prices go up, and this is of course a seller's market."
"There's been a lot of inventory last year, so there are supply reasons and I guess there are demand reasons."
"There's a lot of supply, there's a lot of demand going on here, meaning the market just moved up heavily and left a lot of empty orders, a lot of empty space here."
"There's always an imbalance between supply and demand areas."
"The law of supply and demand dictates that paintings from legends like Picasso will probably rise in value. They're not exactly making any more."
"Supply and demand determine the value of goods and services within a market."
"The cool thing is as long as you know how to properly play supply and demand zones the easy way then you can have very little risk and a very high reward setup which is what you want while trading."
"I think if you shorten a certain type of job, then the market ultimately, I think we've shown that if it was left to the market forces, like natural market forces supply and demand would usually, um, incentivize that job."
"Everything is about supply and demand. Demand is something one has to create that has been done a million different ways through the test of time."
"All you need for a stock to fall is a lack of buyers."
"If Chanel continues to raise their prices and they continue to sell out, they're going to continue to raise their prices. That's just supply and demand."
"It's just a supply and demand thing. I think when these were in production, less people would have been asking for the 36 mil versions."
"If you do those things, you will manufacture demand and supply tension like clockwork."
"Think in terms of a thousand pounds a year... It would probably be by supply and demand."
"They're not even buying or they're not even streaming it just sounds good to say that so it's like you have to be um realistic with yourself as well like it's supply and demand in it if the demand is there then man will supply it."
"The game's changed and when there's very little supply of something but more demand for it, it's not going to matter what the condition's going to be."
"What we need is more Supply. It's the only way you fix this problem."
"It's really important to remember that housing crashes don't happen in a bubble, it really does come down to supply and demand."
"Low supply, high demand, not enough building basically means that prices are going to be propped up."
"I got the supply. Trust me, the demand will follow."
"The great thing about capitalism is that uh supply and demand intersect and you get the largest Supply at the least cost when you allow capitalism to function."
"It's a good problem to have and worst case scenario you run out of a product I mean that's great you sold out."
"The answer to supply-side inflation is not to reduce demand but to focus on trying to increase supply."
"He was one of the first people to talk about supply and demand as ideas and opportunity costs."
"The weight of money, supply demand is the magic formula in prices."
"Market dynamics is just the tug of war between supply and demand."
"When there's less Supply and there's just equal demand, prices are going up."
"...there's very little shuttered capacity available to be brought back online to respond to an increase in price."
"Supply and demand is why most things happen in the world."
"...you can always burn tokens later but you can't always add them."
"The supply is created in order to feed the demand, and that's all mechanical."
"Every time we catch more, the dinner price decreases."
"The value of every card is based on two things: supply and demand. If the demand for the card goes up, then the price goes up, and the supply is the reverse. Every price movement can be attributed to supply and demand."
"Exclusive pumping is all about supply and demand."
"Supply is right here, increasing demand."
"Peg warmers is the code name for toys and collectibles with high supply and low demand."
"Everything comes down to supply and demand. When supply and demand are out of balance, somebody gets hurt."
"He became more a consumer than a supplier."
"Our trouble at Sylvania was that we cannot make what we can sell and we cannot sell what we can make."
"High prices are the cure for high prices, right? So if oil gets really expensive, new oil wells come online, and that creates new supply."
"The reality is, if everybody really put their house on the market and everybody that really needed to sell put their house on the market... prices would plummet."
"You got to give people what they want. They're consuming, they're paying, you know what I mean? Consumers 100%."
"Oil prices surged not because demand picked up but because supply was a major factor."
"We've derived a demand curve that's it, that's what demand curve comes from."
"Values are always going to be some interplay of supply and demand."
"You can't necessarily model it, but I think by and large as you get more Supply naturally, that is a break on price growth."
"It goes back to the fundamentals of economics... increasing demand and decreasing supply."
"When you have a diminished supply and sometimes increasing demand, of course, the prices are quickly escalating."
"The real value of money is its purchasing power, set by supply and demand."
"Supply and demand: as supply goes up, prices go down."
"That's the thing with supply and demand, right? It's a tricky balance."
"Prices are a product of supply and demand."
"The market is more impacted by the balance between supply and demand."
"Airbnb demand is growing, so just like back in the charts, you've got supply and demand."
"Pay attention to what's going on in the economy, supply and demand."
"If supply is low, then the price can definitely travel up."
"When the supply decreases and the demand remains the same, prices tend to rise."
"The turn in price happens at price levels where supply and demand are most out of balance."
"If there's a low supply and there's a high demand, the prices usually go high."
"When supply rises, prices go down, and when supply falls, prices go up."
"Milk right from a farm, that's supply and demand all in one place."
"What happens when you have very little supply of something and some huge demand? Yeah, that price is going higher."
"Trafficking is a supply and demand issue."
"If you went to economics 101 class, supply and demand, if supply goes down and demand goes up at the same time, then the price has to go up to accommodate everyone."
"If the store lowers the price, the demand is most likely to go up."
"You've got to supply the market, and the market is the market."
"Here's a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there, and the demand will follow."
"When the price started to go up, what happened? Consumers use less, producers produce more, and entrepreneurs find substitutes."
"Japanese candlesticks are great; using conjunction with supply and demand makes them exponentially better."
"The world has near to no base metal inventory levels to meet increasing supply demand ahead."
"Price strictly moves because of supply and demand when the equation is out of balance or not in equilibrium."
"Once the quantity starts decreasing, demand is going to be increasing because now it's going to become more scarce."
"It is as ridiculous to ask whether supply and demand sets price as to ask which blade of a pair of scissors cuts the paper."
"We've got like in this sort of economic ideals the price of something is just a reflection of its supply and it's demand."
"Supply and demand is the simplest theory that explains the price action of anything in crypto."
"I've always believed that if you create something that people want, they buy it."
"Supply is just how much of a good is available and demand is how much of a good is desired."
"What makes NFTs valuable is their scarcity, and scarcity is a product of supply and demand."
"Aggregate equilibrium is the condition in an economy where aggregate quantity supplied equals aggregate quantity demanded at an optimal price level."
"That's the way the goods get bought and sold in markets through supply and demand."
"If there's two phones available and 20 million people who want a phone, the price of this phone is going up."
"The demand is only going to go up and supply is only going to go down."
"The most significant turns in price happen in price levels where supply and demand are out of balance."
"We're quantifying supply and demand; the more we can have a razor-sharp focus on that and less of a distraction on all the news surrounding it, typically the better."
"The origin of rallies is where demand exceeds supply; the origin of declines is where supply exceeds demand."
"The stronger prices move away from the level, the more out-of-balance supply and demand is at the level."
"Supply and demand dictates the price of housing; this is how all markets work."
"It's all about that supply and demand."
"This is a kind of auction where supply meets demand head-on, a marketplace where the world negotiates the price of key commodities."
"Value has to do with supply and demand. If there's a thousand of something and a million people want it, that drives the price up."
"Prices for gasoline and diesel are spiraling out of control because of the global supply and demand imbalance."
"Talk is cheap because its supply outweighs the demand."
"When there is more money chasing fewer goods, you always get higher prices."
"There is a supply for every demand."
"Adding housing to a market that is in crisis at any price point increases the overall supply of apartments which is going to bring down prices."
"Financial markets are governed by the forces of supply and demand."
"The equilibrium price is where the demand curve intersects the supply curve."
"We've created the perfect recipe of more cash, more demand, limited supply."
"Supply and demand imbalances are the tree trunk or the core to any trading strategy that I use."
"Supply and demand imbalances are the core to everything else in my opinion."
"Why are interest rates whatever they are? Supply and demand is the why."
"If you want to simplify everything for yourself, you need to really look for areas where there's a high supply and areas where there is high demand."
"The marketplace is driven by supply and demand."
"Take a long term view based on supply demand and based on value."
"We're witnessing a classic economic scenario unfolding: the supply and demand curve in action."
"The relative lack of supply is often put forward as a reason for high house prices."
"That is supply and demand. That is economics 101."
"The reality is you can only help so many people and the way to mitigate demand is you have to increase the price."
"Tremendous amounts of demand meeting with slightly less supply, and you got inflation."
"Market equilibrium exists when the amount buyers wish to buy equals the amount sellers wish to sell."