
Stage Quotes

There are 430 quotes

"Every time I'm on stage, I feel like there's a little healing happening for me and hopefully for others."
"Oh my God, this new stage might be the best thing that ever happened to us."
"It's very seducing when you're on stage and people are laughing."
"When I first went onstage — I wasn’t shy, I was f*cking terrified. My knees would shake so badly, you could see it from the back of the theater."
"It feels good to be back on this stage once again."
"The first time I was on stage, it was like, 'Oh, well this is it. This is perfect.'"
"He's on an unbelievable stage, what an experience fantastic experience."
"I'm on the best stage in the world at The Comedy Store."
"I'm in my own little world when I'm on stage."
"It's a very small portion and I've actually never really had a chance to explain this on stage."
"I want my legacy to be: Casey is a hell of a performer on that stage."
"My performers are ready to take to the stage; the curtains rise."
"Right now, I'm about to go on stage. And I'm freaking out."
"I've been to Madison Square Garden as a kid, you know, but to be on the stage and just like the acoustics were amazing."
"When you step out in front of an audience, you're on. End of story."
"I had to give courage to twerk like pills do for strippers on stage."
"This is the longest we've ever gone without being on stage."
"The oldest greek drama was only two characters on stage."
"'I'm gonna tell some new jokes. I'm brand new to this. And if you don't like them, just boo me.'"
"The true stage of martial arts is getting closer and closer."
"It's being played at one of the greatest stages; I hope you'll come back and enjoy the rest of it with us."
"It's not just practicing, it's actually playing. From that minute, you are committing yourself to the stage, something happens, you know? Crackle happens."
"I'm an introverted extrovert so stage like I don't like being in the crowd or having to be in a big crowd so when I'm on stage I feel safe."
"I've definitely been mainly sober, 99% of the time sober, whilst I've been on stage."
"His journey has taken him here to Omaha, and on this stage, he was a star again tonight."
"Everyone loves you everyone loves the success and enjoys it as much as you do and it lasts as long as you are on that stage and as long as you keep coming out of that stage door."
"I used to think that to help my community, I had to do something big. But here, you did something as simple as building a stage and putting on a play, and look at how it's brought every pony together."
"One of the most brutal days to finish a very tough stage race today."
"Autoimmune disease during stage one is called Silent autoimmunity."
"Every good thing in my career has happened for me staying on stage."
"I trust myself on stage more than anybody else and I can go after anybody."
"It's just at this point in the process."
"I really had to fight for my stage to be 24 inches. I wanted to be a club stage. Often to me, a club is not up on a proscenium where I'm talking down to people. Like, I just, by using the word 'proscenium,' it seems like you're talking down."
"I think TK is one of the top three funniest people I've ever seen on stage."
"I don't like to be the center of attention unless I'm on stage."
"Ringers off on the stage, please."
"I need the premise before I go on stage."
"He just feels like the bigger the stage, the better he's going to play."
"I can be confident and feel sexy on stage while also talking about how often I queef."
"I think everybody here has also had that defining moment on stage where everybody's silent."
"At that first laugh when that roar of 300 people just sort of rolls up onto the stage."
"Everything comes to life when you're on stage."
"You want to be pumped up when you hit the stage. So, on the road, yoga is the best thing for me to do."
"There's no better feeling in the world than getting on a stage and just controlling the laughter."
"The higher the stage, the more there is the need for freedom."
"In the end, Fanny returns to the stage and rises victoriously."
"You're meant to be on a stage. You belong on a stage, you're meant to be seen, and I see that in the month to come, you're on stage."
"Your stage does not determine your spiritual dimension."
"I love the benefits that it gave me on the stage, but I'm very thankful it's over."
"I couldn't have gotten back on stage without your help."
"At level one nent product Market fit, you're probably like a pre-seed or seed stage Company with less than 10 people on your team."
"The joke was just that he was on the stage and that's the farthest they got."
"He was born on stage and childhood, it's my mirror, it's my story."
"I just saw if I want to be rich, I got to stay on the stage."
"That feeling of walking out onto the stage, that is something I've experienced many times."
"It's been an honor to join you on this stage of your Learning Journey I wish you all the best for the next stage and Beyond good luck."
"When I was up on stage, I was the happiest that I'd ever been."
"I make people laughing. I take my life experience and bring it to life on stage."
"You don't ever apologize for emotions on this stage."
"The most important thing for me is that one day we go on stage and receive an award."
"All the world's a stage and we are all actors upon it."
"We created something truly magic on stage together."
"I'm actually performing something on stage for the school Festival."
"I just felt so good I just and then we got on stage and we did the song pretty much forgot about it."
"The one time you could always guarantee that Michael was happy, though, was when he was on stage."
"Now we're set for the two-time champion to take the stage again."
"That's probably the best therapy to get over social anxiety, just go on stage and bury your soul in front of people you don't know."
"This really is an amazing feeling, standing here on the stage."
"I think it's amazing, yeah, because I think there's only a few people that really kind of went in on this stage in the early ages."
"I'd rather be Who I am on stage than be who you want me to be and feed my family."
"I resonate with that because whenever I step right before I go on stage I always get nervous, I get the adrenaline, all that. But the moment I'm out there, good or bad set, they're gone."
"I don't sit there I go up I get on stage... people always want the sort of shortcut again you're not."
"I had a pretty good show tonight, let me do a little after show at this stage."
"Time flies when you're having fun. I get up on stage and everything else disappears in your head."
"I'm going to bring her up on stage in a moment. She's actually my personal health coach."
"I was faced with a choice at a difficult age: would I write a book or should I take to the stage?"
"Live on stage it's gotta be so embarrassing because you're trying to prove that you're like the technologically superior brand and then right on stage the one thing that could go wrong goes wrong."
"There's usually, there's something that's kind of made it, maybe it's just the stage of, like, just that position of being on stage or that being, like, I want to do, you want to be on stage, yeah?"
"Your life is about to take a major turn, embarking on a new stage."
"Exit stage 'me', all the villains are just looking from the yacht out there, and it's amazing because they're all just slightly agape."
"Dream job: just walking on stage, say a few lines, everyone laughs."
"The way the stage caught them, oh my word!"
"The stage was set for an epic confrontation."
"Representation on the stage is not necessarily when I resemble you; we've never really worked out on the stage whether we think people should resemble other people. But that's not the point. It's not impersonation; it's personation."
"My wife says, 'Have you turned into Steve Vai yet?' before I go onstage."
"Well, it's just like normal looking but we go on stage, it's very weird. There's a thing called 'comedy hot'. I was just... yeah."
"I take one step onto the stage and then everything falls away... None of it matters, and it's just like... I'm lighter, so I'm taller, everything is just... like, I just feel alive."
"What a stage for that to perform on this afternoon."
"You or this person could be a performer on a stage."
"Everybody looks feels better when you get pumped up right? Right on the stage and that's why I did it in the toilet."
"Getting to the stage is half the battle. Once you're there, that's awesome."
"When I die I'm going to die on stage."
"I'm very honored and really surprised that they still let me talk on stage."
"That hour and a half on stage is the [ __ ] right. But other than that dude, it blows. It straight blows."
"As an experienced stage actor, he brought those two elements together and melded them into one single dramatic performance."
"I just think that would be so miserable I can't imagine going out on stage and you know shaking around and doing my high kicks you know and given some I don't know how I could do it and at the same time not talk about my sexuality."
"Who's the most normal person up on that stage last night in your opinion?"
"I'm at a stage now where I'm so grateful for my life."
"I think you've got to be mad to go on stage in the first place."
"This is the perfect spot for the stage."
"So it's an immersive experience once again, the stage comes out and the audience is wrapped all the way around the stage."
"That was Sensational. Wow, what a stage, what a fantastic stage."
"I didn't really care about first kiss, first boyfriend, college. She didn't do any of that. She did it all on stage first."
"If you've never seen a chorus line on stage...this movie is perhaps better than nothing."
"Martin's public persona was that of a laid-back whiskey-drinking charmer, a persona he maintained both on and off the stage."
"Hamilton is a wonderful story for the stage."
"We're now at the stage where it's time to paint this."
"You know, people are always like, 'Oh, are you scared to get on stage?' and something like, you know, and they're like, 'Have you ever been heckled?' I said, 'Nothing that somebody in first block hasn't said to me.'"
"The world can become your stage if you break out of your cage."
"If you can get on stage, forget what you're doing and make it up as you go, you're a winner."
"A victory like that on the main stage, there is nothing like it in gaming."
"Everyone has an ulterior motive. Everyone wants to either promote their career, the business, the website. So take everything you hear on the stage and any other stage with a grain of salt."
"I think it was ultimately going to go back to the stage that was my calling."
"I feel like as a comedian we've all been there so many times where you think you're about to go up and then somebody else is taking your place on stage right now."
"Our current stage of the technological revolution is that of artificial intelligence."
"The next guy you punch on the stage better be me."
"The funniest person on stage is Kevin Cahoon."
"I was really nervous going into it and then instinct just kind of took over once I got on stage."
"I always am on the stage by myself. It's a different, very different feeling than being in a studio with mirrors, you know. It's a completely different depth that you have to get used to."
"but the the part of it that's really lovely is that music is based on your aesthetic sense and so it's from the way that the song sounds to the way that the artwork looks to the way the things that I wear on stage like I'm actually I'm picking all of those things."
"When you're a young comic it's when you get on that stage every time you go on that stage that really that is you should that matters."
"We really want all of you to be inspired by the conversations up on this stage tonight."
"You guys jump on stage and you create someone's possibly best night they've ever had in their life."
"Remember you said pageant that you wanted to be able to stand on stage in front of ten thousand people and be comfortable. You're gonna be standing on stage in front of a lot more people, yeah."
"She understands what the stage offers and wants to give out her best each and every time."
"There's no advice. Get on stage and that was the greatest advice I ever got."
"You get words on a page, and of course the writing is incredibly important. They say, if it's not on the page, it's not on the stage."
"They kiss on the stage to everyone's applause."
"I think I just want to be naked on stage because I started in a I'm starting to try to let go of the fact that like when I started I didn't have a lot of like support and like all these dudes were like you keep doing it you're the best."
"...I could swear this jacket every time you move you're Jackie on stage."
"Thank you for facilitating this. It's always a pleasure to be on this stage."
"Nobody brings a scale to the stage."
"That's fantastic, isn't it? Imagine that on stage."
"Bigger the stage, the better this team seems to go."
"If it doesn’t look or feel right on stage, it’s wrong. Imperfect math is real life."
"Yeah, on that great big stage out there, it'll just be you and me."
"It was like everybody performing together on stage, like a unity thing."
"Slim caught him, he was all on the side of the stage."
"The stage is built for a Concert Experience from your bar stool, and you play the role of country music talents out there."
"Speed Highway: Can I just say right now that Speed Highway is the best stage in the game?"
"And there was there was people there that didn't know who we were, so like as soon as we got on stage I looked at one person first just one person and this dude was just like like that and apparently we asked who knew us and he didn't know us so that was the first."
"I'm not afraid anymore, unless I haven't done it for like two months, and then I'm on the side of the stage, thinking, this is insane."
"Let's welcome on stage, Spiky Mikey!"
"The background is a stage. We are creating a stage for the characters."
"It's a full-on production, lights, smoke, big room Marshall stacks, you know monitors, just like what you're gonna get when you're out in a touring band."
"The feeling you get on stage, it's hard to describe. It's definitely euphoria."
"Who rises to the pressure on the biggest stage? That's what today is."
"The most peaceful three hours of my day were when I was on stage."
"I kept in contact with Leila afterwards as well it was so much fun I got to say every moment that I had on stage was just a blast."
"I kind of like this one. This one makes me feel like I'm on like I'm I'm a performer I'm on stage or something."
"...one of the best entertainers the stage ever seen."
"So that kind of energy is something I miss as well, the nervous feeling you get right before you go on stage and then the excitement of when you're actually playing and connecting with people, I just miss all that stuff."
"Why have I done this to myself and put myself in this position where I'm onstage all the time?"
"it's the simplest it requires the least amount of thinking and creative routing and it keeps your stage super clean."
"You're not going to find somebody on a TEDx stage looking that good, right? They're going to look horrendous like that."
"I'm honored to be able to share the stage and trying my best to follow, you know what I'm saying?"
"To perform in front of the most amount of people on Earth."
"We're super excited to be at this stage."
"Got a conventional oil filter there, 8,000 mile service intervals, yeah I don't think you can go wrong with one of these for the money."
"if there was anyone that i'd let run on my stage from the crowd i would be the guy at the end"
"I went on stage and was a real person because at the end of the day my big thing is connection with human beings."
"...I went out on stage and I was so such a fan of the band anyway that it was just in my heart to just be really proud."
"We were on the stage with him at the Soul Train Music Awards."
"When you walk off stage you're still falling."
"If I can just be on a stage somewhere, I don't care where it is, how it is. I just want to dance."
"...the shows that they put on this stage are phenomenal."
"Performing in front of a live audience was his true love."
"Well, it's first time I've been on stage, so this is what it feels like to do a concert."
"I walked on stage after them on, um, on stage in Leeds."
"There's a special bracket for students, but an ordinary side character would never stand on a stage in front of everyone."
"I love sharing my journey to the stage as a professional athlete."
"I was like this looks so good on stage and there the lights."
"If you say yes, next thing you know, you're just [ __ ] so yeah, every night I threw up on stage."
"...that first 30 seconds when you walk on stage is absolutely crucial."
"...a lot of people we...uh the show is kind of has hit kind of like in any long relationship you're like with a girl sometimes you don't [ __ ] for a couple months and we're Nick and I are kind of in that kind of stage right now..."
"There's a moment of truth that you're going to have to show up on a stage and perform."
"We're on the same stage as The Beatles, you know, this is really cool."
"Now if we take a look as you see we got the dragon on the stage."
"I brought my dad on stage last night with my son, three generations of Delia's."
"There's something about being on stage with a mic, it just felt more natural."
"It's great to still have that fear before you go onstage."
"It felt good to be back on stage."
"If I drop dead, I hope it's on stage."
"There were no throwaways when we stepped out on the stage."
"I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to be on stage and start performing."
"What's it feel like to be on such a big stage?"
"It's both fun and terrifying to be up there on stage."
"It remains the biggest thrill of my life, actually, to be on the stage of the Opera House."
"The Princeton is about the only practice amp I can think of that is so pro-level that you would see it on stage."
"There's not much more I like in life than this stage; this is where it's at."
"This is great, using people that cut me off and open a trap door under the stage most of the time, but this is great."
"Making his triumphant return to the Olympia stage, the Dominican Dominator Victor Martinez."
"Everybody on the stage has won something to earn the right to be up here."
"Just getting on stage is all about courage."
"It's amazing, isn't it, being on stage? Can't get anything better."
"Every time I gotta go on stage, I'm going to try to make the most of it."
"Every time you go on to that stage, it's a small stage for how big that hall is, but man, it sounds wonderful."
"Stage is the biggest space ever if you really know how to use it, to enjoy it, to feel it."
"Chase Elliott on the biggest of stages gets the victory."
"The lasting memory of it is the fact that I remember walking up the steps onto the stage."