
Spiritual Gifts Quotes

There are 450 quotes

"You are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."
"The church must give place for the giftedness of all persons, whether male or female."
"God has gifted women with spiritual gifts such as teaching and leadership."
"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other."
"The gift of giving is the generous nature of the Holy Spirit manifested through you."
"The spiritual gifts are superpowers. They're super in that they're above and beyond us, and their powers in that they are abilities. They are literal superpowers."
"It's about using these gifts of the spirit to build up your children and build up your husband and build up your mother and build up your wife and build up the people in your department."
"Your intuition will tell you, your gut instincts are strong, you are spiritually gifted."
"God has given each of you a unique spiritual gift to help others. Let his gracious generosity flow through you!"
"Because, this gift of discernment, which you're entitled to if you're a Believer in the Messiah, will sharpen all the other gifts."
"That change will qualify us to enjoy the gifts that come through the Holy Ghost."
"You are a shaman, a magician; use your gifts for good."
"A promise is simply a declaration by God of His intention to graciously bestow a gift upon us in some form or fashion."
"True prophetic flows from intimacy with God."
"God has given you a grace for prayer, a grace for intercession, a compassion for others, a sensitivity to the struggles of others."
"God is offering you the best robe. This robe comes in the form of water and spirit."
"My mother gave me some tips on how to develop my gift, how to manage and control visions."
"Know how to give good gifts to your children; how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
"Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy."
"You have a very definite spiritual gift with your name on it given to you by Almighty God."
"You need to ask our Father God, 'Father, what are my gifts?'"
"One of your spiritual gifts is how bright of a light that you are and how you can easily meet people and automatically just turn their frown upside down kind of thing and turn their day into a really bright day."
"The church is going to be beautifully adorned with jewels, which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
"I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others."
"The entire Ummah in our times has agreed that one may give good deeds to the deceased."
"The most beautiful thing Christ has ever given us."
"You've got some divine, god-given, blessed gifts here to help you discern a situation."
"The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift you will ever receive."
"You are spiritually and psychically gifted; use those gifts to change the world."
"This is my doctrine: repent, believe in Me, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Faith is gonna come alive and you're gonna have the closeness of God's presence the angels gonna be released you're gonna flow in the gifts of the Spirit."
"You are spiritually gifted, you're more enlightened than I think you realize."
"This is the time for seers to come out and start speaking out what they see."
"Jesus is the greatest gift God ever gave the world, but the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift God ever gave the church."
"The key to stepping into your purpose is operating in your god-given gifts."
"Representation matters. Contribution does. Actual talent does. Hard work does. Family does. God does. You're never going to find out what it is that God gifted you with if you're wasting your time demanding to be led into other people's gifts."
"The greatest gift you will ever get is the gift of our savior."
"It's gonna be a sad day when we get to heaven and realize we had all these gifts we could have used on earth to advance the kingdom of God and we never ended up using them."
"Remember, spiritual gifts are others centered. The spiritual gift God has given you is others centered, it's not centered on you, it's not centered on drawing a following or drawing a platform, it's centered on helping others."
"I'm bestowing upon you a spirit of love, self-discipline, bravery, and truth."
"Every gift of God is given to be used to help somebody else."
"These gifts are not for lazy Christians, they're for those serious about the things of God."
"Words of knowledge activate faith for miracles."
"Activate your gifts and watch God move in power."
"When you're activating these gifts, you have to use your free will."
"We need to be able to discern and use the gift to discern when God is moving."
"I bestow upon thee the gift of divine power."
"I believe every one of you can flow in every gift."
"The gifts of the Holy Spirit are his, not yours."
"The gifts of the Spirit are meant to edify, to build, and not just edify one person but all."
"Continuous unending metamorphosis is the true crown jewel of all gifts that can be bestowed to the soul."
"You are a healer, a lover, a teacher, multi-gifted in the spiritual realm."
"Paul the apostle was not condemning the gift of tongues, he was comparing it to the gift of prophecy."
"The gift of tongues is mysteries being spoken aloud; your spirit is praying."
"The one who uses the gift isn't the one who benefits from the gift."
"All of the spiritual gifts in first Corinthians 12 are others focused, never self-focused."
"The ace of cups is the greatest gift from the universe."
"He did give me something exactly this dirt he gave us all something right he gave us all with us one three or five talents"
"Alicia immediately started operating in the gift of healing."
"He genuinely believed that Sherry had gifts and that she could really tell people the future."
"Who do not negate headship but at the same time Elevate and value giftedness."
"To each, the spirit has been given for some benefit."
"Let love be your highest goal, but you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives, especially the ability to prophesy."
"The service gifts are fascinating because each spiritual gift in this category is graced and empowered by the Holy Spirit."
"Tongues is only an earthly language not a heavenly one... but when used in the context of the spiritual gifts is a spiritual language empowered by the Holy Spirit."
"Each one of the spiritual gifts is intended to help the body of Christ... All of the spiritual gifts in first Corinthians 12 are others-centered never self-focused."
"The gift of tongues should still be used by the believer."
"God wants to give you this gift... I hope and I pray that your desire for the gift has been kindled."
"The Holy Spirit isn't going to take control of you... he enabled them, he didn't force them, they had to operate in the gift."
"All spiritual gifts require some exercise of faith on the part of the one using them."
"If you received the gift of tongues, write in the comments section right now 'I received it.'"
"Holy Spirit is a person who gives gifts. We ought to use His gifts. Stay active in His gifts but never lose the contact, friendship, and closeness with the person who gave it. The Holy Spirit. Jesus relied on Him all of His ministry."
"Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift."
"Psychic gifts, astral traveling, lucid dreaming, and Pathak abilities."
"Love is the measurement of maturity as a believer, not just spiritual gifts."
"I didn't have what Augustine described as this special gift of holy orders through apostolic succession."
"Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints."
"Faith, hope, and love graciously given from above."
"How will you know if you have the gift of healing if you never pray for the sick?"
"Each and every one of you is spiritually gifted to some capacity. Incredibly intuitive, empathic, psychic, mediumship, channeling energies."
"New neutrals is basically wearing head to toe neutral colors and that can be like tonal colors maybe you can go slightly khaki but you can definitely mix and match your tones."
"The first sign that you have a spiritual gift: desire."
"God can reveal things to us, but even with the gift of Prophecy, people can make mistakes."
"Flowing in gifts comes with practicing, overflowing in power comes with the pursuit of the glory."
"Every day we get is a gift and God wants to impart a little bit more."
"Seek the best gifts, covet them earnestly. So many gifts you already have, but remember always the purpose for which they are given."
"You have the power to cast out demons, to lay hands on the sick, to preach the gospel, to raise the dead."
"Your guides are going to share their psychic gifts with you."
"I think it's an honor for God to choose to use your gifts, whatever they are."
"God gives us these gifts so that we can help others."
"God gives you these gifts so that you can help them."
"God will give you a love for lost souls, a passion to reach them, and that is 90% of the gift of soul-winning."
"God is eager to give us good gifts when we ask Him in prayer."
"The best gift we could ask for is the Holy Spirit."
"You are guided to use this powerful gift with compassion and discernment, with mercy and non-judgment."
"You are receiving many gifts from the Angels right now."
"Love move in the gift that you are called to move in."
"Get baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Discovering your personal gift is how you fit into the kingdom of God, how important are you, what is your worth, what is your value."
"True joy in the Christian life comes from discovering, developing, and using your gift for God's glory."
"The gifts of the spirit are real, but you've gotta know the gift giver to receive the gift."
"We're gonna pray for importation. Importation means the gift that is upon our life as a staff, as a ministry. We're gonna pray that that is imparted to your life."
"Reject the false, know the truth, and receive the gift of understanding now, in Jesus' name."
"Two of the most controversial spiritual gifts in the New Testament are speaking in tongues and prophecy."
"The original gift of tongues was the ability for a person to speak a language that they had never learned."
"If you want to be discipled, I happen to believe that my greatest gift is to bring out the prophetic and the greatness in other people."
"The church is designed to equip believers to lead in their area of gifting."
"I am anointed for creativity, wisdom, prosperity, and victory."
"Discernment is key right now, the ability to discern spirits is something everybody who is a child of almighty god should be asking."
"If the Holy Spirit comes in you, he brings with him all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
"The true growth of spiritual life is not in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but in love."
"The greatest gift I have received from God is my ability to listen, understand, and be compassionate."
"You bring gifts to the body of Christ that nobody else has."
"It is his pleasure to give you the mysteries of the kingdom."
"God has gifted you with an amazing sparkly personality."
"Why do you believe it's important for people to understand the seer anointing today? So many people have, and it's been such a great message, hearing God's voice."
"We need the sovereignty of God even in terms of faith and miracles and healing and spiritual gifts."
"If we don't walk in love, none of the gifts work."
"This is the greatest gift that God could ever give me."
"I'm the living scripture of your gift will make room for you."
"They're coming here aware, tapped in with all of their gifts."
"The Spirit has given every believer a gift, a supernatural gift that goes beyond the natural."
"You have the path within you, underestimated spiritual gifts and talents."
"We should desire spiritual gifts, but especially to prophesy."
"God's angels are a wonderful gift from Him to us."
"The purpose of these gifts is to bring people."
"The church structure doesn't have any positions or offices; I would say it's only giftings."
"The one who prophesies builds up the church."
"The Holy Spirit imparts the abilities that enable you to love people unconditionally, no matter what they do to you."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above... from the father of lights."
"When you begin to worship him, the gift will open."
"God is not going to give you a gift that torments you."
"Calling gives identity, gifting gives ability, and anointing gives purpose."
"The weapons of our Warfare are not carnal... when a church decides to quit wasting the Holy Spirit on itself... points the gifts of the Spirit at the nests of hell."
"Deliverance is for today, miracles for today, the gifts of the Spirit are real."
"The gifts of the Spirit were given because of the grace of God."
"The Catholic Church is friendly toward all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
"This person has the gift of being a healer and they have the gift of seeing through energies."
"Stir up the gift of prophecy in the mighty name of Jesus."
"The favor that a man gets when he finds a wife is wrapped up in her gifts and her abilities that God has given to her."
"The gifts of the spirit are still alive and active in the body today."
"God has placed a unique gifting and assignment in their life."
"The gifts of the Holy Spirit are powerful; they're not weird; they're absolutely necessary and powerful."
"Yes, you do have a spiritual gift, perhaps intuitive or energy healing."
"God always has deep meaning, and his gifts are never common."
"Angelic feathers are a gift from the heavens."
"The sole purpose of using that gift is to bring people to the kingdom of God."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the father of the Heavenly lights."
"2023, the year of the gift. Gifts given. Proverbs 18:15, the heart of a discerning acquires knowledge."
"Out of my Limitless love for you, I'm sending you many wonderful things."
"Receive gifts from the universe. They come in dreams, they come in meditations, they come all of a sudden."
"Lots of other mystical stuff in my life, but I consider them spiritual gifts."
"We need anointings and ministry gifts that can prompt messiah in prayer and apply pressure to the principalities."
"Ask, demand to see all the gifts in your experience. It's always about letting more love in where love has been missing."
"You are activating to a lot of your gifts from past life."
"This gift is unto love. It should amplify love and express love. People should encounter the love of Jesus when gifts are used."
"Brothers, give yourself to the water and receive the same gifts that I've been given."
"I heard a doorbell ring in my spirit... surprise gift... conveyor belt full of unexpected blessings... activate your faith."
"The Holy Spirit distributes all these gifts...He alone decides which gift each person should have."
"I am baby Oprah so I am blessing one person every week, random subscriber, blessing them with a box full of spiritual goodies."
"You are accessing your gifts, your Cosmic blueprint."
"God's last day people must have the gift of prophecy."
"Start by finding your calling, then your giftings come."
"The more time we spend getting to know someone, the more we'll know when we get those words of wisdom, words of knowledge, words of prophecy."
"Speaking in tongues is I believe personally the most powerful gift that Jesus has given us."
"Such is the will of God who would have us obtain everything through her hands."
"You're in a big shift to move toward opening up your mystical gifts."
"Use your spiritual gifts and natural ability to attract your desired outcome."
"Discover and develop spiritual gifts. Heavenly Father gave us these gifts to help us identify, perform, and enjoy the work He has for us."
"You're developing your spiritual gifts, reestablishing your relationship with your inner self."
"If you've got a spiritual gift, you've got something that God can use."
"Just because you have a spiritual gift doesn't mean that you're spiritually mature."
"These are motivational gifts. That is, these gifts are given to you for a specific purpose, that which God wants to use you."
"God's gifts will not return to Heaven unused. If you don't use it and I don't use it, He raises up Pentecostals to use it. As we start using them, they all come back."
"We usually notice these gifts working more when there is a critical need, when we have come to the end of our own understanding, our own resources."
"We all love to give and receive Christmas presents, but the material gifts are merely symbols of the spiritual gifts given to us. Imperishable gifts that grow brighter with us, stronger with exercise, endear with familiarity."
"For you to be a prophet of God, you should occupy not less than two of the revelational gifts."
"God has given us the anointing to break yolks, to set the captives free, to lay hands on the sick and they get well, to cast out Devils. Every Christian can do that, every Christian who is in Christ and in the world can do that. They can cast out Devils, they can pray."
This is how the body of Christ functions. All of this "one another," all of this gifting is the work of the Holy Spirit.
"First Corinthians chapter 12 tells us that earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you should prophesy."
"The prophetic has four different realms: prophecy of scripture, office of a prophet, atmosphere of the prophetic, and the gift of prophecy."
"God has nine powerful gifts and he will not leave me holding the bag."
"Unique has value. You know the Bible talks about all the different gifts that God gives. Get it through your head, you're different, you're not supposed to look at somebody else on the platform and wish that you could do what they do."
"Now, there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good."
"God gives spiritual gifts to each one of us. Open them now!"
"We should see the gift of prophecy flourishing in the local church."
"The preachers perfect the saints, the saints do the work of the ministry using their spiritual gifts."
"God did not give a spiritual gift that's supposed to go unused."
"We priests have to learn to listen to the laity God gives all manner of gifts to the Layman and lay woman and even teenagers he can give them very special gifts we have to learn how to listen to everyone because you never know when and through whom God will speak."
"Don't use sovereignty as an excuse to not earnestly desire and pursue because we're called to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts."
"Gifts of the Spirit are not to make the minister look good or important; they're given to meet the need of a person."
"Continuationists aim to hit Scripture, do what God through Paul tells the church in Corinth to do: earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, which the Bible says is done for the upbuilding of the church, for the edification of the church."
"You're very misunderstood, and people try to make you feel like you're wrong all the time. But you weren't wrong, and you didn't deserve the hate. They hate on you because your spiritual gifts are powerful, and they envy your capabilities."
"God grants spiritual gifts, not college degrees."
"Stay in the Stream of the anointing and keep your gift stirred up so that someone else can experience a breakthrough in their situation." - Excerpt from "Activating Your Healing Gift"
"So, spiritual gifts are not for the person who receives them. They are to give away to others because God wants to bless others through you."
"Seek for those gifts that might excel in edifying the whole church."
"Spiritual gifts are the presence of the Spirit coming to relatively clear, even dramatic expression in the way we do ministry."
"God has given some of his apostles and summons prophets, some of his evangelists, pastors, and teachers."