
Socialization Quotes

There are 901 quotes

"Socialization promotes oxytocin, our bonding hormone, and oxytocin actually acts as a neuroprotectant."
"The expectations and stereotypes we have of males and females are very largely due to socialization."
"We are socialized from childhood into the rule of reciprocation...it makes the culture thrive because people give back and forth."
"I promise you that if you come out and spend time with us, we will build you up."
"Everybody can make progress, everybody can move into greater independence, more socialization."
"Socialize, y'all. We are living in an epidemic right now of social isolation and loneliness."
"It's about learning and evolving... it's about social, it's about fun."
"Men are socialized to believe strength, dominance, and stoicism are behaviors of a real man."
"Socialization is a spectrum. It's not like there's just unsocialized cats and social cats; there's a lot of in-between here."
"We're animals, us humans. We need to socialize."
"I think men are socialized to be sociopaths."
"People want to socialize. It's what they do. It's part of life, growing up."
"Children are not born racist... They pick up a pattern of discrimination or prejudice of racism from their parents."
"It's not all socialization, is the argument that I would make, and that's backed by the fact that in the primate kingdom, for example, there are heavily gendered areas of behavior."
"We spend an inordinate amount of time becoming a social animal."
"Venus stationed retrograde squared Neptune... about the temporary illusion that we could all socialize widely again."
"You didn't choose your socialization... you don't need to feel guilty unless you're not doing anything about it."
"Education is actually three things. It's learning, it's credentialing, and socialization."
"The media are a powerful socializing agent of the modern era."
"Games are educational experiences because they are one of the most important ways children have of finding out what it takes to live with other people."
"We need to socialize the ownership of algorithms that we are creating collectively. It's like our language."
"Socialization is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do for your puppy."
"NOTHING is more important than socialization."
"Socialization is an ongoing process and it's happening whether you want it to or not."
"Socialization doesn't end with the end of puppyhood!"
"They require consistent training and early socialization to make them a dog that'll stand by your side."
"Germans of the Vermont, the police, the SS, the Civil Administration and their allies engaged in mass socialization including gang socialization on enormous and routine scale."
"They have a reputation for their aggression but with plenty of care and socialization they can be trained quickly and well."
"The purpose of school is is partly to socialize young people and get them and get them so when they make mistakes they're forgiven and then it's over that's forgotten nothing's forgotten now"
"You've got to make some effort here. Put yourself in situations where you can meet someone."
"Human beings need socialization, they do. It's been proven time and time again."
"Guys should socialize differently, they bond through bantering and trash talk."
"Focus on being a friend to people, focus on your interests."
"It becomes problematic for me to suggest that socialization within an echo chamber or an ideological bubble is beneficial."
"Bodhi thought that there should be more dedicated places for teens to hang out and do things together."
"Learning how to be a human by being around other humans and playing."
"People who are socialized as femme from birth... we're not only taught to take accountability for ourselves but often other people."
"Humanity is based in our socialization and this compassion isn't just for other people, it can extend to other species as well."
"We become fragmented like that through the process of socialization and that is when our emotional wires become crossed."
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression...get them out there...lead a stimulus-rich life."
"This generation is made up of inside kids because of this and this makes it so that we socialize very differently than other generations."
"Socialization is important to show dogs good manners."
"So much fun on Halloween, so many costumes and friends to see."
"Socializing the child to accepting something that to the child is actually demonic."
"Self-care is essential for battling loneliness while living alone. Get out of the house and socialize, it helps deal with social anxiety."
"What if there was somewhere you could go for seven hours a day where you just got to be social with your friends, relax, hang out, and learn about things you're curious about that are relevant to your life? That would be amazing."
"The lover tends to know women due to how we've been socialized to anticipate their emotional needs. Black men are socialized by women, especially in single-parent households, to anticipate emotional needs, even to the detriment of our own."
"I feel bad for David because people need to be social, humans need to be social."
"This is all socialized stuff. This is what we learn from day one."
"Challenges society's assumptions about gaming and socialization."
"We're just really looking at the ways in which we've been socialized to serve as cannon fodder."
"Consider your efforts to become more social both a personal and a political act."
"Get to know you games adapted for online interaction. Index card towers, This or That, Two Truths and a Lie, and more."
"Part of what I love about what I do is that I get to meet so many interesting people."
"It was great to see the kids socialising with the other kids in the neighborhood."
"Ideally, we would socialize schooling as well."
"It's important to make friends, and you should."
"Every single day talk to new people, every single day go out and socialize for 30 minutes, no matter what."
"Boys just need to be around boys, and girls around girls."
"2020, we just came off the panoramic, and everybody, you know, I'm saying social skills are not the best, but listen to my shy guys out there: stop being so shy."
"Real socialization is about getting to know new people, not just our own peers."
"I want to debunk that whole socialization thing."
"During the eight to nine week range, human socialization is optimal."
"Children who are home-schooled, they are they're really sociable they have betters they spend more time around adults because then the way to be from adults rather than learning the way to be from children."
"The game emphasized that this would only happen if players battle with different people, providing an excellent opportunity for them to get to know other players."
"It's time for you to socialize, to get out into the world, and it's time for you to meet new people."
"Engaging in activities you enjoy can help you connect with likeminded people."
"It's so easy to make friends here."
"You gotta make friends in Mordor."
"One is not born but becomes a woman."
"It was her first time being invited to a sleepover."
"Racism is learned behavior; we are all products of our environment."
"Moon in Aquarius: The time is right for celebrating life, make the most of parties, gatherings, and other social opportunities."
"I cannot wait to meet new people, make new friends, and get to know my teachers and stuff."
"Pubs aren't just places for drinking; they're a great place to socialize and catch some live music."
"Humans are basically born perfect and then they're socialized to be evil."
"Watches bring people together; it's like an ultimate equalizer."
"Do you struggle to socialize with other people? Do you spend too much time indoors? Of course, you do, you're an anime fan."
"It was like being invited to the most wonderful dinner party in the middle of nowhere with all these interesting people from all over the world."
"Abusive cognitions are learned through socialization, reinforced by society and the benefits gained."
"We're social animals by nature, and it plays an incredibly powerful role in our lives."
"I wanted to make some more friends."
"I need to socialize; I haven't been able to have fun in years."
"The way boys play with each other during recess is less social and more physical, so in that aspect there's less confusion there on my end."
"I've met more people travelling solo than I have travelling with friends."
"It's such a social thing, laughter."
"Sugar is really part of socializing."
"It's a very positive thing if you are ready to come out of your shell into the world and dare to trust other people."
"The people around you shape your vision of who you are."
"This ping pong table is all cement. We have the coolest ping pong tournaments."
"rest in peace my friend Tony Shay he lived like this he's a billionaire and he because he liked the socialization"
"This is probably the most valuable thing I've learned since learning how to socialize."
"I met loads of people, and um, it was an amazing day. Seriously, it was nice to see people."
"...politically it's been made worse, you know, so that shame people just prefer to stick to people who are like them or just not in it at all."
"People who aren't miserable Hermits."
"The mansion's heart was surrounded by spaces that beckoned for gatherings."
"I want to like Fielding's out and get to know people and treat them with respect."
"Men are already taught to disrespect women from a young age."
"Golf is an amazing thing that can connect people in life for sure."
"It's a great way to meet people, especially when you're new in a different country."
"I just feel like I met some really cool people today."
"However, that said, there is still cooperation, at least concerning small groups of people, when faced with a scenario like this, due to human socialization."
"The more atomized we become, the more the internet creates a structure for you to have some semblance of socialization."
"Hot topics are great for socialization when you have nothing else to say."
"It was cool how at the party she brought everyone together."
"Some people define extraversion as a group of like, in the people sense extroversion, a group of like three or more, and if you get some close relationships, you integrate them into your bubble."
"If you're not providing anything, they're not going to want to be around you."
"The local markets in Australia seem to be a lot more fun and exciting, and it's more of a social event."
"I'm a pretty anti-social person sometimes, but if I see somebody smoking a blunt in a corner, I feel like I can, like, they're automatically my friend, you know? It's a weird social drug."
"...you cannot make friends in college by just existing...people are definitely very open to being friends with people...but you can't just like stand there and exist and expect people to like befriend you for doing nothing."
"You gotta get out there and put yourself out there."
"Cleo has allowed Samson to come out of his shell and to explore the world more."
"There's always going to be like a couple of people out there in your class who you're going to connect with."
"You can make new friends, but only if you actually put effort."
"It didn't matter if you struggled to make friends in real life, needed some escapism, or just wanted to explore the world from your bedroom, Habbo made it easy."
"It's a solo activity, but you probably knew there was always going to be some social edge to that."
"It's not everyday fancy dinners and Mayfair so I'm here to bring people out of their shell and put the fun back in dating."
"Alcohol is almost like the Trojan Horse for social connection."
"I hate people but I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?"
"It made me more social, I would say."
"Isolation is a death sentence for many of us."
"I spent a lot of time just searching for myself, meeting people, going to raves and parties."
"It's so much fun. There's a lot of kids here. I bet you I'm gonna make a lot of friends."
"Without lifting a finger to draw other people in, you will have organically formed connections while simultaneously working on yourself."
"Okay, look, dude. I know you don't get out much, been homeschooled your whole life. Rais just don't say much and try not to."
"Develop a hobby or a skill, bonus points if it's a high-value hobby or skill. It's a great way to meet different people, elevate yourself, and gives you something to talk about in social circles."
"Humans do much of their bonding at breakfast."
"This day is a kickoff, a huge kickoff to Taurus season. Mercury will conjunct Venus, so will you be social? Absolutely 100%."
"Homeschool kids will actually be better socialized than public school kids."
"You're definitely the soul of any company, Sammy."
"They might even be more social than you."
"If you spend a lot of time at home and you're really withdrawn a lot, I think they could help get you out of your shell a bit, pile two."
"Pay attention to who you meet, who you connect with, who you network with."
"Keep your head up and have a good time with it because in the grand scheme of things it can be a great way to meet friends."
"The best part of travel is meeting new people and making new friends."
"Humans are social beings and a life without others to care for is not natural."
"As you like yourself when you're by yourself you'll like yourself when you're with others."
"Just because you don't have any friends doesn't make you a loser."
"You guys are all the socialization that I have at the moment."
"Over the years you just figure that stuff out and get to know people."
"Get your ass out in the neighborhood and meet your neighbors."
"Be open but mindful of new people or new friends this year. Trust your instincts."
"A lot of people love you, a lot of people like being around you."
"If you don't get that done at a young age, it's just really hard to do remedial socialization is tough."
"Proper early socialization is easy and not only is it easy but it's fun."
"Dogs are social. People are meant to be social. We just live in a strange time where people have forgotten how to be social."
"Dogs and people are better off when they're looking to make new friends and build long-lasting relationships."
"Dogs need a chance to play and goof off during the day. Take any dog where you see people doing all that nonsense and give them the chance to just go play with a bunch of other dogs."
"Women have groups, they have social groups, they have churches, they have volunteer groups, they have book clubs. With the men, they sit at a bar, messing up their organs, looking at women they can't afford."
"Small talk is special because it doesn't serve any informational purpose."
"Small talk does serve a vital purpose on the social level of language."
"You need to have community around you. You will go crazy if you're just in solitude 24/7. You need to go hang out with your homegirls, your homeboys, you need to go have fun, you need to laugh."
"I met these dudes and they all had nice cars and they were all from New York Long Island New Jersey air and they would always go hey how you doing after two or three times we become friendly."
"Girls tend to be much more social much more verbal and boys tend to be much more rowdy rough and tumble but they both need both you know they both need to experience both."
"This could actually be saying to like treat yourself to a nice meal as well with a friend."
"You can make a friend wherever it is that you go."
"The way we roll, we just like the conversation."
"Life is better with other people around you."
"I do a lot of different activities... If you get out and do stuff, you meet people. Friends are awesome and it's really nice to have them everywhere you go."
"We learned all of our manners, social skills, the way that we use our inflection, the way that we use idioms and our language and slang, and so on, we learned all of that incidentally."
"People are terrible and then they learn the rules that make them nice."
"Women are taught to be overly helpful."
"The same article talks about a get-together for enthusiasts in 2021, saying everyone was just out to have some fun after being locked down for so long, a video that had some way of keeping in touch."
"Being here in this gathering and being at a play on Broadway or a beginner rock concert, we're social creatures, all of us are."
"Food has a unique power to bring people together."
"I think love hurts because we are social beings and we're meant to belong to people."
"Good food has a way of bringing people together."
"Find a hobby and stay social. Keep a forward focus."
"The Great British pub has been the backdrop for debate, conflict, and even love."
"There is still this kind of key element where you want the brains to just talk over a coffee."
"You're going to go from this wallflower to this social light, this connector, this person full of confidence."
"Humans, we need social interaction and mental stimulation."
"Social interaction is some of the most important things for me for sure."
"The human brain was not meant to be alone."
"You care about your effect on other people because Venus is very social."
"Serotonin often is one of those hormones that you want to feel happiness and kind of that bliss out feeling."
"You want to remember to boost your serotonin through the people you spend time with."
"Your mood is also a product of the people you spend time with."
"This person's really gonna bring you out of your shell."
"I spent a decent amount of time in college not having a social life despite what you all saw in the college vlogs."
"Kids are really appreciative when they get to socialize and also like with their friends but also be able to make the choices that they want to make."
"I was very outgoing being outgoing for me and being more sociable is an aspect of me but I feel like in freshman year I really try to Amplified it because I really want to build this new me."
"Cooking is fun when you do it with others."
"The more social you are, the more open you are to new people and new experiences and connection, this is how you will ignite your venetian forces."
"A lone monkey is a dead monkey. We are not evolved to be alone."
"Attend more live music or cultural events."
"Break out of your shell, become more social, and embrace confidence."
"Humans are social creatures. Even the most introverted of us, join a small party and go on this adventure as a group."
"You know how like your mom forces you to make friends when you're a kid... That's what it felt like, but this is like, 'Oh my God, I want to go to the party!'"
"It feels like this opportunity is actually pushing you into a friendship group."
"The desire to have connection with people, that's completely healthy."
"Learning new things and creating new habits is way better with people."
"Now it's time for you to come out of that isolation, to meet new people, to take these opportunities."
"This is the need to not isolate; this is why you shouldn't get into an echo chamber."
"Happy gathering, social activity, group effort."
"Take a look around you. There is so much natural beauty waiting to be discovered. Either you will soon become involved in an exciting new project or you will go out on a date. Put your charisma to use everywhere, spread your charm around, go out there and socialize."
"You're gonna meet some amazing, amazing people traveling alone. You're far more approachable than if you're in a group."
"You may not have friends but you damn well have acquaintances."
"It's hard to find people that you like in this social world nowadays."
"Fishing's not just about fishing; it's about the People You Meet."