
Post-modernism Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"The great danger I think of post-modernism though is its skeptical stance toward the idea of there being truth at all."
"Nier: Automata is perhaps the best of the bunch; it's a meta-fictive, surprisingly uplifting nihilistic postmodern masterstroke."
"I see the connection between the post-modernist types and the Marxists as a sleight of hand that replaced the notion of the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie as the oppression by one identity group by another."
"Post-modernism says that all the grand narratives are bad because they took their source of oppression, but they don't apply it to their own grand narrative."
"We're moving from modernism to post-modernism."
"It's postmodern, yeah alright, we're in for the sake of weird."
"The weakness of a postmodernist analysis is that it doesn't take into account the actual problems and requirements of the people living in these societies."
"Xavier's journey reflects a postmodern interest in self-reflection and the nature of the show itself."
"Post-modernism is ultimately a nihilistic movement."
"That's part of the reason that I've been pushing so hard against these postmodern neo-Marxist ideas because one of their essential predicates is that you can be guilty as the member of a class."
"Post-modernism merely says that our knowledge is contingent and it's going to change."
"Actual objective truth is irrelevant." - Michelle Foucault
"Hyper-reality is more real than real." - Jean Baudrillard
"Postmodernism dissolves man's relationship to meaning."
"We don't have a robust theory of meaning in the post-modern era."
"Post-modernism is the rejection of truth of the capital T, the acceptance of multiple truths."
"What if you have capitalism infused with enough democracy?"
"Post-modernism rejects the notion that any text or product or media is inherently more valuable than any other."
"It's time to starve the post-modernists at their source and educate students to avoid their courses."
"Postmodernism is a complete assault on... rationality, empiricism, science, everything."
"Post-modernism is a consequence of a very deep skepticism... The central thesis you find in the critique of pure reason is that reason cannot know reality."
"Applied post-modernism was a correct term to use."
"Postmodernism focuses on power dynamics, oppression narratives."
"The worst thing post-modernism did was reject meaningful stories."
"Tolerance has become the one cardinal virtue of the postmodern Society."
"Part of the postmodern trajectory itself is a rather humorous joke on the human race."
"You can still find insights in the way that postmodern theorists have characterized the contemporary condition that we live in."
"Wokeism has its root in postmodernism which essentially suggests that every principle is a reflection of underlying structures of power."
"The fundamental claim of post-modernism is something like an infinite number of interpretations and no canonical overarching narrative."
"Nietzsche inspired post-modernism... he's popular with feminists."
"Post-modernism is based on the faulty idea that truth cannot be known for sure."
"Art is ugly now. We're in full post-modernism, nihilism."
"You can see the modern postmodernist culture creeping on the writing, am I not even saying that?"
"Post-modernism insists that all value systems are relative and therefore none should be privileged over any other."
"If postmodernism was truly consistent, then it would allow other cultures their own worldview that is not postmodernist."
"Post-modernism means things just aren't the way they used to be."
"Bringing postmodern ideas of hyperreality into a big-budget action film."
"Welcome to the postmodern critique. I'm not just speaking here as a religious person; read all the postmodern philosophers. The brighter the light, often the darker the shadow it casts."
"Postmoderns relate to moderns the way romantics related to the great scientific figures of the Enlightenment."
"We're now in something like a postmodern crisis and even though that word is overused it's still rather inescapable."
"The idea that truth is socially constructed is at the very heart of postmodernism."
"In the postmodern world, everything is reduced to therapy, and everybody is sick."
"Post-modernism also defines a society which has lost the ability to center itself, to locate itself in time or history."
"What I think is at the core of the postmodern critique is that you can't look at the world except through a structure of value."
"What we have sometimes been taught to call postmodern is in fact already there from the beginnings of the genre itself."
"Let's do the opposite of modernism."
"What post-modernism does is it yields the moral language to the left, and what that means is you no longer have a moral language through which to offer help."
"Philosophically post-modernism can be understood as doubt not just about the grounds of knowledge but about the relationship between or among parts and wholes."
"It was postmodern tribalism in which everybody is a part of this ritual and everybody is kind of self-expressive with it in their own way."
"Far too often people who are very uh impressed with themselves they use the veneer of postmodernism as a shield from having to actually use time-tested methods such as finishing a [ __ ] story."
"The main ideology du jour is rooted in post-modernism."
"Post-modernism may be a cul-de-sac, something no one reads anymore, and I'm not so sure that's a bad idea."
"Post-modernism is abductive as well, and it's mainly qualitative research but it can use pretty much any other than survey strategy in combination."
"Deconstruction is something very particular. It's not merely asking questions or experiencing doubts or one of these things. It really is a postmodern process of rethinking your faith and then, crucially, without requiring scripture as a standard."
"We are living in this postmodern era where there are so many different theories."
"What is post-modern holiness? It is love of Jesus Christ, admiration of Jesus Christ, devotion to Jesus Christ."
"It's no surprise that we have the rise of post-modernism now which says that there is no objective truth right."
"Post-modernism is the ultimate double-edged sword, so you need to be aware of how they navigate."
"I love how all the genres are just mixed together. Very postmodern."
"Lyotard is arguing is that we no longer believe in these meta-narratives anymore because everyone has their own perspective their own story and their own interpretation of reality."
"You consume the image along with the idea and indeed you consume the conjuncture of elements in what is just like postmodern art itself, a unique event."
"The natural trajectory of modernism may very well be the postmodernism that arose in the latter half of the 20th century."
"Freaks and Geeks is a postmodern text."
"There's nothing outside the text. I never know what things really are. It's always open-ended."
"Even the most postmodern nonsense might have still been intriguing, maybe even funny, if it wasn't so goddamn joyless."
"Let's just get hypothetical for a moment. It's a post-what world, we're out, we're thriving."
"...the postmodern moment has become an occasion to sort of open themselves to pre-modern wisdom traditions and discover they're a kind of holistic gospel and a holistic Christian..."
What postmodernism does is it says, "Hey scientists, hey, you have a faith system too."
"I think somewhere in here we have to make a transition and at least play with the idea that the Derrida interpretation, the postmodernist interpretation of this essay has some appeal or makes some sense."
"The best TV of the last five years has been about ironic self-reference like no previous species of post-modern art could have dreamed of..."
"It's different from post-modernism in that it actively solves the problems it describes."
"Simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation itself as a simulacrum."
"Incredulity towards meta-narratives."
"It's a magnificent work of art that doubles as a surrealist postmodern piece."
"Simplifying to the extreme, I define post-modern as an incredulity towards metanarratives."
"Postmodern problems require postmodern solutions."
"The wider significance of the postmodern condition lies in the awareness that the epistemological limits of those ethnocentric ideas are also the enunciative boundaries."
"The post-modernists were almost right because they were suggesting that the reality that we have right now would be a good one."
"Post-modernism should be fun; the play aspect is great."
"I am writing a book... it's going to be about post-modernism and liberalism and how to fight for liberalism in a post-modern world."
"In this post-modern world, you are your best friend and you are your best family members."
"We're post everything, okay? It's in the past, we need to get over it, we need to move forward."
"INFJs are creative, complex, and constantly seek deeper meaning; post-modernism's rejection of rules and embrace of diversity align well with INFJ's thoughtful nature."
"Post-modernism: people have more choice in terms of relationships and families nowadays."
"Post-modernism is an incredulity towards metanarratives."
"Genres or styles that we see in post-modernism... we mix fantasy with non-fiction."
"Character is king in the post-modern movement."
"The most postmodernist game ever made is 2000s Marvel versus Capcom 2."
"The script of gender performance in the postmodern world is a rejection of all kinds of totalizing explanations."
"Postmodernism in IR is really about highlighting the hegemony of Western ideas."
"...post-modernism in its original form was described as a skepticism towards meta narratives."
"A prime example of this is the way a number of postmodern thinkers, including Jacques Derrida himself, tugged at the thread of what they call the aporia of the gift, in order to problematize certain claims of the religious traditions."
"Basquiat's works collectively can feel like a search for meaning in the chaos of the postmodern mass media age."
"Post-modernist ideas are very good evaluation points of some of the older theories."
"Post-modernism was a reaction to modernism where modernism was about objectivity, post-modernism was about subjectivity."
"Modernism sought a singular truth; post-modernism sought the multiplicity of truths."
"Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives."
"Postmodernism would continue to defy all of these attempts and would not lend itself to a single sort of definition or a single framework for classification."
"Postmodernism provides us with a new organizing principle in thought, action, and reflection."
"One of the differences between modernism and postmodernism is that the modernist uses objective measures to look at something and decide if it's better or worse than the thing that came before it."
"...postmodernism and postcolonialism dismantle western and colonial centres and challenge their power, history, and prejudices."
"...postcolonialism asserts and affirms a denied or alienated subjectivity, postmodernism challenges coherent autonomous subject."
"Feminism and postmodernism have taught us how we both make and make sense of our culture."
"Postmodernism defines itself by moving away from all grand narratives and all kinds of limiting frameworks and binaries."
"Postmodernism begins to make sense only when it is in constant dialogue with other movements such as Marxism and feminism."
"The postmodern condition... analyzes the notion of knowledge in postmodern society, indicating the end of grand narratives."
"A word can become modern only if it is first postmodern. Postmodernism, thus understood, is not modernism at its end but in the nascent state, and this state is constant."
"He prefers the plurality of small narratives in the place of the totalitarianism of grand narratives."
"Postmodernism expresses disillusion with the failures of the modern ideal."
"Postmodernism is philosophical Photoshop."
"My problem with postmodernism is that it's not just subjective but that it's anti-objective."
"Postmodernism is much like logical positivism was a century ago."
"One of the arguments that Zizek makes apropos post-modernism is that it elevates this idea of extreme particularization or the emphasis on identity."
"Post-modernism lends itself to a capitalist mode of thought by which your own identity is something which can be commodified and leveraged against others."
"The insistence on identity politics and post-modernism... is in fact not a solution."
"Kuhn's theories of paradigm shift fit into many of the themes of post-modernism."
"Nowadays, Metal Gear Solid 2's story is heralded as a post-modernist masterpiece."
"Kick Buttowski is one of the more prominent points of our generation's cultural spread because he embodies many tenets of postmodern ideals in a refreshingly realistic package."
"The postmodern celebrates diversity in writings and in all other spheres of life."
"Tristram Shandy almost qualifies as the first postmodernist novel though it was written way back in the 18th century."
"It's kind of like postmodern deconstructed magic."
"I define postmodern as incredulity towards meta-narratives."
"There's a postmodern way of thinking, a constellation of ideas that we generally call postmodernism."