
Inexperience Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Embrace your inexperience and keep taking leaps forward."
"No one knows what they're doing at first; we all just pretend that we do."
"Typically experience is everything, but there are times where inexperience creates hunger and creates drive."
"When we are inexperienced with something, our mind is going to fill it in with possibilities. And because the mind fills it in with possibilities and has no experience, it has no way of assigning probability to the possibility."
"You've never done this before, have you?" "Yes, many times... in my head."
"Let's be frank, never been a judge before, presiding over the case."
"Noobs always think they are smart when they are dumb."
"It's better when you don't know what you're doing."
"You have been given a one-of-a-kind chance to elevate yourself in our order. Embrace it because you are unfortunately inexperienced in such matters and need guidance."
"When the players are showing that they have no experience, what calms them is the system."
"Ryder is young, inexperienced, green, fairly insecure, and a little bit cocky."
"That's like me giving you hair and makeup tips I'm not an esthetician I certainly would not."
"You feel the absinthe? No? Come on, what are you, an amateur lightweight?"
"How does someone with no experience dominate a race full of veteran politicians?"
"All you're going to do... is indicate that you are an amateur."
"I know it's possible but I've never done it myself."
"We really wanted to make it feel like it was a couple of kids trying to figure out how to do this thing."
"But you can harness that inexperience to carve out your own path, one that is free of the burden of knowing how things are supposed to be, a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons."
"When you're younger and less experienced, we tend to ignore all the little red flags."
"Nobody knows what they're doing at first."
"Jon is only sixteen in the books, and he’s not a great warrior."
"We cooked it up ourselves, promoted ourselves, didn't know what the [__] we were doing."
"Wet behind the ears means inexperienced."
"I'm so sorry, I've never kissed anyone before. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just... I'm sorry, America."
"There's always going to be this new batch of individuals that don't know what they're doing and they are liquidity."
"I've never done that before and it's got good pressure to hold it up."
"Anakin has never been in a relationship like this... he has no clue how to make Padme love him."
"Inexperience is an advantage very often because the training of the architect is a very good training to be able to think laterally."
"It was the one thing in this renovation that I was just such an amateur about."
"I have no experience with RVs don't ask me why I decided to plan a 50-state road trip when I have no experience with RVs."
"Ronnie's inexperience coming into play."
"This is that young artist thing, man. Where there's no perspective."
"We're going out sailing today. I know how to play doctor, I don't know how to sail a boat at all."
"The amateur wins at poker the first night because they don't know what they're doing."
"I was a 16-year-old kid thrown into this industry, and I had no idea what I was doing."
"I just freaked out in the first round. I didn't know what I was doing to be honest."
"No, I don't have any experience. I have no credentials whatsoever. I'm just gonna do it."
"I just felt so out of place and so anxious the whole time because I just didn't know what I was doing."
"I had no idea what I was doing. I was a pretty new knitter back then."
"An army of noobs doesn't really sound that intimidating."
"It was a racetrack that you had zero experience on, Kyle."
"But I was too young and too inexperienced to understand."
"I do still feel... I really haven't done this sort of thing for ages, absolutely ages."
"No matter the age, you always rush into things you do not know."
"I probably fly fish five whole times in my entire life so uh yeah do I know what I'm doing kind of at the same time absolutely not."
"The downfall of the Nordiques would be inexperience, but they looked very moist in the final couple of minutes of regulation time."
"There's just very little, in fact, zero experience behind them."
"I have no idea what I'm doing... Let me stress that one more time, I've never done this before."
"It's my very first time driving and smoking at the same time."
"We are all inexperienced I never wanted to be a radio dude I'm not trying to be a radio."
"I am so out of practice, I feel like a total noob again."
"Can you imagine somebody driving up what's like I'm and I'm not gonna sit here and act like I'm well experienced and well-versed in backhoes I'm not I'm not but any any tractor or style of this machinery I've seen on the road is usually moving at a pretty slow pace right."
"Why are those who have never fought in battle so eager to get into one?"
"I truly believe that that person had never been on a stage before."
"The less experience you have, the better. The less knowledge you have about the industry, the better because you don't come in with preconceived notions."
"There's so many people approaching the real thing, the big stage, for the very first time, they say, 'You know what, I'm just going to wing it.' And then guess what? Who gets hurt? The person they're winging it with."
"Tila Brown, human, a wide-eyed youngster with no allegiance, no experience, no abilities, and all the luck in the world."
"I've actually never done anything like this before. Don't worry, you're gonna get it perfectly right."
"Nature has a way of punishing mistakes, and this is especially true when you're inexperienced."
"If you have no experience with success, no experience with victory, how do you still take that leap?"
"My salad days, when I was green in judgment, cold in blood."
"I am inexperienced, so I ask for your kindness."
"The concept is that they're ballet students, young ballet students, doing their year-end recital in front of all of their parents, grandparents, siblings, etc., BUT they have no idea what they're doing."
"We started racing; we had no idea what we were getting into."
"You sound so confident, but yet you've never done it before."
"It's just simply lack of information, lack of coordination, and lack of experience."
"This young crew has no clue what they're doing, they have no idea that what they are accomplishing is not supposed to happen."
"Despite having zero agricultural experience, we're just about to complete our fourth season of farming."
"We've never experienced this kind of joy before, and hence we're just novices at this, who've never found out what true happiness is."
"Being a mountain girl from Idaho, I had no sailing experience."
"Empirically it's sort of surprising that so many other companies, you would think about in the hall of fame, were started by people who basically had no idea what the hell they were doing either."
"For the people that never did this, I recommend them not to do it."
"We've never built one of these in our lives, but this should be safe."
"You're really ballsy, but because you haven't been riding as long as we are, you're making subtle mistakes that are going to get you killed."
"The only problem here is that I have never done any of this before, so we're going to be learning as we go."
"Broly's power was pretty incredible, but Beerus notes that he lacks experience and a lot of control."
"So with no experience, equipment, and honestly no real idea of what I was getting myself into, I agreed to climbing Mount Kenya, the second highest mountain in Africa."
"I had landed an interview with the biggest acoustic guitar player on the planet only to realize that I have never done an interview before in my life."
"I don't think you should underestimate somebody who doesn't have any experience; they may surprise you."
"Though perhaps he should have thought of that earlier, but he was new to the whole kidnapping thing."
"It was very obvious that I did not know what I was doing."
"It's okay. You've never experienced this before, and until now, there's been no reason to think you'd be attacked."
"...I didn't expect to win. I didn't know what I was doing. I had no clue about the Academy Awards or anything..."
"Losing is not easy when you've never done it before."
"Please forgive me for what happened. We were all inexperienced."
"I just feel like they didn't know what they were doing."
"P2 is really your entry level; you have zero experience in the world."
"Youth has a byproduct. The byproduct of youth is inexperience."
"I admit that I have little experience in battle. Of course, that also means that I have no track record of failure."
"If you don't have any experience working at a store or truly anywhere, that is okay."
"When I started off four years ago, I had no idea what I was doing."
"We hardly know what we're doing. We're just starting."
"He's got potential; he doesn't have experience."
"I've never been on a real date before," she says.
"Your inexperience is not your darkness, it is actually your light."
"I've literally never played spades in my whole entire life."
"Living in the woods, she knows a bit of magic, but she isn't very good."
"Blame it on my youth, blame it on my lack of knowledge, lack of experience."
"What is loss? I've never experienced something like that."
"That was wild, you know. I have no snow experience so my heart goes out to all y'all."
"I have never been camping in my entire life."
"You know I've never been outside the city before."
"How could you have saved them? You're thrown into a situation you've never experienced before."
"I've never been on a date, so I don't know, really."
"I've only ever played Valorant and League of Legends; I've never played DOTA before, but I do like League of Legends."
"No habits," said the sergeant. "No experience. It's like a newborn baby."
"For when we do not have much experience, we can still do wonderful things."
"It's like buying an F1 car and giving it to a learner driver."
"We're Laura and Ollie, and two years ago we bought a Victorian derelict with absolutely no experience with renovations."
"If you've never driven a car before, and you just go down for the first time at 30 years old and somebody hands you the keys to a Ferrari... You don't want that experience."