
Flourishing Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Positive emotions are the fuel that drives the engine of human flourishing."
"The secret sauce that humanity's been looking for for thousands of years is the ideas that drive human flourishing and success."
"Sustainability, on the other hand, is about slowness, care, flourishing, and responsibility."
"There's nothing more beautiful and anything more glorious than a woman flourishing in who she's called to be."
"Your love life is going to flourish...but it will only flourish if you put yourself first."
"The environment you're in has a huge impact on whether or not you flourish."
"Decline is a choice, and we have a binary choice: do we want law and order, do we want people to flourish?"
"If you're measuring our impact on the world by human flourishing, it's amazingly positive."
"Society can embrace the truth and we can flourish and be together."
"It's better to think about the thriving, flourishing future."
"Every rational being desires happiness and the overall flourishing of their condition."
"We're all interconnected: people, animals, our environment. When nature suffers, we suffer, and when nature flourishes, we all flourish."
"Sexual expression and experience are not necessary for human flourishing."
"This will be the love of a lifetime, and you will flourish in it."
"Your ideas will flourish and bring you true happiness."
"Survival is not the priority but living and living well and flourishing really needs to be our priority."
"If you seize every opportunity, you'll flourish."
"We must unlearn the ways we have been forced to exist within what is considered normal and begin to imagine the ways we can flourish outside these pressurized systems."
"Those that are planted in the house of God shall flourish."
"For a lot of people, your verdict will bring a sense of closure."
"Indulge in life and further the flourishing of life in all its aspects."
"Government's job is to create conditions so that people can flourish."
"Steps that you're being divinely guided to take. Consistently working on your priorities will make them flourish like a lush flower garden."
"Your dry places, my children, shall spring forth rivers and flourish."
"We command that all children be protected and supported to flourish to their highest potential from this moment onward."
"You won't flourish until you start being intentional about your days and nights."
"In order to know whether or not you're going to flourish you need to know what the ecosystem looks like."
"We are anti-war, pro-human, pro-human flourishing."
"If our goal is to have a society where the maximum number of people are flourishing and happiness is high, then we can make objective assessments."
"You will come out the other side changed... you will thrive and flourish."
"There's this period of prosperity where everything is just flourishing."
"You're flourishing, what did I just say? You're expanding, you're flourishing."
"Everybody can flourish together when you treat people with respect."
"Anything that we're defining as good on that spectrum is going to have to at the very least reduce harm and ideally increase flourishing."
"The true religion, the Catholic faith, will cause human flourishing more than we could imagine."
"Every human being can say yes to flourishing, and that is the hope for our future."
"You're going from dysfunctional to flourishing, you got to first become functional."
"He's clearing all that out because when all that is cut off of you, you can flourish."
"We can blossom despite everything."
"A society predicated upon belief in the paramount divinity of the individual allows paramount interest to flourish."
"Love, joy, and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance."
"Mammals at that time were no larger than a mouse and had only flourished after the extinction of dinosaurs."
"You're becoming a new version of yourself, flourishing."
"The frescoes are proof that Christians weren't just getting by at Dura, they were flourishing here."
"It was a magnificent time; the spaces for kids and teens on the internet were flourishing."
"We manage everything through fear, control, and survival instead of feeling, knowing, and flourishing."
"Find the balance between those two things. Find the balance. You will make flourish the world but first deal with your [ __ ]."
"The Golden Rain, as this time came to be known, was when the Reach truly flowered."
"You're going through a Renaissance, blossoming out of uncertainty."
"We need other people so that we can flourish and so that we can become ourselves."
"Your relationship is going to be so cute and so flourishing and so delicate and really, really beautiful."
"the restaurant flourished like never before."
"Potential is there, just the right circumstances for it to flourish."
"There's a death culture in our country, a culture that is often very inhabitable to human flourishing."
"For me, thriving was really connected with not being afraid anymore."
"Give people resources that allow them to flourish."
"God's designs are perfect and they lead to human flourishing."
"Truth and freedom are so fundamental, not just as an existential philosophical thing, but to my flourishing, to my happiness."
"Your life isn't just a life of physical integrity or of emotional equilibrium or of psychological balance. It's a life of spiritual flourishing."
"This is going to be a love story that is propelling you forward and not holding you back. If you feel at any moment that your partner is holding you back or preventing you from flourishing, that is not your person."
"The life of the Mind was flourishing tremendously."
"If you ramp up that ratio to five to one, that is the trigger for being at your best, that's the trigger for flourishing."
"Love flourishes like flowers in the right environment with the right partner."
"I learned that if you give plants room to grow, that they actually flourish and they do really well, sometimes better."
"Get what you need to make wise choices so you will flourish."
"Conversation among friends is key to our flourishing. That's a lost art, I'm afraid."
"In the midst of all of that in the midst of the change the turmoil the unsettled the lawlessness the violence all the stuff we can still flourish."
"Now is the perfect time, even if you're going through the hardest time of your life, to set the stage for that to happen, for you to Blossom."
"Why should I do the morally right thing? Well, because doing the morally right thing is flourishing for you."
"People flourish when they have a purpose."
"All humans have power. That's part of our image of God. He's the God of all power, we were created in His image, we have teeny bits compared to Him, but we have it and we were meant to use it to help humans flourish and His earth flourish."
"The righteous will flourish like the palm tree, he will grow like the cedar in Lebanon."
"Expect to flourish and thrive more than you have before, room to grow, room to spread your wings and fly."
"Compassion isn't just helping people who are suffering but actually helping people flourish."
"Happiness is a state of being in which one is flourishing."
"Flourishing in the presence of God, engaging Him in spirit and in truth with all of us. That is where life is."
"It was a garden. It was a place that let me flower."
"Proper order is restored in a kingdom, then everything starts to flourish again."
"You want a flourishing, spiritually affluent life?"
"The purpose of the earth, God's purpose for the world, is two words: human flourishing."
"It was a time where people of different social standings all seemed to flourish."
"We have to reimagine our values to prioritize human flourishing and Collective human flourishing at that."
"God wants us not just to survive, but to flourish on the Earth."
"Master the power of shei, the vital energy that can make everything flourish."
"God didn't pay a price for you to just survive, He paid a price for you to thrive."
"You really blossomed without them."
"Human beings are social beings in need of relationship and institutions that enable them to flourish."
"Human nature instinctively desires love because it matches our need to coexist with reality and flourish; to love someone is to do the same but with another person’s soul."
"Right now you begin to flourish like a tree planted by the rivers of water."
"Rosa is the only 13-year-old and that was their word not mine, literally flourishing."
"Stick me in the middle of a forest... and let me bloom"
"The relationships that flourish are the ones where both people feel appreciated."
"It's the Gospel that brings human flourishing and speaks to what human beings really are and what we really need."
"I won't see another broke day cuz I'm prospering I can ask what I need cuz I'm prospering body may be acting crazy but I'm still prospering children are going wild but I'm still prospering because the ways of the upright God said I'm getting ready to flourish."
"Philosophy at its best is the guide to the good life, to human flourishing."
"When people are allowed to pursue the possibilities that are accordant with their talents and abilities, the chance for them to live in a way that is good and flourishing for them arises."
"Aristotle's idea of a flourishing life is first fully worked out in the Nicomachean ethics."
"If you can allow people to be who they are through their creativity, they will always flourish."
"Hope allows people to live and flourish."
"I believe we've been given the tools we need to flourish in a very real way in the midst of the turmoil if we will choose to focus on what we've been told and to yield to it in obedience."
"From today, you will begin to flourish like the tree planted by the Riverside and experience spontaneous growth in all areas of your life."
"Virtue is the active condition for the human soul in accordance with flourishing."
"What's an excellent person? They're like a strong person, a healthy person, the same way that we would say of any animal, right? What's a flourishing animal look like? It's strong, it's healthy, it's got bodily health."
"Achieving a world where we can talk with one another like adults again, not like anxious children, is crucial for human flourishing."
"At IHS we believe that these ideas are the basis of the good society, a society in which all human beings have an opportunity to genuinely flourish."
"How do you plan on flourishing this week?"
"Most of them the flourishing point is about 50 BC."
"As the years went by, their relationship really flourished."
"Safety is a basic requirement for any relationship to flourish."
"Religion has flourished here because it has been free."
"The recipe for religious freedom and religious flourishing is something that we've done well with and we probably shouldn't tamper with."
"God creates structure where we can flourish."
"Flourishing has not just the absence of misery, but the presence of positive emotion, joy, comfort, happiness."
"Without morality, a culture cannot flourish."
"I want to grow and flourish and everything. We have time to have kids."
"We need the contributions of both men and women for the church to flourish."
"You're going to flourish, okay? You are going to flourish. With the Queen of Pentacles, the Strength card, the Magician here, I feel like, Cancer, the Queen of Pentacles is a card of stability, which means consistency every single day."
"Even if you just want to look at it from that angle, but actually from a human angle, you know, just to be able to take someone who needs that support and give them that support and watch them flourish is a really beautiful thing."
"Suddenly you create this pocket where people begin to connect well with each other, begin to flourish."
"Virtue can only flourish among equals, after all."
"It recognizes that economic growth is a means to flourishing lives, not an end in itself." - Lecture
"The triangle of biology, culture, and individual is where flourishing occurs."
"In the will of God is where you will flourish."
"This place looks like a real Paradise in her hands, the garden is flourishing."
"For a civilization to flourish, you really do need this distancing which should never be a sundry."
"Everything is starting to really thrive and produce growth and produce flowers and fruit and all that sort of thing out there. It's really exciting to see."
"Truth creates boundaries and guard rails in our life that actually cause us to flourish."
"...relationships flourish when they become true partnerships."
"Those who are planted in the house of the Lord, their lives flourish!"
"In order for us to survive and to flourish, others will need to survive and to flourish."
"The better we continue to do, the more our lives shine and flourish."
"Abundant overflow, when you're experiencing it then you're flourishing in every area of your life."
"The righteous will flourish like the palm tree."
"Even in old age, they shall still flourish, they shall still bear fruit."
"When you declutter, you will flourish in life."
"Love-starved world; our love should flourish."
"Your life has finally been flourishing and you're at peace."
"But that doesn't mean the doctrine is wrong. If everybody's obeying, if everybody's doing, everybody flourishes."
"A society with festering workers cannot flourish."
"It's not enough to want to flourish; you have to be planted."
"If you will get planted in God's house, you will flourish."
"I truly want to see you flourish."
"Debbie is still flourishing, doing her best."
"All these ideals flourish under the papacy."
"Believe in your dreams and persevere, and everything around you will flourish."
"Societies where men and women understand each other as equal and loving partners, that is the bedrock where the gospel can flourish."
"Roots like these mean it's ready to flourish."
"Taking care of everything so that everything can flourish properly."
"I just want you guys to continue to flourish."
"Happiness is a moment with you and live simply, bloom wildly."
"Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God."
"They shall be fat and flourishing, to show that the Lord is upright, He is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him."
"The more you dote on your roses, the more vigor and blooms you'll see."
"Katie and I flourish as well, lots of flourishing, it's like a garden over here."
"Freedom was the ability to flourish as the kind of being one was."
"We need human flourishing, and then we can talk about the details of that."
"You have to think about life in a holistic way in terms of what's going to lead to human flourishing."
"It's gonna benefit the plant, your plant's gonna really explode."
"For a majority of people, marriage is a way to promote flourishing for the people involved and for the children."
"Marriage is a way to promote flourishing for the people involved and for the children."
"Once you plant the seeds, boom, it's gonna take off, it's gonna bloom."
"The flourishing life is life in Christ, it is submitting to God's way."
"Human flourishing is not a mechanical process; it's an organic process."
"We can create an environment where we can have Law and Order, where we can have a civil society, where people can flourish."
"You've become the gardener of your own life and you've removed the weeds so now you can just grow and flourish."
"You're growing something so successful, it's going to completely bloom and flourish."
"When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass."
"Once I made that change, that transition, everything flourished."
"Democracy, literature, theater, mathematics, science, philosophy, and art all flourished in Greece during its golden age."
"We want a world where human beings are given dignity, have equal chance to thrive and survive and flourish."
"The well-being and flourishing of sentient beings can they suffer, do they suffer, the reduction of suffering and the enhancement of flourishing is where we begin."
"The age of mammals was truly allowed to finally flourish."
"For those that set their love on Him... He's able to fulfill His desire for you which is long life and that you would flourish in the salvation."
"I love spring so much, I really feel like I thrive."
"Blessed are You, O Lord, who causes salvation to flourish."
"The Republic, in particular, is focused on the question of how society ought to be structured to allow human beings to flourish."
"The Druids really flourished between the late 4th century BC and the end of the 2nd century AD."
"She has prospered so much, she has bloomed like the lotus flower."
"The only way to experience flourishing in this life and the one to come is Jesus Christ the Lord."
"Girls, they just go on to flourish in whatever environment they are, most of them."
"Truly to love someone is to desire their well-being and to promote their true flourishing."
"Jews flourished like never before in the entire history under the rule of Islam."
"Flourishing is a term that's used a lot in positive psychology."
"I'm thriving, I'm living my best life."
"The faithful shall flourish: It means to thrive, to increase, to enlarge, to grow, to prosper, to abound, to spread out, to expand, to make steady progress, and to be at a high point in one's life."
"It allows creativity to flourish once you've narrowed your scope."
"In this unity, that true patriotism, that real patriotism is rooted and flourishes."
"Life can flourish even in the harshest environments."
"My phrase for 2020 has been intentional flourishing, and that's the journey that I'm on right now."
"It's like everyone thinks they know what Wakanda is, but it's actually this flourishing community."
"Your love life and spiritual life will flourish in the next two weeks."
"We can just bloom where they've been planted."
"It's definitely time to give this plant a nice larger home to grow in and flourish."
"The question of what can be said, at least in the context of the Western tradition and perhaps beyond, about the conditions under which authentic happiness and true flourishing are possible."
"The fish in the river, in the lakes and the ponds at the bottom of these streams and rivers absolutely flourished."
"I'm deeply skeptical of the state's ability to know these things rather than to set the conditions in which we might expect things to flourish."
"Within that monotony, nature and wildlife are in full bloom."
"Until every man, woman, and child prospers and flourishes."
"God wants his people to flourish."
"Discipline within the context of real love is crucial in teaching a child to live a life of flourishing because it's a life committed to goodness."