
James Webb Space Telescope Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The James Webb Space Telescope...could get us closer to detecting alien life than ever before."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has been getting lots of accolades for its ability to peer into deep space."
"The first official science images from the JWST have landed, and scientists have yet to recover from the shock of how good they are."
"Astronomers all over the world have been sent scratching their heads as the James Webb Space Telescope detects six new galaxies that should not exist."
"The James Webb Space Telescope recently discovered and verified the discovery of the oldest known galaxy."
"For the first time, the James Webb Space Telescope has peered into the distant past of the universe."
"The James Webb Space Telescope's job was to help astronomers understand the early universe, just the first few hundred million years after the Big Bang."
"This month, the big news was the release of the first science images from the James Webb Space Telescope."
"The James Webb Space Telescope's primary purpose is to focus on faraway objects that tell the story of the beginning of the universe."
"The James Webb Space Telescope... Gathering data for 20 years instead of 10... is going to discover a lot."
"The launch of the James Webb Space Telescope will change everything, providing us with a far better understanding of these planets than we have now."
"The JWST has just opened up a new frontier giving us a front seat view that helps us better understand how it's all been."
"The James Webb Space Telescope looks back in time."
"It's 2023, the year of our telescope and research savior at JWST, and this is just where we are now, where it feels like it's constantly surprising us."
"Join us in this video as we dive into the James Webb Space telescope's terrifying discovery on Pluto that changes everything."
"James Webb is going to allow us to extensively research exoplanets and really characterize them in ways that we haven't been able to before."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is designed to see further back to the earliest emergence of galaxies, stars, and exoplanets."
"Unlike Hubble, which orbits around Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope will orbit alongside Earth in the L2 Lagrange point."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will allow us to peer through time to the beginnings of the universe itself."
"The JWST is a freaking marvel of engineering."
"Named after NASA's second administrator who led the Apollo missions and was responsible for more than 75 launches into space during the 60s, the James Webb Space Telescope, also called Webb or JWST, is the largest space telescope in history."
"The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents the most sophisticated and powerful space telescope ever built."
"The James Webb Space Telescope wins the double award for the most powerful and expensive telescope ever built."
"JWST's image of the Tarantula Nebula reveals thousands of previously unseen young stars."
"JWST's stunning image depicts clusters of young stars and bursts of star birth throughout Stefan's Quintet."
"Another really big mystery Galactic mystery discovered by the James Webb."
"Hello wonderful person, this is Anton, and today we're going to be discussing new observations and new discoveries coming from the iconic James Webb Space Telescope."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will change everything in space research."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will help us understand the Big Bang."
"The jwst will help us see how stars are born and how they die."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is like a time machine in astronomy."
"The new James Webb Space Telescope is here to help scientists delve into the mind of the late Hawking and finally confirm his theory about black holes."
"The JWST has broadened our window into the cosmos and has now unveiled the first ever real image of 'Oumuamua."
"The fact that the Webb primarily captures light in the infrared range means that its images have an ethereal beauty all of their own."
"JWST was used to confirm an exoplanet... an Earth-sized planet is passing in front of its star."
"And in the James Webb view, because it's infrared, because it's designed to look through gas and dust, those dust clouds are gone."
"JWST could at least detect the existence of an atmosphere for this enticing planet."
"JWST could actually go ahead right now and survey the nearest white dwarfs for earth-like planets."
"James Webb is going to be able to have that kind of quality over here in the near infrared."
"It's fun to be cynical about JWST launch day, but you have to respect the gigantic risk they're taking."
"Webb has more than six times the light-collecting area that Hubble has."
"The James web Space Telescope: Outperforming the Hubble."
"Finally, after all this incredible technology functions remotely as planned, we are almost ready to observe the infrared images from the giant multi-segmented mirror of the James Webb Space Telescope."
"Very soon we may be able to verify their past existence. The James Webb Space Telescope is turning its senses to explore the farthest reaches of the universe, looking back in time."
"The James Webb Space Telescope can do this."
"It's an amazing time in astronomy right now because of the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope."
"James Webb's performance is actually better than the specification and its lifetime is going to be 15 years not five years."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will detect galaxies being born."
"James Webb Space Telescope will really allow us to study in detail these most distant objects."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has potentially allowed astronomers to view the most distant galaxy anyone has ever seen."
"After a month and a half of painstaking adjustments, the James Webb Space Telescope has formed a perfect image of a star for the very first time."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will be able to take images of things that we were never able to see before."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is your telescope. Use it to explore, to challenge theories, to see sights yet unseen."
"This first James Webb Space Telescope release was an amazing start after such a long wait."
"Webb's complex design is ultimately driven by its science goals, which include studying the first galaxies to form in the early universe."
"After 20 years of development and two weeks of the most complex deployments ever attempted in space, the James Webb Space Telescope is now fully deployed."
"In all the hype around those first five science images being released from the James Webb Space Telescope, people seem to have forgotten the fact that all the data from that commissioning period was also released."
"We wanted to do with these first images was really demonstrate all the science themes that we have for the James Webb Space Telescope."
"The process of picking the first images has been underway for years... It has to be something spectacular that really shows off the science that Webb can do."
"The JWST may have just made a groundbreaking discovery light-years outside our solar system."
"The James Webb Space Telescope allows us to see a lot more than what our eyes can detect."
"So to have a hope of seeing even further than Hubble, the James Webb Space Telescope will be tuned to see the heavens in infrared light."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is designed to build on the work of Hubble by seeing further back to the earliest emergence of galaxies, stars, and exoplanets."
"The James Webb Space Telescope results that seem to indicate that these galaxies are mature only 390 million years after the big bang."