
Emotional Investment Quotes

There are 908 quotes

"Every relationship has an emotional bank account. You can make deposits into this account every time you listen with your full attention, every time you keep your promises."
"Do not invest more love into a relationship than you can emotionally afford to lose."
"The only way to love is completely. Whether that is the love you have for your husband, your child, your parents, your friends, the world, earth, the environment, but there is no being careful in love."
"Games are such an interesting medium because they mix this idea of a challenge, a simple contest, a competition with something that can make you emotionally invested."
"Breaking out requires real emotional commitment to change."
"Decisions can lead to alternative and often unexpected outcomes, perhaps as well, leaving players sitting in a puddle of their own emotional investments."
"A parasocial relationship is kind of a one-sided relationship where one party is investing a lot of emotional energy into the relationship, and the other party isn't even aware that the first person exists."
"The notion that love is nothing but a chemical is robbing people of the most beautiful thing: the ability to emote for somebody else and to invest yourself in something else."
"Romantic relationships tend to be the relationships where we invest the most of us and often find that we leave feeling the most broken or hurt."
"Did you realize that everything you mentioned was what you're pouring into him but you have yet to tell me how he pours into you?"
"That game's going to go down as one that you remember for a very, very long time, so cherish it, hug it, kiss it, love it because you will remember it for a long time."
"Give a character something they care deeply about, then have the thing they care about being threatened in some way... It's a very quick and easy way to get the audience invested in a character's journey."
"Politics should be boring. It shouldn't be what people are investing all their time and emotional energy into."
"I freaking love it. I love caring about something you have no control over."
"Wingard emphasized his intent for audiences to invest emotionally in the monsters as characters."
"I feel like you just need to put your emotions into something."
"People who are really passionate about Arsenal, it's not just about the money for you."
"Whether or not something is canon is not nearly as important as the story, the characters, the events, the emotions, the investment you as the viewer experience because of a good story..."
"And also you're, with the store, with the design you're doing now, you're putting a little bit of love in the products you create at scale."
"Love at first sight doesn't exist. Love takes time and love takes work."
"His existence compels the reader to ask: What will happen if Emma loses the people she loves?"
"There's still love in this connection, abundant emotion, worth investing in."
"Fall in love with the future more than you fall in love with the past."
"Ultimately, all we care about is Manchester United Football Club."
"You blew up my dog village! Do you understand how hard I worked for that?"
"This is just something that I am truly passionate about."
"Now when I watch it, I'm invested in the characters dying and the ones being forced to carry out the order."
"If a man is being vulnerable with you, it's because he feels that desire to emotionally invest in you."
"The best character in 'Overwatch' is the one that you, the player, have an immediate emotional response to."
"Even though it's only been a year, I feel like I've been with the sins my whole life."
"You're very much a part of their soul, a part of their everyday thoughts, feelings, thinking about you a lot."
"It always feels like there's something huge on the line."
"He will fall in love with you because he connects with you, not because you're trying to connect with him by being really smart and cool and funny and interesting."
"Wounds are why we love a character. And if when you first start out writing a story, you should show me your hero or your character's wounds."
"In the heart, I'll believe it when I see it."
"I'm just soggy and sad man, and so why, if I fail this challenge, I'm gonna be supremely pissed."
"Our pets are our babies... so when chimps are kept as pets... many people will be going way beyond the breaking point..."
"The relationship is what you're rooting for the entire time."
"Each game had enough characters who I genuinely rooted for or were otherwise sad when they died."
"But at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. What does matter is the player's feeling after completing an experience that takes dozens of hours and lots of blood, sweat, and tears."
"I find hearthstone to be very emotionally compelling."
"The emotional side of running a football club is fascinating."
"The whole point of my point was I can tell by the teams that did it and really got emotional because they they deep down know they're not gonna do it in the major."
"Watching other animations frame by frame is the fastest way for me to learn."
"A dad needs to be present, I don't mean he just needs to be there, I mean he needs to be invested."
"A healthy happy success relationship is two people pouring into each other."
"If you put your all into something, you're gonna feel like [__] you put Blood, Sweat, and Tears in this, you're gonna want some inclusion."
"Without the assurance that what happens on the pitch is 100 legitimate, every emotion that makes football sacred is tainted."
"You don't realize how much you care about it until you start losing it."
"He legit cared about it, he cared about you, cared about everybody in this fucking room though he never met you because he always thought about what you wanted and wanted to show you something fucking beautiful."
"You want to feel like you have a relationship with somebody who is emotionally and creatively invested in what they're doing."
"For the number of characters who die in these books, George is shockingly good at making us care about so many of them."
"Full Metal Jacket is a powerful movie, it's not some light bit of viewing entertainment you have to invest in order to watch it and it can at times be quite draining due to its subject matter."
"Invest your emotional energy into meaningful tasks."
"Investigators poured their heart and soul into this case. I mean, they leave a little bit of themselves from what I've seen."
"Daniel Craig, what a fantastic run, I mean, it's been crazy, it's been emotional on and off camera, but I have loved it."
"When you find yourself constantly loving people you're not getting anything in return, take all that love and put it into yourself."
"It felt so real that I instantly started caring about the characters."
"You have a lot of love for someone, a lot of optimism."
"They think that you had this, you were like everything was riding on this connection."
"But there is this energy of kind of needing to let go rather than continuing to invest in somebody who ultimately isn't there for you."
"Your heart is really engaged in where career and legacy is going."
"She's just so much more into the relationship than he is."
"You have a right to be disappointed if a book really means something to you."
"It's like a different sport, you know, to be really attached to a goalkeeper."
"Trying shows how much you care, and as soon as you stop trying, you just don't care."
"Oh my god, if Naruto dies I quit. Bought a bottle of bleach, straight ass."
"They were feeling love developing pretty early on they saw you as someone that they could for sure love one day for a lifetime."
"It's almost like it cuts deep within you, right? 'Cause you put so much effort, maybe the excitement was behind there and it just quote unquote failed."
"Not only do I feel like then the emotions that I felt were robbed of me, were stolen of me, they weren't earned. But also, it makes me not trust any death moving forward."
"The build experience was just that a big experience, I would say a lot of blood, sweat, and literal tears went into it."
"You really have to invest yourself in something you can emotionally bond with that is the foundation of your career."
"It's not just about the money, it's emotional."
"Maybe you should wait and find out before letting yourself get anything invested."
"Everything feels so personal with them. I feel like this whole process with them has just been so personal. You can tell that they care."
"Investing emotionally is what makes it great. Caring, giving a fuck, being scared, being worried, being excited, being nervous. That's what being a fight fan's all about."
"The audience can only fear when you give them people with value to fear for."
"Imagine wasting your gift of love on somebody who wouldn't show up to your funeral."
"Some relationships are more expensive than any amount of dollar."
"What makes a good horror movie are the characters honestly if you don't care about the characters there's no stakes."
"It matters to you, and when you play it, you'll remember the blood sweat and tears that went into it."
"Every specific element which is important to these films' narratives is given the time they need in order for you to become invested."
"Don't get your feelings stuck back into someone who ain't worth [__]."
"Your heart will always be a good investment."
"It had characters you cared about, built out a story that was epic in scale."
"Sixers fans right now are feeling this sense of hope."
"If you're a depressed Total War fan like I am, whoo boy, this is some good stuff."
"I believe I freaking did it after 14 years of hard work Blood Sweat and Tears."
"Love is worth fighting for, something you've been struggling to perhaps get for a long time."
"You can never convince someone who is totally invested only in their own emotions."
"The show is intent on making you care about all of its characters good or bad."
"This person is slowly making their way towards you, and they've been digging deep... they are giving you everything that they have to offer."
"Fine, give the relationship the honest try it. Tell someone what you need, tell someone what you want it to be, give your all, see if it can be that, but stop lying to yourself if every time you turn the page it's the same page of writing."
"Your life will be empty without this fucking show frustrating myself and everybody else."
"Another great Zoro line was when he told Luffy, 'You take the last hit, Luffy, it's your shadow.'"
"They may feel like you're wasting your time on someone that doesn't deserve it."
"If somebody's always making withdrawals and never making deposits that relationship's going to go bankrupt."
"I am doing this because I've invested so much of my energy in this relationship for so long and it only depleted me so I choose not to do that moving forward."
"Always a Rams fan, yeah. No, I've been there through the highs and lows and the passion is always the same."
"Moments like this are genuinely tense and exciting, not because they're exceptionally well-shot or anything, but because you actually give a [ __ ] about the fates of these characters."
"When your characters start to build personal relationships, you're not just playing a game, you're telling a story that you can be emotionally invested in."
"Trying to fortify and strengthen existing business and love partnerships."
"The stark reality of being a manchester united fan."
"I felt uncomfortable not having Harry Kane in my team, yeah? I was crying about it every day."
"I had no idea you would end up meaning so much to me."
"I'm just a big [ __ ] nerd like all of you, and the reason I get so upset is because I care."
"The movie Just does an excellent job of building this level of tension and making you care about these characters."
"Infuse it with feeling. Fill them with feeling. This is so important."
"Do you know these people? Do you have you played this game before? How can you get so upset by watching a bunch of other dudes play a game that has no impact on your life?"
"It's hard to say you don't care when you put so much energy to show that you do."
"Either way, I end up caring about their relationship."
"You turned your back on someone that has a lot of love for you and they're just waiting to see if you're gonna either return or invest more into the situation."
"You're buying a feeling, an emotional connection to a piece of art that someone else made."
"Overall, whatever historical battle you cover next time, just make it logistically sound… so that it’s emotionally investable, understandable, that it’s believable enough to suspend disbelief."
"You can just tell how much Richard loves this place; his heart's in the right place."
"I don't want this moment to change how you feel or make you look back and go 'that wasn't real' or 'I should feel dumb forever in both investing emotionally in the first place,' right?"
"If the Packers legitimately win a Super Bowl I will cry, I will ball like a baby."
"It's scary to them, it's scary for them to like really put their whole self into the connection."
"It's not a trophy for me. This is what I've wanted since I was a little girl."
"How happy am I and how much of my heart is going into the music."
"You're not just wearing a chain, you're wearing somebody's Blood, Sweat, and Tears and passion around your neck."
"You can't expect someone to be a priority when you're just an option."
"For the audience to care, the characters have to care."
"The difference between a house and a home is usually how invested and comfortable you are living there."
"It feels like nothing matters in the MCU; it feels like everything matters."
"You'd be surprised how invested people are into these storylines, especially RP content."
"A good show gets you interested in the cast, a great show gives you invested in them."
"The number one killer of attraction is investing too much, give the [ __ ] off."
"There's so much value in pouring your heart into something."
"I do feel like this person really cares about you, they're very invested in you."
"Not everybody and not everything deserves you to pour into it."
"Can we please normalize actually putting energy into someone who's emotionally available?"
"The person in a relationship with the power is the one who loves the least."
"Believe it or not, I've never actually done a Pokémon Nuzlocke before. I was always more concerned with making friends out of these adorable little creatures instead of, you know, forcing them into the fatal crusade of war."
"every new character we meet I just want to like spend some time just unpacking this"
"I am 100% emotionally invested in these people. I care about everybody."
"The idea is that we each have an account and we make deposits and withdrawals to and from each other's accounts with the way that we treat each other."
"This is not the time for getting emotionally invested, you're just collecting information."
"That's what happens when you care about something, you get mad."
"These characters are going to completely nestle themselves in your heart and you're not even going to know they're there and then you're going to be like 'I love them so much'."
"It's okay to see pieces of ourselves in the wins and losses of our heroes."
"As fans, we have all this emotional investment into players and teams."
"People are becoming emotionally attached to JPEGs. I've never seen anything like it."
"Be open about who you meet but be very selective about who you invest emotion in."
"We're almost there. See, this works because you care so much about those characters."
"An emotional investment can be as powerful or more powerful than a financial investment."
"You and your person, you were meant to be together."
"These pizza bites are worth every penny and all the emotional."
"They think about y'all connection. They feel like this connection for one has a lot of potential."
"They made an actual film where I was invested in the story and I did kind of care about the characters."
"The reason these things make a billion dollars is because there's emotional weight to these superhero films now."
"I'll be happy if United win, that's the big win I want today."
"Do not invest in things unless you're emotionally really, really invested."
"Your heart is open to what can happen, but you're not investing all of your eggs in this."
"I'm so emotionally invested in this story in this character that I've grown up with."
"Investing our time, investing our energy, investing our love."
"Never love something that can't love you back."
"You have to know how and when to give those pieces of your time, energy, and love to others."
"Slowly immersed in it, and that means that even if you never really thought about it because you've been hearing these characters talk to each other for like 18 months, you're suddenly invested."
"Imagine if you put that much intention into making her feel loved right now."
"It's a time to be using your value, your heart, and to have heart and to be real."
"Love is a currency, and how do you want to spend the currency of love?"
"You're gonna get what you give out of this love situation."
"There's this obsessive strong desire for this new love and wanting to invest time in the connection."
"I truly am grateful for this character and it's because I care so much about him that I want the very best ending for him."
"It's going to be a hug your altcoins and kiss them and love them and sing them L moment."
"Multi-dimensional characters lead to a world that feels the same... because I like and care about the characters who inhabit that world."
"Oh my heart is in it, and I don't care if this is good or bad, this is the best thing ever."
"Honestly, I don't remember the last time I was this invested in a family sitcom."
"You're doing a tattoo on another human being. They gotta live with it emotionally forever."
"Ultimately, I found myself really caring for the main characters."
"You've been trying to pull your person in through all the stops."
"I'm so sorry. I'm not losing another partner."
"There's like different percentages that he can pour into it."
"Well, hopefully it's not a watered-down Resident Evil 2 remake and hopefully, like you said, AJ, there's some more heart and soul to it."
"I'm personally really, really invested in the relationship between Kratos and Atreus."
"You are worthy of powerful love with a man who is truly emotionally invested in falling in love with you."
"Emotional investment is the currency of love."
"All of you are manifesting connection and an emotional opportunity that you are already very invested in."
"It's the cast of characters which truly invests you."
"Bruno puts his body on the line for the club, cares about losing, cares about winning."
"It's almost like the most elaborate video game ever."
"Bitcoin is slow but proven, and emotional attachment ensures its longevity."
"You can't measure a gift by the price tag it's all about the thought and the love and the energy that you put into it."
"I care desperately where people think of them because they care so much."
"Their soul lessons throughout life are slowly shaping them into a leadership role, a position of power. When they put their heart and soul into something, they go all the way."
"You can't just love something; you have to take care of it."
"The only reason I'm still watching this anime is because I'm too emotionally invested already."
"You're on point about this person, this person hurts you because there were third-party investments."
"If people who come in, they love their families, they can't imagine their families."
"Everyone loves them, dude. I've been on a roller coaster of Hasbula emotions."
"Whenever I'm depressed, it's because I care too much about the outcome instead of the work."
"You know they haven't walked away from you but you wonder why they don't put you as a priority. Like, you know that they have these deep emotions but you also wonder."
"They want to give you their soul, their most outpouring love and support."
"We fight for every second we get to spend with each other, whether it's two minutes or two days." - Riley
"Don't let that love go to waste, this matters."
"You do not give your heart away to just anybody. They have to earn it."
"Each one has like distinct plot points and story lines and kristin cashore takes so much care to build these characters and you just grow to love them so much."
"I genuinely feel like if you stick around with this series, this could be something special."
"So much emotion and sacrifice led up to this fight."