
Wages Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"People get paid wages or minimum wage. They do not get paid with a direct proportion of their economic productivity."
"Work in any warehouse; you do not get paid per box. Work at any fast food place; you do not get paid per burger that you flip. You get paid a wage. It's not your productivity that you're being paid for."
"Net productivity rose 69.6% while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated, increasing only 11.6% over 39 years after adjusting for inflation."
"Inflation is a sneaky way to help employers cut wages without employees feeling like their wages were actually cut."
"The factual argument for immigration helping the wages of the American people, in addition to helping our economy, are settled. It is a done deal. No economists argue this."
"The bottom line is when your wages have not gone up, you are mad."
"For lower wage workers, the people who are working paycheck to paycheck, real wages are up."
"Wages increasing, especially for people in lower wage jobs, is a benefit to them."
"Worker wages continue to improve... a very good thing, no matter what your party registration is."
"Real wages were rising, people's standard of living was going through the roof."
"The majority of the poor in this country work and are not paid high enough wages to not rely on social programs."
"Every worker deserves to earn a living wage."
"The reason no one's wages have gone up for 15 years is because there has been no productivity growth."
"Maybe companies need to start paying people proportionally to things like inflation, rising costs of housing, and rising taxes."
"People are, in many cases in this country, working longer hours for low wages."
"There should be no tipping in America. They should just pay waiters and waitresses a living wage."
"Wages are a fundamentally incoherent idea, and it's irrational and ultimately perpetuates an unethical society if it can be avoided."
"Productivity continued to grow, the economy continued to do better and better, but the typical worker's wage started flattening out."
"Paying people less than a living wage is unethical."
"Why doesn't Frito-Lay hire more workers? If they have trouble attracting more workers, that means they have to raise their wages. Lord knows they have the money."
"Average hourly earnings are rising fast, they are up 7.4% at an annualized rate."
"The cost of living is just going up, and wages aren't going up."
"My view is that the country would be better off with a higher wage that would help productivity, help the happiness of our employees."
"Inflation continues to ravage America's paychecks and it's increasingly shown up in rising rents."
"The average earnings for everybody who drew a salary in America in 1979 was $46,000... almost 40 years later, $48,000. A $2,000 increase over 40 years."
"For the first time in our history, the government is going to step in and help to pay people's wages."
"You don't have a high turnover. If you have high wages, you don't have accidents at your business that are way out of norm."
"The reason why wages are depressed in this country is because we have no support system for the American working class."
"According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the wages of people in their 30s are about 7 percent lower than there should be based on growth rates before the 2008 financial crisis."
"The best way that wages can be higher is if you have corporations competing over workers instead of having tons and tons of workers oversaturate the marketplace."
"Immigration doesn't depress wages, so the data that I have seems to indicate that's just not how things work."
"One way to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make Americans poorer. I think I have a better idea to fight inflation: lower your costs, not your wages."
"The only way this housing market has any chance of sustaining itself is if wages and incomes for Americans, renters and home buyers, start going up a lot."
"You all know that the cost of everything is going up but your wages aren't. That's why we need to lift wages."
"It's a system that pays people too little money to enable them to afford modest housing."
"It's time to pay people what they are worth and not how little they are desperate enough to accept."
"China's average wage has grown over 10 times in the past two decades from a higher educated in-demand productive Workforce."
"Union workers generally enjoy better wages than non-union workers because unions can negotiate these wages."
"So right off the bat, you'd expect a significant share of that budget increase to just go to paying these sort of salaries."
"Don't complain about society and the evil and you're not being paid enough you are paid what you're worth."
"The truth is that the economy is not so great... the average American worker after adjusting for inflation is earning less today than he or she did 46 years ago."
"You can't live on $7.25, you can't live on $10, you can't live on $12 bucks an hour."
"Paying me what I am worth is not going to mess with your bottom line. You are still going to make money if I get a living wage. Period."
"Wage pressures relative to where they were pre-COVID... are going to remain pretty sticky."
"Huge growth in working in middle class wages."
"Unionization drives up wages by ten percent."
"If inflation is high, you need wages to be higher to match that."
"Over the same period of time, the last 20-25 years, real wages in the People's Republic of China have quadrupled."
"Women should be paid the exact same amount of money."
"A higher supply of labor lowers wages in particular areas of the economy."
"One loser here is going to be an American programmer; there's going to be downward pressure on their wages."
"Only a labor shortage because they're not paying enough."
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."
"We pay our workers a quite decent salary because they are very skilled."
"You should actually be paying them higher wages."
"A rising tide lifts all boats, but here Barbie was clearly the Juggernaut."
"When there's high demand for workers but low supply for workers, then you know you got to pay the workers more."
"One of the things that is happening with certainty right now has to do with wages."
"The majority of jobs in North America for auto workers are in Mexico, they make a dollar a day two dollars and eighty five dollars a day."
"If you work 40 hours a week you're not...living in poverty. 15 bucks an hour is not going to make anybody rich."
"Railroad CEOs fail to realize that wages are not competitive in this market anymore."
"Twenty-five bucks an hour was some good [__] money."
"We should expect wages to actually grow more than they would have had it not been for the pandemic."
"Let immigrants in, pay them union wages, pay everybody union wages."
"I wasn't asking for too much. I was just asking for a decent, dignified living wage."
"When you improve wages, you dis-incentivize corruption."
"Every time they talk about the economy doing great, it's this economy is what they're talking about. Doing great has nothing to do with your wages, has nothing to do with how much you take home."
"Wages across the economy in the lower third of the economy have been artificially suppressed for way too long."
"I hope we can raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Wages are not really in reality keeping up with this kind of insane inflation."
"Wages for working people are finally, after 22 years, rising again in our country."
"Wages just really caught up to their pre-pandemic Trend."
"Average players on average wages equals average results."
"Workers across the United States on average got a pay cut this past year in terms of their ability to buy things."
"People are paying higher prices; wages have not adjusted quickly enough to compensate for that."
"Helping each other to get through something difficult, we can do anything."
"Wages bad, bad morals. Make them pay more. People need to be paid more money. All workers should be paid more money."
"The disappearance of this old guard also comes the disappearance of middle-class wages and security."
"Wages are climbing, trying to catch up to that inflation rather than leading the inflation."
"If wages are rising more than prices you're going to see a rising standard of living."
"Major expenses are rising faster than wages."
"It's about dignity, dignified wages, a dignified life."
"You deserve to make the same amount of money, yes you do."
"We are now enjoying the highest raises in human history in American history."
"If you can't pay a living wage, then maybe you really don't deserve to exist."
"It's not a matter of the wages anymore, it's a matter of how much income you can earn."
"Prices are going up. If you don't pay him more, he's actually taking a real terms pay cut."
"Walmart is the single biggest private employer in the country and they certainly could go ahead and raise that minimum wage."
"People's wages will go up now I remember the referendum Stuart Rose former Marks and Spencers boss one of the leading figures in the remain campaign he said that wages would go up if we stopped unskilled migration."
"That's not true. That's literally not true. They have 30 billion dollars in Revenue annually, they could pay these people a livable wage."
"We will no longer accept an economy in which over half of our people live paycheck to paycheck."
"If you work 40 hours a week in the United States, you should not have to live in poverty."
"We're talking about having Americans not just have a living wage but a wage with dignity."
"The good news is jobs are there. Wages are there."
"Wages haven't grown fast enough to keep up with the higher cost of living."
"Most people are simply the victims of rising prices, rising inflation, and wages just not keeping up."
"You can't pay these folks a decent wage to go back home and you can't even give them free uniforms at the least."
"For 150 years, the United States experienced something no other capitalist country did: every decade, the real wage of the average worker went up."
"For the worker deserves his wages."
"Two-thirds of households say their wages have not kept up with their cost of living."
"People should pay writers a livable wage."
"Maybe we should just pay servers a livable wage instead of this weird awkward custom of tipping."
"As inflation goes up, real wages have also gone up."
"There's a true inequity in the world around how construction workers get paid and how truck drivers get paid."
"A union worker, all else being equal, makes $13 more than a non-union worker, and over the course of an entire career, that works out to an extra $1.3 million dollars on average."
"Thanks to something called the union threat effect, your wages will go up too, even if you aren't part of a union, when unionization goes up in your area or your industry."
"Unions raise wages. Even assuming you make minimum wage, you're laughing at the PS3 because that's like the most common meme. Even assuming you make minimum wage, you're laughing at the PS3."
"Ultimately, the problem we have in our economy is that nobody's getting paid enough money."
"How are you really going to be like, 'Fast food workers shouldn't be paid $20 an hour'? You're psycho, like you're actually insane."
"Total pay is currently growing at 5.5%, which is way above where we were in 2019."
"The wages here can be really high for service jobs."
"No one would work for six dollars an hour. Nobody would work for six dollars an hour."
"Childhood Educators need better wages and working conditions to improve retention and recruitment."
"Folks would prefer better wages, better healthcare, and better benefits."
"If you're not going to pay people enough to live, why would they work for you? Even slaves get food and shelter covered."
"Many people who are working one to two jobs, they're not making living wages, and so the ability for them to afford the food is just too high."
"Minimum wage is actually livable."
"Real wages continue to go up, which is good for consumers."
"Wage theft is approximately 15% of workers' wages."
"Anytime you play, your dealers are typically paid minimum wage and they make their living off of tips. So keep that in mind when you're playing."
"...if you're reasonably qualified and you're able to do the work and you're willing to live with the wage, you know, that is definitely something that I hear from hiring managers is, kind of that discriminatory, uh, very subtle discrimination."
"Median real wages have declined steadily since 1980."
"Let's fight for living wages for those essential workers."
"I think the FED is correct in pointing towards wages because if we continue to have 4% wage growth, we can't sustain 2% inflation."
"Most people are making, if they're good jobs, between 20 and 25 dollars an hour."
"Only in our dreams are we free; the rest of the time we need wages."
"Every dollar that you earn in wages, 6.2 percent of that gets paid into Social Security and that's withheld directly from your paycheck."
"Wages are not going up. In fact, they've been stagnant, and some cases even declining over time."
"In our market if we have to pay someone a minimum of 18 dollars per hour... there's no way in the world fifty bucks an hour is going to work for us."
"Union workers earn 20 percent more on average than non-union workers."
"If you opt for on-call shifts, you can expect a pay rise of forty to fifty percent more than what you're getting in your basic pay."
"$30 bucks an hour for a line cook in Texas."
"I'm on less wages than all my directors and always have been. I ain't that guy."
"Throughout the 1950s up until about the 1970s, real wages for a lot of workers increased year on year, driven by heightened unionization rates and regulations on exploitative forms of capitalism."
"In America, McDonald's workers really do suffer a low wage."
"Tipping historically has been a way to reward really good service. But now, it's turned into just a way for employers to get away with paying their staff less."
"Flexible wages imply that workers' wages increase with inflation and decrease with deflation."
"So if they paid minimum wage uh if minimum wage was realistic it wouldn't be so hard it's very hard to make a living now."
"Labor is so scarce that just to get an okay person I got to pay twenty dollars an hour."
"There is still upward pressure on wages akin to the upward pressure that we see on inflation."
"The biggest problem in our economy is simply people are not getting paid enough."
"McDonald's also exists in Denmark... What is a poverty wage job here is a middle class job in Denmark."
"Americans don't want to do menial labor for legal wages capitalism requires a certain amount of menial labor."
"If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, try it."
"Trona mining means about 2,800 high paying jobs in Sweetwater County."
"64% of people want lower prices. 20% of people want higher wages."
"I think it's worth mentioning that all of these wages don't include working any overtime which as an electrician overtime is something that is usually pretty available if you want to take it."
"A low Supply and a high demand is going to mean some very high wages for electricians in the future possibly even much higher than we could ever imagine right now."
"I think if you start paying off student loans and you start helping people with education and you start raising wages, I think you'll be able to get the people you want."
"Miners get paid really well with almost no expertise needed and they get huge production bonuses."
"It's been a good time for workers to find jobs and get solid wage increases."
"Wages are now moving up more than inflation as inflation comes down."
"American workers' earnings will increase by $400 billion to $488 billion in the next decade."
"...a Laborer's wages could never pay 300 and now the fact that they were poor meant that they would soon be shipped off to go and fight and die in the horrific meat grinder style battles of 1862 and 1863..."
"The McDonald's down the street from my house is paying people $15 an hour."
"It's important to pay a living wage, not just rely on tips."
"Not every job should have a living wage, but if you're going to be quitting your job, you don't want to risk them making you pay for your shit by filing vandalism charges against you."
"I genuinely consider that if she had only been getting paid five dollars an hour working 70 hours a week that's 350 if there's not even overtime which is look the math is like he's charging her over a thousand dollars for renting a couch to sleep on or something that's absurd."
"Don't always tip... tipping isn't required in Australia and that's mainly because their minimum wage is the highest in the world."
"You cannot survive on minimum wage in Most states."
"I don't want American workers to compete against people making 56 cents an hour."
"Rising price for the things you buy is just as devastating as getting less in wages. A cut in wages means you can't afford stuff, but rising prices means exactly the same thing."
"What can one person do? Let me prove to you what one day's wages can do."
"An intelligent capitalist is going to realize that high wage labor is more productive than low-wage labor."
"So here are two young people who are enslaved in Virginia who get used to getting wages and managing money and having something that was their own."
"It is this party that is committed to higher wages and higher skills."
"Maybe we should just pay servers a living wage instead of making weird awkward custom of tipping."
"An overwhelming majority of Americans agree that the minimum wage needs to go up."
"The jobs we have need to be paid enough to live on."
"People externalize price hikes... and they internalize wage gains."
"Wages are rising, rising faster than inflation."
"The Progressive Movement is making women get paid an equal wage, if not more than men."
"Imagine we paid all those people like a reasonable living wage."
"Better productivity leads to more economic growth, leads to higher wages for everybody."
"Paying the minor leaguers a living wage."
"The minimum wage creates $92 billion extra in wages for working Americans."
"Everything's going up except the wages."
"One additional year of education causes wages to increase by 0.54 US dollars."
"When unemployment is low, workers are scarce, they have more bargaining power to push up wages."
"He inherited his father’s radicalism by supporting a minimum wage combined with workers’ participation in factory governance."
"People working full-time deserve a living wage at the barest of minimums."
"What everybody needs in this country at the minute is a pay rise."
"We will make American Energy with American workers earning family-sustaining wages."
"The cost of living in cities continues to increase but wages have remained stagnant or declined in the past decades, particularly for the lower and middle class."
"Let's guarantee all workers have a living wage."
"Wages are rising at the fastest rate in many decades, and they're rising the fastest for the lowest income Americans."
"The key cost of a service-based business is the wages of the staff that provide those services."
"The average worker is getting poorer as inflation is outstripping their wage growth."
"The PSG wage bill is 2,368% larger than Brest's."
"Wage growth adjusted for inflation stronger than it was pre-pandemic, stronger than it was under Donald Trump."
"It'll raise worker wages because they actually have to compete."
"It's nice that now like people my age are gonna get paid a minimum wage that is good enough to help support them in the future."
"We're here to talk about wages, we're here to talk about education, we're here to talk about saving our planet."
"Why should people work for such low wages if they also need government benefits just to eat while also working 40 hours a week? Amen, sister, amen."
"This is about people being able to have wages and able to survive."
"Give the employee his wage before the sweat on his forehead has a chance to dry."
"We had a record household median income and a record low in poverty, and real wages were going up."
"Prices are not rising rapidly anymore, wages continue to rise more quickly."
"We don't have an unwillingness to work problem in America; we have a not paying people a survivable livable wage problem."
"Wages are rising at the fastest rate in many decades."