
Self-support Quotes

There are 571 quotes

"If you can't look in the mirror and authentically see a human being that you respect, that you encourage, that you like, that you're cheering for...let's just go with: Can you accept yourself? Can you like yourself? Can you see a person that's worthy of support, worthy of your encouragement?"
"Be your own best friend, be kind to you...because it's the right thing to do."
"I am my own best friend, and living life with myself is amazing."
"You become your own support system, and it makes the entire process just that little bit smoother."
"I'm gonna hold my hand and walk myself through it because I am my own best friend."
"Your inner voice is on your side, so it's important to develop and encourage this connection."
"You'd be surprised how far you can go in life if you just are relentless and you show up for yourself repeatedly."
"Your body and your mind is not against you; it's very much on your side."
"Your inner voice is turning more into your biggest cheerleader and supporter rather than your harshest critic."
"You've got yourself, and you can trust yourself."
"Self-acceptance means to be on your own side, to refuse to be in an adversarial relationship to yourself."
"Self-esteem is about supporting yourself. It’s about taking control of yourself, of your mind, of your body, of your behaviors."
"I know life's going to be a roller coaster... and I know that I'll have my own back when that time comes."
"Everyone has a different perception of what's right and wrong in life, and not everyone's going to support me, and I respect that and it doesn't really matter because I am my biggest cheerleader."
"We have the ability to be mean and critical of ourselves. We also have the ability to be kind and to be supportive of ourselves."
"Encouragement, what can you do today? Place a little bit of faith in yourself."
"You have to be your biggest supporter this month."
"No matter what, you're going to be okay. You're going to remember that no matter what, you got your own back."
"The high five says not 'Yeah, I'm amazing'...This is grounded in compassion. This is basically saying, 'I see you, you're right, this is hard, and you know what? You can do this, and I'm going to be here, and I've got your back.'"
"Being able to be with yourself and to look yourself in the eye and to really get, 'This is hard, and you know what? You're still going to do it, and I got you,' that's it."
"Being your own cheerleader, rooting for yourself is so important, even if no one else is rooting for you."
"What self-belief sounds like... I had to be the biggest believer of myself."
"No one will believe in you if you don't believe in yourself. Be your own cheerleader."
"You have to learn to be your own best friend at some particular point and bet on yourself when no one else will."
"You haven't been standing in partnership with yourself. That changes when you high-five yourself in the mirror."
"It's so easy for us to criticize ourselves, but you know what? You need to be your number one fan."
"Write yourself a letter that when you're going through something challenging, you open it up."
"I want to support myself. I want to be friends with myself."
"What if you were just kind to yourself all of the time? What if you were your own supportive best friend?"
"Forgiving yourself for any mistakes, problems, issues that might have popped up and then also being a lot more loving and supportive of yourself."
"You have to be there for you. You can't abandon yourself during this process."
"It's critical that your attitudes towards yourself during this process would mirror or simulate the kind of attitude you would hope to see in a parent with a child."
"One day at a time, people. One day at a time. You got this."
"You have got to encourage yourself and protect yourself from all the negativity."
"You need not be upset about it...your body is 100% on your side."
"Support your own, period. Stop deriving your self-esteem and your self-worth from your oppressors' brands."
"We cannot longer apologize for supporting our own because nobody else is."
"In the beginning of your journey, nobody understands your vision; be your own biggest cheerleader."
"If you struggle, if you stumble, if you quote unquote fall, fail, whatever, don't feel sorry for yourself."
"We want to be feeling good and we want to make sure that we know our worth and we are cheering ourselves on like little cheerleaders."
"Your life path and purpose fully supports you."
"Use the power of your words to support yourself and your life."
"I named this new account snam's number one fan because you're not gonna be successful in anything without your biggest supporter being yourself."
"There is no reason for me to just feel sorry for myself and do nothing."
"Self-encouragement may be the most important tool we have."
"You have to be your biggest fan in order to become your own boss."
"No matter what it is you got to get up and make it happen, you know what I mean? Whether you're supporting kids or you're supporting yourself, it didn't matter. You did whatever you had to do to keep things moving."
"This is not a time to give on yourself, this is not a time to beat yourself up."
"You deserve the same amount of love and compassion from yourself at your lowest lows."
"You're attracting genuine friends who support you and celebrate you, breaking old patterns and finding confidence."
"Your body is always fighting for you, it's always on your team, it's always trying to help you be as healthy as you can."
"It gives me like a second strength almost or like a second it gives me like it uh I don't know just it boosts me."
"Sometimes you just gotta talk yourself off the cliff."
"Have your own back before expecting others to have it for you."
"Don't doubt your worth, be your biggest champion."
"You're no longer supporting them in their dream, you're supporting yourself."
"Don't give up on yourself, don't give up on others."
"You are exactly who you need to be, and you will get there as long as you continue to choose you and show up for yourself."
"You gotta stand on it, even when the world is trying to tear you down."
"You shouldn't hold yourself back, you should be your biggest cheerleader and supporter, it's beautiful because that, you know if nobody's gonna support you, it starts with you right?"
"Can you be good enough and brave enough for yourself to give as much as you would give to somebody else? Can you do that for you? I think that you can."
"You should be your own biggest cheerleader, your own biggest supporter, your own biggest motivator."
"You have been persistent with yourself, you didn't give up on yourself."
"If you're not your number one fan, you've lost because the market's really good at tearing you down."
"You have to give yourself those things you want validation. Give it to yourself."
"You are so capable of being by yourself. You're your own best friend."
"The best thing you can do is remain emotionally available to yourself."
"You have enough people in life against you, don't be against yourself."
"Have your own back. That's coming through right now."
"You should always be your own biggest fan and your best supporter and advocate."
"Stop questioning yourself, stop doubting yourself, stop undermining yourself."
"Choosing self-supportive paths, even if unconventional, leads to profound recognition and inner alignment."
"It's exciting, you want to be a fan of your own work that's a really important thing."
"You literally have to be your own number-one supporter and believe in yourself because no one else really is gonna do it."
"If you're disappointed still keep going because that's the only two options you have either you're going to quit on yourself or you're going to fight for yourself."
"Your biggest hero, cheerleader, and motivator is yourself."
"The part of self-love is being there during both of those times and knowing that you have your own back."
"Become your own best friend... Be your own support and you will start feeling better."
"I know that um I try to hold my head high in every situation... You should be a pillar of strength to yourself and to anybody else."
"Accept yourself and love yourself for exactly what you're going through."
"Embrace the fact that you are on Team You and trust your Soul's Journey."
"Be that person for somebody else, especially be that person for yourself."
"Above everything else, support yourself right now."
"Don't let your wisdom be created because you're trying to find a crutch for your insecurities."
"Don't be your worst critic, be your best and strongest supporter."
"Don't give up on yourself, you deserve the best."
"We've got to be much more about supporting and caring for ourselves... rather than giving our care and our support and our love away to each other."
"Just kind of like accepting, like damn, I really wish he was feeling this way but he's not. Let me just try to give some of that energy back to myself."
"You gotta be on your side sis, be on team you."
"Choose the path that is most nurturing and supportive of you and your journey."
"Support and prepare yourself for whatever may come."
"Your mind will turn from a critic into that friend that's really cheering you on."
"Optimism doesn't have to be just sunshine and smiling and happy all the time. Optimism is just you giving yourself another chance."
"Hold yourself through it and be proud of yourself."
"The universe supports me in manifesting my desires."
"Be surrounded by people that lift us up, be really conscious of how we speak to ourselves."
"Be kind to yourself and cheer yourself forward."
"Be that voice of recognition, of reaffirmation, of support in yourself, this is the inner strength being cultivated, being developed."
"Don't give up on yourself. Keep pushing through."
"Sometimes you have to be your own fan until people catch on."
"Journey inwards is you holding your own. It's you being able to remain centered and grounded regardless of the incoming."
"Be your biggest cheerleader and embrace being different. The sexiest thing you could be is different."
"Be kind, realistic, and supportive of your own self, your own needs."
"Team energy – being a team player for yourself."
"The most you can do is hold space for yourself as you do this."
"It's not about drawing more, it's about learning to be on my own side."
"Don't give up on yourself. Don't throw in the towel so quickly."
"Pride is just about supporting ourselves and each other."
"Be your own cheerleader, find your own cheerleaders."
"Stay with it, breathe, and believe in yourself."
"Be a real human being, be supportive of your own life, of your own family, and of the people around you, and just get on with your life and make things work."
"Know that you are not alone, first of all. Second of all, you are processing, healing, transforming."
"You're not giving up on yourself even if at times you may feel like you want to."
"Accept yourself, cheer for yourself, encourage yourself."
"Your real strength was not in your ability or inability to call the shots on it because either way it was outside of your control. Your strength is when you picked yourself up from the ground and you carried you."
"Be a light of inspiration and hope for yourself."
"It's important that you do not give up, particularly on yourself."
"Don't give up on yourself, don't give up on love."
"I promise I'll do my best to stand tall for you and for myself."
"We not gonna judge you for buying Gucci belts or Jordans but we will push you to make sure that you support yourself."
"Love yourself a little bit more, be kinder to yourself, and be more supportive."
"You need to be your biggest fan, your biggest cheerleader."
"Couldn't be that support because I hadn't found it within myself."
"When you stop abandoning yourself and you reassure yourself like you would someone you love, 'I'm with you, I've got you, I'm here,' it changes the entire way you feel about anything."
"Anytime you're feeling upset or literally any emotion, 'I'm with you.' When you're in the good moments and the happy moments, 'I'm with you.' You feel so much more reconnected to yourself."
"Be your first fan, be your first believer, and the rest will come."
"I want to talk to myself the way I would like my own best friend."
"We all have the courage to see ourselves, support ourselves, and love ourselves."
"Personal affirmations... telling yourself literally looking at yourself and being like your best friend."
"I am going to believe in and support myself."
"Rebelling against what doesn't serve inner needs can lead to less work, more pay, and a new way of supporting yourself."
"You have to be really kind to yourself in times like this."
"You have got to be your own best friend."
"I'm my biggest fan and my biggest critic."
"There is nothing and no one to prevent you from continuing the joy you've produced with a second step, a second breath."
"It's the gifts you came in with that are waiting for you there to access, to support you, to help you feel good about your Life Path."
"I choose to remember that when I give myself permission to validate my fear of standing alone, I may then choose to prioritize myself and create in myself a loyal companion."
"Clearly, we're going to be stronger, more confident, more able to deal with the difficulties of life when we're our own ally, when we support ourselves."
"We want to focus on removing and clearing any blockages that prevent you from fully connecting with yourself or fully supporting yourself or fully taking care of yourself potentially."
"You must see the ending; you must be your own cheerleader."
"I am my safest space I am my best friend I am my biggest supporter because everything else has the chance of leaving everything you are solid and who you are right here."
"The driver fundamentally of sustainable motivation has got to be a kind of allyship with yourself."
"You remember that you always have your back, you're your best friend, and you've gotta be there for yourself."
"My whole life has been my number one fan."
"In a moment when you feel alone, you can give yourself the boost, the support, the empowerment that you need to keep going."
"I'm supporting myself with my photography."
"Your why has to be there for you today. You're gonna like this workout, but always know you are your own biggest ally."
"you have to be your own best friend when you're on this stage"
"The more love and inner presence you can give your consciousness through this process, then it will feel safe enough to continue receiving the upgrades."
"Be your own best friend, be your own best therapist."
"So I really encourage you to support your healing by writing down on paper what it is you really want."
"Being your own toughest critic only makes sense if you are your own greatest Ally."
"Be your biggest fan. It's the weirdest thing, bro."
"Just a reminder to be there for yourself and to not abandon yourself when things get tough."
"But you gotta believe if you're gonna pass this test. You can't, you gotta believe in you. You have to be your biggest fan. You have to be a bigger supporter. You have to be your biggest crutch."
"You are your own sad space, your own support system therapist. You vent to yourself. No one knows what you're going through."
"You have to be your own best friend."
"Encourage people to be their own best friend."
"Whether it was hard advice or good advice, it still helped, tweeted his support for himself."
"You have to be your biggest fan, right?"
"I want to be my first subscriber."
"You might need to be your own supporter here for a while."
"You are your biggest cheerleader."
"I don't know what else to do when I'm having a bad day other than do some sort of self-care."
"Now, even on a more micro level, you always have you. And are you supportive? Are you there for you? Do you calm yourself down when you start freaking, breaking out and spiraling out of control? Is there another part of you saying, 'Hey, slow down, we got this?'"
"It's a weird combination of being your biggest fan but also being your biggest critic and understanding that you have to play both sides of that."
"Support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you."
"Be your own teammate, be your deepest sense, your deepest partner because you are your own teammate and your deepest partner from the time you took your first breath on this earth to the very last one you have."
"Never keep it negative. You need to be your own biggest ally, your own biggest fan."
"Being there for yourself when you fall, hey, get back up. Falling is an indicator of progress, courage, and strength."
"No one is ever truly going to understand you as well as you. Be there for yourself like you would for your own child."
"As you're going through the really challenging situation, if you're actively supporting yourself, you're an ally as opposed to an enemy."
"...there is nobody, and I mean nobody on this planet Earth that's gonna support you like how you support yourself."
"I'm really proud of myself because I'm supporting myself."
"Your arms don't have to be big and buff, they just have to be able to hold you."
"Be on your own side this time. Cheer yours. It's actually fine to make life easy."
"You have to be your biggest supporter, your biggest encourager."
"Learn to become your biggest fan, friend, and even take your own advice."
"You have to work on yourself and you have to be your own champion."
"You have to be your biggest fan and it's a really tough and they're really rough and nothing's working but there's something inside of you that says I just have to follow that because you don't know who you're gonna be"
"Give yourself a hug or that you have your own back or that you fight for yourself if nobody's fighting for you you fight for yourself because you believe in love."
"Being there for yourself when you fall, get back up."
"If somebody's showing you signs that they're being a hater, they're not supportive, just walk away."
"Some people have asked me, 'Why you got your own car and your own shirt on?' What am I gonna wear, Michael Jordan with my face on his shirt? I'm gonna be my fan. My kids are my fan. That's what I care about."
"In life, you have to be your first fan."
"Just stop and give yourself a high five because it's not easy."
"Instead of criticizing yourself and beating yourself up over a few shortcomings, what happens if you become your biggest cheerleader?"
"Once you're your biggest cheerleader, your life is going to start to change. I know it to be true."
"This sends you into your day feeling like you have your own back."
"It's cool to have a side project, but you have to also be able to support yourself."
"You have to talk to yourself the way that you would talk to a friend."
"You can give yourself whatever you need right now, whether it's a compliment, a breath, a hug, love, silence, stillness."
"I'm such a fan of my own show, it's great."
"Nobody is going to be a bigger cheerleader for you than you."
"If you can't stand up on the outside, stand up on the inside."
"For the first time, I was on my own side."
"I'm going to celebrate my wins and I'm going to be my own cheerleader here."
"But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God."
"Self Reiki helps support us in creating healthier boundaries."
"We have to be our own cheerleaders, we have to be on our own squad."