
Grit Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Grit includes passion, perseverance, character, courage, the ability to perform under pressure, resilience, consistency, loyalty, creativity, effort, patience, time management, and optimism."
"What is grit? Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals."
"It may feel a little bit gritty from time to time, but...there will be transformation as a result of the work that you put in."
"What boot camp does to people is it improves this psychological concept called grit."
"Grit is the ability to get punched in the face, to get knocked down, to get screwed over, and continue to get back up and keep going."
"Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years."
"Grit as resilience is dogged, never-say-die, raw determination, never give up spirit."
"Grit and perseverance, which is not just what athletes have but anyone who achieves and succeeds and excels in life or anything else they choose, generally requires a little bit of grit and perseverance."
"Grit is this combination of passion and perseverance for really long-term goals."
"The number one predictor of success isn't past success. It isn't academic achievement. It isn't SAT scores, it isn't even socioeconomic status, it's grit."
"There is not one golden thread for determinants of success but if I was to hang my hat on something I'd say grit is really important."
"The ultimate skill set to have is grit and the ability to not quit."
"The resilience that this team has shown and the grit this team has shown over the past five years to get where we are today is just phenomenal."
"The James Bond franchise could be a lot grittier."
"Certain shit you gotta just go all the way down with."
"The aftermath was a testament to the firefighter's grit and resilience"
"Grit. Don't give up, don't look at failures as setbacks, look at them as opportunities to learn something and evolve."
"That was quite a performance by a gritty bunch of Hoosiers."
"Erosion is for adding grit and kind of like the extra dirt to something without saturating it."
"This game's bringing out his competitive excellence... it's going to bring out the gritty side of Jordan Travis."
"This is grit. What type of grit are you going to have in this unknown area?"
"Do you have the grit that when things aren't going your way and it changes, that you're able to adapt and still go?"
"This movie also has some real grit and heartbreak to it."
"Persistence, patience, and grit will help you accomplish so much in your life."
"It's a derby. The only thing that we need here is determination, grit, and three points."
"Ultimately, it is grit and resilience that sets winners apart and not just Talent."
"He showed grit, he showed determination to will to win."
"...stay gritty, friends, stay gritty."
"... it was gritty, hard-hitting, hard-fought."
"It's a story of grit, it's a story of loyalty, it's just a love story."
"Everything is in this story. It's a story of grit, it's a story of loyalty, it's just a love story."
"It's not about your your talent it's not about your skill it's not about who you know it's about your grit."
"Look at that, it needed like some grit, because it's so fresh."
"Grit is courage, resolve, and strength of character."
"He wanted to learn what it really means to like sweat and and and be in pain and have long days you know before I get into a cushiony seat you know nothing against bond brokers of course you know but I remember he had that grit you know that he wanted to be that kind of a man."
"It was real, you know? It showed that under all the rainbows and sunshine, there's some grit."
"So grit, he exhibited grit. He exhibited curiosity and analytical mindset and the ability to get things done. And that's, that is one of the key variables that transitions from a competitor to a champion is results and winning."
"You've got to admire Richard's grit. It's incredible."
"Grit is passionate and sustained persistence."
"You need grit not to start, you need grit to finish."
"Griffin embarked on a journey marked by perseverance and grit undertaking various odd jobs."
"Buffalo really embodies that word 'grit'."
"Grit and say this is silly to be afraid."
"It is the very grit and the blood in our veins, it's the quality of attention we may bring to our years and our days that actually make the things we learn be about the healing and good of other lives."
"I love how he plays with enthusiasm, and this Memphis team is getting back to being very gritty and grimy."
"Always have that grit and give Grace where it's needed maybe where it's not deserved but give Grace and have a wonderful day."
"Their grittiest, most urban character yet: Popeye the Sailor Man."
"You want to have grit, you want to have resilience, you want to persevere."
"It's about grit, perseverance, work ethic, and the never quit drive required to do amazing things."
"It's about the comeback right? And that's we'll take grit you know over talent every day of the week."
"Great chefs have that grit and determination, and Daniel has that in abundance."
"Grit is passion and perseverance toward a goal despite significant obstacles."
"It builds in that grit and determination and stubbornness to let's think about this, let's try and solve this problem, let's be curious as to how it does what it does."
"I love me a good gritty superhero universe."
"Through grit and determination, he founded the first major European settlement in the American Midwest."
"Grit is the ability to withstand hardships and all kinds of crap that gets thrown your way."
"Grit is not something that just comes overnight; you have to develop it on a day-to-day basis."
"I leave you with this: grit is not something that just comes overnight; you have to develop it on a day-to-day basis."
"It's not forced distortion-type grit, this is actually guttural grit which comes from the backside versus coming from up here."
"He brings that grit and he brings that leadership."
"Our grittiness made people respect what we were doing."
"Woman's number one and overall number one seed by the community's intent send a message to reward grit in the face of adversity craft yourself like that."
"Enjoy your holiday season, stay gritty."
"A test of grit, gear, and fortitude for UC Irvine."
"It's a place full of grit and passion from eclectic groups of guys in all likelihood playing for their last few years."
"It's an event that brings out the uttermost grit in any type of athlete."
"For sure. You're absolutely right. It had a grit to it that made it feel like you were watching something you shouldn't be."
"The grit came from understanding that vision."
"Quitting may seem like your only choice at times, but it will leave behind a deeper grit that will stay with you until the end of your life."
"R's Odyssey offers a poignant perspective on adversity's influence in breeding grit and later enlightenment."
"I think when people go to these draft camps and you know they look at all these different numbers and what guys did in college you really can't measure the heart of a guy you really can't measure the grit of a guy."
"The major point is the courage, the sheer grit and determination."
"I think it's important to recognize that for certain outcomes... grit is more important than your measured IQ... or your measured physical ability."
"Many of the grit paragons I call them paragons of grit because to me they just exemplify passion and perseverance for long-term goals."
"Essential to grit is the notion of the sustained, long-term series of actions in your life in pursuit of goals that you care about. But you do not have to know what the end goals are at the start of that journey."
"I just love people who just stand their ground. I just love... I don't care what you did, if you stand your ground like you have grit, you know? Grit!"
"Just pure grit that got this place going."
"The grit of a leather strop can be measured in tens of thousands of particles per millimeter."
"There's no glamour in it, mate. There's none whatsoever."
"The grit, determination of this Cinderella story Denver team."
"They showed grit, grace, determination, nerves of steel, everything you want."
"I had to learn more, develop more grit, perseverance, and resilience."
"His roles that he plays is so natural, like it's just like that, gutter, yeah, do you know what I mean?"
"A lot of determination, a lot of grit."
"It's a fantasy game, relatively gritty."
"You can't win in the playoffs without buying into the ugly stuff, the tough stuff, the nasty stuff."
"This close is the difference in grit, determination, and courage and try."
"This girl has a lot of grit and she's not going anywhere."
"This is the time whenever they talk about cowboys having no quit, having a lot of grit, having a lot of try."
"Perseverance, there's a lot to be said for perseverance."
"You talk about True Grit, that's Harry Gant."
"Grit is a rating for the trail that you're actually riding."
"You've got to have a compassion and love and see that you're serving something bigger than yourself to truly tap into the essence of grit."
"Grit is a quality that I define as the combination of passion and perseverance over a long period of time."
"What it means to have grit when you're trying to do something really hard... is to not give up, to keep trying."
"I have not yet met a world-class executive who is not a paragon of grit, of passion and perseverance."
"Chickens don't have a stomach like me or you; they actually need to eat little rocks, commonly called grit, to be able to digest their food."
"The capacity for sustained hard labor over really long stretches of time, that's what we call grit."
"Grittiness kind of emerges when there's an imperative need."
"You've got grit and determination; you're not afraid of hard work."
"It's called grit, I think it's the willingness to not give up."
"Persevere. Persevere. Nothing worthwhile is easy."
"You need real grit to complete big goals."
"When it comes to qualities like grit, we overestimate the effects of parenting and we underestimate the effects of nature."
"They just showed so much grit, it's normally the grit that you see from an Australian team."
"It's a gritty, kind of realistic take on a Western."
"Drive hard, get dirty, and look good doing it."
"Grit, courage, determination, distinctive style."
"Just got to find a way to get it done, got to be gritty, got to be tough."
"I guess I do have more grit than I thought I had."
"Logan somehow manages to simultaneously be the most gritty and real entry in the X-Men franchise."
"Regret in your game, we all have our own version of what grit is, we need each and every one of our players to bring that."
"The Ferris Quarter is a gritty district known for its famous taverns and small artisan workshops."
"She was in the words of one journalist the incarnation of true American grit."
"Stay committed, even when it sucks."
"It's not going to be like a fluffy romance story; it's a drama about that world, so it's going to be a bit grittier."
"Success sometimes just boils down to stubbornness and perseverance."
"It takes grit and perseverance to continue down this path, to continue this journey."
"Conscientiousness is highly correlated with grit, so people who are passionate and persevering over the very long term tend also to be self-controlled and dependable."
"I like science fiction with a little dirt in it."
"It's about heart, grit, it's basically about human survival."
"It's about hard GP; it's basically about human survival."
"Right now, it's gonna just be about grit and toughness for Lindsey Webster."
"Developing discipline, grit, and determination skills serve anyone good throughout the course of an individual's life."
"We have the fortitude, the perseverance, all the stick-to-it-iveness to get to wherever you want to be."
"It's like a real gritty bluesy rock mix, it's good."
"I like being able to show people that you can accomplish great things just do a little bit grit and a lot of hard work."
"We are all gritty soldiers because we are constantly trying to improve."
"I was just that gritty, hard-working guy."
"Oh determination, grit, that's what got him over the line."
"There's something about that idea of grit, of facing the world and seeing that these problems need to be eradicated, and I've got to sacrifice and I've got to do these things, and it might even be my life."
"And you know I can guarantee you won't find anybody grittier or tougher than me."
"Things may seem insurmountable, but we have the grit inside of us to get them all done."
"I love singing like that with a bit of grit."
"The athlete with the most grit and determination is going to get across the line first."
"The storyline is great, it's really gritty, it's got great character development."
"It's like the Batman Begins of Tomb Raider; we're going to give you grittier and more like in... there aren't going to be T-Rexes showing up for no reason."
"Life is not optimal, and you clearly need to learn the skill of grit."
"Showing up is associated with grit."
"Persistence is essentially grit. It's those people who basically will walk through walls to get things done."
"It's that combination of amazing strength with grit, focus, and endurance that makes him truly unstoppable."
"Grit and resilience are elusive but highly desirable traits."
"Persistence, passion, and perseverance."
"Plucked from obscurity, he took on the role and responsibility of being the tracker with true grit."
"He's a scrapper, a gamer, a guy that never quits."
"The story being told is gritty and fairly realistic."
"He never gives up and he's extremely determined."
"They showed a lot of determination and grit today."
"I'm a big believer in grit. People who hang on and people who have a shine in their eyes and a knife in their teeth."
"Grit and determination to get through anything in life."
"Sometimes progress is not all nice and neat; it can be dirty."
"It's like winning a shootout, I don't care how ugly, get it done."
"Every single time that we show up to one of these workouts, we get a little bit more grit."
"These people are so gritty and like dirty, like the storylines are so raunchy at times."
"DC can be more gritty, DC can be more raw, and I think that's where James Gunn can shine."
"Dion wants dogs, and Jay Phil is a dog."
"Someone who doesn't give up, someone with sheer determination."
"They felt accessible and real and gritty and dirty, and I loved it because it made me feel like there's another avenue to explore here in superhero watching that doesn't necessarily have to be out in the cosmic universe or massive superpowers."
"The real gritty player does it on both ends of the court."
"We have such a love affair with hard work and grit, but in fact, hard work alone is not enough."
"They've tried for five years to fix their bottom six, and at least they've got some guys that'll play with a little bit of bite."
"Choosing a bounty hunter to be your main character... puts the teeth back in Star Wars."
"We're not doing a cookie-cutter Marvel film, we're doing something gritty and grounded."
"Grit is the ability to persevere, to see things through, to go past the point at which it has stopped being fun and it becomes boring."