
Sanctuary Quotes

There are 1481 quotes

"Your home is your sanctuary, and it should be a safe space."
"No matter where I am, I am home. The most sacred sanctuary is found within me."
"You guys are a sanctuary, therefore it is important and imperative... to take the proper time to breathe, being connected with the source."
"It's because you're the sanctuary, therefore you have to constantly make sure that you are open and that you are cleansed to remain a sanctuary."
"Invest time and energy on making your home a sanctuary."
"It gives people a safe haven to feel comfortable."
"Delta Rescue, the largest no-kill, care-for-life animal sanctuary in the world."
"Javier embodies the spirit of sanctuary; he and we together are sanctuary."
"Finding some type of sanctuary for yourself, where your creative juices can just flow."
"The person that I learned tarot from actually reminded me that your house is not just a place that you live; it's a temple."
"Once inside, I became engulfed in a feeling of warmth and belonging. That's just the effect this place has on you."
"My home is a sacred space full of beauty, inspiration, and protection."
"The secret place... is the place where God lives."
"Sanctuary is where the heroes go when the overwhelming aspect of being a hero becomes too much for them to bear."
"The theater is my home. I won't be fucked with here."
"Your home and your space should be like your little sanctuary."
"Turn your living space into a sanctuary and just watch your happiness increase."
"Your voice is important. How you speak, how you stand up for your beliefs, your morals, your integrity is important."
"Keep it a sanctuary, a temple to the memory of those so tragically slain."
"Dellacroix founded lamplight so that it could be a home for the Damned, the dispossessed, the refugee, and the lost."
"If you need a sanctuary, this house is your home."
"The Morgan Dynasty presents itself as one of love and acceptance, a safe haven for those who have no place in the world of Grace."
"You are going to be somebody that provides sanctuary for others."
"Trust in me alone, and I'll become a sanctuary for you."
"A relationship should not be a prison of paranoia, it should be your own personal sanctuary."
"This is my sanctuary, my tiny little apartment."
"Welcome to the oasis, a fertile spot within a vast wasteland."
"Now that Muslims have a prophet, Muhammad, and they have a revelation, the Quran, they need a sanctuary."
"Sanctuary: time stands still, allowing you to lose yourself in a world untouched by the chaos of the outside."
"A breathtaking stop in our apartment, our only bastion of safety."
"The church should be a refuge, a safe haven for children."
"Sybil lived a lonely life but Hogwarts gave her a home."
"Your connection is this healing shelter, this healing sanctuary."
"Sanctuary can very much be found in the void as well."
"If there ever had been a place for Jerry, Kim would have been the one to provide it to him."
"They feel drawn to you as if you're a sanctuary."
"Welcome to the secret place where all your prayers are answered."
"Schools are essentially an extension of the home in that sense, providing sanctuaries of learning of nurturing and care."
"Tree houses are the little people, aren't they? They're places of sanctuary and excitement, imagination, fun, escape."
"Your body is a temple, your house should be your Fortress. Maintain your peace and take care of your body."
"Finding sanctuary, opening to your spiritual source."
"She gave me Safe Haven here at the Abbey, something I'd never known."
"My house shall be called the house of prayer."
"There's often nowhere for them to go, with better equipped sanctuaries and zoos already overrun thanks to many owners buying a cute little easy to manage tiger cub."
"Chicago must lead with and live by the promise to be a sanctuary City."
"We are a beacon of light, hope, and of refuge."
"It's in that spirit that the Irish people have, are, and will open their doors to provide sanctuary and shelter for those men, women, and children fleeing their..."
"Create a sanctuary, make life magical again."
"Lead me to the rock, lead me to the sanctuary, there's hope there, there's healing there, there's victory there."
"Your mind is a private sanctuary; it's like a private room or a magical room."
"God's love summons your story summons your striving and it summons your Sanctuary wherever you're hiding place is."
"I just am really excited for her to have her own like sanctuary."
"Home to me is like a Sacred Space... it's this place where you can come back and recharge and rest and regroup before you go out into the world."
"This is where I prepare stuff for you guys this is where I decompress from a very stressful life this is my retreat."
"Our homes should be a sanctuary where God's word is elevated and lived out."
"This is about stepping into your power and finding sanctuary."
"The master bedroom represents a retreat from the crazy chaos in the rest of the house."
"In the Twilight where past and future meet, the noir penthouse provides a sanctum from the chaos of the Commonwealth."
"Sanctuary resides inside you no matter what is happening. This inner temple beckons you to enter."
"Republicans believe our country should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not for criminal aliens."
"Jesus offers a better covenant and a heavenly sanctuary."
"A church is a sacred space, a house of God where the faithful find forgiveness and sanctuary."
"His place wasn't just a sanctuary for big cats and animals, it was a sanctuary for people."
"This is my sanctuary, my favorite place to be in the world."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you had lots of places in your house like that too? Making your house into a retreat... it's invaluable."
"My great ambition and goal is to create a nice little oasis where we can all come together."
"My house is my sanctuary. If I don't have that, I have nothing."
"I am so grateful to have my tiny place especially at this time."
"You were my sanctuary, you're this person's home, you're the only person that they can confide in."
"I always come here to get away from all the negativity that's happening outside and around the world."
"The temple is the Temple of Man for his soul."
"I have got a place for you to live in that's free from fear, free from worry. It's a big place. It's full of Shalom. It's full of love. It's full of goodness."
"She has been living in this temple all her life, being looked after by the saintes who feed and clothe her."
"Pick one area in your home, one spot that is your saan space, your spot where you get to go to, away from or in the midst of the chaos of change."
"I'm thankful for the space you have created that gives me time to relax from the stress of life."
"The heart is the high altar, and here it is that the divine spirit abides with us."
"It's a reminder that the Rylands is here for you to be a place in which to be calm, in which to find some peace in the Heart of the City, a place just to be."
"They're just living the life, living the turtle's dream here in the turtle sanctuary."
"We have our own oasis here, as we like to say, in the middle of the city."
"My husband and I designed our garden to be a paradise for butterflies, birds, and bees."
"Create a place of beauty in your home or in nature that feels sacred and holy."
"Frodo's encounter with the enigmatic figures of Tom Bombadil and Goldberry becomes a sanctuary for his weary spirit."
"This is like a wildlife refuge out here; it's so untouched that wildlife found this as like a sanctuary."
"My garden had been my sanctuary, my place of solace where I could escape the stresses of everyday life and enjoy the natural world around me."
"You must love Jesus so much that He may be able to find in your heart an agreeable resting place."
"I enjoyed just staying around in this area, kind of like a little sanctuary."
"This is my little slice of heaven."
"Eric Good is like Noah, building a safe haven for, in some cases, the last of these animals on Earth."
"The altar is you. We are walking altars, we are temples, we are shrines, we are the church."
"In creating this secluded retreat, Taraji P. Henson has fashioned more than just a home; she has crafted a personal haven."
"My favorite part about having an animal sanctuary is giving all of the animals that we have here the absolute best quality of life possible."
"You can be at peace here for something here, inner peace."
"It's a precious time to recharge, it's a place to invite your loved ones, it's a haven, a safe haven."
"This is my escape from the world, my relief, my little piece of heaven."
"Home Design is important because this world's crazy, and you need to have that space to come home to that makes you feel good."
"This emotional and spiritual sanctuary that your twin flame provides is a rare and cherished aspect of the relationship."
"There's a place that I go that nobody knows, where the river flows, and I call it home."
"There's nothing better than coming home at the end of the day into your own sanctuary and feeling cozy."
"It's like my own little cave and my own little cove."
"Create that restful space... at least you have this little sanctuary to retreat to."
"We live in such a noisy, busy, chaotic world that now, more than ever, we really need a peaceful place to come home to."
"The wild places along the Australian coast and the ancient forests became a sanctuary for me."
"Home is that precious place where your heart feels safe to live, love, grow, and simply just be."
"It is my goal to share with you different things that you can do to make your home the sanctuary of your desires."
"Their home is truly their sanctuary."
"This is home when you're away from home."
"As soon as Val crossed the threshold, her tension eased a bit."
"A garden is not just a place of beauty; it's a sanctuary for you and a Haven for wildlife."
"We need to create a fantasy sanctuary in here."
"Our homes are really our havens, and when we love them, we feel good in them."
"It was sort of like being in the secret garden."
"There's something about this house that makes me feel super relaxed and it's just a haven."
"Create your own sanctuary where peace and joy reside."
"Books are familiar and comforting. Bookstores are very much a loyal space."
"Step inside your potting shed and the troubles of the world fade into the distance."
"It's your own little sanctuary where your imagination can take hold."
"It's just part of life, and if you can find your own little secluded space to create beauty in your garden, then it could be a little bench on your porch, a little corner in your garage, anything that you can claim as your own."
"That is the most important place on the entire planet, is home."
"You walk in here and you feel like it's an extension of you, a sanctuary for you to go."
"I love cars. It's my outlet, my sanctuary."
"You are like a sanctuary to them emotionally."
"You will make a home of your own, and it's going to be a beautiful sanctuary."
"That cabin was My Sanctuary my own personal slice of paradise."
"...offer them Sanctuary where they can feel safe and Thrive once again and with your help might finally one day be released back into the wild."
"Your home should be a sanctuary, and this isn't. Nowhere near that."
"A sanctuary where worries melted away."
"This apartment to me is really my getaway. You know, everyone needs a getaway in their life."
"You have to have a place where you don't feel the weight of [problems] all the time."
"Pacero reveals that he has extended his bed into an entire Castle, a personal sanctuary that he fiercely guards."
"Once again, Key West served as a sanctuary."
"This is a sanctuary this thing is gorgeous I love the shiplap accent wall like the Simplicity of it it's very simple and nice and elegant I like that a lot."
"This thing is amazing and then next to that, you've got the trash can drawer, an apron sink, and it's not looking out towards anything, but you know, I don't care if I'm in this kitchen, this is a sanctuary, this thing is amazing."
"Slab City is more than just a place to me it's a sanctuary I call home nestled away in the California desert it's a vibrant and eclectic Community where unconventional Souls find themselves Solace and freedom from societal conventions."
"I think that a home should really feel somewhere that you choose to be even when you could be anywhere else, that coming home just feels like a really special ceremony."
"...a safe haven in which to recuperate..."
"It was like a haven, a Garden of Eden."
"Home is where we can collectively breathe."
"Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive, survive."
"To me, the word home means a safe place. It's your sanctuary where you can kick back and just relax and be your most authentic self."
"Your secret place, that's where you find God."
"This has become your Asylum, you have found a place where you will be protected, you will not be judged, you will be seen, you will be known, you will be loved, and you will be honored."
"Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, but that becomes impossible when you're lucky enough to live beside the neighbors from hell."
"Our homes: the one place on Earth where we believe we have complete control."
"I feel like the bedroom is always just kind of My Sanctuary and like that's my little safe space where everything can be just comfortable and happy."
"This sprawling estate has 58 Acres of meticulously landscaped Gardens making it a veritable sanctuary of TR quility back in 2005 it made waves as the most expensive private residents globally commanding a staggering price tag of over 138 million."
"My bed was my sanctuary from a lot of things."
"The word home for me is my sanctuary. It is the place where I feel the most warmth and love. I need my home to be completely done and finished for my life to feel settled. It's the place where I feel the most myself."
"By the time I get to school at 7:20 in the morning until eight o'clock when homeroom starts, my room is a hangout space. It is a safe place, it is a quiet place for students to be."
"I'm happy and proud that the UK has given Justin sanctuary."
"Transform our spaces into vibrant, thriving sanctuaries that nourish the soul and inspire the spirit."
"Every place becomes a sanctuary. Every place becomes a place of worship."
"And they shall make a sanctuary that I may dwell among them."
"Love in a dark world, our homes become havens of peacefulness and joy."
"He gave us a place to go, a place called The Oasis."
"The home needs to be a place of worship."
"The forests were also a sanctuary to dozens of species hiding from extinctions and often had the last individuals of ancient taxa."
"They see you as their sanctuary, as the place they go to feel loved, nurtured, cared for, protected."
"They've really created a really nice protected, peaceful, calm place inside the garden area there."
"Creating a Haven, a place that allows us to rest and to be restored, is one of the most powerful ways to use our homes for good."
"Our home really is our Haven and I want this to be a place where people want to gather."
"I felt impotent and out of control, which I really hate. I needed to find sanctuary in a place where I could gather my thoughts."
"May this home be a sanctuary where your presence reigns and your peace prevails."
"It's our refuge, our safe haven, our happy place."
"Make the place wherever you are your sanctuary."
"Home to me means a safe place, a place of peace, enjoyment, a place where you can be yourself, have fun, and dream in."
"Our home is our Sanctuary, our own sacred Temple space where we grow, flourish, and blossom."
"The safest place I know to go to live is at the altar."
"The home, which is meant to be our safe place, is the foundational structure in which every other aspect of our life hinges on. When we have control over our space, we feel more confident and content, ready to take on any other challenges we might face."
"What the word home means to me... it really is a sanctuary to get away from the world."
"It is a place where you can run away from the rest of the world and be alone with your own self."
"My garden has become my personal Paradise where calmness and happiness is grown."
"We go out and we're protected from the outside world, but when we come inside, this is our sacred space."
"For a time, some male Aes Sedai sought refuge in steddings, special regions populated by large, thoughtful, peace-loving Ogier."
"a sanctuary we welcome everyone... whoever you are the Dharma gates welcome you"
"Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary."
"It shouldn't be some place that you wanna escape from."
"Home should in some ways feel like a vacation from the world."
"Home is a love letter to yourself."
"There's nothing like your own home."
"It's about nurturing your space, having your home be a sanctuary where you can focus on your dreams."
"In the embrace of the canyon, you find a sanctuary for reflection and wonder."
"The library is my favorite place right now. I actually don't have a place that I have ever liked as much as the library."
"This ship would make an excellent candidate for creating a floating sanctuary."
"We wanted to create a space where people could go to take time for themselves, for a moment."
"Music was young James's Sanctuary, his catharsis."
"Sanctuary is yours if you come in peace."
"We must show compassion, not fear. We must be the sanctuary they sought, not another threat."
"A place where Paul finds peace and strength."
"I love my tea drawer. It is my sanctuary."
"Our container became our base. Here we are in our land, a humble sanctuary amidst all the work ahead."
"It was a home in the best and truest sense of the word."
"This is a place of refuge from the storms of life."
"This island is not just a beach getaway, it's a sanctuary."
"The safest place is in the secret place."
"Creating spaces like this even if they're small and simple can really help to give your home a feeling of sanctuary."
"Your room is your sanctuary. It is so, so freaking true."
"It was a relief to find such a place in the chaotic world today."
"Everyone needs a place to come to be alone."
"This vault is more than a storage facility, it's a sanctuary for life's potential."
"A sanctuary in the Dolomite mountains in Italy."