
Life Circumstances Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"If you alter your attitude, you can literally alter your circumstances."
"Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life."
"A man's mental conversations attract his life circumstances."
"The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs."
"If you're a miserable person and you wake up in a beach house in Laguna Beach, you're a miserable person in a beach house in Laguna Beach."
"Circumstances are created, they don't just occur."
"We think we're free, but we didn't choose our parents, we had no choice."
"I'm bigger than my job, and I'm bigger than my circumstances."
"It is the thoughts you allow yourself to think, the subjects you allow your mind to dwell upon, that make you and your surroundings what they are."
"Every interaction in your life, every circumstance, perfectly serves the spiritual needs of the individuals involved."
"Circumstances are beyond our control, but we have unlimited control over our consciousness."
"President Nelson said, 'The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.'"
"He's passing by your situation, your circumstance, your life."
"What a man thinks he becomes, what a man thinks attracts to him his circumstances and environment."
"Your happiness is all based on your circumstances."
"Get realistic and start to be happy about what's happening in our lives."
"In whatever circumstance you are put, in whatever be the mode of life, none of that should make absolutely the slightest difference to me."
"Live joyful in the Lord in all circumstances."
"The months started to fly by, and even though my work situation wasn't ideal, I was still very happy with my life."
"No matter what you've done or where you are in life, somewhere someone loves you."
"Many were proud of their profession, bearing no resentment for the cards life dealt them."
"If you need to improve your life, you need to improve your circumstances."
"Every single human being has the potential to earn Firdaus given the circumstances they have been born into."
"Your circumstances do not define who you are."
"If our positions were switched, would our fates be different? Would I have your life and you mine?"
"Regardless of your age, your background, your career, your education, your financial situation, your gender, your history, your IQ—only about a third, according to research, is predetermined."
"There is no Next Step, there is no First Step, there is no walking for you."
"Sometimes it's not an option for people... but you still have a choice in life."
"God can open one door and close another, speaking through circumstances."
"People see you as the stars are lining up for you, like you have this really positive outlook on your life."
"Hedonic adaptation: the human tendency to get acclimated to whatever circumstances we're in."
"Change and grow yourself, you know, to change your situations and circumstances."
"Your attitude is more important than your past, education, or financial situation."
"I feel very fortunate to be in the situation that I'm in."
"You have a choice. I didn't. None of us did. But you do."
"By aligning with what makes you happy, you can allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances."
"Circumstances affect your mindset, your belief system, therefore your ideas."
"Mind is the master weaver both of the Interior Garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance."
"Allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"Some people can be perfectly happy in even the worst of circumstances and other people cannot be happy even in the best."
"Karma theory says the life you are leading now has a setback previously."
"Time since misconduct, severity, frequency of acts, and life circumstances all matter."
"I had pressure on myself to change my circumstances."
"Lottery winners and paraplegics are equally happy with their lives."
"These things start to affect you, you know I mean you start to realize that this is your life today and you don't want it to be at that particular moment."
"The circumstances of my life are too closely related to my conception of myself not to have been formed by my own spirit."
"The beautiful thing about it is you can adjust your routine according to what life circumstances are throwing at you."
"You can't dictate the position that you can be in life."
"God is involved in engineering the circumstances of our life."
"Medication might help with symptoms but it can't overcome the basic facts of someone's life."
"Other people got their life before I got out of here. Now I'm sure they want to help me and everything, but they also got obligations."
"I got into porn because I had to escape my life."
"I just want you to know there's nothing you did. It's just unfortunately the way life goes."
"I was recruited and by then my father had died and I was living with my mother."
"May the same Holy Spirit touch your life today, touch your circumstances today, touch your situation today. May everything that has stood in opposition to God's will in your life feel the effect of the executor of the will."
"You're a good person, Penny. You were just a little bit unlucky."
"I'm very realistic, you know. I'm not optimistic or pessimistic, I'm just real about circumstances."
"We all have different starting lines in life."
"We all get dealt different cards in life, and I know some of you are probably going to be saying, 'Yeah, but you know, people do that to themselves, it's their choice.' Sometimes it's not."
"You can't choose where you came from or who you came from."
"You have to start with yourself and accept the circumstances of your life as your own creation."
"Realize how blessed and lucky you are to be here and you don't have to be somewhere else going through what they go through."
"The person with the heart in good shape is precisely the person who's prepared and capable of meeting all of the circumstances of life in a power of godliness that enables them to respond in a way that is right and is good."
"We don't choose where we grow up, we don't choose the environments we're born in, and we don't choose our parents or the values and life lessons they teach."
"In reality, everybody is born with a set of cards... be thankful for what you have and play with the cards you got."
"What you believe and feel about yourself creates how people show up and treat you, and how circumstances unfold."
"You're worthy in a mansion, you're worthy in a one-bedroom apartment, you're worthy in a promotion, you are worthy in the unemployment line."
"Cultivate those two states and be able to find right circumstances in which you have one or the other mode of consciousness."
"On such trivial circumstances often hang the threads of fate."
"You are a living magnet, and you attract people and circumstances into your life that harmonize with your dominant thought."
"Nobody woke up one day and decided they want to be out here on the streets... it's something that led them down this road."
"Some people have life made for them, some people make it for themselves."
"On your very worst day, remember somebody else would say I would love to have that raggedy car that you are not happy about."
"You are born a certain gender, a certain race, in a certain country, at a certain time, because those all provide the circumstances from which you are going to thrive best."
"People can't control the circumstances that they're born under."
"...we accept reality, we accept life, we accept our circumstances."
"We have no idea the condition of their life that day."
"May we trust God in the circumstances of our lives, knowing that He's in control."
"When the Lord comes to minister to you, to speak into your life circumstances, He will come in a way that is not the way you expect it."
"Equity acknowledges that people don't begin life in the same places, and that circumstances can make it more difficult for some people to achieve the same goals."
"We may never know her real name, her real parents probably think she's somewhere living a better life than they could have given her."
"I've learned to be content in whatever the circumstances."
"Speak life over yourself, over your circumstances, over your finances, over your marriage, over your health, over your mental health."
"Your, your, your circumstances are always changing. You might rise up in the hierarchy, you might fall down."
"You can't control the situation that you were born in... the only thing that you can control is how you react to the situations that you're in."
"Real power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances."
"Imagine if you're just born in a different life, meaning like born with rich parents. Man, that would be really awesome."
"Reflect on your life circumstances, the situations you've been in and that will help guide you as to who can be my voice for me."
"Where you're born and who you're born to... we have no control over those things. The only thing we control are personal choices."
"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition, not on our circumstances."
"When the Holy Spirit is able to change your emotions, He will change your circumstances."
"Circumstances made me what I am; everyone should understand."
"It's not the animal's fault; he wasn't born into the life that he's having to live right now."
"Life landed him in that situation, you know what I mean?"
"It's just human and real, grounding in a way that sometimes it's not about the person you love, it's about the circumstances."
"A lot of us are born into lives that aren't what we deserve; we deserve more."
"You are blessed regardless of your circumstances."