
Self-denial Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"When you run from your healing, when you deny the truth, you're only hurting yourself."
"New opportunities come anytime; however, the moment a person denies his cause, the foundation that builds the person gets scattered."
"Jesus tells everyone to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me."
"Paul could say, 'I die daily.' It is the daily dying to self in the little transactions of life that makes us Overcomers."
"People-pleasing is exactly what it sounds like: it's giving in against what a person actually wants and doing what other people want. It's denying one's own self-interest, it's denying one's own wants, desires, you name it."
"All I plead with you is this: make love of yourself perfect. Deny yourself nothing. Give yourself infinity and eternity and discover you do not need them; you are beyond."
"At its core, Shutter Island is about a man who refuses to acknowledge large swaths of his inner self and so he creates an alternate reality."
"We are called to do certain things: deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow Christ daily."
"Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Him."
"The truth is still the truth. You can't deny it. If you deny it, you're denying yourself."
"The gospel calls the sinner to flee, deny self, run from judgment, die to all that is in the world, escape hell, and gain heaven."
"I spent my life denying that anything is wrong with me, oblivious to the harm I was doing to myself and to others."
"If you just did that forever and never gave yourself a dessert you'd be able to deal with that."
"They're only reflecting back a part of yourself that you are in denial about."
"The only way is to take up the cross, put that self to death, and put Christ on the throne of your life."
"A Godly person focuses on reaching Heaven at the end of their journey and will therefore do everything it takes, including denying themselves some worldly pleasures, to achieve this goal."
"Constantly denying the flesh increases the Holy Spirit within you."
"This is for life whether no man knows a day or hour so I'm not saying you know but this is for life when he decide to deny yourself and pick up your cross."
"Following Christ is costly, you have to deny yourself... Your love for Jesus Christ should supersede everything else."
"If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."
"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. It means saying no to your own selfish, demanding ego."
"Help me to die to self so that Jesus Christ may live in me."
"It's denying what you think you know about yourself, denying how you worship what you have because you thought that before this, my life was just ordinary."
"Jesus demands that you deny yourself and lay down your life for others."
"You're actually kind of trying to convince yourself that you want to just keep everything inside."
"Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus."
"If you will deny the flesh to receive more of the Spirit, God will not only cause His presence to be more keenly felt in your life, but you will be rewarded by the presence of Jesus Himself."
"Walking With Jesus is wonderful but not without cross. I understood in my first walk with the Lord when I gave my heart to the Lord that I have to deny myself, take up the cross, and follow me."
"To simply deny who you are creates a vacuum because then you're nobody."
"That's what denying yourself is, that's what picking up your cross means."
"The essence of the Christian life is to take up the cross, deny oneself."
"Being a Christian living a Godly holy life is hard work. You really have to deny your flesh, you have to say no to the world."
"Redefining surrender: one last act of my flesh."
"Fasting is a denial of your physical self, hungering and thirsting after God more than your own needs."
"The Christian battle is the first and primary battle every Christian faces is internal dying to yourself."
"There's no future for people who deny their past."
"I didn't allow myself to enjoy it. I have a fatal flaw where it's like, I don't allow myself to enjoy things."
"Denying yourself means laying down your own selfish will and ambition."
"I want to offer to you my soul that my soul may be dead to self, so your life can be revealed in me."
"One lives as an Orthodox Christian by doing as Christ instructed by denying themselves taking up their cross and following Christ."
"Salvation before the rapture: trust Jesus, deny yourself, follow Him."
"The most powerful thing you can do is live for Him, which means that you may have to die to self."
"The real sin is for a girl to deny herself life and joy, especially if she's as lovely as you." - Lamora
"It's not me, that's right. It's not Geno Jennings, that's right. It's the Holy Ghost, that's right."
"If you want to be my disciple, deny yourself, renounce yourself."
"Love is all things, and saying no can mean saying yes to something greater."
"Continue to read and study and deny yourself in that area."
"You gotta realize I'm dead. That's why I said if any man follows after me, what? Deny yourself, take up your stake, and follow me. Follow me where? To death."
"The gospel message is not there for your self-esteem or self-glorification. It is there to deliver you from the power of sin."
"This is the manual this is where the flesh of man has to be crucified so that you don't live out of your own nature or tied up in the sinful nature."
"Denying our flesh empowers your spirit, rebuilds you if you've ever been destroyed."
"To the extent that you deny the ego you can exercise just authority and God will help you."
"Self-denial has not gone well for me, and I don't know that it will for you either."
"It's not enough to want or suppress your want. Act like it's not there. It doesn't matter. Once you know, you know."
"Deny yourself because serving God is the most difficult task Under the Sun."
"Follow Jesus daily, deny yourself, take up your cross."
"If you walk with me, you're going to suffer in this world. Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me."
"Jesus said, 'If any man wants to follow me, let them deny themself, pick up their cross and follow me.'"
"There's something beautiful in denying yourself."
"Depression is soul suppression; denying what makes you happy denies soul growth."
"The key is to surrender yourself to Him, denying yourself, picking up your cross daily, and following Him."
"Every aspect that I have that is sexual and romantic and desire behavior is something that I need to mortify."
"It's not easy, but when I read scripture, it's pretty clear: deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me."
"The only way to truly deny yourself is to find out what God says about yourself."
"The Jesus of the Bible commands you to deny yourself, while the Jesus of the world encourages you to get as much as you can from this world."
"Lord Jesus, I don't want to live for myself... cleanse me of all sin."
"But the part that proves it is this part because if we're going to say we've done that and yet we're not willing to deny ourselves well then we haven't really received the gospel because in receiving the gospel you deny yourself it's phase one."
"We're going to go pick it up right now. I don't buy myself things like that. I just don't."
"Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24
"You are their true wish fulfillment. They have always wanted to be with you but they denied that for the sake of their image."
"Deny your flesh and build up your spirit man through fasting."
"Elementary spiritual discipline means that there is not an area in a person's life where they are consistently practicing self-denial every day."
"You've been saying no to love and joy."
"You are not where you want to be not because you need any more gifts. You don't need nothing else. You need to discipline yourself. You need to learn to tell you no."
"The cross is about self-denial. What is self-denial? 'I don't exist anymore.'"
"Self-denial and humility, which are main duties of Christ's Kingdom, are easy only to those who are poor in spirit."
"Deny yourself, carry the cross, and follow Jesus"
"We need to die...deny yourself...it's daily death to self...the way is in Christ...pouring ourselves out...it is the way of blessing...as we move forward."
"If anyone wants to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it."
"If you're not willing to deny self, take up a cross, you cannot be my follower."
"Jesus said if anyone would come after me they must deny themselves take up the cross and follow me."
"Our Blessed Lord said, 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'"
"I deny myself things all the time. No, no, no, that's not the kind of denial I'm talking about. I'm talking about you're denying that you spent money."
"Jesus promised that in fact Jesus message was so counter-intuitive and counter-cultural that the message he preached is not one of self-fulfillment it's self-denial."
"The doctrine of self-denial is a paradox. If you gain you lose, if you lose you gain."
"If you deny yourself the natural, you'll have more of the supernatural."
"If you claim to be a Christian, then you must, according to the words of Jesus, have denied yourself."
"If any man follows Christ, he must first deny himself."
"Following Jesus equals denying yourself."
"Entering the narrow gate demands self-denial, surrender, and submission to Christ."
"I'm not talking about a physical death. I'm talking about a death to our desires, a death to our will."
"Your cross may not seem glorious to you, but I believe there's an invitation every day to deny yourself."
"Asceticism, the art of denying ourselves at one level to break through to a deeper level as part of the path."
"You're denying yourself more than you're denying trans people."
"You've got to be willing to deny self-rule, self-government, self-will, flesh-government, and flesh-will."
"The only escape from this er good comes from self-denial or art pre-eminently music."
"The thrust of the New Testament is not love yourself, it's deny yourself and die to yourself."
"The real gospel is deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow him."
"But there's something I want to share with you, as you do this, as you deny yourself daily and pick up your cross daily, you become transformed."
"True freedom is repenting and following God and denying your flesh."
"Die to flesh, die to self, die to the desire."
"Fasting is denying yourself, denying the part of yourself that the diabolical is attached to."
"...the great hindrance in the way of the life of Pentecost is the self-life... hate your own life as your own worst foe and as the foe of God."
"The Christian life is I need to kill the desires of my flesh."
"To follow Jesus means to deny yourself and do the will of the Father."
"The road to salvation: deny yourself, take up your cross, follow me."
"We must take sides with the Holy Spirit against our own flesh; this is the way of Christian growth."
"Don't let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels, saying they have had visions about these things."
"Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'"
"Deny yourself is to reject the worldly philosophy of self-importance, self-indulgence, and self-fulfillment."
"To deny yourself means to give up your right to run your own life and to surrender to an alien will."
"Deny yourself and take up your cross. Christianity without a cross is not Christianity; it's a cheap substitute."
"He alone has properly denied himself who has resigned himself entirely to the Lord, placing all the course of his life entirely at his disposal."
"So my question is i wonder what is it that god is trying to get to you but can't get to you because you love your body so much you're not willing to fast and ask god to do the impossible in your life"
"Putting our crowns at the feet of Jesus represents self-denial."
"To teach obedience, then preach self-denial."
"It's essentially what He meant when He said, 'If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, follow Me.'"
"It's built into our bodies. We go through Exodus, well, not Exodus 90, but we go through dying to ourselves constantly."
"You keep reading about Jesus, you keep talking about Jesus, you keep dying to yourself, you keep fighting your flesh."
"To deny ourselves means to refrain from rising as an individual separate from God, who is the whole, the fullness of being or totality of all that is."
"Self-denial can you live where nobody applauds you? Can you accept where nobody recognizes you?"
"The key to knowing God is self-denial. And what is self-denial? Humility. What is humility? 'I am not worthy, Lord.'"
"Death to self is the only means for deliverance from that self-life."
"Since the scholars and sages are thus agreed that there is no path to felicity in the afterlife except the denial of the soul's whims and desires, to believe in this thing is therefore an obligation."
"You cannot live for Christ until you have died to self."
"Deny yourself, deny your will, and allow His will to be done."
"You die to yourself and serve the Lord."
"The more dead you are to yourself, the more dangerous you are against hell."
"Sacrificial living and sacrificial giving lead you to your depth, where you die to self."
"You don't ever get to the presence of God, taste the goodness, have the abundance of life that God wants you to experience without that I deny myself, I surrender, I crucify this flesh."
"You want life, then you better embrace death, death to self."
"We will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial."
"We each and every one of us get to personally deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him."
"The gospel is a threat to us in our sinful self, that's why Jesus says we have to take up our cross."
"I've got to die to self, I've got to recognize that there's more to life than just entertainment."
"We are not to live to please our own flesh; we are to live to please God."
"If anyone desires to be my disciple, let him deny himself... and take up his cross and follow me."
"There are times in our lives when it is important for us to practice giving way, saying no to the flesh, no to the emotions, even no to the intellect."
"We are to take up our cross daily and deny ourselves and follow him."
"Deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is His grace sufficient for you."
"Deny yourself, live for yourself, take up your cross, ignore the cross, follow Jesus, follow this world or self or Satan."
"Pick up your cross daily; every single morning you're going to have to wake up and make the decision to deny yourself."
"You got to deny yourself; Jesus and sin don't go together."
"Deny yourself, pick up your cross, don't let sin against you produce sin in you, don't repay evil for evil, overcome."
"The cross is what sets aside your will as the ultimate guide to life."
"Humility is the blossom of which death to self is the perfect fruit."
"Humility must lead us to die to self."
"Humble yourself unto death. It is in death to self that humility is perfected."
"Except a man denies himself, he cannot be My disciple."
"If I died to myself yesterday, that was good enough for yesterday, but not for today."
"If you choose this way of death to self, my power will rest upon you always."
"I would rather deny myself that little pleasure for the sake of not causing another to stumble."
"If any man follows me, let him deny himself and pick up his cross daily and follow after me."
"The elaborate military training serves as a means to an end; through the Youth of Japan, the Army seeks to build within the nation a denial of self, an ardent loyalty, a devotion that glorifies death for the Emperor as life's greatest reward."
"If you really belong to me, you'll die to yourself."
"If any man wants to follow me, Christ says, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
"If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
"Remember the whole point of the Daniel Fast is to deny your flesh but to be intentional about spending time with the Lord and feeding your spirit."
"Jesus taught people deny yourself; now here's the paradox."
"By cutting off his own will and denying his own reasoning, the monk does not lose his personality; on the contrary, he rises above the limits of his created nature and becomes manifestly a true person."
"That voice was a part of you, why did you deny it?"
"Help us to be strong in the Holy Spirit, denying the flesh, dying to self, living for your glory."
"If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me."
"Deny yourself, be a servant, serve others."
"When Jesus said, 'If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily,' that is really letting go of identification with your form."
"If anyone wishes to be my disciple, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."
"Let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."
"If anyone comes after me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow me."
"The imperishable crown is given to those who through self-denial, those who perseverance fix their minds on eternal values."
"Help us to live our lives in a way where we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow you."
"It's not through poverty that you become spiritual; it's through self-denial."
"There is no such thing in the Christian life as ultimate self-denial."
"We're called to hate our flesh, to hate the old man, to hate our sin. But ultimately, we're to rejoice in the new creation that God is growing within us."
"Deny yourself, take up the cross."
"Self-denial is really striking to the very heart of what it means to be a Christian."
"Love has to be the reason that we deny ourselves."
"We need to learn to take up our cross and say no to ourselves."
"The gospel is the gospel of self-denial, not a gospel of self-accommodation."
"We have to walk in that light; we have to follow His example of self-denial."
"If a man wants to follow me, let him deny himself."
"A forgiving attitude requires a denial of self."
"Self-control is dying to your flesh and choosing to live a Godly life."
"Learn then to love as God wants to be loved and cease acting in your own way."
"Unless you deny your own desires, you will never know what it is that you truly desire."
"Asceticism is about saying no to lower things so that we can say yes to higher things."
"I died on the cross for you. I'm trying to show you how to die to yourself."
"You can't claim to be somebody who follows Christ and you don't pick your cross up every day and deny yourself."
"Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus Christ."
"To deny himself all ungodliness and every worldly lust, and keep my Commandments, that's what it means to take up the cross."
"Are you willing to take up your cross and die to yourself to the point where you do not care what people think about you?"
"If you want to be my disciple, you must deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me."
"Suicide bombings... are a form of self-denial, you deny yourself the right to live."
"We got to get real spiritual; we got to continue denying this flesh, picking up our cross, and following Jesus Christ."
"Lord crucified, oh mark Thy holy cross on motive, preference, all fond desires, on that which self in any form inspires. Set Thou that sign of loss."
"If anyone wants to follow me and come after me, they must first deny themselves."
"If any man come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."
"With mine own hands I give away my crown, with mine own tongue deny my sacred state."
"Take actions appropriate to the denying of the feelings."
"Self-denial and sacrifice involves giving our hearts completely to God."
"Denying half of your being is no way to live."