
Harm Reduction Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"I'm doing sex work. I'm reducing harm and maximizing benefit."
"I've kind of taken on like a harm reduction model in parenting and it's like I know I'm gonna do harm because I'm a human they're humans."
"Biden may not be perfect, but from a harm reduction standpoint...Biden is the guy."
"Veganism is about reducing unnecessary harm. It's about trying to take into consideration the life experiences of others."
"We want to... implement laws in such a way that they make people less likely to do things that cause harm."
"Morality, in its purest philosophical terms, is of course subjective... we can by and large try and understand morality as being something that is seeking to reduce harm and suffering."
"Harm Reduction is a progressive approach to public health which takes into account that people are going to engage in risky behaviors."
"Harm reduction does not coddle the drug addict... what's better, that people should inject with dirty needles using puddle water from the back alleys, or should they use sterile water and given human contact which would encourage them to seek help?"
"Everything that could minimize harm is worth doing."
"Veganism isn't about saying we shouldn't harm animals; it's about changing our mentality."
"As long as we are dealing with a system that is fundamentally constructively absurd, we should at least refer to it in ways that harm the smallest number of people."
"Safe injection sites... all showing the same pattern of infections, like HIV and hepatitis C, as well as overdose deaths, all decreasing as well as a general lifting of the stigma that came with addiction."
"Veganism is just the idea of reducing harm to animals."
"Veganism is doing the least amount of harm as practically possible."
"Providing clean needles is not the government trying to get people to shoot up; it's trying to keep them from getting AIDS."
"I understand wanting to give people safe access to doing drugs to reduce the problems we see in the periphery of drug use."
"There will be less harm when things are more decentralized."
"This is the harm reduction part of the video."
"If we can interrupt the thought before it becomes the deed, then harm... can be if not undone, at least interrupted and diminished."
"Lucy saves out thousands of lives, really? Yeah, dude, it's the best, most responsible way to consume nicotine."
"A small amount of gambling in a game isn't inherently harmful."
"Why should we cause the maximum amount of harm when we don't have to?"
"Using cannabis is a really effective tool... and it doesn't kill anybody."
"The evidence shows us that actually this is one of the safest psychoactive substances that are out there."
"The better thing is to help them do it as safely and responsibly as possible."
"If people can do that without becoming drug fiends, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"Considerably less harm to the user than alcohol also."
"One way to think about these harm reduction centers is similar to free condoms that many colleges provide on campus."
"Harm reduction is rehumanizing, harm reduction is love, harm reduction is kindness."
"It's better to be safe than sorry, considering the potential harm caused."
"Reserve judgment. Nobody needs judgment. Judgment is super harmful."
"Policies based on love, compassion, and regulating the market... massively reduce the problems."
"Harm reduction is meeting every client where they're at."
"It is still the harm reduction position to still vote for the Democratic Party."
"It's about any little thing that you can do to contribute to positive change and limit active harm."
"If you define the term morality as doing what's best to reduce harm and increase flourishing...you can do things to objectively reach that goal."
"People are actively causing harm, and it's not up to the victims to engage in respectability discourse with them."
"By reducing the harm that we're causing, we're acknowledging straight away the reduction of harm is the morally preferable thing to do."
"Harm reduction is a proactive and evidence-based approach to reduce the negative personal and public health impacts."
"Harm reduction is a strategy scientifically based that we know works."
"Nothing is as good as fresh air, but for people who are otherwise going to smoke, vaping is substantially less harmful."
"I think patients could do something because if people realize that they're being harmed..."
"I'm just trying to help people who are already doing this be more safe. That's one, two."
"I'd rather get them clean and provide them opportunity as opposed to providing a safe space for them to continue to do drugs."
"The vast majority of people who use illegal drugs are not addicts, are not heavy users, and they're not posing any kind of threat to other people, nor are they harming themselves."
"I think the main thing is is you're eliminating toxins you're eliminating things that cause direct harm to your body."
"Harm reduction is something that every city should consider, because it keeps people alive."
"It's enough just to take away the things that they're doing that are harming others."
"I'd rather that you be binging on smoke leaf than hurt."
"This drug slows it down, or even inhibits the damage that the amphetamine is doing to you."
"We want to do the least harm for the most people, the most good."
"Increasing well-being and decreasing harm is the better definition of morality."
"I don't smoke marijuana, but the war on drugs is rude. Marijuana doesn't kill people like crack does."
"It's sort of one replacement, but you have to say, harm reduction: good on them. It's better to be having the caffeine and the cake than drinking the alcohol."
"Decriminalize it because of that, and as I say, not one recorded death by overdose."
"We're not anti-Mormon, we're anti-harming Mormons."
"Veganism is about the realistic goal of reducing harm as far as possible and practicable, not about the unrealistic and impossible goal of eliminating all harm from this world."
"Anything that we're defining as good on that spectrum is going to have to at the very least reduce harm and ideally increase flourishing."
"I'm not against cosmetic surgery I'm not against any procedures as long as you're not hurting someone else not hurt yourself you know dear homework."
"Do no harm, and I think that Bitcoin is tailor-made for this."
"Far less harm would be done to this country by legalizing heroin than is now being done by trying to enforce heroin prohibition."
"Ultimately, when you're looking at policy, you have to look at it from a point of view of harm prevention."
"Giving crack pipes to people or meth pipes and other drugs syringes will just increase the amount that they're actually doing."
"I actually do believe that it would be wrong to do such a thing. The moral standard I use is well-being increasing well-being and minimizing harm."
"Despite the concerns eigs are being promoted as a tool to save lives no ifs and butts Public Health England an arm of the British government released a report stating with certainty that ecigarettes are 95% safer than smokes."
"We should be allowing people who are addicted to nicotine to get that nicotine in the least harmful way possible."
"We are all fighting for the same thing, that is to live, that is to get off of smoking."
"The best way to reduce harm to animals is to be vegan."
"You should never use an unknown substance, but if you choose to, we encourage you to start slow, start low, and never use alone."
"It's funny that we're so stuck in it with this, like, sort of public love of prohibition and punishment for people who use drugs when really re-envisioning a different world would be less costly, there'd be less death and then less suffering."
"Even if we were to reduce certain kinds of harm, unless they were accompanied by a growth in wisdom, that wouldn't achieve what we need to achieve."
"Harm reduction at its simplest core... it's really just an empathetic system of care."
"We need more treatment facilities in this country. We need to distribute more Narcan or Naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses, test strips for the addicts to make sure that their drug of choice is not laced with fentanyl, for example."
"We need safer supply that uses the type of drugs that people want."
"The most important part of harm reduction is not to do it, absolutely. Of course not to use, not to have risky sex, maybe not to have sex at all until you're older."
"We don't have to hurt anybody by making them smoke."
"E-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than cigarettes."
"Vaping is far less harmful than smoking."
"Using a licensed vaping product containing nicotine is an effective way of reducing the harm from tobacco."
"Harm reduction is a safe space for people to come and get clean sterile supplies, Narcan, fentanyl test strips. Basically anything a drug user needs to stay safe."
"If you're using one substance to counteract the effect of another substance, that's not really a great way to do things."
"There's this term in psychedelic therapy world called harm reduction where we have a lot of people who also will just ask us hey, I got some mushrooms from a friend and I really want to have this psychedelic Journey what are some things I ought to know?"
"Veganism isn't about perfection; it's about minimizing harm."
"Morality is not a question of a command. Morality is a question of trying to pick a path through life that results in the least amount of real harm."
"Whether you're pro-cannabis or anti-cannabis education is the key uh for those who are pro cannabis I don't think there's anything better than actually discussing the potential consequences or harms because that's how you avoid getting into trouble with it in the future."
"we need either a safe monitored dosing schedule or a clean safe prescribed alternative"
"If you legalize any psychoactive substance, you have to do it in a way that also minimizes the harms."
"If you want to reduce harm, it starts with an acknowledgement."
"Do not take a high dose of acid unless you have a proper set and setting or it can turn into the worst nightmare of your entire life."
"As far as its ranking in order of harmful drugs, I've seen as a doctor, it's way low as far as its harm caused compared to alcohol, it's basically almost nothing."
"Minimizing the harm in whatever ways we can and maximizing benefit and well-being and peace and health."
"Is there harm reduction to be done?"
"To minimize the harm because it's probably impossible to do no harm."
"Veganism is about animal Liberation first and foremost. It is about doing the least amount of harm as possible to our fellow animals."
"Something being environmentally friendly doesn't always mean that it's ethical or better for the animals or even humans."
"I wouldn't be alive today without harm reduction and I definitely wouldn't have over a decade of sobriety without the recovery that I have today."
"... this is about mitigating the harm to our children and our community members."
"The concept of harm reduction puts the patient in the middle, empowering them to make decisions about their own care."
"Harm reduction... creates autonomy, respect, and free choice for the individual."
"The best way to inhibit people from engaging in harmful behavior is non-carceral and non-punitive."
"Ending the War on Drugs, adopting a more liberal attitude towards drug use, but accompanying that with the treatment of drug use as a health problem."
"When we vote, we are not American enthusiasts trying to uphold the white man's democracy. We are voting in favor of harm reduction that has nothing to do with loyalty to a party."
"Be good to one another and reduce harm."
"Narcan doesn't reduce narcotic use but it can prevent overdose deaths, an important step in protecting the more than 2 million Americans currently at risk."
"The War on Drugs is doing more harm than drugs themselves. It doesn't mean that drugs are okay; they do cause a lot of damage. But the War on Drugs has caused a lot more damage."
"There's a difference between tone policing and making sure that the words you use aren't causing harm."
"Our focus is on increasing psychedelic literacy and facilitating responsible and structured use of psychedelics."
"Let people live their lives if they're doing it in a way that doesn't harm other people."
"We're talking about harm reduction for other people."
"People should be able to live the lifestyles they want, not harming other people."
"Value individual well-being over systemic perpetuation that includes harm."
"We are big believers in what's called harm reduction. You're going to use cannabis, here are the facts."
"It's a fascinating Slice of Life and the Dutch approach to things is not legislating morality it's called pragmatic harm reduction."
"If we're going to stop seeing someone die in BC four times a day, we've got to go further and bust right through to the safe supply."
"True harm reduction is to accept people where they are at."
"We need to focus on reducing harm rather than solely trying to eliminate human error."
"And actually, Dan and I published a paper in 'Annals of Internal Medicine' with a commentary of how we think people should be using these compounds from more of a harm reduction standpoint and on a safety standpoint."
"Recreational use will become safer."
"Real harm reduction is uh the understanding that addiction is very much a a gradient of severity in people's lives."
"This is how it's done and no one's getting hurt. Not that many people."
"Let's stop subsidising things that do harm."
"I personally I could care less about scientology if it continues to exist or not if it is going to exist I'd prefer that they stop hurting people"
"It gives you your best chance and it reduces the chance of doing harm, and I don't think that's a bad thing."
"Veganism is not about no harm; it's about harm reduction."
"We're pushing on them to start harm reduction programs."
"Sometimes, the best way to handle things is the way that causes the least harm."
"The majority of Americans are starting to see that pot is not as harmful as people have made it out to be."
"This is what accountability should be: reasonable harm reductive consequences that may cost you mere pieces of your livelihood but would never cost you your life."
"Are you able to reduce harm or are you able to increase benefit?"
"It's not one size fits all; it's not unlimited doses versus no doses; it can be something in between, it can be lower doses. We need to maximize efficacy, minimize harm; that's the rule of biomedicine."
"To be good is to act with the intention of minimizing harm."
"An ability to cause as little harm as possible."
"You're supposed to de-escalate not escalate; you're supposed to reduce harm not create harm."
"I much rather someone smoked an e-cigarette than a cigarette."
"You act such that you do the least harm to anyone around you and the greatest good for the greatest number."
"Evaluate what they're saying and determine whether or not it is more beneficial than harmful."
"Needle exchange programs are very effective at reducing the risk of HIV."
"If you can't stop it, why can't you at least make it safer?"
"I'm so fortunate because for the past few years I've had the opportunity to provide harm reduction services to people in the community."
"The most important thing is to reduce harm to children."
"We just need to find a way to do this where less people get hurt and more people reach their potential."
"Your purpose is to make people and yourself happy, and to minimize the harm."
"We want to create the right environment where we can still harness all the benefits of these technologies but also reduce the harms."
"Just try to find a nice happy medium spot that's not doing anyone too much harm."
"Providing clean needles to drug users is not the same as putting out a bowl of chips at a party."
"Needle exchanges are always preferable to the alternative."
"Continued use plus MAT is almost always safer than continued use without MAT."
"We want safe care, so we want to make sure that our priorities as far as assessment and as far as care planning provides for safe care with a reduction in harm."
"We should go by the definitions that hurt people the least; that is after all why we build our definitions, to serve human utility."
"My moral compass is harm reduction and causing good and human flourishing."
"If morality is about reducing harm and increasing flourishing, then no other plane need be applied to evaluate whether one set of actions causes more harm than another set of actions."
"Education is, I think, the best form of harm reduction besides abstinence."
"My thing is harm reduction, and I want to make sure you guys are spiritually and physically well."
"Consent matters and harm matters. If there's consent and no one is being harmed, it's no one's business what an individual chooses to do with his or her body."
"We must reduce harms and burdens and be sure that our interventions interfere as little as possible with individual liberty."
"I'm not asking you to be perfect, I'm asking you to harm reduce."
"We always have to be balancing the difference in society between things that decrease people's harms and things that allow people to have freedom."
"You're reducing the amount of harm that a person is doing."
"Minimizing harm and letting people do things."
"Life is preferable to death, and we should reduce harm when possible."
"I'd rather the patient be taking buprenorphine than using injectable heroin that could be laced with fentanyl."
"Non-maleficence means doing no harm."
"We have options and solutions like strengthening legislation, harm reduction, treatment, and supervised consumption."
"We can stop all of the harm that's coming from criminalizing drugs and focus all of our resources into addressing the harms that come from the actual substances themselves."
"Nobody wants conflict at the end of the day; that only is a continuation of the harm, the conflict, the bloodshed for no reason."
"I want to cause the least amount of harm and the least amount of suffering that we can."
"We need to have some ethics about this and we need to try to reduce the harm that can come from this."
"It should be about harm reduction."
"That's just what I care about at the end of the day, doing the most good, reducing the most harm that we can."
"We do have to invest more time and money and resources into harm reduction."
"I have a fundamental moral belief in reducing harm, reducing suffering in this world."
"I would like to see people in this world live a life that is less harmful."
"How do I practice harm reduction and then how do I center the most vulnerable?"
"As long as you can minimize risk for that client and do therapy in a way that makes sure that there is no self-harm or as little self-harm as possible."
"The moral compass would say, try to get a result that has the least amount of overall harm."
"Why choose to cause more harm when we can choose to cause less?"
"Stop listening to poor counsel, stop engaging in conflict, stop hurting other people."