
Sex Work Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"I'm doing sex work. I'm reducing harm and maximizing benefit."
"The only way to abolish sex work is to abolish poverty."
"I don't think it's okay to discriminate against sex workers or shame sex workers for what they do."
"Sex work is real work. And if that's what an adult chooses to do, then that is their choice. However, miners, little kiddos, they can't consent."
"Decriminalizing sex work would legitimize the industry, prevent a lot of sex trafficking, and make sure that people are safer."
"I always tell people the worst thing about sex work is the stigma."
"Sex work is real work and we do need to support sex workers."
"Sex work is some of the most important work that humans need in its total diversity."
"I'm sure you have a lot of ways of describing it, but I am definitely pro sex work."
"What makes the client exceptional in the 21st century is that they're actually really, really cool about sex work."
"If sex work is totally decriminalized that puts them in a position to easily report suspected trafficking without having to worry about losing their livelihood or violence from the police."
"I think sex work should be legalized because I'm disgusted by the hypocrisy."
"Sex work will be legalized so that sex workers won't go to jail."
"Sex work is work and we need to support those who are in this field."
"I have friends who are sex workers. Sex work is real work. They value themselves and will charge a premium for their time and companionship."
"Stigmatizing sex workers doesn't help anybody."
"Why are we so uptight about sex right why do we feel this way why do we shame the stigma stigmatizing sex workers doesn't help anybody."
"I think you have to accept that being on OnlyFans is the equivalent to sex work. We should stop pretending."
"Sex work turns that power model on its head and allows women to own our sexuality, own our bodies, and use that to bring both money and power to the level playing field."
"I think that we should directly struggle with it and make it part of the social change so that we avoid the imposition of sex work in a socialist society."
"Don't objectify women. Sex work is real work."
"Sex work is real work 100% and anyone who engages in I mean look if people are going on only fans because has lots of jobs and everything if people want to support them financially support them financially."
"Remove the stigma behind sex work and the negativity that surrounds the words itself by bringing a mainstream face to it."
"The way to solve it isn't to normalize sex work and it isn't to eradicate gender."
"Sex work is work and working to not only destigmatize but decriminalize sex work."
"Sex work is real work and we should be fighting for the rights of sex workers."
"Always remember that sex work is real work and I'm not a human trafficker. I'm a job creator."
"Where do you draw the line between human trafficking and adult consensual sex work?"
"Legitimizing sex work reduces the safety risks associated with that profession."
"Sex work is not a disgusting, despicable lifestyle. It is what somebody chooses to do."
"Ask them why are they sex working. That's the issue. Nine times out of 10 it will be housing."
"You can support sex workers and also have a conversation on how the porn industry as a whole has been very damaging."
"If you're a sex worker, don't feel bad about all the people who come out of the woodwork and say, like, 'Oh my god, now you gotta get a real job.' It is a real job."
"Sex work means being a small business owner. It means being a content creator and an entrepreneur. I sell a product just like many other people do. It just happens to be that my product is sex and my body."
"Sex work is work. I don't care what anybody says or tells you."
"I just think you know, while on balance, like, there are, there always going to be, you know, gray areas, hopefully less and less once we like, shed a bit more light on the situation and take away that stigma for a lot of people, it's, it's a fun and safe way to make money."
"That's because some women just like sex work. Yeah, I think she likes it. I think she likes it."
"I risked my career a few times to remove the stigma behind sex work, porn, and the natural hatred people spew behind anything sex-related."
"Everyone jumping on only fans but I took the hit for doing it first, cool."
"You can't condone sex work because it is a real profession. The oldest profession."
"That's not a condemnation of sex work. That's a condemnation of capitalism."
"Sex work is work and as such deserves to be valued and compensated fairly."
"Decriminalizing sex work stops the arrests. It means that engaging in consensual sexual services, engaging in erotic services in exchange for money or something of value, is not a crime."
"It can become very easy in the debate to completely decenter the experiences of sex workers themselves."
"I think it's dangerous the way like for example some girls might you know let a trick give them head for some money that's hella dangerous and that's not a part of the game."
"There is nothing wrong with employing sex workers, prostitutes, strippers, or escorts. Fair exchange is no robbery."
"As long as both people are consenting to it, there's not a problem with sex work."
"There's all those memes about like, oh imagine your girlfriend's a sex worker and she comes home from work and tells you how good it was."
"There's less violence against women during legal sex work."
"If I wasn't doing sex work I would probably still just be like a stay-at-home girlfriend cleaning, cooking."
"These conversations are really important to erase the stigma around sex work and to normalize sex in general."
"I'm all for adult entertainment and sex work."
"Any woman consensually making a dollar off of men being horny is a queen in my book."
"Prostitution should be legal, legalize all of it."
"What has been the most basic or strangest thing you've heard a sex worker do for money like that doesn't involve that?"
"I think it's cool how the idea of a sex worker is so much different now. I mean, I think if you are able to pay for university and you are happy and safe and [expletive], put your legs in the air like you just don't care. I mean, really though, I think that's awesome."
"Sex work isn't so different from all these other spaces."
"Sex work like any other media creates an environment where people can engage with it and recognize that it isn't necessarily reality."
"The Narrative that a woman chooses to do sex work is oftentimes extremely invalid because a lot of women only choose between this and worse options."
"As long as Only Fans exist, we can't live inside of this vacuum where we're only talking about Only Fans, because Only Fans will perpetuate the same things that in-person sex work does."
"Obviously, sex work is not for everyone, but for people who are looking to engage in the adult industry, I think that the options we have available to us now are a million times better than options that have been available in the past."
"It's 2020 now, so everybody's on OnlyFans, everybody's supporting the sex worker movement."
"Sex work is a way to create your own empowerment around your income."
"It makes women so safe in their sex work, it's just a net good."
"This softer approach of trying to protect sex workers instead of prosecute them has begun to open up a better dialogue between sex workers and law enforcement."
"Sex work is inherently work; it's how people feed their families, it's how people put clothes on their backs, it's how people survive."
"I wish people didn't feel forced into doing sex work in general."
"Make sex work legal so that it can be safe, because it's gonna happen anyway."
"Sex work, as long as it's safe and consensual for everybody, is as fine as any other kind of job you may have."
"The reason OnlyFans is better is because finally the actual creators are getting more control over their pay for participating in sex work."
"I think there's a really promising future where sex workers can unionize."
"Sex work is real work and it provides a valuable service in the community."
"I don't think there's anything innately wrong with paying people for surrogacy or sex work or whatever else."
"Everybody wants to dip and dabble their toe in sex workism, but no one wants to interrogate the negative opinions they have for sex workers."
"Let's talk about destigmatizing sex work."
"I'm more interested in a conversation about whether it makes sense to decriminalize or legalize sex work."
"It's not that sex work is good or bad, it's just that the enforcement of illegalizing it is not worth the cost."
"Sex work is something that has existed since the beginning of human history."
"The fact is, sex workers are one of the most consistently at-risk groups and professions in the world."
"The buying of sex is not going away, what we want is that it happen in a better way rather than a worse way."
"I hope that through my work, people that aren't in sex work can watch and grow and have respect for these people the way that they deserve to be respected."
"Sex workers, in my opinion, are some of the hardest-working people."
"If you can do legal, lawful sex work, then by God do it."