
Astrobiology Quotes

There are 467 quotes

"This is the first rover mission designed to seek signs of past microbial life."
"The major goal of the Perseverance mission is to investigate astrobiology on Mars and in particular to address the question of whether life ever existed on Mars."
"But samples beneath the surface may have a potential to contain life. There are going to be interesting complementaries there."
"Titan has all the ingredients necessary for life."
"If we find ancient life on Mars, it really changes everything."
"The key ingredients for the recipe of life are water, sunlight, and certain organic compounds like carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen."
"Even if we just find a microbe that is clearly not related to Earth life, it did not get there through panspermia or anything else, it's native to Mars or Europa. That answer is essentially the question that life on Earth is definitely not alone."
"The universe probably teems with microbial life at least, finding complexity, and you can start to play with ideas of intelligent life being more common than one might initially think."
"It is the first time in history when NASA has dedicated a mission to what we call astrobiology."
"We call perseverance the roving astrobiologist, and she really is."
"Astrobiology is one of the key topics in all of science that is currently at the heart of what we're doing."
"The story of Curiosity really is about what we call habitability, whether Mars ever offered the conditions that could support life."
"Every life form we know on Earth requires liquid water, and it actually requires not only liquid water, but liquid water that's the right liquid water, not too acidic, not too much dissolved in it."
"Not only did water last millions or tens of millions of years, but habitable conditions, more importantly, lasted that long."
"This mission is our best chance for actually determining if life ever took hold."
"Insight might give us an idea of the time period when life was most likely to form on Mars."
"Lab tests showed that the Murchison meteorite is surprisingly rich in organic matter and contains several dozen amino acids, all of which are the building blocks for terrestrial organisms."
"If we discover a complex molecule somewhere out there in the universe, and its number of connections is 15, the chance of that molecule not being produced by some sort of life is super low."
"There are a trillion, that's a million million, planets just in our own galaxy. If there is no life on any of them, then Earth is a miracle."
"Europa, the subject of movies and rampant speculation, has long been one of the solar system's best candidates for life."
"Mars has long been the subject of speculation in regards to the search for alien life."
"Certain moons of Jupiter and Saturn have been identified as some of the most likely candidates for harboring extraterrestrial life."
"Cracking the nut of just how RNA, and ultimately DNA, came into existence is going to be of the utmost importance to astrobiology."
"Every place on Earth where we find liquid water, we find life."
"Enceladus took a step forward recently... A few years ago, the plumes of water ice streaming from fissures in the moon's ice shell were found to contain all the nutrients needed for life, and indeed some indication of geologic processes such as geothermal vents on Enceladus's ocean floor."
"Viruses, or their ancestors, may have played a role in the origin of life on Earth and may be needed to initiate life on any planet."
"How does life begin and evolve? Does life exist elsewhere in the universe? And how do we search for life in the universe?"
"If we find a microbe, it means we found a planetary chemistry that discovered how to build life."
"In astrobiology, we use biosignatures. Biosignatures is just evidence of life in the past or present."
"Astrobiology is a way of looking at life with the broadest possible lens."
"Understanding the origin and nature of life, rather than whether there is life or not on Mars, was really for me a stepping stone to bigger questions."
"Moons can have life. There's no rule against it."
"With this amazing system, we know that there must be many more potentially life-bearing worlds out there waiting to be found."
"Exoplanets and the search for life is an incredibly interdisciplinary topic and draws upon all those different fields."
"Opportunity and Spirit were primarily on Mars for its geology, the end goal being to see if Mars was ever a place that was conducive to life."
"The discovery of just one bacteria on Mars or any other body of the solar system would indicate that the whole chain of evolutions...is at work everywhere."
"We have a debt of gratitude to Carl Sagan for pioneering astrobiology and for bringing these disciplines to NASA to help explore."
"It’s amazing, just the notion that this star system alone produced three water worlds that at various points in time could have supported abiogenesis and life."
"Most of the time, our search for extraterrestrial life centers on planets kind of like ours. We look for Earth-size planets and habitable zones around stars that look a lot like our Sun."
"Silicon-based life could theoretically be possible."
"Super habitable planets are worlds that could sustain life more than five times longer than Earth."
"Just looking for life on planets like Earth might be distracting us from all the other places life could possibly exist."
"Astrobiologists will examine these exoplanets for signs of bio signatures, but at the SETI Institute we're going to carry forward the public's quest for techno signatures and the ultimate Earth analog."
"If this million-year-old meteorite really shows remains of Martian bacteria it would be the only scientific evidence of life beyond Earth."
"If there's anywhere in the solar system where there might still be life... Europa would be the place to bet."
"Finding biomarkers on exoplanets is certainly much more difficult than just looking for gases produced by biological processes on Earth."
"The scientific quest for extraterrestrial life is on thanks to the research of astrobiologists and the discovery of exoplanet Hunters we may one day detect other worlds as fertile as the Earth."
"Even if just a fraction of star systems host potentially habitable worlds, that would still amount to millions of living worlds in the Milky Way alone."
"So far, the search for alien life has mainly focused on earth-like planets, but what if we were to shift our perspective and look for something else?"
"Chances are good that if we find life, it will be totally different than we expect."
"The discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life would be an epical event in the history of science—it would confirm the existence of life beyond our planet, revolutionizing astrobiology, astronomy, and related fields."
"Life on Europa may resemble our own in unanticipated ways."
"These creatures are the best candidates to explore whether life came from somewhere else in the universe or it emerged on Earth."
"Life spread from star to star, like an epidemic."
"Deep-sea microbes raise questions about life beyond Earth."
"Mars may not be the dead world that we once thought."
"If you find a planet that has a stable supply of oxygen, oh my gosh bump that to the top of the list."
"The solution to the fermi paradox is that we just got lucky with our planet."
"Life forms in the universe may be extremely diverse and may differ from our perceptions of life as we know it."
"The discovery has implications for the search for life on other planets."
"So if you find any concentration of it on a planet with an oxygen atmosphere, it would be a strong biosignature."
"Given the vast size and age of the universe, it seems unlikely that Earth is the only planet with the conditions necessary for life to emerge."
"Europa has a crust of ice, and scientists believe it might harbor a subsurface ocean, making it a potential site for extraterrestrial life."
"Enceladus is now one of the most promising destinations to search for life elsewhere in our solar system."
"One question is actually how those microbes are surviving in Venus's atmosphere."
"I do believe these findings indicate that life is not restricted to Earth, but is broadly."
"Photosynthesis. If alien microbes evolve the ability to photosynthesize, then it might be reasonable to expect to see the telltale disequilibrium of oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres."
"Enceladus, the possibility of real living microbes that evolved independently of all life on Earth."
"The more planets there are, the more moons, the more asteroids, the more solar systems, the more solid life's ability to continue into the future will be."
"Europa's hidden ocean could have life forms similar to extremophiles found on Earth."
"Life is pretty tough and it can survive completely isolated from the energy of a host star like our Sun."
"Contemporary scientific thinking cautiously asserts that life arrives on earth when certain chemical substances crash into the surface aboard a stray comet early in our planet's history."
"If we can find a planet that looks like what Earth looked like back then, this might mean that we might be able to find life there."
"For many years now I've been speculating that we're going to find even more signs of life on Venus and well looks like we got what I was asking."
"Panspermia is the theory that life is transmitted like a virus from planet to planet by asteroid and comet impacts."
"If we've learned anything about life on Earth, it's that where you find liquid water, you generally find life."
"So, Europa is a great candidate for supporting life forms similar to some of the life forms we find at the bottom of the ocean."
"There's a very reasonable case to be excited about the prospect of life on Europa."
"Where there's liquid water, there's life. Water is lifeblood, right?"
"We're so excited about that because the work that we've done in the Pilbara has shown that at 3.5 billion years ago, the same age as the crust on Mars, this ancient life on Earth was thriving in active hot springs."
"Callisto has the prebiotic chemistry necessary to host life."
"Perhaps this was an environment where life could have thrived."
"These tiny spheres could provide the best evidence yet that Mars was the perfect breeding ground for alien life."
"Mars's geology holds clues to its past and potential life."
"Stromatolites could be a visual clue to prehistoric life on Mars."
"Perseverance is capable of identifying organic molecules."
"The search for life in the universe is also the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"Finding an extraterrestrial civilization is pure science fiction but discovering the origins of life the beginning of a biological evolution the likelihood of this is increasing all the time."
"Life is not restricted to Earth but is broadly distributed even outside our solar system."
"The possibilities of alien life and a warm ocean on Enceladus make it a greater possibility that we might actually find microbial life there."
"The universe could be full of the seeds of life."
"Panspermia is the notion that life here began out there... that a planet with an active ecosystem can have an impact... and that impact can knock material with biology aboard into space."
"If life did spring from an extraterrestrial rock, where did that rock come from?"
"If we discover life in our own backyard, that means the universe is filled with life."
"But what we really care about is not just life, okay, it's fine we find a planet full of you know bacteria or viruses that's not terribly interesting what we want is intelligent life."
"We have just found signs of something that indicates that life could form there."
"Perseverance discovered water-affected minerals in the crater floor rocks, supporting the idea that the planet originally supported life-sustaining water."
"Pluto may well have all of the building blocks necessary for the emergence of life in its subsurface ocean."
"Not only is it possible, but it may be just as likely for us to find evidence of alien civilizations within our own solar system as it is that we might find them by other means."
"I think from finding basic life... that we will find evidence of that within the next 10 uh 20 years."
"The Earth fits into the Goldilocks zone, a rare environment in the universe for life to thrive."
"Well maybe, but it's also possible that life on Earth didn't start on earth at all. Perhaps it started on a distant world somewhere in the Milky Way."
"Is it at all likely that a microbe-bearing rock from another star system hit the earth in the short time it took life to take hold? Well, it depends on the abundance of life in the galaxy, but it seems dubious."
"Perhaps the most convincing argument against panspermia is that if the dormant seeds of life are so common throughout the galaxy, why haven't many of the forty billion earth-like planets produced technological civilizations far in advance of us?"
"The emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants."
"Europa Clipper's mission to find life's elements."
"Could Europa's ocean spark chemistry into life?"
"Amino acids found on comets hint at life's origins."
"On our world and on others like it, finding a way to use that light might be the only way for life to survive in the long run at all."
"Physicist Brian Cox talks about alien biology: 'I would not be surprised if we find microbes on Mars or on some of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.'"
"Existence of life on Earth is a highly contingent event that depends upon a conspiracy of highly improbable conditions."
"Liquid water flowing on Mars... potential breakthrough... search for life beyond Earth."
"Evidence of water currents... long-lasting lakes... potential to support microbial life."
"These super earths are far enough away from their stars to avoid tidal locking, making them quite special."
"Asteroids and comets may have been the bringers of life if not the ingredients of life but perhaps even life itself."
"There may be millions of stars in the cosmic Goldilocks zone where conditions are just suitable for life."
"Without surface water, there would have been no life."
"The Drake Equation breaks down all the necessary steps and requirements for a civilization to exist and thrive on a galactic level."
"The importance of liquid water for life as we know it cannot be understated and all that comes with it."
"The search for life beyond Earth encompasses various methods."
"Panspermia raises fascinating possibilities about the prevalence and diversity of life in the universe."
"Life most probably does exist on Mars, or at least did in the past. The evidence to support it is overwhelming."
"Organic compounds found in the plumes of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus."
"Life on Venus remains a hypothesis, but it allows us to consider life as a legitimate possibility."
"Biological SETI Theory suggests that aliens encoded our DNA with evidence of their existence."
"Perhaps planets that host some sort of life are relatively common, but those that host advanced technological life are quite rare."
"If life can continue to persist and even thrive here, there's hope that some form of life could be able to call Mars home."
"I'm a carbon chauvinist because I expect the life that we find and we will find in the solar system in the Galaxy will be carbon based."
"Phosphorus is the one element, a chink in the armor of life, that if not enough of it is present in a star system there doesn’t seem to be any way our brand of life to get started and sustain."
"The discovery of potentially super habitable exoplanets challenges our Earth-centric view."
"GJ667Cc, orbiting a red dwarf, could be more habitable than Earth."
"Based on a statistical analysis of all the Kepler observations, a new study says, one in five sun-like stars do have planets about the size of Earth, with surface temperatures conducive to life."
"Astrobiologists really wonder whether or not there might be life right now in the subsurface oceans of Europa."
"Sample return missions are probably the ultimate goal of any astrobiological exploration of the solar system."
"Titan, a moon with a dense atmosphere, similar conditions to early Earth, and the potential for complex life to emerge."
"Panspermia hypothesis: thanks to tardigrades, it's starting to look a lot more credible."
"Tardigrades: the key to understanding how life began on earth."
"Proof of panspermia: Microscopic phytoplankton found inside a meteorite."
"The key question: How similar does another planet have to be for advanced life to appear?"
"Liquid water has been discovered beneath Mars' south polar icecap, raising intriguing possibilities for both astrobiology and stories of Mars' past climate."
"We're on one of the few planets with conditions suitable for life."
"The palette of just what can happen with life on exoplanets may be wider than we imagine."
"If we find microbes distinct from Earth in our solar system, then chances are the universe teems with microbial life."
"Life in the universe is everywhere, and life is very much like ours. It is DNA based."
"The conclusions which NASA is revealing suggests that life in the universe is everywhere."
"In other words as early as late 2021 we might finally have the answer to the question of is there life on Venus after all."
"If we find life on Titan, we have certainly found something that is different from us and that fundamentally expands the possibilities for life in the universe."
"Scientists say there's a place in our solar system outside of Earth that has the chemical makeup to potentially support life. That place is Enceladus."
"Our search for life elsewhere in the universe largely focuses on bio-signatures."
"It would be incredible if we were to find life, primitive life, underneath the surface of Enceladus."
"Enceladus might just harbor the conditions needed to turn chemistry into biology."
"The search for water is guided by our interest in the search for life. It's that simple."
"All these elements are there that might be sufficient to sustain life if life could have got started there. So that makes Enceladus a very exciting place."
"The James Webb Telescope will look for biosignatures."
"Enceladus is even more habitable than we expected."
"Recent discoveries of terrestrial microorganisms surviving outside of the ISS indicate that life may be resilient enough for Mars."
"Methane in the Martian atmosphere could be a sign of microbial methanogens, a type of microorganism that produces a significant amount of methane."
"Europa, the icy moon of Jupiter, might just hide life deep under its thick crust of ice."
"Life had taken root in the cosmos once before."
"Mars is in the habitable zone; it seems reasonable that there's life on the other planet too."
"I hope we get the truth, I hope the Webb telescope is used to announce artificial light whether it's going to be on Trappist-1 or Proxima."
"If we were to look for a new home after living on a moon of Jupiter, Venus would be a relatively good option."
"If life can find a way in searing heat in minuscule amounts of water then surely it can find a way somewhere in the vast universe."
"Trappist-1e is the most likely to house life... extremely similar to Earth."
"If we find nothing here, even though all the ingredients are there, the signs are there, the actual composition, the liquid, the energy, the methane patterns... everything seems to suggest potential life."
"The discovery of algae-like structures inside fragments of a meteorite that struck a jungle in Sri Lanka proved that life exists elsewhere in the universe."
"Europa's ocean may be very much like our own."
"The discovery of microbial life in such an inhospitable environment has profound implications for astrobiology and our understanding of the limits of life on Earth."
"...if this is a treasure hunt for potential signs of life on another planet, organic matter is a clue."
"It's possible that an accidental discovery in the driest place on Earth will one day lead scientists to crack open a Martian rock and discover little green alien life."
"It is comparable with the conditions on the Earth and so it is thought that this environment should be favorable for potential or organic life."
"Even though the data acquired by spectral analysis of TOI-700d can't be enough for making conclusions, there is a chance that there is liquid water on the planet's surface."
"I study how planets get life and how they lose life."
"Panspermia... suggests that life exists throughout the Universe and can be distributed between planets by various means."
"Proxima Centauri B is in the middle of the star's habitable zone; this means that chances are liquid water and life might exist on the planet."
"...the dam has broke, and I think we're going to see the integration of techno signatures into astrobiology."
"If life formed on Earth in very similar conditions, maybe it's forming or has formed on Titan."
"Could we find worlds where neither was a moon, but both were large and habitable, like Earth, and would life have evolved from one of those double sand spread to the other?"
"The search for exoplanets and the search for life in the universe is one of the most exciting subjects, not just in astronomy, but in all of science."
"Astrobiologists want to know if technological capability has happened elsewhere in the universe."
"Europa's ocean could be the most common habitat that exists in the universe."
"The question of life on Mars is among the most important in planetary science and the evidence may be buried just below the surface."
"Europa is the most likely place to find life in our solar system today"
"some people think that Titan is similar to the Prebiotic Earth long ago when the molecules were forming the basis of life"
"Life in the universe might be much more common than we previously thought."
"If there is life elsewhere in the universe, it will be Darwinian life."
"In order for liquid water to exist on any Planet you essentially need to have just the right temperature and just the right pressure."
"Techno signatures that can also be present in addition to biosignatures."
"The search for life is an irresistible lure. Scientists are desperate to go back to Europa, and near the end of the next decade, they hope to launch a groundbreaking mission to orbit the moon."
"The discovery of life on another world would be one of the greatest finds of all time. If life exists in the ocean of Europa, that would tell us that life probably exists almost anywhere there's a water-rich environment."
"Jupiter and its moons have already transformed our understanding of our place in the solar system. Now, new missions to Europa may finally prove that life on Earth is not unique."
"Once we enter this era of being able to study these planets, be able to see the chemicals that are on their surfaces, that's when this whole quest to find out if there's life there..."
"While thermoacidophile enzymes may one day help pioneer a biological industrial revolution, their existence also raises questions about other extreme environments where life may exist both here on Earth and throughout the solar system."
"And even within our own Solar System, we know of several moons that could be hospitable to life."
"By examining the light that passes through a planet's atmosphere, researchers can identify the fingerprints of specific molecules, such as oxygen, methane, and water vapor, which on Earth are closely associated with biological activity."
"The search extends to the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, such as Europa and Enceladus, where subsurface oceans beneath their frozen crusts could provide habitable conditions for life."
"So could you have weird life on Titan where the solvent, the thing that the parts of life get mixed and combined and then you know, on earth that's water, where the solvent is liquid methane?"
"So, if we can actually show that there's a continuous pathway with no super-hard steps along the way, then I think we can conclude that it's likely that there is abundant life out there in our galaxy."
"Understanding the nature and distribution of these molecules on Beno could provide hints about the role of asteroids in possibly seeding life on Earth."