
Survival Instinct Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"Nature understands this concept. Study the honeybee."
"Our survival instincts are programmed deep into us. If you learn how to channel this energy correctly, you can become very, very successful in a very short period of time."
"Human beings are wired to connect and form relationships with others. It's like a survival code that's designed to keep us safe."
"The will to live will always outweigh the ability to die."
"Every time you feel a little suicidal or depressed, just check the life within you says to hell with all these things, I want to live."
"When you threaten people's financial and physical security that way, they don't just go and take a nap. We have an instinct to fight against any threats that we perceive to our well-being."
"We have a fear of the unknown and the unusual...if we didn't know what it was, it was likely to try and kill us or eat us."
"The lowest basic human instinct is to preserve what you have left of yourself from harm, from danger, from being killed, from being tortured."
"Imagine if that toxin spread all over our homelands. We don't know what Zeno Lifer's plans are, but even if there's the slightest chance of our homelands being endangered, that's reason enough to survive, to fight."
"At such an extreme moment, they didn't even run away from the crocodile."
"It's easy to fall back into our hunter-gatherer nature and see that rustling in the bush as a lion."
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!"
"If you're not dangerous, you're not going to survive, you're gonna become someone's victim."
"Whether you are a gazelle or a lion, when the sun comes up, you better be running."
"Your body doesn't know the difference between having your ass chewed by a tiger or by your boss."
"My biggest worry wasn't losing my hair, it wasn't how I was gonna look, it was just surviving, I wanted to live."
"I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six."
"Fear takes over. It's like fight or flight. It's just scary."
"Freeze is an old primitive survival instinct."
"When stripped of everything, does modern man still got that instinct to survive?"
"Every day in Africa, a lion wakes up. It's too late to be scared. It's time to kill."
"Every other species on the planet tries to get as many calories as possible to survive."
"In the situation that desperate, you have to do what you have to do to survive."
"We have to get out of here, live with everything you've got or it's gonna kill us."
"Their primal instincts kicked in and they soon realized that they could sustain themselves by foraging the jungles for anything to eat."
"Our bodies are wise... it's a primal survival instinct that makes so much sense."
"I want to live a long life. I don't want to die. I can't die in a place like this. Never."
"Creatures don't fight to the death unless they, unless you back them into a corner."
"The human will to live is one of the most important aspects of any person's life."
"A habit will remain a habit unless defeated by originality."
"Even now I get chills whenever I think about what might have happened if I had opened my door."
"It's a part of the world but that's what primal survival humanity is what this show is about."
"She was in fear of her life and that's what got her out of the back of the truck and running into the bush."
"Why would I do that? That's true. If there's a chance for me to fight and still be alive, I'll do it."
"Honestly, I wish I knew how I got there but I was in deep survival mode and I didn't stop to process any of it until I made it to my room."
"Okay, we are gonna have to kill them though, aren't we? Because they've got scarier. I mean, that's within our programming."
"Negativity has a bigger impact on our brains than positive ones. It's hardwired as a survival mechanism. Did you burn your finger on the candle fire as a kid? Well, then fire bad."
"No animal on the planet wants to find itself facing off against a croc."
"Fight or flight kicked in and we turned and sprinted full speed out of that park... never looking back to see if they were following us."
"Without the will to live, there's survival nowhere."
"Every single shot looks like one massive story."
"People want to live, you know. I was actually surprised to find out that people are fond of living."
"A wounded animal is the most dangerous kind."
"They're just algorithms, designed to survive at all costs. They're just the passenger."
"The feeling I have right now, I don't want to die. I want to live forever."
"As men we need to be animal because it's animals out there who don't have any rules."
"I am going to fight to my last breath to stay alive and to live as long as I can."
"In the history of the animal kingdom, eating is survival."
"I want somebody with that survival instinct and somebody that is going to fight not just for her lives but as we saw in the first Halloween movie is gonna fight for the lives of the kids she was babysitting."
"I have just a very powerful survival instinct that would propel me to continue to scratch and claw my way forward."
"My fight or flight reflex usually sees me fleeing to safety unless I have no choice but to fight."
"Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Focus on you."
"A rat is at its most dangerous when it's cornered."
"We've been thrown into the water. Now we make a choice to either sink or swim."
"Nature can sometimes be pretty brutal, but this is survival right here."
"People are just asking just for their survival and this is basic human instinct in face of danger."
"Times are changing very quick and if you can't adapt you die."
"Civilization at some point I collapsed from exhaustion but when I woke again I returned to running bound by fear and hunger."
"The very first instruction on the note was, 'Act first, think later, or you will die.'"
"Humans survived this way for millennia, you can too."
"This guy was going to hurt me and probably kill me."
"If you are in a burning house you are going to try to get out by any means necessary."
"Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to put food on the table."
"Orlok by contrast is a monster who has learned to live among us, driven by the need to hunt, to feed."
"Many people want to kill me but you know what we didn't get the successful hunt did defend our life we'll take that."
"It’s obviously the desire to live that gives rise to many other desires."
"You have the capacity to help yourself live and survive, like any other animal."
"I'd give you a hand but no thanks I may look like a corpse but I'm partial to living."
"Your light can save your life, maybe you're in a stairwell and a building that's on fire."
"Joel just walking in and just not even caring and being like, 'Oh, so they're dead.' That just showcases again how he is in such a survival mode."
"Imagine being that little girl... to pretend she was dead in order to stay alive."
"They mean no harm, they're just trying to survive."
"I jumped like the world had destined me to survive."
"I never thought I'd actually have to use it until now as a surge of adrenaline mixed with a fight-or-flight instinct took over."
"Fear of death is nothing to be ashamed of; that fear keeps you present, that fear keeps you safe, that fear, it's what makes us human."
"I felt sick to my stomach, and the only reason why I didn't run out of this place was because I had no clue where I was."
"Delilah began to run again, parallel to the river, scanning this way and that, looking for an escape hatch, an ejection seat, something to take her as far from Ella as she could get."
"Humans will fight back naturally for survival purposes, and I think that's a positive sign."
"It really puts into effect what you're able to overcome and push through when survival becomes a necessity."
"The epitome of what the will to survive can do for you in the darkest, most dangerous of situations."
"I don't really see anything, but that's what I like to hear when it comes to my continued survival."
"This is the point in the horror movie where a smart person leaves the house, burns down the house, and starts a new life."
"People will do whatever they have to do to feed their family."
"Nobody wants to die, regardless of country. Initiative can come naturally."
"Your nervous system is wired to pay attention to things that can kill you and hurt you."
"A true sense of 'hey, I've got to do this, I've got to survive.'"
"Fear is a survival instinct. Any animal without it won't be around long."
"The system wants him to survive, so it's telling him to fight for his life."
"Never underestimate what a man is willing to do to ensure his salvation."
"Survival is doing what you have to or perishing."
"Touches on primal fears... the idea of having to run away from someone or the idea of having to fight someone to survive."
"Your eagerness to survive means that you haven't given up on that world yet."
"When I realized that my life was at risk, I had a thought for my family and that gave me the energy to do something to save my life."
"Survival mode had kicked in all the way because she remembers her training about bears."
"In that moment trapped in the bizarre intricately chiseled crawl space it made all the sense of the world."
"The brain has evolved to filter out that which is not relevant to your survival."
"Survival has a way of bringing people together."
"We always make comparisons. It's what keeps us alive."
"There's something in you that says I don't want to die, that's your God-given will to live."
"People hover between despising each other and being totally indifferent to each other when self-preservation is an everyday struggle."
"It's instinct, it's not... it's not now, I'm not saying... you're not gonna feel a lot of people thankfully figured out there was a back door."
"Life is full of pain if it wasn't painful to die you wouldn't try to avoid it."
"Having that moment where I know I'm getting watched by a Russian drone, that made me know I don't want to die."
"If you're in a burning building you don't sit around and try to figure out what how the fire start you just want to get out."
"Even in his bloody and beat-up state hajime's desire to survive make it back home burns furiously."
"It's good to have a healthy perspective on the dangers that we face as people. Our survival depends on it."
"innate responses to a perceived threat being driven by a constant urge to do the naughty is also a natural trait ingrained in Us in order to spread our genes"
"Fear forces you to recruit muscle, fear forces you to produce force, and fear forces you to fight."
"Fear is an emotion...that keeps us alive...it's better to be fearful in the appropriate context."
"That's just how it works, I don't have much to live for but I still don't want to die, so please don't quit."
"The lioness fights fiercely with the wild dogs, but the wild dogs are professional, cold-blooded predators."
"Do not underestimate a starving and desperate person regardless of his personality before the collapse. Hungry people make absolutely crazy and uncharacteristic choices."
"Emotions are your body's messengers; they exist to help us survive and thrive."
"I can't forget that vivid memory I have though of us being chased and genuinely thinking we were doomed."
"Now that I was armed, I stood up, waving the knife wildly so that whatever this thing was would see that I was not going to be easy prey."
"Self-preservation is an instinct you possess. You better do it and do it quick."
"Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration."
"Once I've gone truly into a survival State, you know, then you suffer."
"They tried to kill us, they failed. Let's eat."
"As soon as that sound hit... and I'll never forget the sound. It's like bolts in a blender. Yeah, as soon as that sound of the bumper hitting the truck and grinding, I said, 'I'm gonna die. This is how I die.'"
"Assume all patterns are real, assume all rustles in the grass are dangerous predators and not the wind."
"If you believe the rustle in the grass is just the wind and it turns out it's a dangerous predator, you've just been given a Darwin Award."
"Morale and keeping morale keeping your will to live keeping your survival Instinct intact is very important."
"Your survival is all that counts in all of this. You really shouldn't speak like that."
"Inori would have to decline on that front, because he doesn't fancy dying today."
"You become a potential killer. You do everything to survive and everything to kill the enemy. It's as simple as that."
"My man is a Savage, talk about ride or die huh, let's eat or be eating out here."
"Before lightning strikes, you can sometimes feel an electric charge run through your body, you feel your hair rise, it's the hand of chindi, then you're probably going to be hit and the only thing to do is drop flat on the ground and pray."
"I was scared badly and all I could do was walk away slowly as to not be chased down and hurt."
"Her indomitable will and instinct to survive."
"All humans are interested in survival the same amount."
"Women have the same human need to survive as men do."
"You've heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap. That's an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind."
"If the plane goes down, I'm surviving."
"What's going on is just our most basic instinct, and that's survival."
"If I saw this in the distance, I'm sorry, but [expletive], I'm deserting. Put me in the brick, lock me up, I don't care, I'm not fighting that."
"We all have a very strong will to live."
"I feel like it's human nature to want to survive."
"From an evolutionary standpoint, it's probably more important for you to be scared and run like hell when you're being confronted by a saber-toothed tiger than for you to be able to solve differential equations."
"So these circuits are based to help us to survive. So they give us all our drives, but they also give us experience of what happens when we act in a certain way. And if it doesn't work, we change our reaction."
"...what would you do personally if I were just chilling with my homies and a bunch of like space gorillas came out of nowhere and just started fing up the block you best believe I would be quick with the Blick because I ain't letting no zombies no way take over my hood you dig?"
"I keep getting the same adrenaline rush that I got when I saw the guy charging me whenever I think about it"
"I know I'm gonna survive. Like, I have this weird narcissistic survivor thing." - Carly
"The instinct to survive is so deeply ingrained into our animal brain."
"Paranoia will save your life in a combat zone like it or not, that was exactly where they were," remarked Clark.
"I understand that Christopher wants to prove to Mary that his friends are real, but when he got there and found the place looking like the house from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he should have had the common sense to run for it while they still had the chance."
"I gotta live bro to do what what you mean live I would I would lose I I like I couldn't I couldn't I wouldn't have to hardly kill a little [ __ ]."
"At that moment, the praying mantis left its victim and ran away."
"It was unreal. Our instincts just took over and without even thinking, we all began sprinting off away from this animal."
"You're one of like a couple thousand people left I'm like come on dude let's rob a plane go skydiving no parachute style like let's go out with a bang."
"That's kind of your body's way of making sure that you have super fast rocket fuel in case a lion jumps out and tries to eat you."
"You do what you got to do to survive. Survival of the fittest."
"I'm crying, and I'm just hysterical. And I'm screaming at the top of my voice, God, I want to live. I don't want to die."
"What happens is your brain has to decide do I want to stop breathing and die, or do I want to wake myself up so that I don't stop breathing?"
"Our will to survive is just so potent."
"This guy has a great self-preservation instinct."
"When you fast you turn into Hunter mode when you're hungry your brain allows you to work harder"
"There's something primal about fear, a deep guttural reaction that strips away all the complexities of life until you're left with just one imperative: survive."
"If we lost our ability to know when we were satiated, why wouldn't we have elderly people starving to death because they didn't actually get enough?"
"She begged him not to kill her because she really wants to live."
"It felt like my body wanted to stay alive."
"complaining about some jerk that you don't like doesn't have the same bodily cues as escaping certain death"
"Fear is the oldest safety mechanism that you have in your life."
"Self-preservation is the number one rule of nature, bro."
"Fear is a feature of your being that is there for a reason."
"Absolutely. It's determined to survive. It will dismiss or ignore anything that might threaten its survival."
"When pushed to the extreme, do they still have what it takes to survive?"
"We instinctually fight for our next breath even as we begin to question whether life is truly worth living."
"This horse believes his safety is completely up to him. This horse believes that the only way he stays alive is by being alert and seeing the problem before it happens and getting the heck out of Dodge before it kills him."
"The whole thing was that I was very, very ready when I have a present or conscious about my behavior because it was just like a survival mechanism I just was."
"They're an easier Target so if there is crocodiles around they're just going to go for them first."
"A knife is way scarier than a gun. Shoot me before you stab me. Yeah, I'm not [__] getting stabbed. No way."
"I went into full fight or flight mode and sprang up onto the bed."
"I was prepared to fight for my life."
"Whatever's outside of our subconscious comfort zone feels unfamiliar and feels like a survival threat because we haven't dealt with that yet."
"Trying to evade predators using every tool at your disposal, and it all feels very natural in the moment."
"They haven't lived this long by being stupid. They know that in enough numbers, humans can and will kill them."
"I would love to survive my own scary movie."
"You're not doing that. This girl did not collude with the Darkling. She did what she had to do to survive."
"I don't actually see that as a negative thing. I see that as, well, it's kept us alive. This is why we're here."
"They're self-sufficient amazing animals, made like a wolf to survive."
"Who knew that a moose could swim? Apparently, they swim to little islands to save their young from other predators."
"If you don't create a beautiful future, your brain will do one for you, and it's usually not good because it's based on survival and a reflection of past hurt."
"It's like survival has to take over."
"The United States will have to compete with others under the law of the jungle that we have just reintroduced."
"We as humans never feel like we have enough; we're always in fight or flight survival mode."
"Benavidez described it as going into autopilot."
"When you're running from a tiger, you're not in the land of abundance but in the land of scarcity."
"He knew he had to find his feet again or die."
"Our brains are built for survival, not success."
"The will to survive, the will to live, bro."
"I resist the implication that bravery is Noble. I must face the things that scare me in order to survive and survival is not Noble, it is not a sacrifice of self but in service to the self."
"We all have an instinct to survive. It's a lot of hard work, but you can survive it."
"Babies have an innate attachment drive to survive; security equals survival."
"Have you ever been so afraid that your body doesn't feel real anymore? Your muscle memory doing everything for you, telling your body to run, and you don't even have time to think, you just run."
"The god-given survival mechanism that is productive and useful."
"Most people would choose self-preservation over a superhero moment."
"We are programmed to survive, not really thrive."
"Survival is not the basic instinct; the expression of divinity is."