
Burden Sharing Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Ask for help to carry some of that weight if you're overwhelmed."
"Don't burden your friend with all of this... it should be the same philosophy as in romantic relationships."
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you."
"Not only must I tell Him about my burden, not only must I trust it to Him, but my focus must move from my burden to the burden-bearer."
"Unload all your burdens on Him, since he is concerned about you."
"Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
"Don't let your troubles burden others; sometimes a pat on the back is all they need."
"You guys do deserve happiness as well. It's time for you to look for people who will already be carrying their own burdens."
"Push through that final movement, if there is a burden that you're feeling, lean on someone else."
"Collaboration really is the spice of life, you know? And trying to do everything yourself and put everything on your own shoulders, no one's gonna pat you on the back at the end of the day, right?"
"Let me carry your heavy loads and all your concerns."
"He's dressed to handle your darkest secrets, your deepest stain, your sweat."
"I cast my burdens on you because in this life I need your strength, Lord Jesus."
"You don't have to carry the burden of everything for everyone."
"You don't have to carry that burden that massive pile of chains that has a choke hold on you you don't have to carry that alone."
"Support is required and the burdens between friends should be shared."
"By coming to Jesus with our burdens, we embrace the Divine exchange."
"Casting our burdens on God is an active trust in His ability to carry us through."
"It's off your shoulders now, man. Thank you."
"Even in the darkest times, not everyone always has to have the weight of the world on their shoulders."
"The more you carry, the faster your stamina will drain when using actions; pawns can carry your burdens."
"Expressing Christ's praying love: Christ's love makes me want to listen to others and share their burdens."
"Use doormats at entrance... Prevention is better than cure."
"Hand over your worries and fears to me, and I will bear them on your behalf."
"You want a partner, you don't want to carry all the burden."
"Coron encourages the chief not to shoulder everything alone."
"Ukraine is like a drowning person who pulls you down with them as they're drowning." - Polish President Andrzej Duda
"It is not your responsibility to carry this horrible burden."
"I don't have to carry the weight of all that I'm going to face by myself."
"Throw your burdens on Jesus, for He cares for you."
"...if Jesus bore it, there's no reason for you and me to bear it."
"Why can't they just leave the pain floating there? They have no idea you're taking on any of their pain, Kumachi."
"Don't go at it alone... you're not a burden to your friends or your family they can't be the only solution but it's definitely the first step."
"Whatever the burden you're wanting to release, we are willing to receive it."
"But I will always help you," he laid his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "I will help you bear this burden, as long as it is yours to bear."
"You shouldn't have to carry this alone. No one should."
"You will not carry your burden alone."
"When you are in a dark place and feel all hope is lost he is waiting for you. Go to him now exchange your burden for his rest. Let him lighten your load and remove the heaviness you feel."
"The purpose of a yoke is to share and lighten the load."
"If he wasn't given something heavy to carry, he would have just kept on passing by."
"The US cannot be expected to continue to carry the preponderance of capability contributions in NATO."
"They carry burdens, help us to throw them it's you that they need."
"Why should one person have all the burden? We work as a team, high five."
"Surely he has lifted up off of us our sickness and our disease and carried shouldered our burden of sickness as if it was his own and removed it all away to a distance."
"...and it shouldn't all be on them, it shouldn't be a burden, everybody should play a part..."
"No matter how heavy your load, you're never carrying it alone."
"I gave you those shoulders to bear somebody else's burden."
"To share it amongst a community really lightens the load, makes it more possible, plus you grow faster."
"Jesus says yoke up with me, partner with me, and I'll help you carry your load."
"God's hand is upon them, God's hand is upon them, you don't need to worry, it's not your burden to carry, it's God's burden and He has it."
"Give all your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you."
"We are one crown; his weight is mine and mine is his."
"It's not all on your shoulders, you know."
"I need to listen to Galatians 6 which talks about bearing one another's burdens."
"The only way that we could lighten his burden was by being in perfect unity amongst ourselves."
"Every morning, despite these guys being heavily weighed down with equipment and ammunition, they would come to me every single morning and ask if they could carry my kit for me."
"Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? No, there's a cross for everyone, and there's a cross for me."
"We are not supposed to carry the world on our backs."
"We're not to be fearful; don't look at what's going on in the world, look to me, cast your burdens on me."
"The bonds of friendship are strong enough to shoulder any burden, even literal ones."
"Not trying to burden other people with my stuff, that's what those people in your life are for, to share your journey with you."
"Charity propels us to bear one another's burdens rather than heap burdens upon each other."
"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear."
"If there is a load you have to bear that you can't carry, I'm right up the road, I'll share your load if you just call me."
"When the body of Christ comes together to pray, encourage, and provide for one another, burdens are lifted and God is glorified."
"We stand with those whose burdens are more than they can bear."
"Make sure if you have a significant other, you are helping them lighten their load."
"You've been bearing the whole world on your big, hungry shoulders, so you can at least let me carry your sadness."
"We cast our burdens on you right now, Lord God, because we know that they were never ours."
"Let me carry some of that weight."
"So he can help me carry my worries."
"You're taking on too much alone; you can rely on me."
"Help another remove the load from the beasts to carry it."
"The entire nature of our society is that those with the broadest shoulders carry the heaviest burden."
"Let go of those heavy burdens... I've got broad shoulders, perfectly capable of carrying your worries, fears, and doubts."
"I'm here. Let me carry some of that burden."
"You don't have to carry this burden by yourself."
"It's like you lose the weight that's been weighing on your shoulders and you put it into somebody else's eternal hands."
"It's not as bad as it looks, especially if you divvy it up and share the load."
"Please let me help you, let me carry some of the weight."
"You lay it all on me if you're hurting."
"Don't carry the world upon your shoulders."
"I have relieved you of your hard work; I have imposed your load on man."
"You're my brother, all right, so whatever weight you're carrying, let me help a little bit."
"The load or weight or burden of my neighbor's glory should be laid on my back."
"I don't want Ben to ever again carry all that weight by himself like he always has."
"I will not let you carry this burden alone."
"I've carried a burden too long on my own, and I wasn't created to Bear it alone."
"You realize you don't have to take all this burden on yourself, right?"
"Lift your worry unto the Lord, cast your burdens unto Him, for He cares about you."
"Stand with those whose dignity has been denied and stand with those whose burdens are more than they can bear."
"There are plenty of people who can help you and who can carry some of the heavy weights in your life."
"Life's burdens are heavy, the only way not to hurt yourself is to fall on your knees and lift it to the Lord."