
Retribution Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... I'm nuking your [expletive] country."
"Never avenge yourselves; leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it."
"Sometimes people need a taste of their own medicine."
"Justice is getting served; karma is coming around."
"The moral of the story is, never leave a man alive if there's a chance he could steal your horse later."
"Leave judgment alone with me, for it is mine and I will repay."
"At Snow's execution, Katniss shot Coin instead of Snow, payback for her sister's death."
"If someone needs help, we help them; if someone needs hurting, we hurt them. It's not hard."
"Providence ruined our lives with the flick of a pen. Today, we return the favor. Happy hunting."
"Let's focus on ourselves, not him or it. Let us pay it retribution. Let us show it that we are not failures."
"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord, is a statement of eternal truth and correspondences against which nothing can stand."
"Sooner or later a huge plot twist is going to come and you and your evildoers will be thrown back in jail."
"Why do you get to live when my family didn't? That's not justice."
"What do you get if you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that treats him like garbage? You get what you deserve."
"He deserves to spend the rest of his life in a self-made hell."
"When you aim to go for retribution over rehabilitation, all you are doing is expediting my execution."
"There it is. That's for all the great whites you guys have killed. Beautiful."
"For all the lives that he sacrificed, all with nothing to return, he deserves this."
"A truly evil being at getting exactly what he deserves."
"I hope the man rots in jail, his quality of life is going to be nothing."
"Once you make it, you become [expletive] nightmares, 'cause they want to punish people for all those years they were insecure." - Joe Rogan
"The mafia wanted the rules obeyed, and when they were broken, retribution was sure to follow."
"That's so sick, maybe karma will do its thing."
"To me, killing you is the easy way out. One day I hope you find it in your heart to apologize to those 10 families who you've shattered their lives for, some senseless, unnecessary business that you had going on with yourself."
"Now you gonna get clapped, that's what you get."
"For those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution."
"Proof that there is a God... why do terrible things happen to terrible people."
"There's a special place in hell for what we believe that he did to this girl."
"If you can murder in cold blood, you deserve to be murdered in cold blood."
"You deserve to be [__] the Republican Party deserves everything that that's coming for them."
"God will bless you on the same platform that they tried to destroy you on."
"You think this is over? You think you can vanquish one of our allies and get away with it?"
"If he floods this place, I'm gonna kick him. Beware the wrath of God."
"There is Justice in the world and he will spend all his birthdays now in prison."
"We're going after some folks because some folks deserve to be gone after."
"An eye for an eye, John. You know how it goes."
"If someone has done wrong to you, it will be put right, and you will feel justice has been done."
"Fairy Tail always pays back what they owe...including pain."
"I don't believe in taking blanket retribution against people."
"Do you know what Nemesis means? A righteous infliction of Retribution."
"Actions have consequences. You screwed me over, now you're paying for it."
"He also says that the souls of their children will avenge him on her, but Medea says the gods know who really messed up in this situation, and she’s gonna bury their kids in Hera’s sacred lands before purifying herself of the crime."
"Somebody thought they was going to get away with plotting something on you, they are not getting away."
"I am the vengeance, I am God's wrath, here to break the curse and rise up against you and deliver this land from evil."
"Karma served him a great big slice of humble pie."
"This is a good day, people that have been getting away with things for way too long are finally getting what they deserve."
"It will get what's coming to it, no doubt. This is Vengeance."
"What better retribution can I get than exposing your behavior to the world?"
"She ain't calling me today, okay well guess what I ain't going to talk to her for the next three days."
"Bill Barr is going to be talking about Trump and about retribution."
"Many of you are going to be receiving like vindication or justice for something."
"There will be a reset, and those who have been causing harm will pay for their crimes."
"If you are willing to lie in front of the world and try and defame someone and try and destroy their life then you deserve everything that's coming to you."
"They have proven themselves treacherous dogs and they must be put down."
"You can't kill no [__] like young Dolph then you bragging about this everybody know who has something to do with it and you think they're not even going to stop? They're not going to stop. They're going to be spinning for Dolph 10 years from now."
"Justice will be served and the quiet kid freaking mic drops."
"I didn't [__] anybody who didn't have it coming to them already."
"The wicked will not endure it. They will be reduced to a dead carcass, and vultures will be preying upon them."
"I hope it bothers him when he gets there and I hope he gets what's coming to him."
"If these things were done to me by a 77 year old man, I wouldn't be looking for a payoff. I would be looking for him to die in prison on criminal charges."
"All she wanted to do was teach him a lesson."
"In the end, Roger Warren made sure that all they found down in Giant Mine was wrath, vengeance, and death."
"Karma is best served cold and then tables turn real fast."
"He named it the same. This atrocity cannot go unpunished!"
"Justice is coming for you, bringing balance and harmony."
"Hayden Christensen: 'They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!'"
"You're going to pay for what you've done to these people."
"Your enemies are about to see how the tables have turned."
"Someone was gonna pay for what happened to Daisy."
"The greatest retribution is massive success."
"Morality be damned, these two deserve to die."
"He'd want us to find our friends and bring them home safe, and he'd want us to kill the people who took them."
"It's about time that an ego so big is made to feel as small as he really is."
"I pray to god that he has the most horrible traumatizing time in prison ever."
"Evil lurks around us, and I wish to see retribution."
"These people are going to face judgment for this, they're going to face Divine judgment."
"Jules quotes the Bible, enacting holy retribution."
"But I do believe that God will repay what Shawn has taken from us and that we have to leave the vengeance to God."
"It's a good day when you see a piece of garbage like that get dealt with."
"Some people just deserve whatever it is they get."
"All that matters is killing those who deserve to die."
"There will be a dear reckoning. The question is, how soon?"
"The Vikings liked being pagans... it was also a form of religious payback."
"I reclaim my power, I gather my allies, and I will have my vengeance."
"There's a special place in Hell reserved for people who see the truth and don't act."
"The child who doesn't feel the warmth of the village will burn it down."
"If I had your devil nature, I would delight in the fact that your congregation has turned its back on you, that your wife has divorced you, that your own children have disowned you."
"Hopefully all those monsters will get the full extent of what's coming to them."
"Kill haters, call the docs, patience when I'm stuck in prey surveillance, watch my patients, take your plate right off the table, tell 'em wait here, wait is waiting."
"No pity for what you have done to them, it is all part of my plan."
"What you did was cold-blooded, it was dirty, and I don't really believe in karma but if I did I hope you get yours someday."
"Jesus says elsewhere, 'These are the days of vengeance in order that all that has been written might be fulfilled.' These are the days of vengeance."
"This person didn't get away with anything. You may not have heard from them, but they are being tortured behind the scenes."
"Justice will be served. This woman will get her justice when it comes to this past person and when it comes to this future person she gets what she wants."
"There is no mercy or salvation, only punishment."
"Even if I'm going to die, I'm still going to make them pay for how they treated me."
"Divine retribution will be brought down on both of them in short order."
"You took his life like a thief in the night by cutting his throat rather than facing him and let him fight for the thing that he felt most dear." - Victim's Family Member
"Your life is about to change big time, cancer. Um, and these people, they're gonna regret losing a blessing."
"Karma, she does not forget neither does she miss."
"He got what he deserved at the end of the day."
"Are more fueled by barbaric retribution than their happy hippie Sunshine fairy family Vibe."
"You are the storm, Collective. You're like walking karma. People lose everything for crossing you."
"Angry glances of a man's eye call into being an evil angel that speedily takes vengeance."
"Let me tell you something no let it out I don't I don't know listen if I get away with cheating and she called me cheating or he called me cheating you want to hurt him to his core is treat him the way he treated you hurt him to his core."
"I pray that you're still alive to see what we are about to do to this monster."
"Admiral arasodus left it there not only as a mark of retribution but as a reminder to the Klingons."
"No evil one will escape the sword of Christ."
"Trump deserves this: finally justice. I hope he's truly terrified."
"I decided to give the guy a taste of his own medicine."
"Nothing better than when the bully gets bullied."
"He spent half his life controlling others and now he'll spend the other half of his life controlling nothing."
"If anyone deserved its wrath, it was the fabled."
"Bad people should be punished for their actions."
"Your justice is coming, bringing genuine balance."
"Nick is gone so easy, doesn't matter where he is, all that matters is we have to make him pay."
"John slumped to the floor in front of everyone and Selman senior fired three more shots into his dead body John ended up dying at brutal and violent death just like most of his victims throughout the years."
"Donald Trump absolutely can win in 2024. That's why they're panicking and desperate because if Trump gets in then revenge is on."
"It's like you're blowing a big old spoofy load of karma all over their goddamn green faces."
"If you want revenge take it up with little red."
"His injury is merely the price that he has to pay for hurting her."
"When they're doing any or all of the covert aggressive tactics."
"Damn it feels good to know that there is karma and there is justice for what they did to you."
"I wanted to teach you a lesson." - Justifying actions with a hint of playful retribution.
"Karma doesn't sleep on anybody and it will come back to collect you."
"The evil ones will pay for their sins against humanity."
"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, and they're going to see and know that."
"Make the devil pay you, now he gotta cut you a check."
"It's time for payback for everything he's done."
"Clean, professional, concise... a sense of retribution without letting our imaginations get carried away."
"If ghosts can die twice, I want him to be tied to a Ford F-150 and dragged across the streets of New Mexico."
"We cannot just stop there, Putin has to suffer a little bit more."
"We need to make that clear she was really trying to do what one of us should have done a long time ago kill that piece of shit."
"Justice has came through balancing these scales. You will get what's due to you."
"Karma don't miss a door or a dress, and karma is coming for those people."
"He says the attacks are in retribution for generations of atrocities from the Inner Planets against Belters."
"Eleven violent deaths for eleven violent men meant the end of the most ruthless gang that the old west had ever seen."
"We're getting our revenge on the guys that actually took out a bunch of American civilians at 9/11 which is a good thing."
"The Lord thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, which persecuted thee."
"You going to get yours for that, you going to get yours for that."
"Finally, we got him! That's what you get for trying to chase after another Spider-Man."
"You disrespected the Brotherhood and it'll cost you. You want back into the family, you pay the price. 500 gold and all is forgiven."
"I am the anger of a dead people, demanding blood be spilled for the blood we lost."
"Every time this person attempts to do something to you, it backfires."
"Roman explains that the brutal and violent assault that blood of fangs committed against an innocent person left him with no other choice but to take action and execute them all."
"Nobody gets what they deserve… but I’m gonna make sure you heroes get damned close!"
"Karma is right around the corner, and it's going to come bite you in your ass."
"God is going to punish everybody who disrespects the chosen one."
"You cannot continue to beat and kick the truth without it biting you back."
"The Spoils of the wicked will turn to the enrichment of us, the church."
"Whoever wounds his heart shall die by his own hands."
"They opened our borders to this invasion, so they're gonna feel the wrath."
"When my [ __ ] comes in baby, and it's coming without a ship, I'm gonna [ __ ] everybody on that ship."
"Karma is a [ __ ] but it's going to catch up with him bro, mark my words."
"Justice was waiting around the corner for Birdman."
"Eldest senior brother will not forgive their actions."
"The only way to have justice is to destroy the ones who betrayed."
"I'm an eye for an eye type, you hate me I hate you, you want to kill me I want to kill you."
"God is not blind and he's not going to let this slide."
"Maegor went about personally slicing, dicing, and incinerating his excessively religious enemies."
"Tell them that I will destroy them because they have hated the just."
"You want to give people the taste of their own medicine. You want to let people feel the way that you felt."
"Keep reporting us because you set your tent up too close and you're gonna have a bad night."
"Play them dirty, you're about to do them bad. It's cute, who cares? Everybody did to you, so who cares?"
"Karma will come for you. But I left you waiting."
"What would you give to see him pay... to see him have to face the consequences of his own wrath?"
"There's some type of like sweet Justice to that."
"Welcome to r/prorevenge where OP goes full John Wick."
"What goes around comes all the way back around. Devil laughing at they ass."
"This is exactly what they deserve for whatever the [ __ ] they did to you."
"The land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it."
"I've made it my life's work since his murder to go after the people who killed him to make sure they face justice."
"Judgment is facing them now. Karma's waiting for those who cast negativity."
"It's still nice to see jerks like that getting what they deserve."
"What's better than a racist getting the boot? A racist catching a fist."
"It's like an eye for an eye. Yeah, well, it makes the whole world blind. That's the icy sword of truth."
"I can't wait for these people to be taken down, seriously."
"God, who will render to every man according to his deeds."
"Oh Lord, the God of Vengeance, let your glorious justice shine."
"He has finely taken revenge for this little guy."
"Oh, that's karma in action, I love it."
"They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."
"You're going to get your justice, which is good karma."
"I'm gonna get them some justice. We're gonna find who did this, and they're gonna pay for what they did."
"Karma will be returning back to her for what she did to you."
"I wanted justice, Batman, and thanks to you, I got it."
"I kept my job and the villain got punished."
"God will repay each person according to what they have done."
"Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves."
"While the unsanctioned killing of the Nazis at Dachau went against protocol, the swift and brutal vengeance visited on the prison guards is viewed by many as the justifiable comeuppance for their atrocities."
"If somebody sends me something, it's going to come back to them twice as big."
"Your enemies are getting karma right now."
"You're genuinely letting him get off the easy way here. You should kick his ass for doing that to you."
"But it is payback that has been long overdue."
"This wasn't a job, this case. This was about Levi, about Christina, it was about all the people that got their lives destroyed by Carl Carlson."
"You get what you f***ing deserve!"
"I am so happy that this douchebag got what he deserved."
"Karma came back to bite her in the butt."
"Karma came back like a mother truck on that guy."
"They've got it coming to them they that is the Germans have got it coming to them we can bide our time if we know that sooner or later preferably sooner the Germans are going to go through it too."