
Predictability Quotes

There are 1178 quotes

"Our decisions are up to us; we just happen to know that their outcomes could be predicted with enough information."
"Fate is not real; it's based purely on the predictability of a person as to where they will end up."
"Knowing other people's core commitment can make people very predictable, which makes a relationship more safe."
"Routine develops resilience. Predictability creates stability."
"Change is exciting, but predictability is like that warm heated blanket on a winter day."
"If you're sharing the roads with humans, the best thing to do is be human-like and predictable."
"The whole world has changed, but yet it was all so predictable from the jump."
"Science says that if you throw this object at this angle and with this initial velocity, according to this equation, it will land on this precise spot at this precise time."
"In the aggregate, behavior is very predictable, which is what businesses know."
"There's actually one thing about the future that's remarkably predictable: the price performance and capacity of every information technology follows a very predictable path, and that path is exponential, not linear."
"The Russians have an extremely rational conduct of the whole thing. They have a line; they follow the line, and it is almost predictable."
"People who live by the same code are rendered mutually predictable to one another; they act in keeping with each other's expectations and desires."
"People in the AGI community refer to the advent of digital super intelligence as a singularity. That is not to say that it is good or bad, but that it is very difficult to predict what will happen after that point."
"Physics isn't just a story; it's a story that makes predictions that can be tested."
"Stability is everything. If you don't have something that's stable, how are you possibly going to be able to predict something like this?"
"Implied volatility is actually very predictable, whereas stock prices aren't that predictable."
"The vast majority of Americans...just want normalcy and predictability and to be left alone."
"Once I realized how cyclical things were, I realized there is an element of predictability."
"This means if we run the same number seed, Clarissa will live the same exact life every single time."
"Never say 'we'll see what happens' because we know what's going to happen."
"We want this car to be honest and predictable and for an input that a driver makes, we want the car to make a consistent output."
"We are not as endlessly manipulable and predictable as you would think."
"Childhood trauma, what I'm learning, is so much more patternized and predictable."
"This one delivered as well again predictable but it delivered."
"Only long-term vision and long-term deals can give you that measure of predictability."
"You've got to give that measure of predictability, and that's why this became so important."
"You can almost count on it, it's probably going to happen."
"I enjoy being able to predict what will happen."
"If you have paid attention, you are not surprised."
"If we watch the breakdown we are seeing now occur in another country, we'd say of course, of course, exactly this outcome unfolding."
"The best predictor of future performance is past performance."
"I think everything is going to play out the way that we said it was going to play out."
"Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."
"What happens in Vegas will not stay in Vegas."
"Climate models can't predict short-term changes, but they can predict the long-term trend."
"When a Marvel movie says this big threat is going to end the world, you've spoiled your own movie simply by having that be the plot."
"You prefer a relaxed lifestyle rather than a busy and stressful one and don't mind if there isn't a fixed or predictable schedule."
"I think principles are important because they give us a guide to see how a person will act in the future."
"I loved this movie. It's predictable, who gives a [ __ ]. Doesn't matter as long as you get there."
"Games and movies have become extremely predictable no matter how bad situations get you know that the hero must win."
"It's human psychology at its most basic and predictable form."
"It's usually easy to predict the actions of bureaucracies, governments, militaries, and businesses because they usually have standard ways of operating."
"It's delivered a lot of drama over the years. This year's races in the real world were a little bit more predictable."
"These patterns and regularities are the opposite of randomness."
"There is nothing more foreseeable as a public health crisis... than a pandemic."
"The brain loves predictability and autonomy. When it's in an environment where it's unpredictable and it doesn't feel like it has a lot of power to decide what's going on, levels of dopamine reduce."
"If you tell me the side of the political spectrum that you are on and I can accurately predict all of your beliefs, you are not a person, you are an NPC."
"The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God, you are not controllable and you are not predictable."
"That bothered about a big reveal but was I the only one who thought there was too damn obvious that she was a young African-American woman?"
"When we feel that we can predict what's happening, when we feel that we have a little bit more control of our day, it actually leads you to feeling better."
"Fish are very predictable once you know this 90/10 secret."
"If you know what to expect, you can expect your expectations to be met."
"Success and failure is predictable. You could tell if people gonna be successful or if they gonna fail if you pay attention to their pattern."
"You don't want to get stuck in an action scene that you can see coming."
"Companies that have very long predictable runways of growth."
"A good twist doesn't live or die on whether or not it's guessable."
"Vichy again resembles a very predictable reliable business with great management."
"Everything is predictable but in the best, most complementary way."
"Change is always scary. We appreciate a routine of some kind. We like when things are predictable in a way."
"One weakness psychopaths have is that once one studies them and begins to understand them, they become predictable."
"We're not geniuses, we didn't predict this because we're super smart and we can read tea leaves that no one else can read. I've been here for 15 years, it's the same playbook over and over again."
"We can see the future, you can actually get a pretty good idea."
"History doesn't teach us how to behave in any given situation, but it shows us how large groups of us might behave in certain situations."
"It's finding pieces of information that are testable that we can use to make predictions about the world."
"It's inferior infuriating depressing and above all else predictable." - Ash Sarkar
"It's one of the things you can predict with the most ease: demographics is Destiny."
"Fans spent months saying that this would be the twist and lo and behold we were right... Watching this movie and expecting something other than the blindingly obvious and then getting the blindingly obvious felt like punishment for buying a ticket."
"Regulation needs to be readable and predictable."
"It was all there. You should have been able to predict it easily."
"The absolute number of neurons in the cerebral cortex can predict 74 percent of the variation in life history variables."
"Determinism doesn't mean every decision is predictable."
"So predictable you represent facing adversity and being able to get past that"
"Stage 2 and stage 4 carousels will always have one of every component."
"It is almost kind of nice to be able to establish a consistent and predictable workflow at home right now."
"Science describes things as they are, constructs predictive models, not absolute claims of truth."
"These markets are not random and you can predict them, you can see them, you can anticipate them."
"The Simpsons have done this so many times that it's quite hard to dispute them at this point."
"WWE made what was supposed to be an unpredictable Royal Rumble predictable."
"I mean, what they can do is the right thing, but what they will do, you know, it's like asking me how much longer is a drug addict going to take drugs. I mean, until he can't do anymore."
"The decline of American power... was not difficult to foresee."
"He knows exactly what he's getting with Susan."
"The rain is coming on schedule the rain is coming on schedule."
"It's always a new variant, and you can always count on a variant about every October every two years."
"I think the only thing you can predict with certainty is volatility."
"Regulators should always apply their power thoughtfully and proportionally and it should be predictable."
"It's the predictions we can make, the obvious predictions that come completely and specifically true that show that science works."
"The end was a little predictable, but I liked it."
"Nobody who's been watching this show for the last year is surprised. We've seen this coming from a million miles away."
"These cycles are so predictable, it blows your mind. It makes you feel like you're in this crypto matrix."
"The recoil... It is also predictable recoil and you can definitely control it."
"At the end of the day, most trends like this end up in similar waters."
"You know what you're going to do for the most part."
"I think that people will always do what's beneficial for them."
"It's one of the only times in Survivor history where there were no hiccups no deviances from the norm no errors or disruptions in the status quo really."
"The ability to predict, to some extent, is the essence of intelligence, really, the ability to form models of the world."
"The future is always in a state of flux... none of us can fully predict what will happen."
"I hope that um people feel this is different it's intriguing uh they want to find out what happens because it's not maybe too predictable."
"Whoever did that was clearly stalking him to know that he was gonna go hunting on this day."
"The Incredibles steamrolls, I think we all saw this coming."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat itself, but it rhymes."
"The show's events are really that predictable so I hope you understand that we're just going to move on to final thoughts."
"This always happens at this time of year, everything drops around the exact same time frame."
"Everybody knew the whole time exactly how it goes."
"You may have another Roswell tomorrow. You may have another Hudson Valley the day after. You may have another Rendelsham next week."
"If you're constantly playing in a linear fashion engaging directly... you're going to be predictable and easy to kill."
"If it is indeed a parabolic move this time, it will not be different. That's the whole thing about a parabolic move, it's not going to be different."
"People follow these somewhat predictable moves on the Spectrum."
"Enemies in this game have very predictable patterns... and that's what I really like about it as well is it's a very fair game."
"I feel like I already know the outcome of the Cortana story arc. I want some unsurprising loss or character deaths, unpredictability."
"Trump only has a few moves and he repeats the moves over and over and over again."
"It felt like I knew what was over every hill and had already done it, and the game rarely proved me wrong."
"I want predictable love. I want a predictable home life structure. Someone I can depend upon and I can commit to and that I know that they will commit to me."
"I want my water system to be predictable and easy to understand for me in the future."
"Football is a simple game. 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans win."
"The only thing guaranteed this week is volatility."
"Any individual man is a mystery, but put them in the aggregate and they are a mathematical certainty."
"You can ask somebody, are you pro-life or pro-choice and based on their answer you could probably determine what at least the majority of the rest of their political leanings are."
"We know with 100% certainty that there is going to be a panic sell-off at some point."
"Everything suggests the guy is just going to score goals every time he takes to the pitch."
"Predictability and repeatability are the hallmarks of an objective reality."
"Surprising plot twist is not so surprising after all."
"Success is designed by God to be predictable."
"Foul Play will only do the same exact damage every single time because as long as you're both bulking up your attack and defense at the same time it does less so crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy"
"Kirito, he's a good character, but his kit is predictable."
"I actually respect you because you're such a competitor."
"Politics aside, it's just not a very well-made movie. It's like you said, very predictable."
"You know your peoples, don't you? You know what's gonna happen after church, before church, late night Tuesday night bible study."
"Relationships are unstable or one-sided is going to crumble."
"Their past behavior is the best indication of the future."
"The results show that while quantum jumps are discrete, they can also be continuous and possess a degree of predictability."
"Quantum error correction in quantum computing can benefit from the ability to predict and prevent quantum jumps."
"We have seen this game before and will see it again."
"It was a predictable quality end to a predictable quality show."
"There's a lot to be said for just knowing what you're going to get."
"Sometimes the things that are the most predictable are the right things to happen."
"I'm gonna play that, it's on Rails, I'm gonna be bored with it in about three hours."
"Bad behavior is predictable. It can be prevented and bad behavior can be changed into something positive."
"Results I've done for myself and others; it's repeatable and predictable."
"If someone lies to you once, you can be sure they will lie to you again."
"If you know the cause and effect relationships you know how this situation will progress."
"Sharks are as predictable as dogs, parrots, cats."
"You show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome."
"It's not that hard to figure out, you know what people's new names are if you just have a little bit of information about them."
"I just assumed that I'm going to see 36, 16, and 12 and then I could just... I don't even have to open the FanDuel app. I know where it went. Well, not when they're up by 50 at halftime."
"Money talks, doesn't it? People should have seen it coming, definitely."
"Most of you probably already knew that Spotify was gonna be on this list."
"This has been, this is such long-term planning. The collective is going to follow through with this. They're easy to read, it's easy to see."
"The US debt crisis is the most predictable crisis in history."
"If anybody gets seven points clear of anybody else then the top four race will be very boring."
"You can't trick people like four times in a row when they know what's coming."
"If you show me the incentive I'll show you the outcome."
"Show me your schedule, show me your routines, and I can predict your future."
"It's unsurprising, he's been doing that like every Tuesday for the past nine years."
"A theory is only as good as what it's able to predict."
"Pure function produces the same output for the same input, ensuring predictability."
"History is cyclical because sin is predictable."
"They're not boring, they're just consistent and stable."
"Intelligence is realizing that things and cycles repeat... you can always benefit by counting on the cycle to repeat."
"We botched the lockdown... the second wave was absolutely predictable."
"After a while, somebody knows your tricks, they know what you're capable of."
"It's just a nice story, it's predictable, it's sweet, it's fun."
"Symmetry is great because it's very, very predictable pathing for your balloons."
"Your future is solid, it's not changing at all."
"The spread of COVID-19 has followed a predictable pattern."
"With the lithium ion they're much more predictable in their DK which means as you're using them that discharge happens at a more linear rate."
"The water it just falls free from the sky, it's very consistent very predictable."
"Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior."
"History could repeat itself, as it typically does, at least rhyme pretty well."
"Predictability is not always a bad thing. The destination isn't the most interesting part; it's the details that strengthen the payoff."
"We've seen this movie before; we know how it ends."
"In the eyes of Dr. G, Veronica Murphy was a person whose premature death was, sadly, predictable and preventable."
"Is this time really different? According to the Fibonacci levels, no."
"By having that nice even mixture you're going to have complete combustion occur which is efficient and it's predictable."
"The regularity of nature's behavior is a given. We can predict what nature will do next."
"Right now, the world is one big scary B-movie. It is predictable."
"Trust isn't about morals and ethics, it's about predictability."
"We're getting to the point now where they're starting to become formulaic that doesn't mean bad that just means we kind of know what's gonna be happening now because it's just what happens to work for destiny."
"Crazy moments can happen, but at the same time, we know what all of those crazy moments can be if that makes any sense."
"I mean we could just, we know what's going to happen why even bother at this point."
"Patterns tend to repeat themselves; they don't have to."
"It's just so smooth and nice and predictable."
"Nothing has happened with Anthem that couldn't have been accurately predicted."
"Wisdom is a sort of mental state in which the world around you starts to seem a bit more predictable and a bit less intimidating."
"If everything were predictable, then there would be no novelty, nothing to realize, nothing to discover, nothing to do."
"Trauma has really predictable effects on human beings."
"If there's one thing that years can count on after four decades in the mountains, it's knowing that when the snows come, they almost always hit the Yak Valley harder than anywhere else."
"Cryptography relies on randomization; predictability is the enemy of cryptography."
"Are you even surprised that this is one of my stops?"
"Scrum does not guarantee success but it increases the likelihood of success by controlling the risks and optimizing predictability."
"You know what you're going to get with him, warts and all."
"Predictable revenue, easy to value, other people's money want to get involved in it."
"When things are the same, you got no surprises."
"Deterministic: same input means same output and it also means no outside effects."
"People don't like unpredictability; they like guarantees that are actually fulfilled, and that's what our industry is about."
"A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly."
"Nicki Minaj is calculated and predictable"
"They knew what to expect every day."
"We live in a macro world where everything has a definite shape, occupies space, and behaves predictably."
"One thing you can definitely count on is hype. Hype is much more predictable."