
Self-imposed Limits Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"When we fully realize that thought causes all, we'll know there's never any limits that we our self don't impose."
"Remember, the only limits that exist are the ones you place upon yourself."
"Limitations are learned. By that I mean you don't really come into the world knowing what you are not supposed to do."
"Don't be afraid. Don't let anyone set your limitations."
"Every dream requires discipline. You are your only limit."
"The only limits are the limits you place on yourself."
"Whatever cage we put ourselves in, we have to use the key to open that cage up."
"Constraints can have a negative connotation but choosing self-imposed constraints is paradoxically incredibly liberating."
"Uranus always wants to liberate you and free you from self-imposed limitations."
"I'm not putting any limits or anything on myself this time, um, no expectations."
"Most of the labels that we give ourselves take away either our power to act or our power to grow."
"Don't say something cannot be done for the minute you do, you are placing a limit upon yourself."
"Embracing beneficial limits turned out to be much more liberating paradoxically than the supposedly much more liberated life that I'd been inhabiting before."
"High composure is a very important stat this year."
"You've got to take a risk sometimes. When you're in a tough spot, don't limit yourself."
"There's so many of our limitations are self-imposed... until we can get past that and see what we're really made of... you don't really don't know what you're capable of."
"So many of our limitations are self-imposed... until we can get past that and see what we're really made of... you don't really know what you're capable of."
"Your 'I can't' was the iron bolt locking that door against you."
"Some of your boundaries have become walls to yourself."
"A word is only bad if you choose to make it so. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy, a prison of your own design, a nightmare of your own creation."
"Know that there is no cap on the human mind, there's no cap, we cap it ourselves."
"The only limits you place are the limits upon yourself."
"Tear the roof off, it's all made up, everything is made up and I can figure out how to tear the roof off of these limits off of my life off of myself."
"We need time and space to even see that we're living within the limits that someone else has created."
"That internalized limitation of who we think we should be for others may be the biggest hurdle in allowing us to truly enjoy happiness within the world and within ourselves."
"I find that there's so much inspiration in restricting yourself sometimes."
"You can be whatever you want to be. The only limitations there are are the ones you put there."
"I'm seriously considering challenging myself to build with just the base game after seeing what's possible here."
"People get so caught up in the fact they have limits that they rarely exert the effort required to get close to them."
"Limits don't exist unless you set them yourself."
"Sometimes you have to put self-imposed challenges on everything just to make it more enjoyable"
"Your comfort zone is nothing more than a prison in disguise."
"The only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves."
"Desire is the only real limit to your abilities."
"It's the kind of prison whose bars are created in one's own mind."
"The greatest prison we will ever live inside is the prison we create inside our own minds."
"When it comes to our identity, we create these boxes for ourselves."
"The money is um only limitations are the ones that you impose on yourself."
"We must learn to take the limits off our minds."
"The only true limitation is the one you set for yourself."
"Because it gets to be easy because I'm the one making up my limitations, might as well make some that are inspiring and taking me to the next level."
"There's no limit to what you can learn to do with your dowsing in my opinion except limits that you create yourself."
"Our only real limitations turned out to be our own imagination."
"The only limitations that exist are the ones you put on yourself."
"You're limited only by your creativity."
"Maybe the only boundaries that exist are the ones that we place upon ourselves."
"When we shut ourselves off to love and we say no, we're kind of like shutting out a really beautiful part of life."
"The boundary is something that you place upon yourself."
"Life is limitless, there are no restrictions except the ones you put on yourself."
"Your imagination is only your limitation."
"Your capability and possibility in life are only limited by the wall you create for yourself."
"The only limitations that God has in our lives are the ones that we place upon Him."
"Limitation means you limit yourself so that you learn, you understand, you appreciate that so deep, better you know."
"In trading, the only limitation you have is what you place on yourself."
"The prison that most people will experience in this lifetime are the blocks and the obstacles in the walls that they build between their left ear and their right ear."
"When forced to do something suddenly, the time is there, which means it's there all the time, but we've just chosen to limit ourselves by believing that it isn't."
"The only limits that are placed on us, any of us here, are the ones we place on ourselves."
"The only limits you place are the ones on yourself."
"As an owner, again, I don't think that you're very limited at all. I think the only limits you're gonna face are whatever limits you impose on yourself."
"We build these little fences to protect us, and we don't realize these fences are actually walls that are prison walls."
"Imposing limitations on yourself is one of the most valuable things you can do in icon design."
"The only limits that's on me are the ones that I allow people to put on me."
"It's a way of thinking that's deeply liberating, allowing us to develop the courage to change and to ignore the limitations that we and those around us can place on ourselves."
"Your only barriers are the ones you create yourself."
"There is no Dyslexia ceiling, it doesn't exist unless you create it in your own mind."
"We create our own glass ceilings."
"When you limit God, you actually limit yourself."
"You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind."
"Don't limit yourself, give yourself room to roam."
"The only limitation is your own imagination."
"I always give myself constraints and deadlines, I find myself getting way more creative and way more productive."
"There were none of these limits that we thought were there the whole time."
"Don't limit yourself to the scale that you've lived on so far."
"You're only limited by the limitations that you accept, and when you stop accepting those limitations, that is when you become limitless."
"He was free of the cage that he kind of encapsulated himself in."
"You put your own limits on yourself."
"You're going to do something off the cuff, you're going to liberate yourself from the shackles and limitations that you put yourself into."
"When I start trying to fit myself into a box, it can be a joy sucker for me."
"I must not accept, nor must you, these imposed limitations that are put on us."
"When you are putting limitations to yourself, you always stay small and never get into the glimpse of what this complete universe and life actually has for a potential for you to discover."
"The only limit is the one that we place on ourselves."
"There's no rules, there's only the limitations we place on ourselves."
"You are only limited by the limitations that you put on yourselves."
"There's never a time to place limits on myself."
"The only limit exists as those that you impose on yourself."
"Building from a true authentic place is what removes you from all these limitations and restrictions that have been set on you by other things and people."
"I made a decision that I'm not gonna do this anymore; I'm not gonna limit God by my small thinking."
"The only limit to my abundance is myself."
"Argue your limitations, and they become yours."
"Free yourself of something here because there may be your own rules or limitations right now that is holding you back from experiencing something with freedom."
"Eight of Swords is self-imposed restriction, also about needing to set yourself free."
"Don't put a ceiling on things for yourself and what's possible."
"It's time to free yourself from those constraints."
"Uncage yourself from the prison of your own making."
"Reach beyond your comfort zone, doors will open if you stop limiting yourself."
"You're your only limits to what you can become."
"You're trapped in your mind about the limitations of what you cannot do instead of focusing on what you can do."
"The only limits are what are the boxes you put yourself in."
"The limits are what we place on ourselves."