
Cosmic Balance Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The cosmos actually is in perfect balance and it balances itself through positive, negative, and neutral."
"With the swing of his giant axe, he separated yin from yang, yin becoming the murky earth and yang becoming the clear skies."
"All the energy he has returns to its various homes, spreading across Namek and the universe as Broly returns it."
"Adam Warlock's idea is to basically restore everything back to normal."
"The entire universe is a dance between Shiva and Shakti."
"You're fortunate. This universe is already balanced. The only ones that need to die here are the ones who know how to time travel without the stones."
"The preservation of the World by God then is precisely the Restraint of Supernatural and human Evil Within the cosmos."
"Just to even be able to do this thing with him and see him back, it feels right to me. It feels like a little order has been put back into the universe."
"Gore's plan was to balance the universe by very specifically killing the gods."
"Destruction has to have a positive end for the universe; it is to have a balance in it." - Zenos Sama
"You get what you deserve; that is how the universe works."
"Your kindness and generosity will be acknowledged by the universe."
"Reparations is about balancing the universe."
"Yours truly was slain by Thanos, for the good of the universe."
"The Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic nature of the universe."
"If the universe had not developed this slight asymmetry between matter and antimatter, the universe would have been completely boring."
"Karmic justice always has a way of working its way out."
"The balance of the seventh universe is changing soon. The strongest fighter of the universe will be born."
"The balance between light and darkness: essential for the universe's survival."
"The cosmos could not exist without the proper combination of justice and mercy."
"Galactus is not the new Big Bad of The Saga; he is a cosmic Force that maintains the balance of reality."
"You might say the fine structure constant is in the goldilocks zone."
"There's a lot of karmic balance, a lot of karmic justice at play."
"In our world, reincarnation exists, and the ultimate goal is not for good to defeat evil; it's to restore balance to this world that's out of balance." - Rafe Judkins
"The universe is keeping tally, and it's going to deliver the freedom of being liberated from your difficulties."
"The universe wants to bring you back to center."
"For Paracelsus, illness was not an imbalance of the humors, but an imbalance in the relationship between the internal forces of the body and the larger cosmic macrocosm."
"Even when you're being a devil, at The Meta level everything is still perfectly balanced."
"Nicks win Sixers lost the heat lost everything is right and as it should be in the universe."
"I genuinely believe the comet was a Hail Mary pass by the old ones in like their last moment like they set into events something that they said, okay, we need an avenging Force there needs to be something that will help this world fight back against chaos."
"We live in a universe that always corrects itself."
"The moon can never overtake the Sun."
"When Galactus destroys and consumes a planet, he is sort of bringing balance to the universe."
"Music was not just a source of aesthetic enjoyment but a crucial tool that helped mankind appreciate and preserve cosmic balance."
"The tree of life... it's responsible for the entire rotation of the planet."
"The balance of the universe is one of the great marvels that has been uncovered by modern science."
"When there is too much darkness in the universe, light must cast it away."
"When there is too much light, darkness must drown it out."
"If any of the variables within the universe are changed just by one number, it will not be life."
"We need to keep a balance in the universe."
"Hercules supported the weight of not just the earth but the whole universe."
"Yoga is actually a form of offering, it's ultimately an offering and it's ultimately a way to keep this cosmic wheel turning."
"The sun and the moon steal each other's light."
"Only another cosmic being like the monitor or the Spectre is capable of opposing the anti-monitor at full power."
"This is now the balance of the universe catching up to us."
"Hey, you did great, the balance of the universe has been restored, yay we are a great team."
"The Lords of order... struggled with the Lords of chaos for Supremacy."
"Justice for you from the universe."
"All the forces of the universe... are trying to bring this connection together and balance it out."
"The universe is balancing something out for you here."