
Inner Work Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"If you do that inner work, everything else works out."
"The only way to get to the source is to work at the being level, go internally, look within, turn your whole life into a meditation."
"This is about going within us and doing the inner work ourselves because as we do the inner work, we then transform the outer reality."
"Our job is to try to create that harmony within ourselves."
"Stay true to your inner work and know that your efforts shall bear fruit."
"Doing the inner work is worth it because you get you back."
"Nothing outside of you will fix an inside problem."
"Do not let anyone distract you with all this nonsense, all these culture Wars, all these lesser jihads from your own inner work."
"Do the inner work first and you'll find that you will do your best work always."
"This is a time to heal... a lot of inner progress will be made."
"You becomes way more powerful and as you stay with it and you continue to do your inner work."
"The real key that's taking place right now for everyone to do is the inner work and the inner healing and there is a science to that too in a way, you know."
"You've been doing the inner work, and I love that about you."
"The treatment is an expression of that perfection of God within you."
"Sometimes the hardest work you can do is in stillness."
"Our job is to go within to become spiritual warriors."
"Your challenge here is to do the inner work."
"Your twin flame will always reflect what is going on within you."
"Things literally change magically when I change from what's within."
"You got to work from the inside out, not the outside in."
"The more inner work you do, the more alignment you will be with the way things actually are in the world."
"Full moons are a time for shadow working, for inner work."
"Once you start that inner work of self-love and accepting all of who you are, that's when you can really show up and be present anywhere."
"Happiness is an inside job like anti-racism is an inside job too."
"The Ruach is supposed to be working on the inside and with it, and it manifests itself on the outside."
"The real spiritual practice is to live from within and not let the world define who you are, but you do that for yourself. That's the hardest work."
"Most people don't want to do the inner homework required for success. Making is the hardest work there is, that's why so few people actually do it."
"Process your trauma, overcome your hurts, and integrate your shadow."
"Let's do the work on the inside of ourselves, let's figure out this journey so that we can manifest this kind of amazing union into our lives."
"If you're not doing some of that inner work, all this other is just a temporary satisfaction."
"Confidence really comes from working from the inside out."
"What you work on within yourself starts to manifest on the outside."
"You will recognize an extremely important part of yourself that you need to work on."
"This blessing is coming to you as a specific reward for endeavor, effort, and inner work."
"All the work is within, this is why circumstances don't matter."
"There's real inner work for both of you guys to do."
"You must have faith that everything is going to come out okay for you. Your inner work will match your outer world."
"All you have to do is just focus on yourself and your own inner work."
"As you face your inner fears, you recognize what is holding you back from attracting a healthy and loving relationship with others and yourself."
"You have done a lot of inner searching, a lot of inner work, you've healed yourself."
"When you do the inner work, you have more influence over your life."
"Relax your body, how can you do the inner work that will allow you to embrace the safest, the most beautiful, the most flowing version of you?"
"You are Faith, you are proof of what happens when faith and inner work meet."
"The union of faith and inner work, oh I love that."
"There's just something in that that I find really personally inspiring and that I find inspiring in people who are willing to do that level of inner work."
"To normalize is to make it something that's no big deal in your life and when we do that coupled with inner work we can really compound."
"There isn't any problem that can't be dealt with more profoundly through the kind of wisdom that comes through inner work."
"It's about just identifying the area that you want to improve and then finding the right tools for you to go ahead with that inner work journey."
"Twin flames are the journey; do inner work and trust the process, even if it feels painful and uncertain."
"But it becomes so much more irrelevant once you start powering up yourself and in your community... you cannot fix the outside without fixing inside."
"It's very activating and it's very hard because when I'm doing inner work with someone specifically, I'm pointing out everything that they don't want to be seen."
"Inner work has definitely been a blessing and as you ladies know I love sharing inner work with you I think that's something that's really shifted recently as I feel more strength in sharing my own inner work vulnerability."
"It's so important to do the inner work because then you attract the right work."
"You are attending to your inner work and strengthening your vision and intention."
"They've done a lot of inner work; healing has helped shape who they are."
"Investing in inner work is so, so important."
"Because this person could lack self-love, they have not done the inner healing or the inner work."
"You did the inner work; you conquered those inner demons."
"Inner work is about releasing conditioning and reclaiming your best life."
"Real inner work dignifies your human experience."
"Inner work changes your personality, identity, and you completely."
"Our inner work is our best advertisement."
"The inner work portion of this course is so life-changing."
"My inner work has healed men that I've come in contact with. Also, men have reached out to me expressing how I inspire them. We are truly elevating the collective consciousness, both feminine and masculine. That was my passion. That was the initial intention."
"It's really hard to do this inner work alone."
"When you do inner work, you naturally lose weight in your body."
"Dedication to self-care and inner work is essential for maintaining balance and Harmony within."
"A healer to me is a person that has done so much inner work."
"An ego that feels safe allows the inner work to continue."
"They've done all of that work, that inner work, that self-healing, that self-understanding."
"As you're doing this work, you're also doing a powerful internal work of mitigation and alignment and balancing of these natural powers within you."
"You are already worthy, you are already whole, you are already complete. The inner work that you do is just the cherry on top. That's how I look at it."
"Feminine energy is that healthy radiant glow that comes from your inner work that comes from your conscious choices to treat your body as a garden."
"Inner work will change your life massively. Every belief that you carry, you are choosing to carry it. So, which ones do you want to completely let go of?"
"What if you are intentionally choosing inner work and it's not you're not like chasing and or running away from it and then it's chasing you and beating you up and then you get to learn your lesson right."
"...a very good friend of mine who is always has a hot take but also is I knew she would have the ability to like really share her like inner thought thoughts really deep dive because her journey with style has been a lot about doing a lot of inner work..."
"You are releasing the fear, doing your inner work, and standing in an awareness that the presence of God is for you."
"Recognizing the rewards of inner work reflected in your reality."
"The more inner work I do, the better I become at my craft."
"To be with what is requires the inner work to be rooted in the many planes of reality."
"When it comes to productivity, somebody can give you all the life hacks and things like that that you want, but to really truly get out of a cycle of self-sabotage, you have to be willing to also do that inner work."
"Journaling is like a puzzle for your inner work."
"...I really think this is important for everyone's inner work Journey."
"What is a man's version of doing inner work? So that's a whole training that I'm doing, the life cycle of a provider in the Divine Union course."
"God is saying I got to get underneath the surface, I got to do an internal work."
"Most people are detached from their true self. Shadow work will help that."
"Teach your brain that it does exist, that it's safe to have, and as you do inner work, the friends come to you. You don't have to go and find them, they come to you."
"All you have to focus on is: Am I doing my inner work? And then sit back, wait for these friendships, wait for the relationships to come."
"Love yourself and do the inner work. All the answers you're looking for are within. The Holy Spirit is within your heart."
"If more traders attached onto [the feeling of pursuing a meaningful 'why'], they would do the inner work required to become the person."
"Flip it around, whatever you're seeking out there, you actually need it in here."
"Alchemy is the great work. You work on yourself and so therefore you no longer have to work with yourself."
"The wound is often something that kicks off an exploration of, or an initiation into, this inner work."
"Manifestation is the art of transforming these patterns from within. It is the art of repatterning, of changing and fine-tuning the web of relationship and interconnection."
"Whatever in your life needs healing is being addressed on the inner Realms."
"Doing that inner work and just learning to work through your trauma and let go of it and forgive yourself and just really be kind to yourself is a big part of healing."
"It's about God in you, it's about God working in you and through you."
"This psychological development through one's subjective ego consciousness is truly the great work."
"It's what we call our spiritual intelligence that does the work."
"The Holy Spirit is the fullness of the father and the hands and feet of Jesus doing the inner work."
"We have to bridge the gap; we have to do our inner work and we have to also be a part of creating something different for the world."
"Inner work really became the forefront of importance in my life."
"Enlightenment does not come from imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious."
"God works on your inside before God works on your outside."
"They are very invested in this connection which makes them feel like it's worth it to do the inner work because they don't want to lose you."
"You guys take care of yourself, do the inner work."
"It's all about inner work, and it's not about external stuff."
"The ROI on inner work has been one of the best that I've ever seen."
"The kingdom of God is not what you do, it's in you."
"Where the eyes go, the energy flows, and this is your time to do the work on the inside."
"Inner work is the key for everything."
"The kingdom belongs to us; it's all working in us. Give in to it, release it, let the kingdom flow."
"There is a happier, more content, more joyful way of life through inner work."
"You got to go inside and work from within."
"If we do not tend to the parts of us that we're left behind, then they will haunt us forever."
"If you have learned to generate inner peace, you've done your inner work."
"Perfecting the love of God that we yield to, that's on the inside of us."
"The love of God is being perfected in me."
"If you don't do the inner work, it's actually going to affect you and hinder you in life in ways that you might not have thought possible."
"A great marriage is not about what it looks like on the outside... it's an interior work."
"He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us."
"They are doing that inner work because they want to heal."
"As both of you continue to do inner work, you are going to be expanding into just complete different depths."
"The majority of it is the inner work to transform yourself."
"The spirit of understanding is at work in you."
"The truth is that one can't do anything on the outside until he has done something on the inside."
"The only hard work that I want to do is inner work because once I do that hard work, everything else becomes easier."
"So Mawlana Shaykh (Q) said, ‘We don't care about your outside. You work on the inside.’"
"Persist, trust in the Unseen, keep doing your inner work even if there's no evidence in your reality showing you otherwise."
"Shadow work is a really important aspect of inner work because what shadow work is doing is it's looking at all of the areas in yourself that you can't see."
"It's through undermining the aims and attitudes those inclinations rest upon that we find this peace that can't really be named or defined or located as a state."
"The work is inside out; we do the work on ourselves and then we have the opportunity to share it with someone else."
"Instead of taking physical action externally, you got to go within."
"The inner work and commitment and devotion that you put into yourself will culminate in the best version of you possible in the future."
"All real formation work is heart work, and for good reason, because the heart is the wellspring of all human action."
"If you put the inner work in and you heal and you actually process everything about the relationship including the discard, you will actually see the world through a different set of eyes."
"Our whole work and job is actually purification of the heart, purification of the self."
"Inner work changes everything. I am a living, breathing, living document. I'm always changing, I'm always rewriting my story, I'm always co-creating."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your inner work."
"The work you're doing in us is more important than the work that you're doing through us."
"Self-care is beyond the beauty and it has to do with a lot of things that we need to work on within."
"Do the inner work which means heal from the past traumas."
"Through working with inner processes, one can reach immortality itself."
"God's doing something on the inside of us."
"It's important that you do the outside stuff, but the inside stuff is so important."
"It took a lot of inner healing and a lot of inner work to realize that I'm so much more than anything that I create."
"You got to work on the inside sometimes, and sometimes you got to work on the outside first."
"Being a high value woman is not just the material stuff... it's actually work that is done from within."
"This is going to require you to have patience because it's re-programming everything within."
"The Holy Spirit has to do a work inside of us."
"This is going to help you guys through the inner work for you to understand, not just saying it, for you to do the inner healing to know that you are blessed, regardless of your circumstances."
"It could all be taken away in the snap of a finger, so you should work on the soul."
"We have to really start with the inner work because it's not changing what's outside of us but really doing that inner work to come back into connection with our soul selves, our true selves."
"You can work your magic, you can restructure what doesn't work within, and you can start to manifest externally."
"You've done the inner work, you're continuing to go within to basically tap into the most high."
"I felt so confident in myself... it was like this work that I had done within."
"It's hard to say where this goes, but it has to do with doing inner work, someone perfecting their craft and skill."
"When you decide to go within, to do the inner work on yourself, an opportunity is going to present itself to you when you least expect it."
"The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer."
"Moving on is really for those people who want to do their inner work."
"They're like really good affirmations and confirmations that you're on the right track and that inner work really does work."
"The more you focus on the inner work, the more your new redefinition of yourself is going to be so beautiful and so glowing and so brilliant."
"The real work is in my heart, in my mind, and on my journey."
"You healed and you've done the inner work."
"Your sovereignty is understanding that everything that you do internally... really does reflect in your outer world."
"Your focus right now is healing the wound of separation and coming into your heart and unconditional love."
"There is big-time healing taking place within you."
"Your inner work is going to be extremely important in order for you to have this new beginning."
"You guys have been doing a significant amount of inner work and spiritual work."
"Doing some inner work and cleaning spiritual house, Aquarius, is going to result in major abundance moving forward."
"It's about the inner work and it prepares you for success."
"We must do the inner work; there's no way around it."
"You've done a lot of healing and a lot of inner work."
"Gratitude is the work for your inner self."
"If you do the inner work and you confront the issues within yourself that you need to confront, your path is going to be so much clearer and easier."
"Healing change is truly an inside job."