
Certainty Quotes

There are 6893 quotes

"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you know."
"My goal in being here is to try to provide you with a sense of certainty about the future."
"I have belief, I have that degree of spiritual confidence, but in terms of certainty of the highest degree, faith doesn't offer that."
"She was definitely murdered, an accident this was not."
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision."
"Your mental picture is a certain to come true in your physical world as the sun is to shine."
"There is a better way, there is a better place to stand, a rock of certainty rather than the sand of probabilities."
"The Christian concept of hope isn't very well served by our English word 'hope' because the English word hope connotes uncertainty, but the biblical understanding of hope is life-shaping, joyous certainty."
"If I'm going to state something as certain, it is my responsibility to be damn sure it is certain."
"They're not going to go ahead and execute a search warrant unless they're 100% certain that they're going to probably get some evidence out of that."
"Every time you tear one of those [core principles] off, it makes you less certain about life. If you take enough of them, people take their own lives as a result of it."
"Seeking, as long as it's in the service of truth, is great. If it's in assertive certainty, it can be a limitation."
"Inside of certainty is the prison of our own thoughts, and outside of that certainty is uncertainty, where infinite possibilities are."
"Having some certainty and having some real governance are the things that I believe that Americans are looking for."
"A probability of one means more than just possible; it means it will happen, it's certain."
"Am I absolutely sure Christianity is true? No, I'm not absolutely sure. There are very few things you can be absolutely sure about."
"Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail."
"You have to become comfortable with the limitations of your own knowledge and not be certain about things you don't know about."
"Quantum mechanics yields the most precise predictions that we have ever had... to the tenth decimal place. That's pretty damn certain."
"True friendship that will never end and it cannot, and that's something I know for sure."
"Rationality can only get you to probability, but personal commitment can get you to certainty."
"There are two things for sure in life, but there's really three: death, taxes, Mariano Rivera."
"There must be at least one root on that closed interval."
"Just because you don't have the exactitude or exact certainty you would like, that doesn't prevent you from reaching a certain conclusion."
"With infertility, it's like an 'if,' but with adoption, it's going to happen."
"We are often the most certain about the ultimate when we are the most uncertain about the immediate."
"The only thing we should be certain about, by the way, is that nothing is certain."
"A wise man once said that there are only two things that are certain in this world: death and taxes."
"The probability of an event that is certain is equal to 1."
"I know that we are destined to be together, that's why I'm coming back soon."
"You don't need to feel like you have the definitively correct stance on everything."
"JFK assassination was an inside job. Oh, 100 percent."
"I personally believe it's a hundred percent chance that sharp should get revisited."
"The answer, as it turns out, is an unequivocal yes."
"In uncertain times...I am certain that God almighty is still on his throne."
"People don't want accuracy; they want certainty."
"This isn't a dream, this is no hallucination, this is real."
"Originally, I think I said it's 99.9% guilty, but it's really probably 99.999%."
"The only thing that's very difficult about arguing with someone who's completely anti vaccine is that they're so sure that they're right."
"Sasha will be trained. There's no doubt about it."
"Once you experience it directly, there's no denying it."
"Can you be wrong about everything you say you know? No, I can't because the definition of 'no' would entail that I know things."
"I just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it."
"The math will win, yeah, the math will always eventually win."
"I have such certainty and confidence around it."
"It's pretty clear what's gonna happen here." - Foreseeable outcomes.
"Is this how it happens? And the answer to that is unequivocally, yes, this is how it happens."
"People are going to be forced to work again next year, I can assure you that."
"These are 100% confirmed axioms, there's zero way of disputing them."
"There's no way she would lie about that though."
"I think no matter what we're getting Ken, he's perfect."
"There is literally no way they can win this game."
"Chris Forsberg will undeniably be your winner."
"Nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin
"I knew without hesitation, without question, without any doubt in my mind, my body, or my heart that the energy we experienced that evening was our souls connecting."
"I'm excited, I'm happy just design wise that someone's coming in and really shaking up the game because I'm so bored with the way cars look. They look so safe."
"Originalism is not perfect, but it is more certain than any other criterion."
"There is absolutely no chance in hell that this won't happen."
"The problem is that the average Christian tends toward this attitude of absolute certainty when you really ought not to."
"Nothing is more intoxicating than the certainty of righteous indignation."
"I know you're going to live forever. That's a given in my mind. I already know that's going to happen. You're secured in immortality."
"No, there's nothing uncertain about the times we live in to the believer who is seeking to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"I know where this goes, I think the keys all stay in the same spot."
"At the end of the day, Clinton's going to be the nominee."
"I don't believe they exist, I know they exist."
"Three things are absolutely certain in life: death, taxes, and a Tory party leadership election race."
"Those are cases that there's no Gray Zone. Yeah, it's either proof we're not alone definitive proof or it's a big hoax."
"This is happening, this is not wishful thinking."
"Egypt is the anchor to all of this information that we are about to give you, and it's gonna leave no doubt at all as to where Jerusalem is."
"I think it's an inevitability, I think it's impossible to avoid..."
"With any disruptive technology, there’s a tipping point—there is a point in time when its path towards market dominance is a certainty."
"The only thing certain... he made eye contact, and it was murder."
"I don't believe in UFOs. I know they're here."
"There's no middle ground between 'I believe' and 'I don't believe.'"
"I just knew that it was the right thing for me."
"No one will ever need question their path again."
"There's no doubt what happened here and no doubt that the medication did this."
"There is no doubt on my side what the number is. I know exactly."
"It's black and it is white, this is right, this is wrong."
"You feel like you've found the one for sure, and you know the one you've always been looking for, your mirror reflection."
"They very much feel this with you... They know you're the one for them."
"The chronovisor existed, of that I have no doubt."
"The Steelers are one of, if not the most sure things in terms of making it to the postseason."
"Would you say there's a reasonable degree of scientific certainty? No."
"When you meet them it will be almost undeniable that this is the person you're supposed to be with since you know this is your soul mate."
"They intuitively know you're the person for them."
"Anybody that backs the regime is going to be held accountable. Okay, there's absolutely no doubt this regime is going to fall."
"I would be in the 90 to 95 certainty that she is guilty."
"Even amidst uncertainties, cling to the unshakable certainty found in our faith."
"Your feeling of certainty in your beliefs does not make you perfectly knowledgeable; it just makes you perfectly arrogant."
"Absolute certainty is a declaration of your own mental infallibility."
"You don't know everything, so to claim you believe something about which you cannot possibly be wrong is self-deification."
"Every Muslim needs to be armed with certainty, far from any doubt, that Islam is the true religion."
"This president will not serve out this term. I guarantee it."
"I highly doubt that they would have abandoned Natalya if they weren't absolutely certain that she was an adult." - Video narrator
"Jesus is coming again, that's the bottom line."
"But I also know that the weapon was the knife."
"It looks like this connection is really here to stay."
"Clarity, certainty, they're worth a lot of money in the stock market."
"He was positively sure what it took to be great."
"UFOs are real. This is not a matter of opinion, this is not a matter of belief, it is a reality."
"Developments and forward movement are pretty much guaranteed."
"If you could be wrong, then you don't really know."
"The probability of achieving full self-driving is 100 percent."
"It's because to me and me and all my friends we are certain at this point that governments are knee-deep into the Bitcoin space."
"If you click on someone's head, they are going to die."
"A slam dunk if that were in fact shown to be the case."
"It's so incredible when you know something to that level. And I knew... I absolutely knew that... People considered it very risky, but for me it wasn't risky at all."
"His failure to use qualifiers like allegedly suggests an unusual certainty in these serious accusations."
"Stick with what's certain, avoid unnecessary conflict."
"Because it's not a matter of if a match with Rey Mysterio is going to happen. I think it's a matter of when is that match going to happen."
"They knew they were not in a vein, they drew back, didn't see blood, so then they could inject knowing it's going into the muscle."
"You have to divide, there is no doubt about it."
"Left is better, she's awesome. Left is better, I think right is better. I think right is better, for sure, like 10 million percent better."
"So thinking about like subhanallah jannah the akira the mountaintop is not here the mountaintop is in the hereafter you only arrive after you pass away but the believer with they have such certainty in the hereafter it's like i know it's there."
"I just knew that I was meant to be with this person."
"Rashford will be a player at Man United next year, I guarantee it."
"Yes, I feel like there will be another chance here... no doubt about it."
"There is absolutely not a shred of doubt in my mind... there is not a shred of meaningful evidence."
"That Bible is black and white, it says what it says."
"This isn't a hunch, this isn't a mere hypothesis, this is a theory."
"You're gonna know that this is the relationship that's meant to be."
"Possibilities are not what we are here for. The prosecution does not deal in possibilities."
"Certainty is knowing absolutely an absolute future, then that's only death disguised."
"Just one person in a crowd whose guilt is assured the moment they pull the trigger."
"It's just not satisfying to the people who are convinced that they have the right answer."
"There's no way it will fall out of relevance."
"Everything's about probability assessment rather than certainty."
"Joe Biden is going to be your president. I'm sorry if that causes you concern. There is no scenario."
"In the next month and a half this is going to happen."
"So the question was is the prince powerful the answer is of course yes."
"The battle is the Lord's, it is the voice of absolute certainty and power and strength."
"I'm right about every single one of these [ __ ] things and I'm right about this one too, I guarantee it."
"You cannot assume anything about your standing before God. You must know for sure that you have been born again and that you know that you are saved."
"Basically, it's done. Yeah, there might be a slim chance for it to not go through or like be altered from this point forward, but really like this was kind of the final nail in the coffin."
"I know with all my heart that God lives, I know that Jesus is the Christ, that he will come again someday."
"Yes, it's true. Not we believe but yes, we know it's true."
"Always do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain."
"When it's the right woman, it's the right woman."
"The answer from the history is clearly unequivocally no."
"I just know. How weird is that? Just knowing."
"The point is you want to be really sure that there is nothing that could conceivably have misled you about how old those footprints were."
"There’s comfort to be had in unshakeable certainty, regardless of reality."
"Find the conviction and the certainty, and don't speak or act until it's in your body and soul."
"One of the things that is happening with certainty right now has to do with wages."
"This is the person that you're going to end up being with."
"I can actually say 100 percent, God does exist."
"I don't necessarily know that's the case, except I do."
"Inflation is here, there's no doubt about that."
"I just knew. There was never any doubt whether or not Zach was the one."
"There's absolutely no case here. It's an open and shut textbook example of self-defense."
"You can't ask for a better setup than that, you can't, surely that's a guaranteed dub."
"Does the governing body know when Armageddon is going to come? Yes, we do. It's going to come right on time."
"The awakening is so radical, you're not going to miss it."
"Not a single person will disagree with this one."
"There's no doubt that the inference is there."
"It's gonna end in a knockout. I say just don't get up and go anywhere."
"I just know me, he's gonna sell regardless, he's Drizzy Drake."
"It will get what's coming to it, no doubt. This is Vengeance."
"I don't believe in coincidences, that's for sure."
"It's certain that you will be together, that you will share experiences with one another."
"Without one doubt in my mind, it is time to cover your assets."
"There are no absolutes... are you absolutely certain?"
"He knows exactly what he's getting with Susan."
"The rain is coming on schedule the rain is coming on schedule."
"You know I see having so much peace of mind that you don't even have to question this."
"This is not speculation, there's video of this happening."
"Success here, success there, definitely for sure."
"I think the one with the greatest certainty of being in there is George Russell I think he's as good as in there."
"The more predictions you test, the more sure you can be of your conclusion."
"Absolutely he's gonna win after this after one thousand percent."
"If there's anything certain and non-debatable, it's that death is a termination of our physical bodies."
"I would say yes for sure with this energy, no doubt about it."
"I'm sure he is in love with her, I was right!"
"UFOs are real not something fictional or imaginary... There is an extraterrestrial presence that's an absolute fact."
"I think the only thing you can predict with certainty is volatility."
"Are you ready to meet Jesus if that were to happen you better be sure because it's not a guess."
"He's done for, he's actually done for. He's cooked, bro, it's actually cooked."
"The universe is an open book. I need not to learn, I know."
"If I had $10,000 to invest today, 10 out of 10 times into Ethereum." - 10 out of 10 times
"The progressives are gonna win, mark my words." - Jimmy from Philly
"Don't always make decisions based on the maybes."
"For the final, which is, I mean, it's obvious at this point - the falling guillotine."
"It's difficult to see how he can now possibly lose."
"She wanted to make it crystal clear that there is more than enough evidence to prosecute Trump and his kids Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Scripture saying that settles it, it's the authority."
"I'm here to tell you that this fight is going to happen." - [unspecified speaker]
"Next Tuesday will be either getting a very big Fortnite update or Season 6, that's 100% guaranteed."
"You tap a lot more potential when you're certain."
"I think it is virtually certain that Joseph Biden won the election."
"There does have to be an answer. A proposition is either true or false."
"Anything that is knowable, if I know it, then by definition, something that knows whatever is knowable knows it too."
"Infinite is 100% launching this year. It's not getting delayed."
"Such an Easy Choice: gotcha 100% of the time."
"There's no question about it at all, this is definitely fraud."
"It's ultimately because we want certainty in this sort of cruel and random and slightly meaningless world."
"It's not a theory at this point, it's a fact."
"Your certainty soothes me. Ours is the tradition and those should not ever change."
"At some point two and two equals four and it's irrefutable."
"You already know you don't have any options anymore, you already know who you want."