
Media Evolution Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"Nonetheless, new media, and especially social media, has surely changed the nature of parasocial relationships."
"Gaming is becoming a more accepted form of media and it should be because it is a form of media. It is not a passing fad; games will not go away."
"The rise of a cadre of self-described journalists who stopped doing journalism and went back to being partisans."
"When me and Peter were working together, our success metrics were things like something called BARB, which is a sort of theoretical thing that tells you how many people have watched you on TV. My success metrics, I know how many people watch my YouTube videos."
"The early 2010s... as the 21st century began, print newspapers started to decline and fast."
"Movies are a whole thing, but the part here that's really interesting to me is how horror made the jump to video games."
"Anti-establishment humor wasn't part of the mainstream, not until MAD Magazine arrived to poke holes in everything from politics to movies to advertising."
"Without MAD, we might never have gotten the Garbage Pail Kids or Weird Al Yankovic."
"Throughout history, we have constantly been moving towards more and more engaging mediums...and the metaverse is what comes next."
"It is us watching the end of this type of news format that never served us very well."
"The rapid growth... has given rise to the YouTube star and allowed YouTubers to almost be placed on the same pedestal as television stars and musicians."
"The fact TLC used to be called The Learning Channel feels like the perfect encapsulating story to describe the downfall of cable television."
"Analog horror is going to spread out into a bunch of little subgenres."
"We're only at the beginning of the phenomenon of fan edits. They're not going anywhere and they're only going to get bigger and grander from here."
"I worked at CNN back when it was a news organization back in 1993, and we wouldn't have dreamed of covering stories in the way they do now."
"So, obviously, like in the days of TV and so forth, internet did not kill or weaken the Hollywood system."
"Now 40 years later people still believe that was true."
"The competition has driven the evolution of formats."
"Independent media is gonna take over, it's inevitable."
"Our success is due to the fact that networks are so old school."
"The future of media is independent connections between the audience and a trusted journalist."
"Occupied was one of the first social justice moments in culture, but it had started a couple of years earlier in media and then it manifested physically."
"This could change the shape of how media moves forward as the corporate media system is dying."
"As we reach the present day, a lot of great and not-so-great horror and thriller titles have hit the scene."
"Princess movies growing up, this was a godsend. Finally, a princess movie whose plot line did not hinge on magic."
"Tv ads are not as impactful as they were back in the day."
"It has the potential to allow new voices to circumvent the rigid hierarchies and biases of legacy media and to provide new perspectives on current affairs."
"The internet is becoming the new mainstream media."
"Survivorman started for me in the year 2000... it was the zeitgeist for the genre known as survival TV."
"So yeah, this is a series that brought in a woman to play the Doctor, but it's also the series that brought in an entirely new creative team with a radically different approach to making the show."
"Streaming is a huge event in film because now cinema is totally different."
"Winsor McCay was constantly self-improving and he always looked to push the medium forward."
"The most exciting times in the history of media where every single person can record history."
"This top 100 list that I used to regard as a list of historical time capsules now looks more and more like evidence of a tumultuous, confusing, changing time."
"The medium has definitely become more accepted as not only something for all ages but also a forum to tell stories that push the boundaries of structure and representation."
"The decline of leafy kind of ushered in an entirely new era of YouTube."
"We're done with this whole sitcom bs. It's full-on Marvel now."
"Do I think they succeeded? Yeah, yeah I do. For the time period, animated films were indeed starting to take a hit."
"But there was another form of media exploding at the time, and Coke was not gonna be left out: television."
"Avatar has finally gotten a live-action adaptation."
"We are now currently seeing the last desperate gasps for air from the Legacy Media."
"Launching a new YouTube channel now is a little bit like trying to launch a new TV channel 15 years ago."
"YouTube is going to be the place where the next group of very talented people, whether they be comedians or people who comment on whatever, that's where the mass media is."
"All the TV rights, sponsorship deals, media... it's leaving TV. Yeah, like over the next two, three years everything is going to these online platforms."
"We're still not quite there to a point where we can say CRT is dead."
"Corporate media is dying. Independent creators are now the lead."
"We are seeing alternative platforms blow up."
"A wider paradigm shift for the medium as a whole."
"Celebrities now want to be media people. You know, everything has merged."
"We're moving from traditional media defining these candidates to direct to consumer."
"Starting around 1997, television presented viewers with a radically new idea -- that homosexuality wasn’t a crisis, or even something to be tolerated, but something that was embraced, sought out, and celebrated."
"What this is right now is a live broadcast that transcends anything that anybody has ever seen ever in the history of recorded transmission of."
"Weekly releases prolong the discussion of the show."
"Do I think that this choice will result in the death of the movie theater? I think that that is something that people always want to talk about."
"Virtual reality is the next frontier in media itself."
"There's been so much done in this space over the last five years to create this thing that never existed for fan opinion."
"So you can take your [__] irrelevant TV asses back home and let the new media get in okay that this is it this is the new media go home boomer that's all that's all it really can be said."
"Shout out to Larry and everything that he did in this whole evolution of the streaming space."
"If this works, and your audience watches this and enjoys it as much as me coming into your studio, why would you ever want to go back to the studio again?"
"YouTube is gonna become more of a news-based platform."
"Cartoon Network's history can be split up in two different ways."
"The absolute biggest change... would have to be the entirely new generation of fans that are now tuning in."
"From print to digital: evolving while maintaining tradition."
"The 24-hour news cycle was a real game changer."
"It's a perfect example of a disconnect between the Old Guard media and the New Media."
"The Mandalorian was the best thing to come from Star Wars since the greedy corporate acquisition by our buddy Bob Iger."
"It's a beautiful time for broadcasting... anybody can put something out online."
"I think we're on the other side of it, everything that channels like ours have been pushing back against the last couple of years, I think it's over. I think it's done."
"I think this is where the future of fan media is going, I think it's going to the past. I think we're going to see a return to blogs that were fan powered."
"So, just to clarify that timeline, that's seven years of doing stuff on YouTube, or it was before YouTube."
"We live in an era where a show like this can exist exclusively because of YouTube."
"I remember thinking like this is a really really good horror game over time and the series moves a bit away from that I think which is probably for the best but at the time I remember playing it and being really scared."
"We didn't just go from one trans person to a whole documentary."
"Thank God that Sony came along with their CD-ROM-based media, making Square an offer they simply could not refuse."
"Alternative media is replacing mainstream media and yeah I I can't say enough thank you so much for coming here and participating with us."
"The future of media will be built on fans paying for the content they actually want to exist."
"The tie between animation and real life is getting closer."
"It's a meritocracy now when it comes to media."
"It's only a matter of time before they all go the way of the floppy disk."
"G4 came back and they're basically Kotaku the video edition, Polygon the video edition. Things have changed. G4 is probably better left in the past."
"Twitch went from niche to household name within the span of one year, it's actually crazy."
"Over the years the bar for what can be considered entertaining and stimulating content has only gotten higher and higher."
"Let's make 4k a no-drama mainstream standard."
"It'll be replaced by maybe a more responsible [media] one, but it only happens if you guys keep helping support the work."
"That's a lesson we learned from Legacy Media who were so reliant on one form of advertising for all of their revenue and then we're completely unable to manage the transition to the digital era."
"Tick Tock has made the whole media industry kind of change and the music industry as well."
"I always loved film, and I do love film, but the advent of top-quality TV series has been brilliant over the last decade."
"The world is streaming now. Television as a whole is like a century-old medium practically at this point."
"The transition has been made to an almost purely digital medium, even so far as an open acknowledgment that the physical world of distribution for video games will probably die out completely."
"It's sort of like fascinating watching the evolution of entertainment."
"Specialize... that's what the future of Journalism is going to be."
"Watch your Quibi shows the old-fashioned way, in widescreen format with longer run times and ads."
"Dubs have gotten good recently. Sue me, but dubs have gotten good."
"Cartoon Network: a new era for Hanna-Barbera."
"Memes are the future... Memes have pretty much taken over a lot of media."
"Our media in the last 20 years especially it really became very vibrant... the media was able to create the sort of public awareness about political issues that never existed before."
"New media is rapidly outpacing what we've seen in the past."
"It's just fun to learn about the new unique concepts, to enjoy the fantastic writing, to watch the style and format change in new ways."
"They really are kind of a new media, a new way of making sense of the world, a new way of telling stories, which is why they're so popular and why they're so well fitted to this moment in history for children."
"As traditional media rightfully continues to implode, I'm happy to tell you guys that 'The Rubin Report' is continuing to grow and trail blaze in this new digital landscape."
"The democratization of sports media is the best thing to happen to sports media ever."
"As long as it's done well, I think shared universes can continue. It's something people have dreamed about since I was a kid."
"Storyaverse feels like the next evolution of comics and novels."
"Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us Part II really pushed the medium forward."
"The story of how VHS went from this to this is way more tragic than you could ever imagine."
"It set a new standard for all television animation."
"But I think as the mainstream media begins to die which it is... alternative media on YouTube and etc will replace them or it will be a viable competition."
"That's the future of news as far as we see it, future video news epoch tv." - Sheila Marie
"Cable news is a dinosaur, it's dying and only very very old people are watching it."
"I've seen anime go from just literally something yet to painfully explain to people even what it was to something that's on every device on every television every mobile device in America."
"YouTube in five years will be mainstream, it's never stopped growing."
"Some will rise so others can fall so others can rise this is the changing of the guards out with the old media and with the new."
"It's changed TV. It really, really changed TV."
"The show brought about a new age of heroism and popular media."
"You can imagine that parasocial relationships changed from the time where the silver screen and the radio and the TV were people's only access."
"It basically went from funny one-minute Instagram clickbait to an actual boots-on-the-ground news source."
"Before and after it was a movie, the Star Trek revival was planned as a TV series."
"We are heading towards the death of physical media. It'll always be around in some shape or form, but as a popular format, it is going away."
"It's not so much that the truncation has changed for me, it's the way that they've been doing the show has changed."
"Broadcast TV will be like AM radio one day if they don't embrace it."
"Eventually they're gonna come in this digital space those TV networks that are offering us the TV show."
"By April of that same year, he was ready to hit TV with a slightly altered version of the French aristocrat gimmick."
"I just don't think that kids that grow up with this level of interaction, I think they're going to have a hard time going back to just 2D television."
"Last thing here with Amazon going Hollywood. Don't forget what happened during the pandemic shutdown."
"There's never been a period in history when more original films have been made than today."
"Here you are watching a video about it 12 years later. Look how far it's evolved when nobody believed it would get anywhere."
"This is new media, baby. We have a direct relationship."
"Traditional media is like a kind of sinking ship that will survive but not to where it was before, and YouTube is chugging along like an incredible ship."
"Without Dezaki, who knows if anime would be the exciting medium it is today."
"We're going towards a digital-only medium, right? That seems to be the direction we're going in."
"Entertainment evolves generationally, trust me. Us 80s and 90s kids know a thing or two about fruitless 'hey remember that' that our parents used to watch with us."
"Streaming has really opened the door for a new wave of romcoms."
"It's an ideal thing to put in theaters. Game of Thrones did this in ages past where they would launch with a season premiere that was early in theatrical release and you could go see it in the movie theaters. This is fantastic."
"Community wasn't fortunate enough to live in a time when the Nielsen rating system actually counted online streaming services."
"Joe Rogan is what the new mainstream looks like. Who saw that coming?"
"Cinema can only benefit. Ott platforms mean the empowerment of writers."
"We are smushing okay we are smushing short ideas together formats are going to return."
"It's less about being the new streaming service and more about creating something completely new."
"One of the cornerstones of Spider-Man comics and even the movies 60 years later."
"It's really important for networks and studios to evolve with audiences."
"Every streaming service is now also a content producer, in addition to a content provider."
"House of Cards because it changed what we expected from television."
"Beast Wars quickly became a new fan favorite."
"Blue's Clues walked so Film Theory could run."
"Small screen animation doesn't just belong to Hanna-Barbera anymore. Welcome to WatchMojo.com of the century so far."
"Citizen-led independent journalism is growing at an exponential rate."
"Movies trailers no longer debut in front of other movies; they debut online."
"But YouTube channels basically we are our own television networks yep yep and uh I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on where do you see all this stuff going in the next five to ten years."
"The review space is moving more towards people and personalities."
"Streaming allows cult shows to prosper and ideas that could never have worked anywhere else find success."
"There has been new voices that are coming out."
"YouTube has totally changed the face of entertainment worldwide."
"David Chase and Joss Whedon were turning television into something radical and groundbreaking."
"We're the new media companies... changing how people consume media and how news is delivered."
"Like the people will become the media over time."
"Streaming is marketing. The part that they're forgetting is your journalism was also marketing. It was just that that was the marketing for that time, right? Them artists ain't want to sit with y'all either."
"Marvel elevates superhero of Muslim faith, Miss Marvel Kamala Khan."
"Viewers and audiences are demanding more meaningful and innovative content."
"The next generation of all streaming video on demand will be about content aggregation and cross-channel recommendation."
"Every day you are redefining how content is created and watched."
"Television was radical, requiring a different way of seeing."
"Television has become and now streaming has been delivering top-notch quality entertainment."
"EAS is already outdated. I mean, think about it: who watches TV or listens to the radio nowadays?"
"Anime nowadays is just really starting to gain a lot of attention, popularity, and it just seems like it's a media now that isn't really frowned upon as much as it probably was in the past."
"Television eventually is going to be obsolete, it's gonna be all about streaming and it's might be about YouTube, people want more choice they don't want to be marketed to and give limited choices."
"Terrace House establishes itself as a kind of meta-culture, echoing the rise of Let's Plays and maybe even shows us where television and media is headed."
"The streaming era has significantly changed the landscape of Hollywood."
"Television just kind of feels like the new independent world."
"Our contemporary understanding of a meme is typically as the person who coined the term Richard Dawkins told Wired..."
"The issue is that the news media will have to change or die and be replaced by others who are prepared to change."
"The landscape isn't the same anymore. You don't have to just say a swear and people will tune in. It's consistent storytelling and good character work that matter."
"The series has definitely evolved in such a good way."
"You are seeing the last breaths of traditional mainstream media."
"Reality television was... the early version of social media."
"Traditional media, the numbers don't lie. One of the oldest television show formats in history starts showing better numbers when they started producing like YouTubers. And not just on YouTube but also on broadcast television."
"Its depiction of vampires as young and attractive would forever change how vampires were shown on screen, paving the way for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight, underworld and scores of other TV shows and movies."
"This is the most significant development in the MCU in its history."
"The rise of a robust alternative media based in the internet is what makes the election of a Donald Trump possible."
"The death of mainstream media is coming, people are going to alternative media."
"So many YouTube channels are just modern-day versions of old TV shows. Optimize it, boom!"
"The app store is the new TV guide, changed my mind."
"We've been on YouTube for 10 years. And when we first started, the cable TV networks, everyone thought we were a joke. And now THEY want to be on YouTube."
"Before all the allure of unsolved mysteries on television, there were unsolved mysteries that riddled local papers."
"YouTube is slowly getting better and better."
"The mainstream media today isn't the same as it used to be."
"It's perfect we're seeing a new blend of new characters and old characters."
"It's a good way to do it, and I think that you know what's funny is I bet you that agents of shield would have had a very different life had this streaming service been around."
"You're seeing a transition from new media on YouTube to old school access."
"The future of media is decentralized; people are and will continue to turn to social media for news, courses for education, creators for knowledge."
"New media is about equality, peace, union, and telling the whole absolute truth with the facts being laid out."
"And so more years went on, I remained a huge Alien fan, and I was able to view the movies over again as their presence on home media entertainment evolved."
"The change in influencer culture and the change in sports brands' attitudes about these people as well as athletes taking it upon themselves to create their own platform has negated big parts of the value that the MMA media used to serve."
"The only thing that's been as good for the Tom Clancy brand as Ubisoft has is the invention of print media."
"What happens when a piece of nostalgia-infused media becomes a source of nostalgia all on its own?"
"I don't think the downfall of cable TV is as natural of an evolution in media as the industry and the media would have us believe."
"It's like saying let's buy a record and you go out and get a gramophone. Yeah, whereas now it's all, you know, you listen to your music on Spotify, you watch talk TV on YouTube."
"New media really got taken over, fitness really flourished in new media. Most of the posts and articles that really just take off, or many of them, are fitness-related in new media, and it just took out the old guard."
"So we're here today to take the next step to make a step in what we believe is going to be a natural progression of moving media from traditional platforms to new platforms."
"The future of media is not predetermined; it's actively shaped by individuals and artists."
"I think there has been a devaluation of art or of music of all these kinds of things that we used to definitely treasure a bit more when it was harder to access or you know more expensive because of the physical media you had to create and then consume."