
Karma Yoga Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Karma Yoga erases that, it makes everything spiritual."
"Karma Yoga is the transformation of all our actions into spiritual practice."
"Then don't give so much emphasis on meditation. Do your regular meditation but engage in Karma Yoga."
"The goal of Karma Yoga is one's own liberation and the welfare of the world."
"One of the tests of progress in Karma Yoga is the attainment of purity of mind. Another test is reduction of stress and strain."
"In Karma Yoga, what matters is not what we do, but how we do it."
"A Karma Yogi must always maintain equanimity of mind in success and failure, praise and blame."
"The first is Karma Yoga, which basically involves working hard, doing good, and serving others."
"Always thinking about what is the karma yoga that I can do."
"I am a seeker of Brahma gyana, enlightenment, and I'm doing all my karma, whether it is in office, at home, or social welfare, whatever I'm doing is karma yoga for purification, purification of the mind will make me fit for enlightenment."
"Whatever work we are doing, in whatever station of life, as long as it's not completely immoral, we can actually make it spiritual."
"What spiritual practice is this? It is called Karma Yoga."
"Serving people and thinking that that's an offering to God is karma yoga, the path of action merging in the cosmos through action."
"Karma yoga... clears the path to whatever you want to attain."
"Karma Yoga, selfless work, can be done at every level."
"Karma Yoga is how to transform our daily actions into spiritual practice."
"The focus of Karma Yoga is always what is the right action for me now, what is possible to do, and what I really think is the right thing to do in these circumstances."
"In Karma Yoga, it's the best way to purify yourself. You just keep doing good to others, gladdening other minds, without any expectation or anticipation of benefit for yourself."
"By performing karma yoga, can you go beyond good and evil? Can you attain the Atman, can you become enlightened?"
"Karma Yoga means the yoga of how to live, Bhakti Yoga means the yoga of how to love, and Jnana Yoga means the yoga of how to let go."
"By karma yoga one should purify oneself through unselfish action, moral, ethical, and altruistic action."
"All activities in the spirit of service of unselfish activity, Karma Yoga."
"Karma yoga work done as worship of God gives peace of mind immediately."
"Serving all sentient beings, knowing them to be God, this is the highest form of karma yoga."
"Karma Yoga is the yoga or the way of works, meaning you do what is required of you in life, fulfill your duties, do good service."
"I shall do as karma yoga, as the worship of God."
"The context of war disappears; it is about Karma Yoga, about meditation, about the nature of the self, about the nature of God, and the ultimate purpose of human life."
"Karma Yoga is important; it's the answer to the practical questions of spirituality."
"The real renouncer is the karma yogi; the real yogi is the karma yogi."
"Remember me and fight; this is called Karma Yoga. Unite yourself with God and unite yourself with the Lord through Karma."
"The tremendous power of Karma Yoga, once you serve."
"If I am in the position of giving always, in whatever I say, whatever I do, whatever I think, I don't want anything that becomes karma yoga."
"Practice of Karma Yoga... dedication to unselfish action."
"Karma yoga practice, karma yoga in this way, karma yoga has two parts, karma and yoga, karma is for the world, yoga is for yourself."
"When you're doing the karma yoga, you do it selflessly; it is good, people's suffering is being removed, this is my offering to my Lord."