
Decency Quotes

There are 796 quotes

"Cyber bullying is not just a violation of decency but also a serious crime."
"There is nothing beyond our capacity if we act together and decently with one another."
"Basic human decency requires you to be basically human and decent."
"He's a person of outstanding character and just pure decency."
"Teaching love and acceptance for people who are different from you isn't leftist propaganda, it's called being a decent human being."
"But as far as I'm aware, again, respect isn't anything new, human decency didn't come into style."
"I think everyone deserves like a basic level of human decency, but respect is earned."
"By and large, people are decent... if we live and let live, people are going to go off and do interesting things that are ultimately going to benefit themselves and then us."
"Just give people the decency they deserve; they're people, they have feelings, be nice."
"Senator, have you no shame? Have you no sense of decency?"
"It's not partisan to stand up for decency and democracy and dialogue."
"95% of all Muslims are just as nice as anybody that you could hope to have. That's not because they practice a gentle version of Islam... it's because they're decent human beings."
"It's not about this right-left thing; it's basically kind of roughly sane people who...believe in freedom and decency."
"Honestly, the best values you can literally carry is just have good intentions and try your best to be a decent person."
"Americans want normalcy, compassion, decency."
"What I care about is living in a country where decent people can live happy lives."
"Human beings are rational and they should be decent and peaceful, requiring a certain amount of tolerance to trade and live together, underpinning the commitment to democratic republican politics."
"It is so refreshing to know that chivalry and acts of human decency still mean something in some parts of the world."
"In life, one must always be decent, brave, and kind, as it has become clear to me."
"Any decent human being, one characteristic of decency is gratitude. When somebody does you a favor, it's human decency that you want to thank them."
"Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man."
"I want everybody to know you are eminently fair, you were decent, and you are that same human being whose eyes narrowed as Susan Boyle began to perform."
"The average Australian is a level-headed and decent sort of person, same with the British public, the American public. We're not deplorables."
"Just be a decent human being and you'll be able to have fun. That's all it takes. SuperDuper easy."
"Most people...just want stability, they want decency, they want common sense answers."
"Politics is valuable, politics is necessary, politics reflects deeper values, but if we can't share values of decency, if we can't share values of freedom and liberty to say what we want, if we can't share values where we hope for prosperity for the country, then we're just doing it wrong."
"If people would only show some decency, we wouldn't need a lot of rules."
"The more I know about the Middletons, especially Carole but not only Carole, the more I like the Middletons. Their innate decency just shines through."
"I think people want competency. We want competency and decency out of our leaders. We don't want just the endless nonsensical games and all that stuff."
"We just want competency and decency out of our elected officials. We don't want just the endless nonsensical games and all that stuff."
"With that public consumption, there is still plenty of room for human decency and kindness, which is not always extended to these celebrities."
"What is our mandate? I believe it's this: Americans have called upon us to marshal the forces of decency, the forces of fairness, to marshal the forces of science and the forces of hope in the great battles of our time."
"The battle to restore decency, defend democracy, and give everybody in this country a fair shot."
"If we want to build bridges, if we want to emerge victorious... we'll need to stand with decency and with truth."
"The facts are your shield, decency is your sword."
"We will win because America was built on truth and on decency."
"It is time for a president that will bring decency and dignity back to the White House."
"I know Joe. He is a profoundly decent man guided by faith."
"The work of the moment and the work of the next four years must be the restoration of democracy, of decency, honor, respect, the rule of law. Just plain, simple decency."
"Decent people blame themselves. Indecent people blame the entire universe."
"You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time."
"If you are nice to a woman online, don't friend them afterward. Just go on your day... just be a decent human being, move on with your day."
"This is about human [ __ ] decency. This is about seeing something wrong and trying to make it right."
"We need to bring trust and integrity and decency and honesty back into politics."
"The American people have decency and a sense of fairness and right and wrong... they know what's moral and they know this is not moral what's happening right now."
"Reason and common human decency are no longer possible in such a system."
"We should expect every country to have a basic level of human rights and decency towards other people."
"We live in a world where we should have some sort of basic [__] human decency towards each other."
"Be decent to one another, be decent to yourself."
"Your own practical interests do not outweigh the rights of others and do not outweigh the necessity to be decent to individual human beings."
"President Biden represents democracy, decency, and normalcy."
"Decency, honor, respect, treating people with dignity."
"A decent person, a decent father, a decent man would stop this. You could stop filing motions, you could stop fighting, turn over the discovery, stop seeking abusive discovery, and just knock it the [__] off."
"We have a president who has proven that decency and democracy were on the ballot this year."
"That's why all adults, no matter their political views, should speak out against Trump's offensive language and disrespectful treatment of women."
"It's just not who we are as a people. If there's ever a time for humanity and decency, now is the time."
"If you live by the standards of your heart, you can have a life and a society of decent people."
"Decency and normalcy are crucial at the top of the pyramid."
"As an athlete, you are empowered to cultivate the relationships with anybody that's relatively decent."
"Decency, humanity, compassion, intelligence."
"It's basic freedom, it's basic decency, and that should never be weaponized into this political issue like Republicans are doing today."
"Have these people no sense of decency or shame? Just unbelievably absurd, unbelievably absurd."
"I don't think it's that hard to just be like a decent human being."
"There's got to be some common human decency here."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of humanity, of basic decency."
"He is fundamentally decent and he is going to fight like hell."
"He is a decent public servant who is trying his best."
"I believe in our democracy. I believe in decency."
"Society has a collective responsibility to help everybody live a decent life."
"He has always treated people with decency, equality, and generosity."
"You can have brothers who are doing crazy things at home I.E in the United States but when they when they when they go overseas they still know how to act properly they they understand what it means to be decent even if they're acting indecently."
"There's a difference between personal decency and political decency."
"Let's just treat people with decency, let's treat people with humanity, let's treat people with compassion, let's focus on like the 99 of Americans out there."
"Let's treat all humans decently. Let's have intelligent conversation. Let's try to solve problems."
"Trying to suggest that you're going to reveal personal information about someone unless they do what you want is not only a violation of law it is a breach of basic human decency."
"When we definitely go back to some decency where we have to help each other out and we look out for each other."
"I'm just trying my best to treat everyone with decency and compassion and empathy."
"Let's aim for more decency in our public discourse."
"I don't think decency gets in the way of exerting authority or being powerful at all. I think actually it can enhance it."
"Let's be the most decent people that we can be to one another."
"Basic human decency shouldn't just expire at 18 years old for women."
"You can actually maximize your profit by treating people decently."
"Most Muslims are good people, most of them are really just decent human beings."
"A real man is somebody that treats people with decency and respect."
"Men's rights as a nominative thing—men's advocacy, whatever—just common decency, it's still worth pursuing."
"He's gotta treat her like a wife...there's some decency in the way that this thing that actually shouldn't be happening goes down."
"It's just not that hard to be a decent person."
"Respect is earned... when people don't treat you with human decency back, there's no reason to think that you owe them anything."
"I'm just going to treat people decently in general."
"We should treat each other as individual human beings with innate human decency."
"Shouldn't common human decency be a core principle that all of us should follow?"
"I want to see a party that gets back to being a spokesman for fundamental decency."
"How hard is it to be a decent individual and do the right thing to all people? Shouldn't discriminate."
"You seem like a decent enough guy to appreciate something like that and to wish me the best in return."
"We need to focus on positivity, compassion, decency, and rejecting fascism."
"Let's start to address the degeneracy indecency we're seeing in Western Society post 1960s sexual Revolution."
"Having a daughter does not make a man decent."
"Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man."
"When a decent man messes up, he tries his best to apologize."
"If you believe in something more than politics, it might lend you to being kind of decent and kind of more open-minded."
"They saw somebody out there in need and they were being a decent person."
"The aim of the game ultimately, like I said earlier, is to align yourself with all that is good, be decent, be kind, but then also don't let people take the piss out of you."
"It's all about being decent to one another, and that's it."
"Harassing people out of restaurants is an act of selfishness and void of decency."
"Nobody's cornered the market on reason or evidence or generally being decent."
"Decent versus indecent, not conservative versus liberal."
"Do you have no decency sir, have you no decency?"
"Let's just hope that everybody else out there is as decent as our family."
"Celebrate decency and kindness... Lift it up."
"I've always been fundamentally a nice, decent person."
"I just believe in decency, civility, and having a discussion with people."
"There is so much beauty and decency in this country."
"Most decent people don't care about your stuff."
"That's sportsmanship and decency... lacking in today's modern politics."
"Ultimately, it is literally not deep enough to be sending people that much hate. That's just disgusting."
"This is human decency 101, but it's certainly important if you espouse any kind of collectivist thinking."
"Scientists have the same obligation as everyone else to be decent people."
"You're a good decent guy. Anybody who knows you knows this. She's lucky to have you."
"Treat people with respect, compassion, and moral decency."
"You have to work on the principle of decency, justice, and human rights."
"That's not necessarily true, second of all, we've got to be decent to one another."
"You have to be you, you have to be a human, you have to be a decent human being."
"Just be a decent person, protect yourself against negative people, and keep going forward."
"Fans get frustrated, it happens, it shouldn't be racial, it shouldn't be talking about your kids, it shouldn't be talking about your wife, it shouldn't be talking about anything else apart from your performance on a pitch, but it happens."
"It shouldn't be racial, it shouldn't be talking about your kids, it shouldn't be talking about your wife, it shouldn't be talking about anything else apart from your performance on a pitch, but it happens."
"The struggle for genuine equality is distinct from the struggle for decency."
"All things be done decently and in order."
"Why can't you just be decent? We have this beautiful chemistry between us."
"Our main priority is how to be decent and how to be good."
"Balanced Christianity must have a decent life represented in the proposition, a life of decency and a life of dignity."
"Raising decent humans, decent citizens of the world."
"Our values are universal of universal decency and integrity."
"Just be a decent person, that's all people are asking for."
"Wisdom, maturity, and basic decency."
"This moment is about decency and democracy."
"Decency is why we're all here tonight."
"They could be decent and have dignity within themselves."
"You treat me like a kind human being, and you treat me like a person, I'm gonna show you decency and respect."
"Most human beings aren't total degenerates, especially when it comes to social situations."
"Just be a decent human being, treat others with respect."
"The vast majority of people in this country are decent people."
"To be a decent human being is to have that kind of empathy."
"Enjoy the moment, be humble, don't be an [__]."
"You don't need to save the world, you need to be a great guy to the people around you."
"You be disrespectful to somebody's wife or to somebody's daughter, that's a no-no."
"Decency is really valued and decency is really important with people."
"Everything in society could be more decent and better."
"Where is the decency? You have to be able to discern when someone is a threat and when they are not."
"You don't have to be a piece of [__] nor a horrible human being."
"Your decency is allowing you to do things that you couldn't otherwise do."
"I walk around with Legion in me, reasoning with people who don't have the decency."
"Some people think there's no such thing as a decent guy, well in my eyes you proved them wrong."
"He's not a bad guy; he's not a hero; he's just decent, and decent is better than most."
"Find decent human beings, and they'll treat you decently."
"It's not about your height; it's about the decency of the people that you interact with and what you bring to the table."
"Have your character do something that is inherently decent and good, especially if you make it as difficult for them as possible."
"If the people in charge treat basic decency with complete contempt, we're all screwed."
"Pick up your dog's poop. That's just rude."
"...the fundamental decency that do lie at the reserves of the spirit of the American people..."
"Don't be creeps y'all, let people do their day-to-day life."
"But the women, the wives, and the kids, you know, and then him attacking women that are not even like why?"
"Why can't people just be honest? What happened to that part of being a decent person? Just be honest and upfront."
"He's the most decent guy I've ever met," Ali said.
"Don't be an [__], don't be an ass. That's my motto. I think that's a good, that's my motto."
"Nobody cares who you are, what you are, as long as you're a decent human being."
"Yeah, and doing the right thing is not making misogynist comments to beloved children's book authors."
"Just be a decent human being. That's it. Don't be stiff, look, don't be bro."
"But that's what real heroism is, is I'm going to keep doing the right thing and I'm going to keep being kind and I'm not going to lose my decency."
"Let's be decent to each other and figure out how to function as a team."
"Be decent to people, work your nuts off, do your best, find your talent, and then just put your life inside and be good to people."
"You guys are like remarkably actually decent human beings compared to everything that we see online."
"My grandpa voted for decency and decency is why we're all here tonight."
"Why am I being applauded for being a decent human? Should not every person do their best to help with whatever resources they have?"
"I saw that I could help, so I did. This is basic human decency."
"It's not rocking science, this is just being a good human being."
"It's just about people being good, decent human beings and asking nothing in return."
"Any marginally decent human being would have done the same thing if they were in my shoes."
"I thought it was a little bit unfair over the last few months and the fact that you came out right away and wished him the best and didn't take a shot at him when he was down uh I think really said a lot about you as a human being."
"Look man, no need to be rude. Don't be a dick."
"Making fun of people's interests is scummy, even if you still like that thing."
"Even a bad person could return a purse to someone that lost their purse."
"Just recognizing on any given day, you're trying hard, you're showing up, you're a decent person. You wish people well."
"This stuff that came out today was absolutely horrific. I'm not excusing anybody but man oh man just be a decent human. That's all."
"Even troublemakers like Bart and Homer can still be decent people."
"It's just really important to learn how to be a decent human being, it really is."
"Folks, is it sociopathic to be decent to other human beings?"
"I'm going to live and love and do my best to be decent."
"Just because you have a right to be a butthole doesn't excuse you being a butthole."
"Imagine decency trumping a couple extra thousand dollars."
"No one's asking for that. It's not benefiting anyone. Just be at least a decent person. Come on, it's not... it's sometimes it can be rather difficult to do that, I get it, but try to, like, you know, breathe in through the nose, out the mouth. Forget I said that."
"Decency is how we're able to make jokes about each other and one of us doesn't go to prison."
"Everybody should be treated with respect."
"We're becoming so desensitized... to decency."
"Decent means 'good and having good moral standards'."
"Yes, it's all about valuing someone as a decent human being."
"Patience, authenticity, and decency are virtues."
"When somebody comes to your door, you gotta realize that's a decent person... just under the control of an organization... that does not have their best interests in mind."
"There are many great and beautiful things to discuss in this world of ours. They would be wasting these precious moments if we told each other the vulgar details of how we are in our daily bread."
"Regardless of one's astrological sign, everyone can be a mensch, a decent human being."
"Thank you guys for making something decent."