
Sea Level Rise Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We should prepare ourselves for much faster sea level rise, much stronger storms, much more forest fires."
"This is a very important mission for us... with Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, we will observe the sea level rise, which is a strong indicator for the climate change."
"Sea level rise is not going to stop anytime soon, and we have to keep our eye in the sky looking down on it."
"We know sea level rise is happening, we know it's accelerating."
"What researchers have predicted is that sea levels will rise about 3 feet this century."
"It's very hard to reverse climate change, especially issues like sea level rise. The water is coming in quite rapidly."
"The sudden 200 foot rise in sea level around six thousand to seven thousand years ago."
"Sea level rise isn't just about expensive homes on the beach."
"It's like if your house at the shore was already underwater and you just learned that actually we're already underwater but it's only low tide right now."
"Reclamation projects need to consider sea level rise and geological hazards."
"California could rise as much as nine feet by the end of this century."
"The Maldives will be completely submerged in 30 years if rising sea levels from melting glaciers and icebergs don't slow down or stop completely."
"Sea level rise will affect hundreds of millions, up to a billion people around the world."
"Sea levels are rising faster than expected, which isn't cool."
"Scientists say at least 1/3 of all global sea-level rise is attributed to the melting here."
"Sea level rise comes from the melting of the ice on land."
"Sea level will continue to rise despite greenhouse gas production."
"If sea levels continue to rise because of ice melting globally, we can see a lot of our world underwater."
"This kind of innovation is very important... Amsterdam could be flooded by 2030 due to rising sea levels."
"When the earth is warm, there's less ice on the land, and sea level's higher."
"The faster you can reduce your use of fossil fuels and all the other things that contribute to climate change, then the lower the sea is going to rise and that's around about a metre in some high-end scenarios."
"And half a metre's difference could mean a lot of homes and lives saved."
"From Miami to Rio and London as sea levels continue to rise across the world Humanity will be put to the ultimate test."
"When the ice caps melt, water from the ice cap will drain into the ocean, causing the ocean level to rise."
"The potential sea level rise from Antarctica is very large."
"About 40% of North Jakarta is located below sea level."
"Even a small fraction, say 10 per cent of Greenland melt would raise sea level 2.4 feet."
"If all of Greenland melted, there is more than seven meters of sea level rise."
"Miami's sea level are raising faster than other areas of the world"
"If all of the ice in Antarctica melted, sea levels would rise tremendously, washing away the coastlines of every continent and creating new bays, inlets, and inland seas that would decimate major cities."
"These ice sheets act as a vast reservoir of fresh water. If the entire Antarctic ice sheet were to melt, it would raise sea levels by over 58 meters."
"The loss of polar ice has dire consequences, more than 600 million people live in coastal areas less than 10 meters above sea level."
"One of the biggest threats of climate change is sea level rise."
"We're adding something like a foot of committed rise to the ocean every three years."
"Entire mega cities underwater; a science fiction scenario perhaps, or are we looking here at the future?"
"The effects of global warming will cause sea levels to rise significantly, leading to widespread flooding."
"This event raised sea level 60 feet in some areas and over a 600 mile or so front, that's why you had such a huge wave generated."
"We must prevent climate change, we must claim and lay claim to the land which may yet be taken by rising sea levels."
"One meter sea level rise could raise the frequency of severe flooding for New York City from once per century to once every three years."
"Climate change is not just about rising temperatures; it's sea level rise, it's extremes of the hydrologic cycle."
"If the height of the ocean continues at its present rate, it's expected that the entire country will be submerged by 2100."
"Sea-level rise is going to reshape our world in very profound ways."
"We all know sea level is rising, and how do we know that? Because we measured this since the '90s from space."
"Did you know most of the coral reefs around the world were formed during the last glacial period when melting ice caused the sea level to rise and flood the continental shelves?" Bauer shared with his crew.
"Polar regions have lost billions of tons of ice; sea levels have been raised by trillions of gallons of water."
"Sea level will rise by at least another 1 to 3 feet before the end of this century."
"We believe climate change is real, we believe the seas are rising."
"It gives us a unique opportunity to provide this sort of looking glass into the future of how we expect the rest of the world to experience sea level rise rates towards the end of this century."
"In the last 50 or so years, the water level increased by about two point six centimeters or roughly around one inch on average around our planet."
"Greenland alone... stores a lot of ice, and if you were to melt all of the ice in Greenland, the water level around the world would actually raise by about seven meters."
"If you were to melt all of the water in Antarctica, the water level around the world would actually increase by approximately 58 meters."
"The impacts of sea level rise are local, and you need to put sea level rise from warming in context with other factors."
"Rising sea level... as glacial and polar ice is melting, more water's being added to the ocean which is increasing sea level."
"The ocean level will rise due to this effect of thermal expansion."
"Water that was previously stored as ice is going to flow into the ocean."
"We can still avoid some of that six feet of sea level rise forecast by 2100."
"The world's oceans could rise 30 centimeters should the threatened part of Pine Island go."
"Without ice shelves, the glaciers would melt more rapidly into the sea, causing a rise in global sea levels."
"The sea levels in the world over will rise by 1 meter and a number of islands will become uninhabitable."
"Rising seas are due to the fact that the ice caps in the North and South Pole are melting."
"Greenland is now the main cause of global sea level rise."
"When all that ice turns to liquid water, coastal cities like New York City and Bangkok could be completely flooded."
"By studying the dynamics of this rapidly changing environment, experts hope to gain a closer look at what we can expect in the future in terms of sea level rise."
"If sea level rises, millions, tens of millions of people will be displaced around the world."
"As the sea level rises, we're going to see the sea begin to move onto the land."
"The projection is that sea levels will rise between 18 and 59 centimeters by 2100."
"When water gets warmer, it expands, and sea level goes up."
"The rate at which sea level is increasing is actually going up; we're putting our foot on the gas pedal."
"It's not just those living along the coast that are impacted by sea level rise, it's also those that live throughout the entirety of the world."
"The sea levels are rising, of course, partly associated with climate warming."
"Changing weather patterns resulting in prolonged dry spells and sea level rise have compounded Tuvalu's water woes."
"Rising sea levels will create climate refugees in countries like the Maldives and Bangladesh."
"The sea level rises because of global warming, making low-lying countries like Bangladesh very vulnerable."
"If climate change continues to raise sea levels, the entire nation will disappear."