
Human Capability Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"The idea that we couldn't have built the pyramids... is propaganda; it's built by Humanity when we're in a different phase of development."
"Our bodies are designed to adapt. It's all in the mind."
"As technology gets better, people are very good at adapting."
"The highest faculty of the human being is articulated speech."
"We are really more capable of this process of trans-generational change than any other species on the planet."
"If there's one infinite, limitless resource on planet Earth, it's human capability. There's no limit on our determination, there's no limit to our imagination, there's no known limit to our creativity."
"Humans are amazing... we're able to use the available information to make decisions, to communicate with other people, identify patterns in data, remember what people have said, adapt to new situations."
"If you don't mess it up with belief systems, every human being is capable of knowing this."
"The people that built Cholula... they're perfectly capable of working these things out. The idea that any human anywhere in the world needs their inspiration to consider these things important is, to me, silly."
"I don't know if humans are capable of ever getting to that point, but what if you were able to?"
"Humans have fixed things before and we will fix things again."
"When things like this happen, you really see what humans are capable of."
"This really shows that humans at this time were very capable of visualizing their goal, planning for the future form this tool would take."
"We are equipped, after millions of years, to deal with all those states of mind to become the best in the moment again and regulate."
"Reaching the stars is not prohibited by our understanding of the laws of physics."
"I wonder if in fact the human intellect is sufficient to actually decode the full operations of this universe in which we live."
"Surviving the journey will be the ultimate test of human endurance."
"God works because God has ordained to work, and to take the weakest of men to do the greatest of things."
"Something I've been thinking a lot about is the difference one year can make and how resilient and amazing the human body is."
"Everybody, welcome to Impact Theory. You're here, my friends, because you believe that human potential is nearly limitless."
"Our days and our lives are short in cosmic terms, but with our minds, we have learned to follow time's trail out to longer and longer intervals."
"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle."
"We are blessed as humans to be able to make things called a choice."
"Our brains are the fastest data processors on earth, far more efficient than any computer you have ever used."
"Humanity's sheer insanity of ingenuity on display."
"The law was made up by people. People can do anything they want."
"Humans are acquiring Divine powers of creation and destruction."
"Humans can do really good science a hundred times billion times faster than a robot."
"You underestimate people's ability to learn from their mistakes."
"Watching Tony Stark and Doctor Strange go up against Thanos was epic to me because they're just humans. Even if you're a human without powers, you can play a powerful role."
"Humanity, for all intents and purposes, has built on this world and virtually conquered it for our own gain, all thanks to our sort of Jack of all trades bodies and our massive intellect."
"God needs dependent people not just powerful people."
"The most powerful force in the human world, by the way, has always been the mind."
"Computers can't do plays, computers can't do music, computers can't do a lot of things that we do, so arts is a really viable option."
"Our problems are man-made therefore they can be solved by man."
"Cavemen were able to start fires without lighters or matches and were able to kill animals that were three to four times their size."
"We have been formatted with brains to come up with solutions, not just to persist."
"You are literally one of the strongest human beings on this track of Planet man so you have the genetics and the potential."
"We don't need it. We are so much more powerful than AI."
"Climate change doesn't alarm me because we identified the problem decades ago, and there's no reason why human will and ingenuity can't fix it."
"We are much more than we've been told. We're so much more than we've been led to believe."
"We must show that we are capable of learning and maturing."
"It's our ability to adapt and to think more broadly."
"Humans are not dumb. They're inventing internets and lawnmowers and ice cream."
"For the first time in human history, social media actually gives us a superpower to develop a collective empathy."
"He is at the peak level of human eyesight possible."
"We have a brain. We can control our destiny, but most animals cannot."
"It's because we have a system that unleashes human potential."
"Nothing is impossible and that man is capable of improving his circumstances beyond what we're told is fact."
"Human speech, however, can convey ideas, higher concepts, morality, stories, and traditions."
"It seems impossible until it's possible. When the human species focuses on doing something, we're pretty good at it."
"Human beings can actually faithfully transmit an abstract idea across open air from one mind to another."
"It's amazing people can even do it. I'm stunned every day."
"It's amazing what people can do in 24 hours. This world's pretty crazy."
"Any problem humanity has created, humanity can solve."
"While AI might pose the greatest challenge to humanity thus far, we do occasionally underestimate the reaches of human intellect and ingenuity."
"Humans as you point out are Universal quantum computers."
"Scott Flansburg was dubbed the human calculator and was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for mental calculation speed with calculator accuracy."
"Science can enable us to see beyond the human eye. Isn't that incredible?"
"We as humans not only have the power to affect our reality and our earth but we actually have the power to affect the heavens."
"Realistically, do I think it's like magic? I think it is human potential dealing with magic."
"Brains are amazing things and are a lot more plastic than we give them credit for."
"There's simply nothing beyond our capacity when we work together."
"Human imagination is one of the two things in the universe that appear to be infinite."
"In the end, we will prevail because I have great faith in human ability to see through nonsense."
"When lives are on the line it's astonishing what people can do with such a short amount of time."
"Everything is created by your own wonderful human imagination."
"We're at an incredible phase of what our species is capable of doing."
"Can the human race still learn from the past? Are we still capable?"
"I'm just so fascinated by... like someone actually made that. It's just honestly what people can do really does blow me away."
"No matter how critical the crisis is, and it is, this is also our collective human superpower."
"You've got the most charitable community in the world; they... it's pretty... it's pretty incredible."
"We're ultimately gods and what gods do is transform."
"We have this brain that can grasp these things and have these reflections."
"We are all human beings, we are intelligent and we can do things on our own independently."
"I think every baby has a blessing. I think we as human beings we have the power within us to take control over our lives."
"Absolutely amazing feat that we as mostly hairless apes on the surface of... were able to do this."
"The only thing you have to believe in right now is that humans are capable of learning."
"How stunning that we are here and that we can do the things that we do."
"I personally work from the basis that we probably don't have the ability to fully understand the universe. It's probably too complex for creatures at such an early stage of evolution as us."
"If your body can make a whole entire human, then it definitely can get the human out of your body."
"It's amazing what we can do when we think beyond limits."
"Response is the highest form of human awareness."
"The human body is capable of is quite crazy, honestly."
"The Qur'an is a powerful book. Beyond the ability of human beings."
"There's nothing more dexterous than the human." - Frank Stephenson
"The female body evolved to be a high endurance machine capable of doing incredible things."
"It's crazy how this is even humanly possible."
"The true gift that we as human beings have... is technology."
"I think if you give people the chance to rise up and show who they are what they can do they will do amazing things." - Charles Hoskinson
"The mind can only take so much at that moment."
"This is fundamentally going to change what humans will be soon capable of."
"I think that human being can solve any problem."
"300 is about the most we can see per inch, and anything above that is basically irrelevant to our human eye."
"Aurelian Heyman... never forgets anything ever... true superpower."
"The only limit is human understanding to be able to program it, but we know if we learn, it can do this stuff because it's already doing it."
"I believe humans can solve problems... but first we have to begin to recognize we have something we have to solve."
"We all know what evolution is, right? As time goes on, people get better at things."
"From Rubik's cubes to eating an insane amount of hot dogs, people can do a lot of incredible things in the space of a minute."
"Your DNA is a biological internet. Before Wi-Fi, you had the DNA. In fact, all of this technology is actually making people more stupid."
"We can learn anything; anybody can learn anything."
"Humans are better than a computer at solving things with increasing degrees of freedom."
"Humans are really capable of rearranging reality around us."
"Our entire model of history and who we are as a species will completely change, for we will no longer be the center point, the peak of technology, or the giants we claim to be."
"We can do everything technology can do, please don't rely on technology."
"The world's strongest have helped reshape our lives. In their many forms, they've constantly taken that which was impossible and made it possible for protection, for utility, and for fun. The strongest survive."
"Human beings, whatever their track record is for having good or bad intentions, their track record for doing what they're capable of doing is almost 100%."
"What has not happened till now on this planet can happen tomorrow. Human beings are capable of making it happen."
"Human beings are capable of building incredible structures."
"Humans can still come up with much more creative, interesting, and engaging ideas than chat GPT."
"Humans have this capability which we call episodic memory, this ability to recall our lived experiences that happened at one time in one place."
"Adam made it clear that humans can defeat the gods."
"I'm so impressed with the human ability to take any problem and fix it. I mean, it's the only reason we're still here."
"Humans are basically really powerful creatures that can live right close to Suns, they're highly radioactive, nothing else can live it's close with very short lives because we're like a hive organism that actually lives second to second in the space-time Continuums."
"...man's ability as a tool maker."
"The human brain is capable of almost anything."
"They laughed at Earth until they realized their necks were in the jaws of the humans that lived there."
"Of all the five senses, the eagle can see better, the dog can smell better, and the horses can sense better and hear better with their ears. But none of the animals have the hands that are capable of such diversification as the human hands."
"His heart wants to believe in magic, but we do believe in what humans can do."
"It's high time we opened a few arrogant eyes to what human ingenuity and perseverance is really capable of."
"We carry the torch of enormous potential unparalleled in any other thing in the universe."
"Humans have been able to take over and utterly dominate the world entirely because of our minds."
"He underestimated the humans too much."
"Within this all-embracing view, humans are uniquely capable of understanding the whole of nature, and affecting it."
"Wisdom is an attribute of God, but it's also accessible to humans. You can have wisdom too."
"We actually manipulate our environment, we change it, we develop it, we do things like fly to the moon."
"It's amazing and terrifying at the same time to see a fully grown human squeeze through what looks like a literal crack on the ground."
"Only human beings read, write, and compute. They are synonyms for human reason, and so they need to get good at those things. And then if once they get good at those things, as they get good at those things, the world is their oyster. They can learn anything."
"This quite honestly the greatest feat of human engineering we've ever managed to reach."
"As soon as someone shows that people can compute something that machines cannot prove given the same initial conditions, we should look more closely."
"This is like amazing what humans are capable of."
"We are the miracle makers science is the miracle maker"
"It's amazing that this can have a unique solution, let alone one that's findable by a human."
"The ability to think is the singular greatest thing that human beings can do."
"Do we just keep pushing the limits of what humans are capable of?"
"Creativity will be the last thing that we automate because we humans can do it and there's no machines could."
"Problems made by man can be solved by man."
"Oh my God, humans can do some really amazing things!"
"I'm convinced you're right that every human being is born genius."
"Our ability to function, our ability to reason, our ability to do that which is distinctively human is only possible because we have some connection somehow with this higher order of reality."
"The giant locomotive, the 999, was the first locomotive to break the 100-mile-an-hour speed limit. People thought humans can't go that fast. What will happen to us?"
"Every human is capable of learning and using every human language."
"Transcending what was thought possible and redefining the boundaries of human capability."
"As close to perfect as humanly possible."
"I doubt that there will be many manipulation tasks that are repetitive, that robotics won't do better than humans."
"Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece? Can you?"
"For the first time in recorded history, human beings have in their hand the ability to maintain organized human life or to destroy organized human life."
"He was driven by necessity and it is remarkable what one can do if the need is great enough."
"Humans are uniquely capable of understanding the world around us in a way that no other animal can, so I feel like we have a responsibility, we have a duty to all of the animals that came before us to understand them, to just acknowledge that they existed."
"I forgot that humans can do that, I forgot that we can all band together."
"I had no idea the human body was capable of diving to such depths for so long."
"If I didn't know about the human body's amazing abilities to dive to such depths, what else don't I know?"
"You should go through life doing the things that uniquely people can do."
"It may sound impossible, but if any species can imagine it, we can."
"Exploring is about pushing the bounds of what we're capable of as humans. It gets at who we are intrinsically as people."
"It's really incredible what these people can do."
"You've now reached the absolute extremes of human survival."
"The best bug in the world is called human intelligence."
"It just is mindblowing what we as human beings can do."
"There's a fascinating thing about what the human body can do, you know, what can it endure."
"...we now have an ability to deliver these outcomes but not in one area, not in a non-fear, not just to translate or just answer questions, but in many many areas that we can achieve the functionalities that humans can achieve."
"Imagine if you had the ability to run three times faster because you could just switch off the inhibition."
"Language is probably the hardest problem in science; nobody really knows how it works and nobody really knows where it came from, and yet we can all do it."
"We ultimately came pretty close to the human score."
"There's never something that's insurmountable; the body is amazing, and we have the ability to recover from so much."
"It's absolutely mind-blowing that this can exist and be solvable by a human being."
"It's crazy that we can do like human beings are capable of stuff like this."
"Humans are good at doing that on their own, without a computer."
"Humans are amazing; we can do a lot of things at once."
"It's amazing what humans can do and that they can adapt."
"Humans are smart and possess a unique way of looking at problems."
"We didn't know how great teams could be. I did not know how great humans could be, how much more we could do than we thought."
"With advanced communication networks, humans grow closer to omniscience and omnipresence."
"It's something we humans are really, really good at."
"We are not only survivors but the best endurance runners on the planet."
"Your latent potential is on a scale that theoretically shouldn't even be possible."
"There is no human problem which cannot be stopped by human being."
"It's beautiful how people can do that."
"We may be tortoises compared to many of nature's natural hares, but there aren't too many animals out there that can run extreme distances anywhere near as fast as we humans can."
"If you can see another human being doing something, it's highly likely you could also do that thing if you took the time to train towards doing it."
"Computers can't do this, only we can do this."
"It's pretty amazing what humans can do when left to their own devices and they need to survive."
"Humans can do a lot of stuff; you can make a lot of stuff work. It's whether or not this is good for us."
"We started on our feet, and we have those still."
"God has designed humans to operate both in the natural and the spiritual realms."
"Only when a human being is in very extended periods of joyfulness, blissfulness, he will stretch himself to the limits and do what he could do to the fullest."
"They're the kind of intelligence domains in which humans really like to test their own intelligence."
"Ergonomic design will help us to match or to map the demand of the work to the capability of the human being."
"We humans can engineer, and we can use it as a tool."
"Humans are actually very good at developing exploration tools, ways of getting us to places we've never been before."
"As much as we focus on building these really powerful tools to augment human capability, it's really important to remember that it's exactly that: augmentation, not replacement."
"Never ever ever underestimate anybody."
"Real question: Are humans still top of the pyramid when it comes to solving Rubik's Cubes?"
"The Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree and not by kind."
"We're built to sprint, run, jog, slide, and jump."
"There's no limit to what they're capable of."
"Do you think a human could have produced that tunnel?"
"Humans can fly at the speed of sound, confirmed."
"I'm always so impressed by just the capabilities of humanity to figure things out and solutions out for things that they want."