
Sustenance Quotes

There are 1825 quotes

"Love is not the only thing you need, but love can sustain you when other things fail."
"The foundation upon which our life is built and sustained."
"They need a roof over their head, clothes on their back, and food in their belly."
"Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God."
"Imagine… a forest. Imagine it’s your home. It’s both your shelter and your source of sustenance."
"As long as you've got skill, you will always be able to feed your family."
"He's the bread of life for a reason. He will sustain you."
"There is nothing as important as meaning, other than food, to sustain a human being."
"Thank you for your unending grace and mercy, and for your unwavering love that sustains me every day."
"The Word of God is like food, water, and air - things we need to be sustained."
"If you stay close to Christ, even if it's in a wilderness, even if it's through a mistake... your bread will be blessed and it will be enough."
"Men shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"Man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"The grace that saves you is also the grace that sustains you."
"Man shall live by every word that proceeds from God's mouth."
"Cast all your cares upon Me. I will sustain you. I'm the burden-bearer."
"We satisfy our hunger with hard work and Innovation, not food."
"A breast is a breast. A baby's association with a boob is milk. It's food. It's life sustenance."
"That's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life."
"All you really need is your daily bread. God says, 'I've got you.'"
"All you really need is your daily bread... all you need in your business, ministry, house, is daily bread."
"Battles and even entire campaigns have been lost on the basis of an underfed army."
"Without food, we would not exist. It is food that created us, food that connects us, food that binds us."
"It's your responsibility if you are one of those who are charged with teaching, your job while you sustain yourself in life, to in order to be able to do it."
"God being good to you, good, amen, may not be able to eat all the time like you want, but God's still been good to you."
"Food is always available when you put black worms in."
"If you eat the bread of life, drink from spiritual rivers of living water, and taste and see, you will know that God is in control."
"These things keep you full throughout the day, packed with protein and fiber."
"For food and transportation, the Nile provides a dual lifeline for the people of Dynasty 0."
"Financial prosperity is like a river that flows, bringing sustenance and opportunity to our lives."
"My parents were two halves of a circle closed tight around a world in which their love for each other was the only sustenance they needed."
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house."
"Allah sustains you on earth from the acceptable, lawful, pure food."
"The Word of God is power, is food, is everything."
"When you go through tough times, think about me. Anyone who involves me will never go hungry because I am the bread of life."
"Christ's body is true bread and the sustenance which we receive in the Eucharist is even more important to our well being than physical food."
"God spoke the world into existence; his words still keep the whole structure of the universe together."
"Food is not the enemy. Food is what sustains you and keeps you alive."
"Food is what sustains life. You can never go wrong with a person in charge of the food."
"Food as I said again is what sustains life right and we are very powerful in that sense because that gives us a lot of power."
"This is the part of the video where the sponsorship happens so I can eat tonight."
"If he could carry her and sustain her... that means he can carry us and sustain us."
"We're making food, we're making food, we got hey, we got calories now!"
"It really does blows you away. It's done on a Disney and Universal level and yeah you can really tell standards are very high throughout the park."
"Every time I got a paycheck or I got paid for a tour or what have you, I took that money and I went and I bought something like a goat or a sheep because he knew that he could live off of that."
"The provision was never my employer, but it was God who sustains us."
"As you take care of a garden, there's more of a connection than just eating."
"I will trust you in the middle. In the middle of my brokenness, you will sustain."
"I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will never go hungry."
"Resupply especially is critical. Men can't fight well for long if they're hungry."
"If we start with 'we're all human, everybody contributes,' we all need to eat, you bring what you bring, and then everybody eats."
"I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst."
"Energy and food are what power civilization."
"This is a world where microbes are both residents and food."
"Rainbow jellyfish loving life, they sustain me, they actually physically sustain me."
"I would definitely rather do something that I love and create enough for us to have our family fed."
"The corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy."
"Faith without action is not gonna get you fed."
"By the sweat of your brow, you shall eat bread."
"Well is very lucky this week cuz this beef has been incredible and it's doing us so many meals really loads."
"It's not the extraordinary use of one's body like with organ donation... it is the ordinary use of the body ordered towards sustaining a human being."
"There is still time for us to unite, there is still time for us to focus on issues that put food on your table, that give you a livelihood."
"You cannot bury your talent; God gave you a talent to feed you."
"I am the living bread come down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever."
"Food is what maintains the life you have."
"It's an amazing feat to take down this enormous animal that will feed the whole pride."
"Every word of God is pure; man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God."
"Its agricultural output fed millions of otherwise hungry Roman citizens."
"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."
"Rabbit was very popular because it was off the ration and it was very cheap."
"Lord, give me a Divine and holy appetite, an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water."
"Thank God that you have never missed a meal."
"Beer is what made this place, and beer is what keeps everyone here going; it's like their gasoline."
"As to food, it is here always; it is man who does not last."
"What is actually going to sustain me and fulfill me?"
"'Food is vital. It's going to give you energy, keep your morale up, keep you thinking instead of just being hungry and making rash decisions.'"
"This divine energy feeds us all; it is the source of every moment of our existence."
"Just enough to cover two daily square meals for every person in the household, stretching it to a week would be difficult but not impossible."
"Embrace the diversity and realize that yes, there's a range between good and bad, but there isn't one you can't live on a particular type of berry for the rest of your life."
"Allah is the provider of sustenance, so to not bring anxiety and worries into it but to have that trust and comfort as you strive for it."
"I will because I believe in Christ and I know that he is going to be the thing that sustains me and propels me to my purpose."
"You can also last for about 3 weeks without food at like low work levels."
"Food is fuel and food is going to serve you."
"If you're thirsty, He's the water. If you need peace, He says I am peace."
"It's Mother Nature's way of taking a herd that's perhaps a little sick and giving them that food source that they really need in that moment to bounce back."
"Basically, farming is my passion. It's hard to make a living from agriculture anymore, but it's great fun and in the end, farming is what feeds people, nothing else does."
"The bread of heaven, the manna from heaven, the fact that He has come from the Father to give life to the world."
"Your tithe sustains what you have, so if I make a thousand and I take a tenth of the thousand and give to God, I have sustained that dimension."
"Give us this day our daily bread."
"You still deserve to be able to put food on your table."
"Wherever there is rice, there are people."
"Calories and hydration provide the ability to take on new tasks."
"This woman in Ethiopia has not eaten in 16 years, not a single piece of food or a sip of water."
"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
"He ate to live rather than live to eat."
"I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." - John 6:35
"Jesus said, 'How can a man live on bread alone? Shouldn't they live on every word that comes from the mouth of God?'"
"Tea is like so essential to my sustained being."
"Knowing that I now have a substantial amount of meat in the freezer to carry me through winter into the next seasons, the feeling deep down inside is grateful for opportunities."
"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone.'"
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Rhema that comes from the mouth of God."
"Faith is the oxygen by which we live as Christians."
"Food growth has never been more important than it is right now."
"The egg lasted me 3 days with biscuits and a drink of water. I chewed coffee berries too, invigorating stuff."
"Vegetables may not necessarily require soil, but human beings cannot live without it."
"In my house, we pretty much live off wild meat."
"Fuelled by Anne's delicious oatcakes, our time travelers have to make up for the mistakes of this morning."
"Energy creates movement and food."
"Snacks are gonna be super important just so that you are able to fuel yourself throughout labor."
"It's about getting calories in you, keeping you warm, keeping you able to get on that field and fight."
"Food and water are not only essential for survival but how we manage our approach to them can be the difference between surviving and thriving in a comfortable manner."
"His grace is not just a saving grace, it is a sustaining grace."
"Bread matters because it makes up a staple part of our diet."
"Bread is crucial for many people's diets."
"Pimkin was a vital meal for Ancient Hunters, Trappers, and Explorers."
"The only thing that will sustain you, the only thing that will keep you, is the shepherd."
"All that to say, be thankful for the life giving bread that Jesus promises."
"The man that does not work should not eat."
"Everybody needs food, everybody needs meat, everybody needs sustenance, calories, energy, caloric intake to put through your intestinal and make them right as rain. And it tastes good too!"
"The Earth is sustained by his word."
"Half an acre of potatoes could feed a family all year long."
"It's staggering that a single kill, which has already given us many meals, can still provide for a feast."
"Life is literally about food, yes, because food is like happiness."
"I carried around nuts for over five miles an acorn and a Buckeye. I kept them in the crease between my index and middle fingers on both hands. It felt like they were giving me energy."
"I have been faithful to God, I've been faithful to his call, and I believe that's why he sustained me even through my stupidity."
"We cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the word of God."
"It's a full meal replacement, they last like three to five hours."
"The salmon was the main reason. It was a place where you didn't have to go looking for your food, it came to you."
"What feeds us is eternal, it's everlasting, it's a word from Almighty God."
"It's not lack that sustains you, it is not plenty that sustains you, it is Jesus that sustains you."
"It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away."
"Where there's mangroves there's life where there's life there's food to eat."
"He is the sustainer of our peace through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit."
"We all have to eat, and truly if you take all the romance away, and all the legacy, and all of the wooing of the stories and all the things that have so much value to me, you have to eat."
"He brings Bread and Wine to sustain us."
"Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food."
"Golden Rose, 20 kilograms. It will usually feed us for about six months."
"It's about 'Give me this day my daily bread.'"
"It's kind of ironic that the laziness that she is so afraid that she has might be the very thing that's sustaining her."
"It's good that the oven is still working here so they can all have a nice snack after hard work."
"Light is its own food, containing within it the mystery of the supporting of all creatures."
"Food is important. It sustains you. It's the one thing that keeps you alive."
"Faithfulness to God is tied to the idea of getting enough bread."
"Bread is responsible for the history of the world."
"I'm going to give you bread from heaven in the mornings and meat in the evenings."
"Happiness is a living thing. We need to feed our happiness in order for our happiness to last."
"Never leave a fish behind. You take everything you can get. Thank you, mangrove snapper, for this beautiful lunch we're going to have. Amen to that."
"You are all part of the mother. My body is part of the mother. I feed on the mother, I absorb the mother, I drink the mother, I feed it the rest of the mother continuously."
"What did Christ say? Man does not live by bread alone."
"You'll never grow old Michael you'll never die but you have to feed."
"I can't believe it, we're finally not going to eat rocks and socks too!"
"The small-town rancher is still a large portion of what provides health and nutrition for the country."
"The fruit of the spirit are going to be able to sustain us for that next opportunity and that next place that he is bringing us."
"I could live upon sunlight and air alone, but water is necessary to maintain the elemental properties of the atmosphere, and without it my immortality would fail in the course of time."
"Hunting is not what you think it is in my community you actually eat what you hunt."
"Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life."
"God provided for our nation when our soldiers were starving."
It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone."
"You ingest God's word and it sustains you."
"Clearly, cheese is the energy bar of the Tour du Mont Blanc."
"I partner up with brands like them that allow me to eat every single day."
"The sea did more than feed and nourish the Colusa, it furnished the building blocks for their homes and villages."
"His mercy is new every morning; he sustains his people in the midst of tragedy."
"It keeps people alive, that is all. You can't make Christmas cookies out of government commodities. You can make biscuits to grow cold and hard on the stove."
"Sometimes those muffins were my meal of the day too."
"I'm confident that God will sustain me through faith by grace."
"It's just nice, you know, just knowing that I can keep fighting and not have to worry about feeding myself or my kid or like being homeless. That's all I really need."
"We could live off Wild game here year round easily."
"Food is our fuel and it fuels everything."
"Shows, pilots, movies, scripts, it all comes and goes. It's our relationships that sustain us through our life, through our career."
"Do what you love spiritually, healing wise, empathetic wise, artistic wise, and be able to sustain yourself in this reality."
"Jesus is saying that just like bread when we come to Him, He will fill us up and give us what we need to keep going."
"Food is very important for me because I eat it, and I'd live from it and I love it."
"I had developed the habit of chewing dry biscuits to stave off lethargy."
"God will sustain you and God will provide for you."
"Man lives not by bread alone or by skill alone or by efficiency alone, but by virtue of a spirit within him which must be nourished by beauty, thoughtfulness, and patience."
"Only the slow evolution of need could build out such an intricate entity with its nerve center veins, arteries, and sluicing drains. The Greek camp took on the qualities of a living organism, and like any living organism, it needed continual sustenance."
"God gives the bread of life to every spiritually dead sinner, so that we may eat and live."
"Love is all you need. It doesn't really pay the rent or the mortgage, but you know what? Sometimes it does."
"Worship is your water, it keeps you spiritually hydrated."
"Elijah went and lived by the River Cherith, and the Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and in the evening, and he drank from the river."
"God qualifies us, then he will sustain us through it."
"Allah will sustain him in ways which he did not take into account."
"It's the lifeblood of the desert."
"...the Salah is the oxygen that keeps us alive it is the spiritual oxygen of the heart and soul."
"If you have Christ, you will never be hungry and you will never be thirsty again."
"You need to eat like it is your job."
"Generosity is the seed for planting, and bread is for food."
"The backbone of this country and the backbone of Africa and many other places is agriculture."
"I am the bread of life, he that cometh to me shall never hunger, he that believeth on me shall never thirst."
"I would rather visit God's grocery store and what I mean by that is the Wilderness and the waters to obtain my supper."
"Food is something to think about."
"The wilderness yields food for them and for their children."
"This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die."
"It's just like food... if you just eat cotton candy, you're not gonna last."
"Rice will keep you fed, potatoes too."
"Any unknown is still fed by the sustenance of his living water."
"Love is like fire; it can die if wood is not put on the fire."
"Healing is probably the only true spiritual power we have, and eating, of course, is the basis for material life."
"We got one catfish and that's enough to feed us."