
Recidivism Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Most inmates are repeat offenders... I think there should be more programs in place to help inmates get more help."
"We've had a real drop in recidivism since I've been Governor."
"Once you're in that machine, it is virtually impossible for you to come out of that not being a bigger criminal than when you entered."
"In my opinion, with someone like Peter Bryan, who's repeatedly offended... they show full intent to do it again."
"Before they changed their system in Norway, they had about a 70% recidivism rate... now they have between a 20 and 30% recidivism rate."
"If a person gets out of prison after 55 years old... he's got a three percent chance only... to reoffend."
"The more humane the prison conditions are, the more of a focus the systems have in rehabilitating people and reintegrating them into society, the less likely those people are to commit crimes and reoffend."
"Probation and parole, they're just traps to send you right back."
"Norway is the lowest recidivism rate in the whole world."
"Norway's recidivism rates are among the lowest in the world, with just 20 percent of inmates getting arrested again within two years."
"Once people get out, too often they return because they can't find a job. These aren't bad people, they're people who are trying to survive."
"Jails and prisons just make better criminals."
"When you empower them and give them a self the degree of self-sufficiency and when you require them to learn the rates of recidivism are lower the rehabilitation is greater it's a complete inversion."
"Bastoy can boast the lowest reoffending rate in Europe."
"Incarceration in the country's system lowers the probability an individual will reoffend within five years by 27%."
"Recidivism is bad because of the way we handle prisons...we do jail too many people...we do over police."
"In contrast Christopher allegedly stated that if given the chance nothing could prevent him from killing again."
"Prisoners must! We've released zeros again. We don't have a reoffending right yet, okay, that's fair."
"I think this may be the final straw again for a guy who just never learned the lesson."
"The biggest factor that's going to tell whether you guys come back to prison or not is education."
"We're setting records also when they come out they're not going back in many cases statistically much, much better." - President Trump
"The new risk and needs assessment system designed to assess inmates' risks of recidivism and to identify their individualized needs to reduce the risks of their reoffending."
"This man is dangerous he's proven that not once not twice but three times now."
"Recidivism decreases when a parent has regular and strong family relationships."
"I understand why the recidivism rate is as high as it is because of the barriers and the challenges that are associated for those who are coming out of incarceration."
"If they're in for murder number one and were only prevented from murders two through 25 because they're in prison when they are out they will absolutely kill again no doubt."
"Most murders are not going to commit that crime again."
"The recidivism rate in this country is so high, proves that the criminal lifestyle is probably the most addictive drug."
"Psychologically informed violence reduction programs can reduce recidivism by about twenty to thirty percent."
"Their recidivism rate is significantly lower than America's and their focus is rehabilitative."
"The Jimmy Rice Act essentially keeps predators in prison who were found to likely repeat their crimes."
"Norway has a 20% recidivism rate, which is really low."
"Prison education reduces recidivism by 40 percent."
"Every prisoner who comes to your classes, once released, never comes back to prison."
"If prison is done well with a focus on rehabilitation, it can release individuals back into society in a controlled way which makes it unlikely they will reoffend."
"Though much has been learned in the past few decades about what drives people to become repeat offenders, allowing many former inmates to successfully reintegrate back into society."
"It's kind of funny too because the higher your college degree, the less of the chances that you will come back to prison."
"The reoffending rate here is just 16%, against the European average of 70%."
"All punishment should be to try and make sure that that miscreant never does it again."
"The longer we hold someone, the more likely it is that they're going to recidivate and the more difficult it is for them to reintegrate back into society."
"It shouldn't be this difficult to stay out of prison, but unfortunately it is."
"If we offered more community support and community services... they've got a much better chance of not going back in."
"People that do time for serious violent offenses like murder that have done excessive amounts of time generally don't go back when they're released."
"Recidivism, the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend."
"The national average of recidivism is 50%."
"It's gonna lower recidivism for sure."
"Restorative justice is cost-effective because of the reduction in reoffending."
"The harder we make it for people to reintegrate into society, the more people will go back to prison."
"Nobody from the San Quentin News has ever gone back to prison after they got out, zero recidivism for the guys who worked on newspapers."
"The biggest driver of people going back into prison is unemployment and lack of economic opportunity."
"I had the lowest recidivism rate of any state in the United States of America."