
Self-defense Quotes

There are 3553 quotes

"Significant standoff distance might prevent you from being targeted and engaged."
"Somebody's trying to do something to blind you in a fight; they're not going to do it for no reason."
"I will fight for my name, my family, and for the truth."
"The right to kill somebody is not yours, like unless it's self-defense."
"Our right to self-defense is the supreme law of the land, and nothing supersedes that."
"Firearms protect the most vulnerable among us."
"Her Legacy has sparked self-defense courses, improvements in campus safety, and awareness campaigns across the country."
"The Thunder rocks for a concealed carry pistol that you'll defend your life with. I hope you never have to do that."
"It is not terrorism to defend yourself if you're being attacked."
"The better it's better to have a gun and don't need it than to need a gun and don't have it."
"I have been burned at the stake by insecure, narcissistic, impotent little men like you many times, and yet I'm still here. You effed with the wrong witch."
"And so once you start to recognize the tactics that people will use to silence you, you can stand up for yourself better."
"Don't allow a certain situation or person to take control of you. Stand up for yourself and take back your power. You are stronger than you think."
"I grew up in the South Side of Chicago. I'm obviously a person of color. I was bullied in school to a degree, and my father always taught me to stick up for myself."
"Never start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, finish it."
"I always say you should aim for peace, but if you can't aim for peace, aim between the eyes."
"They're not coming after me; they're coming after you. I just happen to be in the way."
"I'm tired of being pushed around. I'm tired of people making fun of me. I'm tired of getting my butt kicked. I'm not going to take it anymore."
"Once you start to recognize the tactics that people will use to silence you, you can stand up for yourself better."
"Shouldn't they have a right to defend themselves?"
"I have a baseball bat next to my bed, so I have room to improve."
"Kyle couldn't run and continue to run from Mr. Rosenbaum, which he was under no legal duty to do whatsoever."
"Kyle Rittenhouse did not have to take the witness stand to tell his story; it was told through video."
"I'm not a hero. I did what I had to do to defend myself."
"The function of personalization often is self-protective."
"Ukraine has an absolute right of self-defense, no question whatsoever."
"It's like my home, so when somebody comes in and they invade your home like that, it's only reactive to try to stop them."
"I walked around the world with so much more confidence, knowing that I could defend myself, handle myself."
"If people in a nation are being invaded and conquered by fascists, then I am okay with them preserving their national sovereignty by defending themselves."
"Arizona has permitless carry, strong preemption laws, top-notch self-defense laws."
"Self-defense is not just a physical struggle; it's a mindset. Keep your body strong, keep your body healthy. Stay fighting fit for as long as you can."
"The most effective weapon you have in a self-defense situation is your ability to act immediately, directly, and explosively."
"Don't hesitate. In a self-defense situation, hesitation can be the difference between life and death."
"Train with intent. Every strike should be with the intention of stopping the threat, going through your target as if you're trying to reach their soul."
"Situational awareness is key. Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid dangerous situations before they escalate."
"I survived because I was a smarter person than my assailant."
"Carrying a handgun outside of the home for purposes of self-defense is constitutionally protected activity."
"It's best to keep the sword between you and the enemy."
"We believe in armed self-defense, not because we like violence. No one likes violence."
"In 43 States, people are able to carry firearms for self-defense; it doesn't mean everybody ends up carrying, and it doesn't mean that those 43 states have any more problems with violent crimes or anything else than the jurisdictions that don't honor the text and history of the Second Amendment."
"You have a god-given right to fight back by any means necessary."
"If you're gonna carry, you need to be proficient with that weapon."
"If you can't defend yourself, how in the hell are you going to defend somebody else?"
"These tribes are acting in self-defense of their people and their land, which is their right."
"If you cannot protect yourself, it doesn't matter. You have to know how to protect yourself, and that shield is that financial education."
"Once you learn how to fight, you don't fight anymore because you have nothing to prove anymore."
"Somebody comes up to me with a knife and they're about to stab me, and then I pull out a gun and I shoot them. We wouldn't say, 'Well, both of you engaged in the same behavior. You're going to be violent.'"
"Israel has every right to defend itself against Hamas' barbaric acts of terrorism, and it's imperative that America stands with Israel in this fight."
"No man has the right to lay a hand on a woman for any other reason than self-defense."
"It's your right to defend your property. Use it."
"From that moment onwards, she has claimed that she did so in self-defense. She was in fear for her life."
"If you're talking about a self-defense weapon... the most important feature that it has is to be spotless in reliability."
"Everybody deserves the right to defend themselves, regardless of their budget."
"Israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself."
"Honestly, married by the end, I was tired of you defending yourself."
"If you train to take a life, you should train to save a life as well."
"The Second Amendment is to protect yourself against a tyrannical government."
"We need to equip ourselves, defend ourselves against the manipulators and the manipulation coming our way online."
"Left alone, the body can defend itself against any disease, but it cannot defend itself appropriately against an exaggerated general fear of disease."
"It's understandable that you got this way; you had to defend yourself and fight to exist."
"The Second Amendment is what guarantees all of our other rights."
"The good guy with a gun theory is not a myth. Citizens use legally owned guns in self-defense or to stop crimes every day."
"Lay yourself open to the attacks means you should be able to defend yourself, have the articulated structures at hand, orient yourself properly politically, philosophically, even physically."
"In areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the black people, it is time for the black man to stand up and start defending himself."
"The reasonableness of the defendant's beliefs must be determined from the standpoint of the defendant at the time of his acts and not from the standpoint of the viewpoint of the jury now."
"The state must prove by evidence which satisfies you beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act lawfully in self-defense."
"Violence is never the answer; however, if somebody punches you in the back of the head while you're just trying to peacefully walk away from a situation and then tries to keep hitting you, by all means, you have every single right to defend yourself."
"Self-defense became a passion because I became good at it."
"The world can be a scary place; it's wise to learn a little self-defense."
"Because this Chinese martial art can train even the most unlikely person to become a killing machine. You do not want to find out the hard way."
"In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a smaller, weaker individual can defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution."
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is based on the idea that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution."
"The most valuable thing you can tell someone that is stressed or in pain is, 'I love you and I care for you. What can I do to help?'"
"Why don't you stop standing up for yourself rather than picking on others?"
"You have a moral duty to defend yourself, my friend."
"If we were being repeatedly bombed in a sustained military campaign and had boots on the ground of a foreign government in our country, you better believe that we would understand quite clearly that these were acts of war."
"Swords have for a long, long time, for centuries in fact, have been seen as items of self-defense."
"Our success in life depends on our ability to get along with other people and also defend ourselves from other people that are trying to harm us in whatever way."
"I've decided as a matter of principle I'm not going to take this. I'm not going to be intimidated and not going to be bullied."
"This idea was built out for so many different reasons, for a well-regulated militia and more so to defend our ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government."
"Even if someone doesn't want to own a firearm, having an understanding of how they work is a pretty damn critical skill."
"Should you be able to own a gun to defend yourself if you're a law-abiding citizen?"
"I thought they were competitive, I thought they were aggressive, I thought they were standing up for themselves."
"Know what your rights are and stand for your rights."
"You guys could tell someone off quick and fast like nobody's business."
"Seeing things that aren't true about myself and my character being questioned, and wanting to defend myself but also just wanting to like, I don't know, be happy."
"Every human culture has some concept of the right to self-defense."
"I would much rather my family hear someone coming in the house and they grab the nearby gun and they put fire in whoever decided to come inside of my house unwelcome."
"Teaching women how to protect themselves is not victim blaming."
"I have a right to live, and if you have any kind of morality inside of you, you will understand that fact."
"I'm not gonna let people try to fucking kill me."
"You can't ask your child to stand up for him or herself unless you have provided them the tools to do so."
"Palestinian fighters say they need arms to defend themselves against the Israeli occupation and military incursions into the camp during which Palestinian civilians, including children, have been killed."
"It happens all the time that a self-defender uses a gun against a bad guy."
"Having the capacity for violence is definitely a good thing, but of course, knowing how to wield that is also the true power."
"Everyone should have the opportunity and the right to fight for their life if someone else is trying to take it."
"The second amendment is at the core of democracy, of protecting every other constitutional right and liberty not just self-defense but it's the means of self-enforcement against the government's misconduct as well."
"I'm never going to be him, just taking it. No, you gotta fight back."
"Turn off the gaslight the first time it gets turned on. When you are gaslighted, you're being emotionally abused. It's pretty much that simple."
"I don't think it's close, particularly for women and the elderly, using a gun is by far the safest course of action for people to take when they're confronted by a criminal."
"The right to self-defense is something that you have because you're a human."
"You know those housewives that go to the gun range? Imma be one of them."
"You have a natural right to defend your life... it comes from God."
"I'm Tara Newell. I killed my attacker, Dirty John Meehan, in self-defense."
"If killing others is what you're feeling so guilty for, why do you still carry a gun?"
"If someone comes into your home and attempts to harm you, you have the right to protect yourself at the highest level."
"Luckily, I have good blocking skills, I blocked your attack."
"Having a gun that you can shoot effectively that you will also take with you is far more important than the size of the bullets it launches."
"We have to enforce justice ourselves, because sometimes laws are unjust."
"There's never a wrong time to protect your home."
"We were the ones who said no, you're not going to have us [ __ ] up in the game."
"History teaches us when a government tries to take your guns, that's the exact government you will soon need to protect yourself against."
"Not to let nobody take advantage of you and you have to stand up for yourself. And that's what the streets taught me."
"You can absolutely change someone's perspective 100% on self-defense."
"Even the worst case scenarios are not so bad when you know jiu-jitsu."
"Why don't you just let people protect themselves?"
"Ultimately, yes, I think it would be better for stopping somebody, frankly, I think it'd be a lot easier."
"I think you should buy guns. I think you should buy guns. I think you should train yourself in their use."
"When somebody attacks your character, you have no obligation to sit there and take it."
"There's something about being so calm while standing up for yourself, saving the day, saving your friends, defeating an enemy."
"If anybody makes an accusation and tries to allege something and paint a person in a certain way, they have a right to respond any way they need to respond to defend themselves."
"Avoidance of the fight is the most important self-defense tip you'll ever learn in your life."
"If someone accuses you of something, you should have the right to defend yourself."
"Listen, it's about the facts and the evidence and the case. The prosecution of the state did not have the evidence to disprove self-defense."
"If you're attacked in this country you have the right to defend yourself."
"You have the right to defend yourself period full stop."
"Look, I really love my liberties and I'm very fierce about defending them."
"The average police officer gets four hours of jujitsu type training in the whole year."
"Jiu-jitsu is the only martial art consistently proven to be effective against larger attackers."
"When you're dealing with people like this...you need something for your own protection."
"This is kind of a new thing I'm trying out, discussing the natural weaknesses and what you could do to fight against them."
"What happened in Kenosha is the best advertisement for people arming themselves that you could ask for because we saw the police stand down."
"I use nine millimeter as a self-defense round that I carry to protect myself if another human tries to kill me."
"Right but I really don't want to kill somebody you know like even like it's scary you know someone breaks into your house and they're armed for lethal force..."
"This is Russia standing up for itself. You can't push us around anymore."
"Self-defense is justified. If someone attacks, you've got to defend yourself."
"If you're being picked on, sometimes punching back is the way to go."
"Be safe, stay vigilant, and carry your weapon."
"Encourage people to start training... allow law-abiding innocent human beings to defend themselves."
"Fight for more, push back, especially if someone's asking for too much and not giving you enough."
"You have a legal right to defend yourself in your home. And just like Briana Taylor's boyfriend who shot that cop in the leg the charges were dropped..."
"If you carry a gun like I carry a gun so you're hard to kill. My family is hard to kill. Then you also owe it to your family to make sure you know the law so you're hard to convict."
"I wear a pistol all the time anyway, but you always want to be armed."
"Stand up for yourself; push back against disrespect."
"If I lived in America I would definitely own and train with guns."
"Calling out of aggression that's the right response to predation."
"Unconsciousness is the brain's self-defense mechanism, so if you get caught with a big punch and you get knocked out, it's the first time you've been knocked out, your brain's going, 'Oh my goodness, quick shutdown, sleep.'"
"We teach you jiu-jitsu so that you understand the ground fight so on a moment's notice you can disengage and access other intermediate force options."
"Everyone would like to have the ability to defend themselves against a giant with nothing but their bare hands."
"We recommend if you're going to go into the woods these days, arm yourself."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most effective martial art on the planet."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most effective and most amazing martial art on the planet."
"Don't let people smack you in the face with an oar. It's okay to get angry if people do that."
"Violence in response to violence is self-defense."
"Don't be afraid to push back if it's not right."
"This case is a prime example of why I carry pepper spray on me at basically all times."
"I think we have to say, we really don't want it to come to that. But I understand why people would be scared and want to defend themselves."
"Does anyone else have a right to self-defense or is only the person with the weapon allowed self-defense?"
"I'm asking for weapons that would not be used to wage a war on somebody else's land but to protect one's home and the right to wake up alive in that home."
"I had to be prepared before I ever got on that mountain."
"I had to defend myself and show that I can do this."
"We have record gun sales. People want to defend themselves."
"He actually used a meme from Roadhouse saying that if you bring a gun to a fist fight, you don't have self-defense."
"Kyle would have been jailed, would have been likely convicted, but for the public coming to his defense."
"He doesn't fire on them until they're threatening him."
"Guns are an implement in the toolbox of fighting tyranny and preserving liberty but if the time ever comes to do that you can only do so with a clean conscience if you know as a citizen you have exhausted all other peaceful means."
"If you're not coming to help me and it's just me and these fools, and I see what they're capable of, I would be a fool not to protect myself."
"If we start adopting that if you scared well damn it let me be scary for real."
"If they can convict Kyle, there is no real self-defense left in America."
"How do we change that by standing up for ourselves and not letting black people walk all over us."
"Keep that [ __ ] by my hand 'cause they don't understand what it's like to be a black man."
"You cannot have any rights without the right to self-defense."
"Self-defense is becoming illegal in effect in a lot of places."
"How do I defend myself and my children against guys who have AR-15s? Tell me how."
"My right to defend myself... comes from my Creator not the Second Amendment."
"Crime is getting ridiculous, and more and more people are starting to realize that the best way to defend yourself and your family is to conceal carry."
"The ability to protect themselves... a fighting chance against the overwhelming Russian forces."
"A man can most likely overpower a woman, unless you're a badass."
"He knew Ahmaud Arbery wasn't armed. He knew Ahmaud Arbery didn't threaten him. He knew Ahmaud Arbery did not have anything in his hands."
"There's a percentage chance that if you stop that guy, he's going to take your firearm and kill you."
"Prioritize self-defense and less rioters will place less people in self-defense situations." - Wolfgang Deo
"Telling a woman that she shouldn't need to defend herself because we'll just tell men not to rape is like saying, 'Oh, well, there's no point in locking your doors because people shouldn't be robbing you.'"
"Son, you stand up for yourself. If they say they're gonna punch you, just say, 'Fine, then punch me.'"
"You carry a gun so you're hard to kill, know the law so you're hard to convict."
"When the government can't or won't ensure your safety, self-defense is your only option."
"The Second Amendment is about protecting ourselves from tyrannical government."
"Fitness is important if you want to be a defender, protector, or if you just want to be prepared for whatever is going to come at you."
"When you are in a place where you're legally allowed to be and you don't provoke an instance, you can stand your ground."
"She was forced to kill him or she would have been killed."
"The purpose of this summit is to show that democracy is going to articulate and defend itself."
"A well-armed population is a polite and hard to oppress population."
"The case was about self-defense and in the end self-defense is what won." - Reporter
"I got frog gigs, trotlines, catfish hooks, and sharpen buck knives. Solved for you if you cross me for the last time."
"Never point the gun at anybody unless you need to shoot them."
"The Second Amendment is about self-defense and that means the Second Amendment enforce."
"Stay out of the cities protect yourselves and cross your fingers that this new supreme court ruling that comes up maybe in October will grant you the right to bear arms outside your house."
"This is great though because what we're seeing as communities starting to stand up for themselves against this criminal element which is exactly what's needed."
"He believed in peaceful demonstrations but he believed that if you're met with violence you should return the favor."
"I didn't do anything wrong. I defended myself."
"The most powerful gun is the gun that's on you."