
Organizational Structure Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"We've had no football structure and five managers for a decade."
"CEOs are not responsible for the results; they're responsible for the people who are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results."
"Living systems have what are called healthy hierarchies—so it’s not that hierarchy is bad. It’s that hierarchy where the top extracts from below is definitely bad and unsustainable."
"The reality is... we need a director of football."
"You need to get a structure in place and have it for a considerable period of time so that people get used to it and can follow it, and it's predictable and coherent."
"Warehouse management structure: storage types and sections."
"Small is beautiful because they have an innate understanding that a small group of people... gets top-heavy."
"Why do they not have a single leader? Well, they did at one time."
"You actually have to provide the structure and the leadership for a company to be healthy."
"The system as it was structured was not allowing this to develop and flourish."
"I think structure is the exact opposite of what I have a competitive advantage in."
"Anonymous are a highly secretive organization... they are non-hierarchical."
"Every single member of company has their own role to play, not all of them are combatants."
"It's not until you've actually set up the environment for that that you should begin to then look at all of the toys and activities that you have available."
"Hierarchy is not a bad thing, it's sort of like the history of leadership."
"Leadership needs to be decentralized, institutionalized, and have substance to go with the flash."
"The recognition that there's a difference between committing in a way that really takes it offline... it's just wiser and more effective to decide what you want to do and then build the structure to actually do that thing."
"The LCS model provided stability which was something that Esports desperately needed."
"Bottom-up organization rather than top down."
"Hierarchies are not necessarily a bad thing."
"The discipline under structure is essential, as discipline is at the core of making unity work."
"Intel's Founders implemented a program that emphasized openness while also delegating decision making to the lowest levels."
"Our org charts become evident in the user-centered experiences we're making."
"Using business terms, you've got the visionary and you've got the integrator, and that I think is very powerful for people to understand at a high level."
"Bayern Munich are very well-structured clubs with clear lines of communication."
"For every pirates than the Big Mom Pirates, however, you do have, once again, the Chess Peacekeepers that are a huge army that have their own individual ranks."
"German Football is a lot more organized I would say in terms of how clubs have run."
"Org charts seem to replicate themselves because inside any given organizational box, communication is faster."
"The system was a pyramid of mutual interest based around corruption."
"Dioceses should be small enough so that the bishop can know personally all of his priests."
"We need to support our classrooms in navigating racial tension."
"Organization implies structure, creating entities in the relationship between them."
"There really is no 'best' structure because every business is different."
"Decentralized organizing that's what a DAO is."
"Hierarchy isn't bad if leaders take care of the team."
"We rotate who's in charge every two or three months."
"There's a structure to this deal like none other before that this football club has made and it is football related and football at the center of it, that is the importance."
"Responsibility without authority: you're just the useful idiot."
"This club is absolutely finished until we structure things properly."
"It's about structure, transparency, and accountability."
"We didn't give this entity any Authority we didn't even create this entity let alone the Department of Justice."
"Everyone's got a role, everyone understands it, there's a hierarchy, the fighter has a game plan, and they execute."
"Leader, there's no boss, and we need a boss."
"What would a left movement, what organizational structure ideology would make an effective left movement?"
"By curbing his tongue a man gains possession of his mind."
"What makes it challenging is the lack of structure."
"The compartmentalized nature of it is something that coarser as well and has done for a long time."
"Madden 22 is going to have coaching staffs... an offensive coordinator, a defensive coordinator, and then a player personnel department."
"It's a cult, it has a structure, the structure is comprehensible."
"Be okay with hierarchy when you're just starting."
"Codes of conduct exist everywhere. Every successful organization or group usually has one."
"Events cause a structural functional organization, which then constrains the events. It's not a circular explanation."
"If you can't answer the question 'who's in charge,' then it's a cluster."
"Grace can no longer flow if there's a breakdown in this structure."
"Decentralization is a spectrum... it's about being maximally decentralized."
"Culture has to do with the way you restructure the organization, the way you incentivize people, and the opportunities that you give them to actually grow."
"They don't need product managers in a feature team."
"It may be that remote companies just need to get built differently."
"One of the leadership, below the CEO."
"They fundraise millions to purchase buildings, then they charge the organization a mortgage they have to pay."
"...every company comes with an org chart... the hidden org chart is how the work really gets done."
"You need to structure your organization as a network of autonomous, empowered, loosely coupled, long-lived product teams."
"Organizational structure determines how people think and how they act."
"Diversity & Inclusion... today everything has a work for DNI... HR comes... so this are all the functions, salary guys will depend on your college."
"So what if we broke down this monolith instead of breaking down based on pipeline and pipeline stages, we broke it down around the concept of domains."
"Every company including startups needs a business manager as it is a vital part of growing a successful firm."
"Palace cannot move on until they have sorted out their ownership structure and worked out what they want to do and how they want to attack the future."
"This talk isn't just why agile fails, it's why agile fails in large enterprises and what you can do about it."
"...this simulation looks at how you prioritize projects, how you structure the organization, how you manage the interactions so that you get the highest throughput through the system and the most return on investment for improvements through lean practices."
"Functional structure is very common. It groups together people who carry out related or similar functions. It's efficient and allows for great expertise within each function."
"Divisional structure divides the organization based on geography or major product categories. It allows for specialization and caters to different markets and competitors."
"Matrix organization emphasizes cooperation between different departments. It allows for sorting out tensions at a higher level."
"Creating roles and profiles for this organization is crucial. Roles let you define data visibility based on hierarchy, whereas profiles let you control who has access to which features."
"Larger regimes can facilitate local self-organization."
"Visa International is a network... a radical Democratic decentralized system of governance."
"System designs are a true reflection of how an organization is structured."
"The terms of office are staggered so that all officers, directors, and the governance and leadership succession committee members do not all end their terms at the same time."
"...it's a survival matter for many organizations and if people don't start to think about the way in which organizations are structured and managed... they're not going to make it."
"I want you to get an understanding of the six key components of business that the EOS talks about."
"We're industrializing our operating model and we're flattening our organizational structure."
"Organizational structure is the core of what coordinates, controls, and motivates employees to cooperate towards the attainment of organizational goals."
"Every company, every nonprofit, every impact project, every government department will be structured this way, just because it's just that much better."
"The idea of platform teams from team topologies is a very good one."
"Self-management is so much more powerful than hierarchy."
"No one is in charge of anybody. There is no one in authority in A.A. at all, and yet A.A. works."
"This structure is extremely important; following this framework is going to unlock a ton of potential in ClickUp."
"I find that by implementing a super simple structure here, I'm able to get way better results."
"The sort of organizational structure you have won't work very well if what you need is a wide flat structure."
"Organizations who design systems are going to produce designs that copy their communication structures."
"There's not going to be one flat organization; there's going to be a plethora of different flat organizations."
"The four dimensions of services involve organizations and people, information and technology, partners and suppliers, and value streams and processes."
"Organizational structure is relevant to strategy, but it's also highly relevant to organizational behavior."
"Line organization structure is the oldest and the simplest method of organization."
"In line organizational structure, the organization is divided into top management, middle level management, and lower level management or bottom management."
"We want them to be football coaches, so you insulate them with an org chart that exists in the National Football League."
"Self-managed teams... reduce the need for the chain of command."
"A business is a complex web of people, processes, ideas, history, money, and so much more."
"The real challenge for Google is not its resources, it's its organizational complexity."
"The organizational structure must be flexible enough to be rapidly adapted for use in any situation."
"Governance not only defines responsibility, it creates clear paths of accountability in the organization."
"Organizational structures are the backbone of any company and crucial for its efficient management."
"It allows for the benefits of functional and divisional structures to exist in one organization."
"We need a structure, and we don't have it."
"A flat organizational structure is the best way for any business to operate effectively."
"Lateral communication occurs when people at the same level or similar hierarchical levels within the organization communicate with each other."
"There needs to be a strong governance model in place."
"In this lecture, we are going to learn how we can customize our own SD org structure and how we can use it for the creation of the master data and the transaction data."
"I like the idea of having sub-alliances within a giant alliance."
"You don't want to scale chaos, so you have to have your systems and processes in place."
"In a volunteer project, authority sort of flows upwards through the tree; the people on top are elected by the people lower in the chart."