
Monopolies Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We think autonomous taxi networks are going to be pretty much natural monopolies."
"Robo-taxi networks are going to be natural monopolies wherever they exist."
"Use prices, think about monopolies, use theories about how people compete and how they act to change human behavior. It’s a bunch of tools to put in your hand to understand the world around you."
"Monopolies inevitably happen with capitalism, and whether they got that status with the help of the state or 'on their own' doesn’t matter."
"Whether it's agriculture, whether it's broadcasting, whether it's pharmaceutical, whether it's retail, you name the field, a few control it all."
"Amazon is now doing more to actually unwind duopolies and monopolies in markets than the government."
"A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies."
"Breaking some of these Monopoly power that these massive corporations have will literally yield consumer benefits."
"Monopolies like apples threaten the free and fair markets upon which our economy is based."
"We're leaving it up to the whims of billionaires in the middle of the night to decide who gets to be on these monopolistic platforms and who doesn't."
"Madden has a long way to go... and EA has failed to justify why it deserves the exclusive simulation NFL license."
"Monopolistic industries aren't good for competition, they usually come with a holdover space where things look okay but then there is a change in atmosphere."
"Monopolies are always a result of government intervention into the economy."
"You're allowed your opinion... but it's not something that isn't unfortunately monopolized."
"Our law is supposed to be written so that monopolies don't exist, period."
"Clearly, they do not believe in capitalism, they believe in monopolies."
"We need to challenge the big tech oligopoly and censorship."
"Tech monopolies... threaten those First Amendment rights."
"So look, to recap, our utility system largely consists of for-profit companies with monopolies over an essential service, building as much as they possibly can so they can pass the cost along to you on your electric bill."
"The purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act was to break up monopolies."
"We're going to have a much more centrally planned by a coalition of monopolies and the government."
"Monopolies are bad. It's really as simple as that."
"I just want to dispel this notion that this is not a monopoly. There is no opportunities for us to say okay, we see you live nation we see your offer."
"If any single corporate decision is such a big deal, it's a sign that corporation has gained too much power."
"This happens when you give a platform too much power and they don't have any competitors to worry about."
"How can four companies control so much wealth? But it is true and the information is available once you just look for it."
"The more ruthlessly that monopoly was pursued, the tighter that control was grasped, the greater the lust for power and money, the greater the reward would be in the end."
"Internet service providers operate like monopolies in the regions they serve."
"Monopolies are bad 99 times out of 100 competition works when it doesn't the government steps in to prevent monopolistic attempts."
"We're seeing a decay in monopolies."
"I think the easiest thing in the world for monopolies to do as sort of the default position is to stop innovating because they don't have to."
"Barriers to entry are going through the roof, and behind those barriers, you've got sustainable monopolies and oligopolies."
"It is really terrifying to see how few companies now control and affect the lives of so many of us and these companies are getting bigger and more powerful."
"The meat and dairy industry, yep, we've talked about that before on this channel. It's all about vertical monopolies. You're trying to tell me that's fair and full of competition? No."
"A robust antitrust framework strengthens American workers against monopolistic efforts to lower wages and eliminate their benefits."
"The bottom line is that corporate monopolies are a recipe for social destruction. Any lawmakers who claim to stand for workers and consumers must advocate against dominance by large private companies."
"The problem is when these things become ubiquitous, then the four or five companies that run them run everything and now they can dictate all the terms."
"Monopolies exert power in several ways and not just in high prices. They also exert power through failing to invest in their products and services. Either way, they make extra money by shafting customers."
"The anti-trust laws are there for a reason to prevent one or two companies from holding all the power running the gambit on everything."
"We're in a weird place where we're down to like four or five big companies control everything."
"Laws and regulations are not enough. The very core of the problem is how we allow private capitalists to compete themselves into monopolies and oligopolies."
"Corporate monopolies are a recipe for social destruction."
"He got into office, he's like, 'I'm going after big oil, I'm going after U.S. Steel,' and he broke up all these monopolies."
"These businesses are typically gatekeepers, monopolies, or toll booths."
"The issue of concentration of control over the internet by tech monopolies is much more central than many people see."
"We're only like a decade away from a lot of those big monopolies completely dying and the consumer is getting wiser about how they make their purchases."
"Ticketmaster needs to be stopped."
"Piracy has the ability to correct monopolies."
"Diamonds are inherently worthless... De Beers Diamond company has a monopoly on all of the world's diamond mines."
"The Sherman Antitrust Act... outlawed trust and other monopolies that fixed prices or restrained trade."
"Patents are state-granted monopolies."