
Composure Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The best leaders... regardless of what was going on around them, they were cool, calm, and collected."
"The most valuable thing you can have is a cool and level head."
"When dealing with negativity, it's crucial to maintain composure and respond effectively."
"Keep calm and composed. If you let yourself panic, you're likely going to get in trouble."
"Stay cool, calm, and collected. Don't let someone else's freak out affect your composure."
"Never let them see you sweat, no matter how rattled you are."
"The thing that's been so strange is that over the last 15 months, knock on wood, every time I've been pushed into a corner and remained composed, the narrative reversed."
"Just breathe, remember to blink, flex the corners of your mouth up, lift your chin—not too high. Don't let them see your empty eyes."
"If cool, calm, collected was a person, it has to be him."
"Sadly, there may be times when we are cool and collected, yet find ourselves at the mercy of unforeseen challenges."
"As you may be able to tell, we're at least keeping a level head in times of frustration."
"It's imperative we stay cool in times like these."
"It's so important to stay level-headed in these sorts of markets."
"It's about being calm, being composed, and waiting for the right moment."
"Unbelievable defense, just unbelievable composure under the pressure."
"He was composed in the most critical of moments."
"If you were a leader, even in the face of a crisis, you would keep your head and wouldn't use compulsion."
"We must stay classy. Don't let them break you."
"He's just calm and collected, easy like Sunday morning."
"That's insane, just to think about his run the pressure and he doesn't feel anything."
"He's got the calm, the composure, and the character of a really seasoned veteran in AEW."
"Doesn't get too excited at any time that's good you can fight longer when you are relaxed."
"Judge Jackson has had excellent judge face through these senate confirmation hearings."
"Stop crying, it's very unbecoming of you. You're a vampire."
"I kind of think that's the way she's handled herself all week."
"I think any nerves I've got at the moment are low."
"No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality."
"You got to be calm in an uncalm environment, you do, but never become comfortable, never feel safe in a dangerous environment."
"I don't see Rosengard as the type of attorney that scrambles for anything."
"We stay calm, we stay cool, we stay collected."
"You gotta give it up for the people that get screamed at like that and just don't lose their mind."
"Mr. Roche did an excellent job of appropriately challenging the chief's authority and maintaining a collected demeanor throughout the encounter."
"Mr. K remained relatively calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"Now is your time to actually step up and you know what not panicking is probably one of the best leadership things you can do."
"His calmness and his ability to find throws and then make those throws were huge."
"This senator knows exactly what he's doing. You could see that she was dumbfounded by the line of questioning but sort of composed herself and answered and told the story."
"First, try to stay calm and composed when dealing with difficult questions."
"Success breeds more success, is that classic situation. He seemed very calm, very sort of almost just like taken in stride."
"Stay cool, calm, and collected, even when faced with challenging situations."
"A queen does not allow the world to see her sweating."
"They tried to rattle Natasha, and she handled it very gracefully."
"Aki remains absolutely the epitome of cool, calm, and collected."
"Chris Rock remained professional, he tried to keep it as steady as he possibly could."
"For the investor who can keep his head cool, Mr. Market presents a great possibility of making money."
"No panic whatsoever, a great set from Vitor."
"That's okay for me, definitely always a cool customer over there with one of the most passionate fan bases I've ever seen."
"This interaction demonstrates the importance of maintaining composure during a police interaction."
"You're very self-focused, goal-oriented, and calm."
"Looking calm and cool and chatting a little bit with his opponent."
"There's a calmness that Rio and Virgil have that I've never seen before."
"Listen to me okay, don't get all crazy, you still have a great fighter in front of you."
"You've just retained your poise, being really in your own energy."
"I like her composure, she's almost unflappable."
"He goes, 'Well, I'm gonna have to send you to the dean's office,' and Davis is like, 'Okay, no problem.' Definitely might be a sociopath because no one should be that calm about eating a goldfish."
"Keeping a calm headspace during the game is key."
"There's no one calmer in the pocket than Tom Brady."
"I feel like having a strong heart means you don't let anything get under your skin."
"I think having a strong heart means you don't let anything get under your skin."
"Michelle did it exactly as per the book, so cool as ice is what I remember."
"She did it exactly as per the book, so cool as ice is what I remember."
"Freddie Rasmussen, the cool, calm, collected Freddie."
"When you respond calmly, you no longer look irrational. You look healthy, and the narcissist begins to crumble."
"I thought he [Pence] had command of the issues."
"Calm is what you have to be when people look to you, and it's all you can be when things are out of your hands."
"Calm under pressure, captain on the pitch, magnificent."
"I think there is no space to overly panic because panic and fear is not good and it never brings good feelings in anybody."
"They didn't panic. They didn't suddenly sit there and think oh look that no DM Raheem Sterling signs we rethink our plan."
"Cool, calm, and collected like the other side of the pillow. He was the iciest man in the building."
"You must not panic in Rocket League; it's very easy to panic."
"More than anything, I like Brunson's composure in the game, post-game. I never get the sense the moment is too big for him. He's just out there playing."
"Maintain a quiet dignity when your world is falling apart."
"How good is that? A free rusher, and he hangs in the pocket and delivers a perfect ball."
"Title races are won by teams who keep their cool."
"Mr Heinz gets an A because although he could have exercised his right to silence more effectively, he remained calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"Even when there's chaos, there's a calmness about you because you thrive under pressure."
"One of the things that's needed from us is to be the ones that can keep it together in dangerous situations."
"None of these things move me. Keep calm and remain classy."
"If you're relaxed then nobody's going to beat you."
"Keep your head on straight; those who don't panic will be successful."
"You have to keep your head when everybody else is losing theirs."
"It's all about Fire and Ice, I was always told in terms of the fire to win the ball back but then the ice in terms of the composure to play the ball around on one and two touch and be clinical in front of goal."
"Life can be difficult... and you don't panic."
"He just like anyone has flaws, he makes mistakes, and he's not always able to fully keep his composure."
"Cool, calm, and collected is exactly what Diogo Jota is."
"It's all part of being able to act calmly under pressure."
"They like that you hold your head high and above drama, and you're just on another plane which of existence is really nice to them."
"True strength lies within the capacity to maintain a calm heart even in the face of adversity."
"When something terrible happens, he's always able to handle the big problems with a cool head."
"The main thing is keeping your cool and being able to count numbers."
"His personality seems a lot more cool and measured."
"If he can keep his nerves in check he has the potential to win this basically hands down."
"Wow, he just popped his own neck and just act like he didn't get hit in the face."
"Stay calm even in the face of a combative reporter."
"Absolutely superb stuff from him to stay calm."
"Stand in your power, do not let that person see you sweat."
"When everybody else is freaking out, you're not in crisis, you're in Christ."
"Whoever stays calm under pressure when somebody does come out with an insult and like keeps it cool comes out."
"Stick with me my friends, stay cool stay calm stay collected."
"He's calm and cool and hangs on that back foot right he's got long arms gigantic hands."
"I'm going to try my best to be as calm cool and collected as possible no matter what the outcome is."
"Fantastic cool, calm, and collected from Kim Little."
"Every week is something different something different that veterans are doing that have been playing the game for a long time he acting like he been here before calm Poise in the pocket his ability to process read read listen."
"Your calm, cool, collectedness... I've never really seen you nervous or like even act really flustered or overwhelmed."
"A true leader doesn't just freak out. You think Mike Tyson can just be super angry? No, he's got to be tactical."
"It's just composure level really moving out the way. He's unselfish."
"On that walkout I am so calm and I feel like you can see that."
"She's so calm and collected, and her vocal control is so natural that it kind of feels like she's not even trying."
"What makes FT Win the championship team they are? It's composure."
"Keep your cool and remain focused—there's always an opportunity to come out strong."
"A hero to all and an unassailable leader to his comrades, Kevin has always carried himself like cold ice."
"He came up calm, slow, humble, and secure in himself."
"He had a clear sense of his purpose and his mission, and he was cool with it."
"Never panic in your life, okay? Just don't panic."
"To almost everybody's surprise, dude handled it with a level of class and grace that was really unheard of."
"It's not fun to fight a turtle bringer but keep your cool and it might not have to be embarrassing either."
"Relax your shoulders, center your voice, because... I hate the way that when we get noticed as women, we kind of start screaming and shrieking, and our voices go high."
"The composure, the focus, the discipline - very impressive."
"That's a real man that he doesn't need to even raise his voice."
"Keep your head, says the queen of swords. Keep your head."
"It's impressive how this guy remained calm and handled the situation properly without panicking the cat or the lady."
"I'm calm because there's no point in being a wreck."
"He does not flinch under pressure, he keeps that cool."
"Stay calm. Anything could happen during the exam. The first thing you need to do is to remember to stay calm and critically and logically analyze the situation."
"You no longer have to be someone else. You can keep your composure, you can keep grace."
"Philip appeared stoic and showed little emotion as the verdict was read."
"Keep your composure, stay fearless, do what it is you got to do, don't lose your life."
"The championship level composure from BDK is just incredible."
"Think like an American and never be rude or nervous in any situation."
"Luckily guys, I kept my... I kept a calm head. Calm, cool, and collected."
"The ability to stay calm is actually a superpower for you."
"I'm impressed with how he's keeping his cool."
"If faced with something so scary in an emergency like this, I could have half my wits about me the way this guy did."
"He was cool, calm, collected... and he didn't even kill the guy."
"He's just a cool customer and that is a brilliant 11 D leg."
"He's just always been cool, calm, and collected."
"You see how she like yo she wasn't phased at all she's still smiling and chilling that was genuine."
"I think where I really want to start with today is actually giving Arsenal a lot of credit for what was an incredibly disciplined mature performance in which they never look like they panicked."
"Mr. Griffin expertly handled himself both during and after this encounter and his ability to maintain his composure is exceptional."
"Honestly, that's just how I am. I'm so composed. This really is a sport to me, and I truly love the sport. That's why I'm very calculated." - Composure and love for the sport pave the way to success.
"Everybody keep your cool, we're good. I'm cool as a cucumber."
"The thing about Joe Burrow is he's not just cool but as cold as ice not only with his drip but the way he plays the game of football."
"When the game is on the line he has a low heartbeat he is poised and he delivers."
"Stay calm, stay composed, and play our own game."
"Serenity now, serenity now! Ordinarily, I would have blown my stack."
"Great is my peace and undisturbed composure because I love."
"Conor McGregor: calm, calculated, and patient."
"But today at two nor down I was quite relaxed and people might go hold on but you'll relax at two nor down but you were disappointed tuna love but in this game we were having the chances."
"He's just gonna be a bit more calm and just kick his way to victory."
"Amy Coney Barrett handled herself with dignity and charm and grace."
"The calm demeanor the family maintained during this encounter is commendable."
"Of seven cultivated men only Sir William Brenton retained his composure."
"Perseverance, patience, not tilting, not getting angry, that's the most important thing."
"Cool heads always prevail in that situation."
"We all know people that in the middle of all heck breaking loose, they're really unshakable."
"Be discerning but be in the empress, be calm, be gracious, and kind."
"She somehow manages to answer with grace, with intelligence, she's amazing."
"Otto didn't look scared at all; in fact, he gave a kind of half smile as he was led away."
"Real strength is being composed, calm, and calculated."
"Every guy needs to be calm, cool, and collected like Fonzie when the shit tests come."
"there was not a bit of concern in his voice he was so calm"
"You don't get any nervous at all in any city situation... that's the big advantage in all of this."
"You're the one who keeps their head when everybody else is falling apart."
"They're not out yet, don't count them out every time they keep their cool."
"That was absolutely incredible, play of the year, play of his life. And he's just so calm on the sidelines, are you kidding me?"
"The longer this match goes on, the lead gets bigger, but especially in this situation though Gabby Vasanya stays so composed the entire time."
"He was playing very aggressive, but I didn't panic."
"Being cool, calm, and collected is so important."
"Absolutely no visible look of nerves whatsoever."
"I didn't overly celebrate after the fight, I just got the job done."
"When the heat is on, the mind still remains calm."
"He's doing exactly what he wants to do oh my goodness look at this attack here and look at how calm and cool and in control he is."
"Obviously, the first thing you do is you stay calm."
"He's always calm in composure, he's a lightweight comedian, he's funny as hell really."
"He learned to keep a level head and never make a mistake. War had forged him into a true fighter."
"How can one man be so calm and yet so brave?"
"I'm not worried about a thing. I'm not... Do I look scared? Do I look like they rocked me? Do I look like I'm concerned about it? No."
"It's insane how focused he is and like never gets overly anxious or overly psyched."
"She's got great passes forward from the back. She's really shown some great composure."
"He's got it, man. Ice-cold finish, proper Striker."
"Thiago today, there's not a player in the Premier League who's more calm, more composed. I'd almost go as far as saying technically gifted, Thiago!"
"Unlocking Joker's ultimate persona: 'You certainly seem composed.'"
"I probably would have just panicked and died but you just completely kept your cool through that whole thing."
"Keep cool, don't let the small mishaps ruin the rest of it."
"I love that Gizelle always seems to keep her composure."
"Did you ever see Mr. Depp lose his cool? No."
"It's hard to keep our head about us when everyone else is losing theirs."
"Just let them make themselves look stupid and wish them love, light, and healing."
"You never want an interview to feel forced... you never want to feel flustered... you never want to have anxiety."
"It's time to stay calm, it's time to stay focused on principles, discipline, and consistency."
"Calm and completely unbothered, bold, brash, and unafraid."
"You're very calm when in serious situations."
"I'm a cool cucumber right now, and you guys know."
"In a moment of potential panic, something in him just harnessed that, pulled it in, gathered his thoughts."
"Class doesn't mean you never get tired, but it does mean you never show it."
"He's cool, calm, and collected. He's smooth, he's a great putt, and he's got the backhand and forehand, so there's really no position that he can't get himself out of."
"They like how nonchalant you can come across, they like how you keep your composure."
"Keep your poker face; many times it's gonna bomb."
"They wanted the fight, the more that Katherine, William, the King, Camila held their heads high and ignored it, the more classy they looked."
"When you're cool, calm, and collected, that means you can conquer a city."
"Amidst the turmoil of events, do not lose your presence of mind."