
Past Lives Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Marriage is a relationship from past life. That means, from your past life incarnation, a person is going to come into your life and play the role of spouse."
"You take me beyond this lifetime, and I often feel the blissful emotions of past lives that we've shared together."
"I recognize this connection from a past life."
"Past life relationship: You've known each other before."
"I've got a way of knowing when something is right. I feel like I must have known you in another life because I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes. Now I can't wait to see you again." - Miley Cyrus
"Oh my god, London, I love this city and feel as if I was in a past life an Englishman." - Patrick Swayze
"Meeting people from their past life who have moved on can offer them closure and causes them to forget their former life."
"This made both Brian and Catherine a huge believer of past lives and Brian started to undergo past life regression as well."
"Your connection is written in the stars, I feel you've known each other in other dimensions."
"Past life therapy is going back to the other lifetimes and working the whole thing out."
"When you heal past lives, you'll reach a sense of freedom like you've never felt before."
"Your true soul mate, the person that will be coming in, you've also known in past life as well."
"Kane showed me our life as a pharaoh of Egypt and taught me its lesson."
"It's like a shift, a point of rebirth... you've done the internal work that connects to a previous life."
"Maybe you guys have shared other lifetimes together, and that is deep within their subconscious."
"Your past life abilities are trying to be restored to you now."
"Run away as fast as you can because that's usually someone you killed in a former lifetime or hurt you and now you're being brought together again to heal."
"They remember memories, past lives, eternally yours."
"Remember your roots, who and this is your spiritual roots. This is an awakening of the soul from past lifetimes, just your evolution and your experience and knowledge and knowing is coming to life in your present, in this body, on this journey."
"Past life regression is basically when somebody is able to remember experiences from a past life usually through the process of hypnosis."
"You guys had a strong past life connection, the love is there but you guys incarnated very differently."
"They carry a memory of past lives potentially, they carry ancient knowledge."
"Creating links to higher realities. Visions of past life suggest ways to redress karma personally and collectively."
"What if phobias are based on how we died in our past life?"
"Reconciliation, past life, religious factors, passion."
"Boriska could recount intricate details of Life on Mars and past civilizations and even talked about the future of Earth."
"It's very important to heal all these things because a lot of the times these emotional issues, these baggage we have, are past life scars."
"You and this person, you share some type of past life."
"Connecting to past life experiences, healing karmic patterns, and embracing wisdom."
"New love is on the horizon, a soulmate from a past life."
"You're always that one then oneness and again this is saying you've had many lifetimes and you've had many missions, you've had many life lessons that your souls agreed to go through in each lifetime."
"How freaky! Like there's no way that this young girl just happened to know the Russian alphabet unless it was from her past life."
"You have been around many lifetimes and have chosen to be reborn to evolve."
"I'm so sorry for the way I had to involve you in this, but until my memory of things before our lifetime returned to me, I had no idea we were fated to carry such a heavy destiny."
"Perhaps there's some hidden skills and abilities you have from a past life expression. What would that mean to you?"
"I'm lost for words... and uh I think all of us have had past lives... almost like sisters or brothers or something... just like a sister backs up a brother or a sibling."
"This relationship will always find its way back... healing energy from past life comes into this life."
"You are activating to a lot of your gifts from past life."
"Your person's feeling very nostalgic here as well. Clearly, we have a past life connection."
"Finding the one is similar to that deep divers you're like we came here before it's like I know you from somewhere the feeling is so familiar."
"I know we've been together in past lives; I recognize you, you were never a stranger to me."
"There is a reason for everything, each life has many connections to previous lives."
"Your souls have known each other before."
"The South node is your karmic past, your comfort zone, how you were in your past lives."
"You have all been chosen because you have inherited the memories of your past lives."
"You barely know this person, but it feels like you've met them before."
"These fleeting moments of familiarity may be glimpses into your past lives, the forgotten chapters of your soul's eternal journey."
"You two have past life connections with each other, from the same tribe, from the same star."
"Your souls already met in a different lifetime. You guys have already had a life together in a different life. So, when your souls crossed paths, it was like it was very familiar, it felt very comfortable, is what I'm getting."
"Your love is eternal, this is definitely a soul connection, a past life connection."
"Astrology is not only a science of the present and the future; it's also about the karmic imprints, vasanas, and samskaras that we hold from our past lives."
"He can't control the Avatar state, but he's more in tune with his past lives and the spirit of Rava."
"They feel a strong connection, like they've known you before."
"These are all my past lives and I just a slightly depressed lady in a lot of them."
"Yes, proceed and push through, releasing those past lives and things that have hurt you and your family."
"Give your relationship a chance. Work on the partnership. You've known each other before."
"I think this is someone who has actually experienced some losses, probably in this life as well as previous ones. But if we're talking previous lives, I think you're fully aware of the losses that you experienced."
"There's something about cycling fire, cycling, circle of fire, something between you two that is... It may be that this is a relationship that you have had before."
"You're someone who brings up past memories, past experiences, and helps them remember past lives you've had together."
"You know yourself very well, you've gathered all these threads from other incarnations."
"You're an old soul. I feel like this connection you're stepping towards, you know, I feel like you've had many lifetimes with them."
"You feel more comfortable with one of them because you guys have past lives together, you just click."
"You will definitely find past life inspiration knowledge, and you will actually become a fast learner."
"Your dreams are enacting wounds from past lives, triggering emotions to help you heal."
"You've done this before. You, as a soul, you are an ancient Soul... You've lived many lifetimes both on Earth and also off Earth."
"It's like with twin flames in a different life."
"The only thing that will stop you from rejecting completely this person is the feeling that you know this person from past lives."
"When you feel an unexplained familiarity with someone, it might be an indication that your souls have been intertwined in past narratives."
"It's like discovering a part of yourself that goes way back... maybe many lifetimes."
"You've been a channeler in past lives you've done so much in past lives in regards to your emotions and spirit you are an alchemist."
"I've known you for less than a day, but I feel like we've known each other in every past life that has ever happened."
"He remembers many past lives as a yogi in the Himalayas and in other realms."
"I have seen this happen before in your other lives."
"The fourth sign of a past life soulmate is powerful chemistry."
"Even if you came through into this incarnation with everything closed off, your psychic abilities closed off because of the wisdom you already have of incarnating on earth and the human body and reaching that point, it would always break through because of your strength."
"So when you see any one of these numbers showing up in a chart it's a good indicator is that this is an old soul we're dealing with to have the karmic debt show up in your chart tells you that you've walked the planet before."
"You're here to be heard or felt or bring forth gifts that you've activated in other lifetimes."
"You're being called to really trust what your soul remembers because I feel like you've been someone even in like ancient Egypt, ancient China."
"Past life regression is a method that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations."
"Our bond was formed over hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes."
"What if the stories they tell are too real and too factual and what they describe could not possibly have come from the mind of a child as young as two or four years old?"
"This started in some other past life and then just abruptly stopped and then you guys meet again in this one and start again."
"I felt the love of every lifetime we'd shared together."
"All these people are your past lives."
"We all have former lives very different from our own, and can we harness past life skills and use them in the present."
"According to this, all the previous avatars are incarnations of your past lives."
"You have the ability to remember your past lives, and you're able to remember things that happened to you in a past life or who you were in a past life."
"Your dreams give you the most tremendous insight, sometimes even into your past lives."
"The opportunity of rebirth came, the opportunity to come back to correct mistakes made in previous incarnations."
"The walls may reverberate with the sound of their cries and the lives that have been and gone."
"I'm wondering if some of these flashes that we have in our head are from our past lives."
"It felt like we had known each other in a past life and our souls were just intertwined."
"The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing."
"This was something more than friendship, this much was clear to them both; a bond forged not in this life but somewhere in the past."
"I think we are sisters in another life."
"A long lost love could return, this could be from a previous incarnation."
"Avatars have always had their past lives to lean on whenever they need guidance."
"The pendant wasn't just a piece of jewelry, it was a link to a past life."
"That's my main field is I do the therapy by taking people into their other lifetimes to find the answers to problems in this lifetime."
"They're helping you to remember who you are, who you have been in a past life, and who you are destined to be."
"The best explanation for our cases is that some of these children do actually have memories of a past life."
"It's amazing how many telling details of lives long lost can still be recovered."
"We have had many lifetimes together."
"I felt the pure love of all my past lives."
"I'll miss the sea," she said. "Sometimes I wonder if I've lived before."
"When you have that special bond with one particular animal... understand that you have been in many past lives, your souls have been together."
"I have memories from a past life. They're so vivid, they're different than dreams."
"I really hope that y'all can find forgiveness within yourselves to forgive yourselves for your past lives."
"One thing I don't do, don't believe in, don't support, is blaming things on past lives, because that again disempowers you."
"Despite this great uncertainty, some people have already attracted attention who claim to have lived before."
"I started seeing past lives and archetypal experiences... people going into Collective unconscious."
"Deja vu is an event that remind you as seen from your previous lives."
"Maybe we were together in another life, maybe we are together in a parallel universe."
"Our mind is not of one lifetime; it's coming from past lives."
"We have spent many lifetimes together, and you are my mirror."
"You have very many spiritual gifts, you may have even lived very many lives at this point."
"Chu King doesn't give up on her and tells her that she has always been his first love even from his past life."
"I don't believe in reincarnation, which is rather curious because in my previous existence I did."
"We have known each other like many lives, many, many lifetimes before this."
"It's a bond that goes back many lifetimes, and it's a person that you'll never let go."
"This is soul family, this is a reunion of souls that have known each other in another life."
"For more than 50 years, bring a rigorous scientific methodology to bear on the study of near-death experiences, altered states of consciousness, very young children who remember their past lives, and related phenomena."
"Is there such a thing as spiritual momentum? Or are there such things as past lives? Do we carry lessons learned and inclinations reinforced from one life to another."
"The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body."
"The only conclusion from the data which was provided was that these kids had lived before, that reincarnation was a fact."
"Feeling like an old soul who's been here before."
"The mind stores all of our memories, not only from this life but from all previous lifetimes."
"A person who realizes that the ideas of reincarnation and karma are based upon reality will no longer speak like this, knowing that human lives will be shaped according to what they have been in earlier incarnations."
"...all human beings must be treated as if they were a kind of enigma, as beings hovering in the dark foundations of their earlier incarnations."
"...we should feel that a kind of subconscious decision of the will underlies it, that does the result of our earlier incarnations."
"Our present life is connected with an earlier one."
"Your connection is deeply rooted in the past, if it's not in this lifetime, then another lifetime, all lifetimes."
"I remember memories of past lives."
"Birthmarks found in children who remember past lives often correspond to the death wounds of the previous person."
"Anything that's psychologically meaningful to the previous person can show up as a birthmark."
"In a past life, I was a psychiatrist, and a damn good one too."
"You've pulled in from all of your gleaming lives."
"Some people, some mediums, some psychic people, they also told me about some of my past lives without knowing anything about my own experiences."
"We can remember our past mistakes, experiences of so many different lives to improve the way we are now."
"He actually gave them the option to opt in or opt out whether or not they wanted to know something about their previous life."
"By awakening the divine memory whereby we can recall every experience of all our past lives and ultimately realize our immortal soul nature, salvation is attained."
"They feel like you're meant to be together, like this is someone that believes now that you guys have been together in previous lives."
"You and I knew each other in another life because we're sitting here at the same table in the same city at the same time."
"There is a strong Soul contract between you and this person, either you've known each other in past lives or some type of Soul contract."
"You guys have done this dance before in many lifetimes."
"It feels like you've known this person, even like feels like a past life connection."
"It's almost like remembering someone from another life when you first meet them."
"It hurts so badly, and I think there's tons of past lives and tons of karma in all of this."
"That connection was still there, it's a soul connection, it's there from past lives."
"These are connections that go back many lifetimes, you're both old souls."
"We were lovers in past lives and we're soulmates, and that we have found our way to each other."
"This is a past life connection, guys; this is a soulmate bond."
"You've known each other before... now is a lucky time."
"This is your soul family; you have connected to this person in your past lives."
"This is a soul connection, Pisces. This is someone that you've spent time with in another lifetime."
"You guys have a healing tendency... you may have been a healer, a natural healer from past lives."
"You and this person have had some sort of soul contract; you have met in other lifetimes."
"It's basically a story without spoiling anything where she figures out her past lives."
"Do our memories from the other side return while dreaming? Yes, you can have past life memories, absolutely."
"You will feel like you have known each other before."
"You guys are working on the pathology, so it's almost like the intensity of the mission that these connections had from the last lifetime has increased to this lifetime."
"Release your past life karma, you are an old soul with deep wisdom."
"Divine intervention is at play because past life experiences are playing out in this lifetime."
"This person feels like they've known you from a past life."
"This is a kindred spirit someone that you may have had a past life with or someone that you just feel very connected with on a spiritual level."
"It's amazing when I start seeing the similarities passed on through past lives."
"It's your soulmate, twin flame, soul contract, soul connection, and past lives."
"They want you, they feel this connection too, they feel that they've known you in a lifetime before."
"They feel like you have shared past lives together."
"You have been together many lifetimes, so it only feels right that you're together again."
"You've had many lifetimes with each other prior to this one."
"Coming together in union is really going to activate your soul wisdom from previous lifetimes."
"Your souls know each other from previous lifetimes."
"You and this person share a lot of soul history because you've lived many lives together."