
Divine Justice Quotes

There are 644 quotes

"God answers to no man, but all men must answer to God."
"What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means! For He says to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.'"
"God is a righteous judge; God is merciful. If we repent, God knows how to fix our fallacies and yet build our faith."
"Swearing vengeance against the cruel Gods who made me this way."
"I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride, He is able to put down."
"God's going to do that which is right on the day of judgment, and I trust Him."
"Allah subhana wa ta'ala said at the end of this Ayah, 'then the scheme of disbelievers will always go to waste.'"
"I rather have the punishment of God now, than the eternal punishment of God later."
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."
"If God is good, then by nature, He will make sure that justice is served."
"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord, is a statement of eternal truth and correspondences against which nothing can stand."
"They operated as like heaven's black ops team... cleansing the world from evil with Hellfire."
"Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by the splendor of His coming."
"The thought of you dying in your sins and God giving you justice is horrifying to me."
"Tonight, white stones will be released, bringing lifegiving verdicts."
"The wicked and obstinate will perish in the tremendous severity of the Justice of the Lord."
"Saint Michael will slam dunk him into hell, marking the terrible end of the Antichrist."
"God crushed his only begotten Son under the full force of his holy hatred against your evil."
"The Lord executed righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed."
"God's wrath is coming on those who take on the mark of disobedience."
"God knows how to take care of his children... no one gets away with sin."
"That's the way God's kingdom works, by the blood of the Lamb, not by the blood of these Nephilim bloodlines."
"The time of grace for the wicked has thinned out, and one after the other shall fall down suddenly."
"God demands diligence and productivity for wealth to happen."
"God's justice is coming and that writes swiftly for a party that consistently lies to the American population and promises things it just can't fulfill."
"God cares about the woman so much that He tells the man if you oppress her, don't even talk to me."
"The belief that there is a good god who is just keeps me sane."
"Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. In His time and way, God will make right injustices, sorrows, disappointments for the willing and humble. His is the gospel of second and third chances."
"The Lord will restore what the enemy has stolen from you, twofold."
"God and those who stand with Him win in the end."
"Karma is real... They will pay the price when God decides."
"God will use your enemies to pay you for what you would have did for free."
"Someday soon, God will completely wipe out Satan and his followers."
"I have made oppression and injustice forbidden for myself."
"God's just giving you enough rope to hang yourself."
"Allow God to do His work, and don't take vengeance into our own hands."
"Generally speaking, they are equal in front of God but they're not the same."
"These evil people, these leaders are always humbled, trust in God's timing here, they're always humbled."
"Our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God."
"God puts His righteousness on display by the way He confronts and deals with sin."
"God don't care who you are when it come to his word."
"Reconciliation and peace... if we don't, God will bring justice His way."
"If God and Jesus teach the blood atonement and God and Jesus are loving, then the blood atonement is not unloving."
"God will bless you on the same platform that they tried to destroy you on."
"Your angels will tell on you and they will tell of what you've done. They will tell God and God will reward you."
"When you're connected with God, you're going to have righteous indignation."
"Forgiveness doesn't let the other person off the hook; it actually places them in God's hands."
"Solomon's kingdom would be torn away and given to another as a result of his rejection of the Lord."
"We rejoice and we fight on, and second, we have confidence that God sees their evil and will bring about perfect Justice in the end."
"Anything short of hell is the mercy of God, because that is what you and I deserve." - Justin Peters.
"This message is not going to be politically correct. But you know what? God is real, God is love, and God is also just and true."
"Nothing is more fair than Allah's word itself."
"God, His very core nature is just. He is a God of law and order. He has to judge every sin. But in His plan of redemption, He provided the lamb to take the judgment for the sin."
"God sees your heart and will reward you accordingly."
"God is a just God, He has to judge every sin."
"Serves you mortals right. The contradiction of the gods will be corrected."
"God's wrath has been poured out through history, and God's wrath is being poured out in certain ways now."
"God just doesn't jump in and stop everything that's wrong... he watches somebody get raped and then he punishes them later."
"The righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished."
"Mercy is about not getting what you deserve... there's this notion that the God of the Bible is just and perfectly merciful but those ideas are in conflict."
"He also says that the souls of their children will avenge him on her, but Medea says the gods know who really messed up in this situation, and she’s gonna bury their kids in Hera’s sacred lands before purifying herself of the crime."
"In Genesis, the flood is brought about with sadness. It is not something God wanted, but because he cares for justice, it must be done."
"This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand."
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that his justice cannot sleep forever."
"There's no partiality with God. We reap what we sow."
"Great is your mercy, O Lord. Give me life according to your rules."
"If one believes in immortality and divine reward and punishment, how can that make any sense?"
"When he kills somebody he's giving them to God."
"I will come to their rescue in the day that I execute my justice."
"I have seen slaves on horses and princes walking like slaves upon this Earth. It means things are upside down. God's people were supposed to be Kings upon this Earth and they're walking around like slaves."
"The gods never gave up on anyone; it's the people responsible for all this that need to face the consequences."
"God gives people the dignity of carrying the consequences of their bad decision."
"Your word shall be a consuming fire to the wicked, destroying them."
"I trembled for my country when I remember that God is just."
"Your dreams will become reality very soon. Remain strong and fear not, for your God is about to punish those who oppose you."
"God is not mocked, and he's not going to sit back and just continue to let it happen."
"It's pretty clear how it's going to go down, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is personally going to take care of the Antichrist."
"I think they need to step up, take over my part, but that's hard because Nana needs to 100% agree with this."
"Justice is better when God does it. Let go of gloating when your enemy falls."
"Vengeance is Gods; justice is where we co-labor with God to see Shalom and beauty."
"Jesus bore the sins of the whole world, endured our punishment, the wrath of God against transgression."
"These people are going to face judgment for this, they're going to face Divine judgment."
"Divine recompense: watching you win in spite of what they did to you."
"God is real, God is love, and God is also just and true."
"If you love evil, God will give you evil. If you love good, God will give you good."
"This reality serves as a humbling reminder that God does not show partiality. If God judged Angels, he will judge rebellious mankind."
"God is able, he is mighty, vengeance is his, and he is the righteous judge. And so, we just need to remember that during this time. God bless everyone, we love you, see you in Miami."
"God had every right to make people like me and like you and then not give us a mortality and so if he chooses that you know he's not gonna punish them in hell forever but he's also not gonna give him the heaven."
"Jesus Christ's sacrifice is the only way to eradicate sin and appease God's wrath."
"I would never worship a God that would send someone to an eternal lake of fire... That is not a God worthy of worship."
"Justice is the foundation of all dominion, and Allah will preserve a state that is just."
"Divine retribution will be brought down on both of them in short order."
"An omnipotent God that sanctions an infinite punishment for a finite crime is the devil."
"Here's what happens to God's people when they choose to be faithless or faithful."
"Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained."
"It is for God's to recompense. It is for you to trust Him right now and to fully give yourself over to him."
"The joy of the Lord, the justice of Yahweh, is now coming into the Earth. It is an appointed time for it."
"There's about to be an indictment upon evil in the earth."
"God is always on the side of the oppressed against the oppressor."
"He satisfies the requirements of divine justice."
"Nothing could ever change the past or undo the trauma we both experienced, but knowing the guy was suffering in such a way was almost like proof that there was a god."
"No evil one will escape the sword of Christ."
"May these verses of Psalm guide you in times of urgency, teach you the power of divine justice, show you the beauty of God's glory, and the manifold nature of God's help."
"God's wrath is the expression of love's perfect justice."
"Vengeance is mine, saith the lord. You know what that means? God is the only one who gets to kill people."
"God's punishments always have the goal of repentance and restoration."
"Forgiveness, if I can recommend you do nothing else in this lifetime, obviously worship God and do God's will, but the biggest one in doing God's will is forgiving others."
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, not you. Let Him take care of it. If there's any vengeance that needs to be dished out in this life or the next, the only one qualified to do it is God."
"I don't need to know what the outcome is, I already know the outcome because it's a flip. God's going to flip the tables on these people."
"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, and they're going to see and know that."
"Keep doing the right thing, don't take matters into your own hand. God is your Defender."
"The Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish."
"All Justice will be served. It's not up to you, it's up to God."
"On Judgment Day, God will administer Justice. Individuals will neither receive more nor less than what they deserve. They will receive precisely what they Merit."
"The Bible teaches that God is a just God who makes righteous judgments."
"Repent, or feel the fury of this warrior judge."
"Knock and it shall be open, imagine the widow that came before the judge requiring justice into her circumstance and the judge says, 'Hey, I don't fear God, but because of her persistence he granted her the request because of her persistence.'"
"He dealt harshly and firmly with those in Israel who dealt in wickedness."
"Jesus, because I believe that he is God in his Godhood, he willingly chose to take on death as the justice to go along."
"The fate of fallen angels serves as a warning of the consequences of turning away from God."
"We serve an impartial god. He judges righteously."
"These people are going to get what is coming to them... the Divine is going to pluck them out and make them learn."
"The rejection of rules come with consequences... the consequences for rejecting the role of God is the lake of fire."
"So what I'm saying to you, no matter how people treat you, whether they're authority or not, they know they're doing wrong. They know they've done wrong, but there's a God that's convicting them, not you."
"I will maintain my innocence until I die, and then God will explain it to everybody that I didn't break any laws."
"If you make my son die tomorrow, you will face justice from a jury of your 12 countrymen in this world and terrible judgment from God in the world to come."
"God someday will bring justice. There will be judgment."
"I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to everyone according to his work."
"Do you not know that God will give people up if they do not turn from their wickedness?"
"Surrender it to the divine. Divine justice is the best justice."
"Evil will have its say, but in the end, God will have his say."
"The Lord thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, which persecuted thee."
"Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints in fiery vengeance executing wrath against the ungodly for all their ungodly deeds."
"They tried to steal money, energy, and time from a divine being."
"There is now less evil in the world. God has brought pure justice for all those Joseph Duncan has hurt." - Marcos
"Hell is inconsistent with a merciful and just God."
"God will have the last word in this situation."
"Approaching God as judge, we can get everything legally in place so that we get the full benefit of everything Jesus died for us to have. Amen."
"God will return and He will set it all straight."
"They didn't get away with nothing because the eyes of the Lord are everywhere beholding the evil and the good."
"God is going to punish everybody who disrespects the chosen one."
"Jesus will slaughter the enemies armed against him."
"According to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands hath He recompensed me."
"God is going to build you up in front of the people that try to destroy you."
"Nobody can serve Karma and balance the scales like God."
"You may be eluding the authorities for a time, but God knows who you are and we will find you."
"God has his timing to judge sin. God is just. God sees all things."
"Stop trying to take revenge into your own hands and let God handle it."
"For the wicked plot against the righteous, and they gnash their teeth at them, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming."
"An infinite God absorbs the judgment in full for all who would ever believe."
"The Cross of Christ is a clear statement: God takes evil seriously, and forgiveness is not free and easy."
"Satan Ale: 'You would slay gods to protect the justice you believe in.'"
"Stop wishing ill intent on other people, it's not up to us. God is the ultimate equalizer."
"God gave you the will now to decide... that's why don't blame God on dev resurrection."
"God laughs because he's going to deal with the kings."
"If you ever are tempted to think, 'Well, God's not fair.' Sometimes you need to say, 'Thank God he's not fair.' Because if he was fair, I would get what my sins deserve."
"The wrath of God is not some kind of divine temper tantrum."
"God is not in the business of blessing mess."
"God said if you bother me I'm going to give you justice I'm going to give you justice to make things right if you have the courage I'm gonna fix it for you."
"He that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted, and none hindering. The whole earth is at rest and is quiet."
"One day, Jesus will come, and He will make everything right."
"God gave his archangels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don't fight evil with tolerance and understanding."
"Evil leaders will be deposed and disposed of while godly ones like Moses and Joshua will arise by my hand."
"Life isn't fair, so God doesn't have to be consistent."
"At this time, a judgment will be made by the supreme justice in favor of the Saints of the most high God."
"Every demon, every witch, every warlock, every person against your destiny that has ever dug into you and made a hole, God told me to tell you that the hole they made in you is about to be their grave."
"Your greatest revenge is letting go and letting God because God's gonna handle that ass in a way that we didn't even think of."
"The most high is always watching. So with the justice being here, it's like the divine is putting a stop to anything that is unfair."
"That's why she's happy because God will set a table for you right in front of your enemies."
"God, who will render to every man according to his deeds."
"God is just, he is always listening to us, and ready to bless us."
"God rules with two hands: right hand is justice and the left hand is mercy."
"God will repay each person according to what they have done."
"God loves me, you guys are going to suffer"
"I really love that quote...the judge of all the Earth has done right."
"Judgment also will I lay to the line and righteousness to the plummet and the hail shall sweep away The Refuge of lies and the waters shall overflow The Hiding Place."
"God's justice will be served. He punishes those who rise against His anointed ones. Leave it in God's hands; the answer comes from the Lord."
"Forgive those who speak ill of you. God will show them that He is with you. Repay evil with goodness, for the answer comes from the Lord."
"There's a transfer of wealth from the sinner to the righteous."
"I cannot imagine an all merciful God casting someone into hell for all eternity."
"God's Wrath is not arbitrary, frivolous, or capricious. God's Wrath has a well-deserved target."
"We stand in the counsel of the Lord and God agrees if there's 10 righteous in this city, I will spare it for the 10 righteous."
"God's watching everything bro. Karma's going to get them back."
"But God don't like ugly though. God sees everything you do, my boy. Like, you sour, like, you don't get blessings, your name's gonna die down, your music's gonna die, your bookings are gonna go down, everything about you's gonna do this right here."
"Every day the wicked are ignorantly gathering wealth. But that appetite they have is that they're gathering it up to give it over to those who are good before God."
"I feel blessed by God, you know what I mean? Because of the fact that we get it and vengeance is his, so that individual, you gotta live with that as far as what you do."
"God didn't sit around and go 'oh well, you know, that guy hurt 20 people so what, he meant well.' God is never neutral toward evil."
"Yahweh preserves the faithful and fully repays the self-righteousness of the Arrogant."
"Someone was quick to try to destroy something for you, but they didn't know that God has the final say."
"Jesus Christ made expiation for our sins, Jesus Christ satisfied divine justice for our sins."
"Within God's system every crime is punished to the harshest extent of the law."
"God says don't worry about revenge leave it up to me and I will treat them same way they change you come on I love that."
"Those who mocked Allah's mercy faced swift punishment."
"Our God is a God who flips tables."
"God will always bring our sins to our attention."
"God will never reward you for what He never assigned you."
"Many seek the ruler's favor but justice for man comes from the Lord."
"God will always honor those who go low and he will always bring down those who go high."
"Allah said clearly he never punishes a people until after he sent the messenger to them."
"God will set things right after this life is over."