
Codependency Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Codependency is an individual disorder that is expressed in relationships. You can't be codependent unless you are connected to another person."
"This level of codependency means that we need other people to show us who we are."
"Codependency describes a type of relationship in which one partner defines their worth or goodness based on someone else."
"Codependency is when you are overly invested in the feeling states, the outcomes, the circumstances, the relationships of the people in your life to the detriment of your internal peace, your financial or physical spiritual well-being."
"Especially people that have codependency will feel loneliness like five times worse than the average person."
"Self-Love Deficit Disorder is a term I created to replace codependents and codependency."
"Whilst you're recognizing that your codependent traits are not healthy or imbalanced, your person hasn't got the capacity to even acknowledge their own yet."
"Narcissism and codependency are not personality disorders. They are adaptive relationship strategies."
"Narcissism and codependency arise within the context of relationship, not all of life."
"Codependency and narcissism are both complex dysfunctional relationship strategies that people learned and adopted in order to be able to stay safe in their specific family system."
"Inside every narcissist is a covert codependent, and inside every codependent, is a covert narcissist."
"Managing contact with the narcissist is actually 90% managing your addiction to codependency, to the drama cycle, and to your malignant optimism."
"Healing from codependency is about recognizing that you are part of a certain system, a particular paradigm, and breaking through that."
"The less codependent we are, the less narcissists exist on planet Earth."
"If you're struggling with codependency...you're not going to be able to have healthy, authentic relationships."
"You're feeding each other fuel as you exist in the pod."
"When you're codependent, there's this self-doubt issue. Why? Because you never felt securely attached to people that you thought really loved you when you were a child."
"Most couples unfortunately, and it's not their fault, start eating each other alive because they spend far too much time around each other, turning each other into grandparents, sister, mother, father, daughter. Too many roles for one person."
"One of my biggest fears is becoming codependent. Under no circumstances will I allow myself to ever become codependent."
"A lot of you are actually feeling really super lonely and kind of codependent."
"Healing from codependency starts with recognizing the symptoms and characteristics, so at least you know what's wrong is not you, it's just your programming."
"Awareness is key, understanding those patterns, the thoughts, the beliefs, right those pulls of to act in that codependent way."
"Ultimately it's learning how to set boundaries, codependent people have no boundaries, none."
"Love in its purest form is a form of codependency."
"I depend on you too much to let you go. I have codependency issues."
"Happy busy. Yeah, happy busy because this relationship is gonna make everything else seem so stupid."
"They feel lost without you, they're needing you, so there's some codependency that they're feeling right now."
"A codependent is a person who gives all or most of the love, respect, and caring with hopes that it's mutual and reciprocal."
"Empathy is when we connect with the feelings of another; codependency is when we need the energy from others to feel a certain way about ourselves."
"If you don't get a handle on toxic empathy, it can evolve into codependency."
"Toxic empathy can evolve into codependence. You need to meet other people's needs to feel personally fulfilled."
"When they love bomb you and they've sucked you in and they pull you in, it may be, and there may be some codependency here."
"He would go everywhere with me. If I didn't invite him, he would get offended."
"When we're codependent, we push our needs aside for the needs of other people."
"This kind of love leads into madness and obsessiveness, if I had an arrow, be like that obsessiveness, often wanting a reinforcement of your own value which can lead to codependency."
"With unveiled faces, we reflect the Lord's glory and are being transformed into his likeness."
"Their relationship was borderline unhealthy... constantly together, even showered together."
"Moving on from toxic, codependent relationships is a big thing."
"Codependent love addicts can look for worth in their relationships and may give to the point of exhaustion."
"I'm not going to be codependent on what you think about me anymore."
"Love is so free, then it's all about more of ownership, mine, you know, and then it's going to lead to codependency."
"Someone wants to move forward out of some sort of codependent situation or where they feel stuck."
"You are really being guided to release codependent connections."
"You guys will figure it out, whatever this issue is, this codependency issue, you guys are gonna figure it out together and work through it because you are soulmates."
"There's a very codependent dynamic here."
"And the last thing that I want to say about healing codependency is that you must get your actual self-care"
"Codependency is that it is trying to create a feeling of safety in the world that you don't feel safe in."
"Imagine that you have this magnet that says I'm codependent on this type of person and then you have this person that doesn't do all the things that you wanted them to do in a certain way, right?"
"Codependents must confront their anxieties head-on."
"Codependents are impervious to abuse, remaining committed even when mistreated, due to overwhelming empathy."
"People with codependency are hyper vigilant to the needs of the dysfunctional other going to the extent of what we call mind reading trying to guess what this person wants in order to make sure that they have their needs met so they don't get angry so they don't abandon."
"Awareness is the optimum way to break codependency."
"Awareness is the optimum way to break codependency. It's better than therapy. Therapy just substitutes one for another."
"Love in hell is a manipulative and needy perversion of the real thing. It is what we usually refer to as codependency."
"Break free from something codependency. Free yourself to shine."
"...the importance that a codependent places on seeming to have it all together often prevents them from connecting with people or asking for help when they need help."
"If I want to deal with my codependency and get healthy, I have to learn how to connect with people in healthy ways."
"This is one of the best written scenes about what a codependent relationship with a toxic abuser looks like."
"Giving without receiving is codependent. It is desperate and is evil because it will suck the life out of you and just suck you dry."
"One of the layers to it is what we can think of as the secondary gain of staying attached to the victim story. It becomes this kind of vicious cycle of enlisting someone into a certain codependence with my wound."
"One of the themes we're going to look at is this lunar eclipse in Libra is highlighting the pathology of codependency."
"Codependents are absolutely convinced that if the other person would stop having that problem, then they could feel happy at last."
"You don't even have to say it out of your mouth 'I'm a good person' and I have to keep proving to people I'm a good person, that's when you remove yourself from the equation because now you're tipped over into codependency land."
"I learned that being codependent meant I would never be free."
"Signs of codependency: intense emotional discomfort or avoidance of being alone, difficulty setting boundaries, fear of abandonment, feeling like you're unworthy of love..."
"Codependency is not always manifested just in romantic relationships."
"Trauma especially abandonment trauma is usually at the root of codependency."
"The falsely empowered codependent."
"Single on purpose is a powerful call to action for anyone who is ready to break the cycle of codependency."
"There's no tone without lines you know there there's you can't you know it's it's deeply interdependent so that's that's that that's the um codependency and interdependency I'm fascinated with that's so cool man."
"I didn't realize how bad my codependency was."
"Nora struggles with standing on her own without Ren by her side, and she reflects on the codependent nature of their… let’s be real, it’s not even a relationship, it’s a situationship."
"High functioning codependency is being so high functioning that you could do all of it at a cost."
"There's a level of maturity that exists within us and emotional depth that exists within us. Is it codependency? Yeah, yes, almost always, but you know, we're so capable of understanding those feelings."
"It's a little bit like codependency where he can clearly rationally see that she is maybe a bad influence on him but she's also the only person who he relates to."
"Neglect our own boundaries, will pretend they're not there, and be codependent."
"You can also really struggle with just being alone in general and being single again and that's a challenge in itself because you relied so heavily on this person in very unhealthy ways you are probably very codependent."
"A codependent relationship forms between two foolish people who enable each other's destructive behavior."
"Everybody likes a bad boy. I think everybody likes that story. Everybody likes to be with somebody that is complicated. It's codependency basically."
"Codependency all by itself is a bad thing that will rob you of your happiness."
"If you're in a codependent narcissistic relationship, both people need to agree to fix it."
"Listening without defensiveness to disagreement is also super important. Remember people with codependency often have a lot of abandonment anxiety."
"Anywhere there's an addict, you're going to find a codependent. If you find a functioning addict, I'll show you a codependent."
"There's some bird that always follows the cardinal. Everywhere there's an addict, there's a codependent."
"Invest in inner work specifically to heal codependency."
"My name is Richard Grannon. I have a YouTube channel. I was formerly a self-defense instructor on YouTube, and then I got interested in talking to people about codependency and people-pleaser syndrome."
"Ask yourself if you change yourself in relationships to suit others, and if you are unknowingly codependent or people-pleasing."
"Codependency hurts relationships it ends relationships prematurely and in pain."
"It's sort of like the wolf and sheep's clothing codependency because it might look nice or romantic from the outside but there are dramatic downsides to it."
"They've learned a really hard lesson, a lesson in codependency, a lesson in a lack of self-love."
"Codependent no more: the modern classic that holds the key to understanding codependency and unlocking its hold on your life."
"Learning to soothe ourselves and keep a life of Peace not trauma takes dedication but it's directly connected to our codependency too."
"People with codependency issues generally love other people more than they love themselves to the other person's detriment and to their own."
"The codependent tour is going to be so spanking good. It's going to be wonderful."
"...will often be the case that you're in a codependent relationship because you're neglecting your own needs."
"...they start to communicate about where things are codependent and they start to negotiate change."
"...really work on their self-worth and their self-esteem and they're really conscious about the behaviors that they're doing which enables codependency."
"Trust basically because they gotta that code that goes hand in hand."
"Codependency is defined as excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a loved one."
"If you really want to break free from those codependency cycles, you're going to have to address the root of the matter."
"The best way to quit being codependent is to acknowledge that attaching yourself to this relationship is meeting a need inside of you."
"I'm starting to figure out more about myself, you know, codependency and wanting people to like me and to make people happy."
"If you're codependent, chances are you were raised in a home that was not assertive and lacked clear communication."
"We were passionately in love and codependent."
"Codependency isn't a villain; it's not the enemy."
"The reality is that your codependency isn't a villain; it's not the enemy."
"It's important again to differentiate between helping and codependency."
"We need to remember that codependency, like other addictions, is often used to escape, distract, or avoid pain."
"Ultimately, codependency is self-defeating because one of the few things that cannot be controlled is the will of another person."
"Over the past 20 years, Brain, I figured out that our relationship is incredibly co-dependent."
"It's just classic enabling codependency."
"Attachment is codependency in some ways because you become dependent on that person for your fulfillment."
"Clinginess is cute to an extent, but once you become codependent, that is problematic."
"It's good to care about people, but when it becomes caretaking, and we give up part of ourselves without the joy of the giving, that's a red flag for codependency."
"Most people live in co-dependency on other people because they haven't found themselves yet."
"We love being codependent, but we also want to be independent."
"Learn as much as you can about codependency, learn to love yourself."
"Codependency can become deeply corrosive and deeply damaging."
"Codependency is as much about not being able to identify yourself and your own feelings without going through the lens of someone else."
"We don't have to be needy codependents and we don't have to be withdrawn codependents; we got this, we can change."
"It's about coming face to face with just an aspect of Codependency that's in us without shame."
"You do become codependent because you're told your whole life how to think, what to believe, who to trust."
"There's a codependency, so some of you guys were dealing with someone coming from the past."
"Don't get obsessive, don't get codependent, and fall into that because you think something's happening or maybe it is or maybe it's not."
"It feels like you're getting out of a codependent situation."
"Codependency is about one person getting what they want while the other person sacrifices their soul."
"Sometimes when you really love somebody, trying when you give too much of yourself, it just becomes codependent."