
Collective Consciousness Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"It seems as though we're going through a collective awakening."
"We are all deeply connected and this is a manifestation of that deep interconnectedness."
"If we are like waves in the ocean of consciousness, why do we singularly as well as collectively see the same patterns in the world?"
"SCP-4043 is entirely an entity of thought built upon the thoughts of every other living thing."
"We are somewhere new in history because of the power of our technology...we need to rise to a kind of collective consciousness."
"There's a coming of a new consciousness, and I really believe it's not one person; it's a collective consciousness."
"A big awakening to the vibration of love is happening amongst every person in the collective of humanity."
"We are all part of something larger than ourselves."
"Be very careful when you link into those forms of media, because a lot of what's going on there is a viral infection of the collective."
"Create a collective consciousness and collective networks of observers to determine reality."
"We all have our own reality but it's all part of a greater one."
"Every moment of self-awareness, every act of kindness, every decision to choose love over fear, sends ripples across the collective consciousness."
"What if everybody woke up today and said it was heaven on earth?"
"This great awakening represents a collective shift in human consciousness, uniting humanity under a shared banner of knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment."
"We are going to bring new Earth into manifestation much faster the more of us do that."
"God is how we imaginatively and collectively represent the existence and action of consciousness across time."
"Our civilization and everything in it is a result of our individual and collective consciousness, thought, and action."
"The best way you make change in your life is by you being the best version of you right now and doing what you can to help the collective consciousness."
"We are all connected to a collective consciousness."
"We are responsible not only for creating our own reality but actually feeding the collective."
"We all have fields of energy and we're all playing a part in this collective consciousness in the whole entire planet."
"The Great Awakening has to do with us coming into our power as people and also as a collective."
"What an opportunity that is... if just 1% of us can shift our consciousness upwards, that affects the whole field."
"Our collective consciousness is going to create a self-fulfilling prophecy so if we all choose to be optimistic and believe that we have a soul and believe compassion will take us out of any of the issues and believe we'll find the better purpose to humanity then we will."
"We all contribute to a larger Consciousness."
"The internet is like a real-life version of the collective unconscious of humanity."
"One percent of a population begins to do something in consciousness and meditation it shifts the other 99 in a very positive way."
"Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects us and the collective consciousness of all humanity."
"People need to wake up. Man, we need more of the collective consciousness so we can get over this hump."
"The Borg are hive-minded, unrelenting... they reject individuality."
"Symbolism is very important in our sense of ourselves collectively and personally."
"It's a level of consciousness that is powerful, that connects to lots of people."
"Each one of us is a brain cell inside the Universal Mind experiencing different thoughts, different ideas, different ways of doing things."
"I think humanity is sort of doing our Collective Shadow work right now, all the demons are coming to the surface."
"If enough of us can hold the frequency, we can help the whole of humanity jump through this timeline loop."
"You're very intuitive, you're very aware, and you're very in tune with the collective energy as well."
"The goal I propose for Humanity is the creation of a universal consciousness, a hive mind."
"I truly love the exhilaration of feeling like we are all beginning to wake up out of a suppressed state."
"Now with our collective consciousness of over 2 million of us, watching from all around the world, we form the most powerful and united mass intelligence we've ever been able to access."
"The true nature of the Second Coming is a dawn of Christ consciousness in a sufficient number of individuals to affect a radical transformation."
"You are meant to help lift the collective consciousness of humanity."
"The Xylar Star Collective: a hive mind organism."
"Humanity is a giant field of collective Consciousness vibrating together through the illusion of Separation manifesting a great shared reality field on an upward journey of self-realization."
"We need to raise our Collective conscious to the point where we can understand that we may actually have anti-gravitational technology."
"Let go of anything that doesn't serve you so that other people in the collective consciousness can also let go."
"The akashic records: a vast database of information imprinted on a subtle energy field, containing the collective wisdom and history of all souls."
"You can find the resonance that harmonizes with you."
"We are in a sensitive point in world collective energy right now."
"As more individuals awaken to the truth of their innate power and interconnectedness, the potential for collective transformation becomes increasingly attainable."
"You can't be afraid to stand out... you are doing incredibly powerful work for collective consciousness."
"Our co-creative consciousness is what is going to do it."
"Let's all get into this together and reach a higher state of consciousness."
"Dreams are an expression of the collective experiences combined with messages from the spirit world."
"Think of how many people are breathing in together here in this moment all over the world. And then a long exhale. Again, breathing out with people all over the world, connecting to the big picture."
"We're sending this out through the collective, rippling out through collective human consciousness."
"Your energy ripples outward, shaping the collective awakening."
"There may be something like premonitions of the future that could affect the activity or coalescence of a global consciousness."
"So instead of just being a person you could be a node and a collective of cognition."
"A collective consciousness which will fundamentally change the notion of what it means to be human."
"I can feel people waking up, I can feel this movement happening."
"Humanity's shift into unity consciousness is succeeding beyond the greatest expectations of heaven."
"Human Unity... the sense of there being one heart coming online inside of us."
"If billions of people could come to a state of advanced Consciousness together, the less control these power brokers would have over humans." - Beck
"The more we rise the vibration of the planet, the more people we wake up."
"This week the collective consciousness is committing to feeling better."
"We are one collective energy; there is no disconnect between us."
"We need to face the truth in ourselves and also collectively."
"Raising the mass vibration together through love and peace."
"It's the only way that we're going to give a higher vibration to the planet Earth and raise the energy and create the planet that we want which is full of love and gratitude."
"Your pain has created ripples of light in collective consciousness."
"We're here to shift the collective from 3D to 5D. That's why we're here. And the way we do it is very unique, we each have our own way of doing it."
"Your presence alone motivates a greater Collective Awakening."
"We are removing the spell that we of you feel this way right now because I do too."
"The Apocalypse is a mental transformation that will occur, or is presently occurring, within the collective unconscious of the human race."
"The only way it changes is the communication of people who have similar things, kind of raising each other's consciousness on it."
"I felt like we were just like one symbiotic being, one unified mind, a hive mind."
"There is a huge shift in the collective consciousness, and we can all feel it."
"What is it that the collective is manifesting? The power symbol."
"The devil is working very hard to try and seduce the minds of people in the collective."
"Humanity has had the opportunity to step into our ascension process in a more whole and complete way."
"There is a frequency that's being shared by multiple people, almost as if the same thought and the same feelings are being shared."
"From many conscious agents instantiate an infinite conscious agent that is all of us, one consciousness."
"Aquarius is supposed to be that great age where we've returned to a golden age... but the problem is, when you go into those ages, how that age is defined is based on the collective co-conscious creation."
"It's up to us whether we realize it or not, accept it or not, we're all connected."
"More people are spiritually Awakening at a faster and faster Pace than I've ever seen before."
"Every gesture of love, every moment of understanding, and every act of healing contribute significantly to the collective elevation of human consciousness."
"Individuals on the system obviously feel like individuals, but actually, you are part of a collective group mind."
"Imagination is powerful. Assume fantasy worlds are real, tapping into our connected consciousness."
"You are quite literally Shifting The Divine masculine Collective Consciousness."
"Enhanced psychic abilities here for the collective."
"Your life is nothing more than another small piece of protein in a universal DNA so to speak and every little piece of protein, every life that you live, adds to this collective non-physical, non-localized consciousness."
"This has been a very big deal and a very big ongoing shift in our energies, in our Collective energies as well as our individual energies."
"Consciousness creates the world, and collectively, our consciousness can change the world."
"This week, the collective consciousness is manifesting a new reality."
"There is about to be a massive spiritual expansion for the collective around our relationship with the Earth and material supply."
"There's nothing that's going on in the world today that's not a reflection from our collective vibration as a whole."
"At the heart of this transformation lies a shift in Consciousness, a collective Awakening to our shared Humanity."
"This is like a massive portal opening for the potential of many, many, many more souls waking up."
"Humanity is awakening. They ain't gonna stop us."
"It's up to us to bring our collective consciousness back together again... you are a powerful being and you have that power inside you."
"A lot of our people are starting to wake up beyond that."
"By raising the entire frequency of the planet... this will change the way people think."
"Awaken personally so we can awaken collectively. Do not be deluged in the lies of the mainstream media."
"The stronger the lessons or moral teachings that myths portray, the stronger those lessons become in us as a collective."
"More people are waking up right now more than ever."
"But for some reason, I feel optimistic. I don't know what it's based on, but I just have this faith that there's enough of us that there's this morphogenic field that we're all connected with."
"We have managed to leverage our consciousness to make the experience better for everyone else."
"The concept of Egregor raises profound questions about the consciousness and power of collective thought forms."
"Golden consciousness moves along this new earth trajectory carried contained and radiated by ever more individuals."
"You're very connected to the cycles of the world, feeling the weight of collective energies."
"You are not only human, you are part of one big web."
"There will be no such thing as world government... instead there will be world consciousness agreement."
"Twitter is the closest thing we have to a global Consciousness."
"Every thought that the human collective has in relationship to its current physical reality is having a strong effect on the way that that reality is changing each day."
"When the time comes for the transition and tipping point in the collective, it will be marked by a major worldwide event of some type that is spectacular, cannot be concealed, and that the general public will be aware of and understand."
"We all need to be on the same frequency... to collectively create a new reality and the new Earth."
"When we change our consciousness, we contribute towards changing the collective consciousness of the world."
"Humanity is really going to rise up in that higher level of Consciousness."
"A golden age has distinct features to it... because the golden aura that emanates from the collective Consciousness."
"Hopefully people start waking up that's the first step is people waking up and seeing it because I don't think people are witnessing it."
"We are here to build up the collective consciousness of the planet and to build each other up."
"We're just one expression of that and need to come back into that sense of Oneness."
"We are all reflections of each other, fractals of that one mind which is us."
"Here's to the star seed collective awakening in greater and greater proportion."
"We hold the collective realities and can collapse and co-create them from within."
"If it's a hive mind, what if the symbiote hive mind connects across multiverses?"
"The first and foremost reason for you being in physical form is to collectively shift consciousness on the earth plane."
"The human collective is shifting, integrating into higher states of consciousness."
"You can think of these sets of information in the morphogenetic field of the planet as group intentions, Collective behavior that coordinates toward a very specific future."
"Seasons have changed, lots of strong energy around the collective."
"If they can do it, I can do it, and that now is information for the collective to believe in a greater level of possibility."
"As a human race, we're going to see massive extraordinary changes in the way people view our spirituality."
"This union, this twin flame union, is going to raise the vibration of the collective as well."
"Do you ever wonder if humanity will reach a point where we all become collectively enlightened?"
"The consciousness of humanity is not held within the spectrum of us versus them, but more from the understanding of we're not healed until we're all healed."
"One of the things we've done in the lab is to say, okay, so as a therapeutic instead of trying to kill these cells, why don't we try to reconnect them back to the collective?"
"You're part of a spiritual team that is here to help transform Mass Consciousness."
"Chasing the spark, this is what the collective needs right now."
"Imagine if every single person on this world was taking the time to do all these things for themselves... we'd honestly live in such a freaking amazing place with everybody vibing so high and just like radiating love."
"When 100 enlightened people are gathered together, humanity will be enlightened."
"Symbolic images are enormously influential in how the collective psyche is mobilized."
"You aren't alone if you're feeling a lot of collective heaviness, a lot of collective stuckness."
"The power of our Collective thought shapes the world we inhabit."
"We're committed to elevating the collective consciousness of the world by expanding happiness and unleashing every human superpower."
"These types of transits you can easily get caught in the wave of where the collective is going, what's happening around you you could feel like you've lost yourself."
"Anything that is attended to by multitudes of people over long periods of time tends to take on an archetypal nature."
"There's a collective shift that's going on."
"I think sometimes you know I believe that we're all collected collected in Connected into a collective energy and again that's what's come out today so there's a message here for somebody."
"We are simply manifestations of what exists within the Collective."
"And I believe that if all of us as a species will change even just that single awareness we could be living in the new Earth, in heaven on Earth, having the kingdom or queendom of Heaven within ourselves within the next decade easy."
"Holy Spirit, what message is here for the collective energies?"
"The hive mind knew, the hive mind thought, it felt, it hated, and it desired. The hive mind looked out with its innumerable eyes towards the dull red star of Baal."
"The moment we become coherent, the moment we collectively are on the same platform of thinking, you get enough people to say peace, there will be peace instantly in this world."
"How can millions of tiny minds get totally in sync?"
"Their hearts and minds evolved in unison, creating a society where individual consciousnesses merged into a collective awareness."
"We are rediscovering these ideas; they have permeated collective consciousness."
"If you are the niche, saturation ceases to exist; everyone will have a unique product that serves people at their level of mind and helps raise the collective consciousness."
"There's a special vibration in the air when large numbers of human beings think of god."
"We as a people are developing spiritually."
"The M Mark: a sign of a soul with a high purpose, destined to enlighten and elevate the collective consciousness."
"Antarctica has this mythic weight. It resides in the collective unconscious of so many people."
"Collectively you shift the emotional makeup of the planet."
"Every triumph you make helps to raise the consciousness of the collective."
"I think there's a collective Consciousness. I think there's a something that we all tune into and I think that it's bigger than any of us but I think that we can be connected to it."
"Each one of us who awakens this energy is benefiting the whole of humanity tremendously as we move this planet closer to its fourth density destiny."
"The awakening of the chosen ones is a clarion call to all of humanity, inviting us to explore the depths of our own being, to embrace our divine heritage, and to join in the collective endeavor of raising the consciousness of our world."
"You feel everything, the subconscious collective."
"Our brains are not literally personal, it is the brain’s… the brain has evolved through millennia and it is the brain of mankind, it is not my brain."
"We're on the precipice of immense order and disorder playing out to create a change in the collective Consciousness."
"Every time you think a thought, every time you say something, it goes out from you and it connects with like-minded people who are doing the same thing."
"I don't think there's anything like a single conscious entity made up of lots of people however I think it's very clear that the way I experience being me does depend on how I experience others as experiencing the world."
"We are more than just a collection of neurons in our brain; we are part of a collective group, a super organism of Homo sapiens."
"The embodiment of unconditional love and forgiveness is not just a personal milestone but a beacon of hope for collective healing and evolution."
"We are all one of one mind on our place in nature."
"As you evolve, you are not merely altering your own state of being but are actively participating in the global shift toward a higher consciousness."
"Was our collective consciousness awakened? Can Tina's tragic story inspire a nation to work together to make change?"
"...if a significant number of people began functioning this way, then we would all move as one coherent wave in a purposeful and evolutionary fashion."
"Reality changes as a reflection of the collective consciousness."
"The influence of the lunar sign extends beyond the personal, weaving into the fabric of community and collective experience."
"We use modern means of communication of simulation and of new forms of intelligence for creating something like a collective consciousness."
"Couldn't we turn into something like a collective subject which feels the pain of the earth everywhere and the pain of our fellow human beings?"
"The totality of our individual memory becomes part of the collective consciousness."
"By raising your vibration and aligning with the frequencies of your highest desires, you not only transform your own life but also contribute to the elevation of the collective consciousness."
"The collective consciousness influences the quantum field which underlies all of reality."
"It's the outward negative projection of billions of people who have lived in negativity for so long but if we can help consciousness evolve to be more positive... then that'll change really quickly."
"We're raising the mass vibration together, so go now in love and peace."
"We are heaven on Earth; it should be manifest both to us and the world around us."
"The entire Marxist teleology points to a machinery to make humanity work as a species and not as a collection of individuated consciousness."
"Humanity as a being coming into consciousness of itself as a species."
"We always think that in our houses, in our opinions, in our minds, the way we think about things doesn't really matter, but collectively it joins together and does actually create entire realities."
"It's the idea of collective consciousness and everyone has had the experience of maybe going into a temple or some beautiful place and feeling a beautiful vibe there."
"The law of one: every soul, living and discarnate, is connected at the level of the collective unconscious."
"Interconnected to everything is a collective consciousness."
"When we work on ourselves and we clear out the egoic material and the conditioning, we're actually affecting the whole consciousness of humanity."
"This is a Timeless Collective reading, so whenever you hear the messages, when you're meant to receive it, this could be your story or someone else's story that may be in your life or your energy, knowingly or unknowingly."
"Shifting the collective consciousness towards greater love, empathy, and sustainability."
"Is it even possible that 8 billion people on the planet could be going through a global Awakening?"
"We're all in this together. There is this sort of spiritual or consciousness piece of reality that we are all a part of."
"Your realization truly carries the highest priority, the highest importance to the realization of the collective."
"We are all connected into one collective consciousness."