
Genuine Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"A smile is an involuntary response. Mirror neurons in their brain, it's the same as if the doctor hits your knee with a little hammer and your leg kicks forward."
"A genuine compassion that welled up from her heart."
"We're real fans... it's a very authentic experience."
"Real success heartfelt humble genuine success."
"That was probably one of the rawest, realest moments I've ever had."
"Thankfully, we didn't have to deal with this problem because we actually do love each other, believe it or not."
"That moment felt authentic and genuine...it almost felt real."
"This relationship, this connection is the real deal."
"She's not one of these johnny come lately progressives."
"I really felt for him and i thought he was so genuine and and so i mean i really he seemed to be in pain while he was talking i don't know he was very."
"I was blown away with the majority of things, genuinely."
"They're happy, they're genuinely happy."
"He's a genuine hero, and not many of us can say that."
"He's genuinely just so wholesome and sweet."
"You guys are just real genuine awesome people."
"I'm genuinely really, really impressed."
"That was legitimately pretty cool."
"It is really nice when someone seems genuinely interested in you and they want to know more about your life."
"These kind of episodes man these are like where our heart is at like really talking to people who have like a mission are genuine are authentic can relate to people this is this is what it's all about man."
"Nothing felt disingenuous or superfluous; it all just felt so authentic."
"He's the first person to smile at her without expecting anything in return."
"It's almost jarring in a way to see their relationship because it's by far the most genuine relationship we've seen in this show."
"I really like that performance, it felt very genuine, very authentic."
"I don't do this for many people, but I feel like I really found a genuine friend in Jasmine."
"It was the most genuine reaction I had ever seen him have in his whole life."
"You feel like home, wanting to return to this could be someone who is gifting something to you, a very genuine energy."
"Albert Albert's affection seemed genuine as he didn't care about her status in High Society."
"Pukka - it means real, genuine, or good."
"The key to a good comedy for me is if you can be genuine and heartfelt while also being funny."
"I have the most genuine, the most supportive people in my life and I would not trade them for the world."
"There's a feeling here of like I just feel like you are someone that's very genuine, very connected with your inner child."
"Boy, this one, this sucker, this is the real deal."
"Their love eventually being genuine enough to break the spell."
"This person is unapologetically themselves, like they are their authentic self, and I feel like whenever we see someone like this, we just naturally tend to be mesmerized by them."
"This person genuinely speaking, like they have the need to support."
"There's just something so authentic about that passion."
"I love when you find the genuine art that I think is just."
"You were more genuine with that person than you've been maybe in a long time."
"It is not about being inauthentic."
"They are genuinely thinking of you with real intent, and I think there is a genuine desire to make a commitment with you."
"She was such a generous and caring soul with a genuine personality."
"I just love the sport, it's such a genuine sport, it's incredible."
"He genuinely loved music, a love that was impossible to suppress."
"I feel like we're way more genuine and it's like just comes across like we're having a lot more fun."
"It really does have to come from an altruistic place, a genuine altruistic place."
"This is the real deal, ding-dong, happy days!"
"You want to find someone who genuinely wants to be a friend."
"Your demeanor is very genuine and curious and connective."
"Their friendship was genuine, deep, and unbreakable, transcending the superficiality of fame and fortune."
"...real genuine love between people."
"His genuine affection for her goes beyond his initial plan."
"I'm genuinely excited. I would have been excited about any of these."
"...this sounds pretty solid from the heart."
"Mike is the most genuine humble human being that probably I've ever met."
"The friends who are really good friends are the ones who you can be yourself with, who can have a laugh with you, who sympathize when something hard happens."
"To say this is probably the most rewarding experience that I ever had is a genuine statement."
"Despite this, he shows genuine albeit momentary signs of sadness for these actions."
"This is genuinely the nicest hostel ever, like ever."
"People don't feel as if you were there for them, forgetting what you did for them. You never supposed to remind, you never supposed to go and boast about what you did for somebody because it's going to show that you're not genuine."
"You actually cared about the other person, you weren't just like trying to swoop in and just get to the point."
"It's so much more important to love on the people in front of you in a genuine and empathetic way than to like post something for your own image to look good."
"Turns out that they do like each other and it wasn't all out of obligation."
"I am so excited though. I loved it. I actually genuinely loved it."
"...if you are a fan and you get a chance to meet her, do not miss it because that woman was the sweetest, most friendly, most genuine person that I think I've ever met."
"I really enjoyed his Dynamic with Fidal... they had such a genuine, loving, reciprocal friendship."
"Sincere, honest, true for real, and genuine. Those five things. If you have those five things, then you can play the blues."
"Success here, me too. Genuine, I think it's basically moved in."
"Taylor Swift is just what you expect, you know she's genuine, she's down-to-earth, she's friendly."
"I'm genuinely impressed and speechless."
"She was genuinely wanting to do this."
"Start today having a conversation with people in a genuine way."
"...he was just an incredible human being he fought so hard to look like the guy who loved horses all the time he wanted everybody to know he was the real guy but he didn't need to do that because he just was the real guy..."
"...luke was in the moment with every moment he was living and breathing this wanting it to be something that we'd be talking about 30 years later and he made it so..."
"...I've always thought we should be doing more genuine multicultural education..."
"It's hard to find that kind of really true genuine connection with a person, really difficult. Your spirits both feel free together, there's no judgment, everything just flows."
"Even the younger generations are craving authenticity big time because everything is so fabricated."
"My brother was such a caring person, he had a very genuine soul about him."
"Don't base interest on superficial reasons or chase the organization; get to know members genuinely without stalking them."
"Very genuine connection and offer."
"There was something authentic about it."
"Having it be a real thing is something that you can't fake."
"Building real true relationships... it just takes time."
"Genuine content is needed more than ever before."
"This is the real deal oh yeah and you'll find it in just a moment."
"If I'm supporting a business, it's because I genuinely want to support."
"The thing is, we're trying to be authentic as much as we can be."
"I think that this ending is amazing. It feels real and genuine. It's dark, it's not pretty, [__], but I feel like he gets the message across as well as it possibly could while also making incredible music."
"She is what they call the real deal,"
"That's a nice one, isn't it? That is a real one."
"I am feeling so genuinely excited."
"At the heart of The Sensational gloa story, something genuine was happening."
"He's the real deal. He is the real deal."
"This is Li 100% authentic. Y'all want to see Li in authenticity, we got him right here live in color."
"I feel so genuinely excited for people when they get the show."
"He's just a genuinely nice geyser."
"People are craving that. They don't want this watered-down stuff."
"It's a real genuine choice and when we choose wrongly God is grieved over it."
"It's been nice to have authentic genuine relationships. You do have to work harder to find them. You do have to put more effort into it. You can't just show up and find them."
"I genuinely left feeling inspired."
"It's rare to genuinely leave feeling inspired."
"I'm completely happy. I'm genuinely happy."
"He's even had a car that had his own personal number plate on: 'psychic.' So I think everybody was a little bit in awe of him, and there was no reason for anyone to believe that he wasn't genuine."
"There's room here to be authentic and genuine about my story."
"The love that the three of us have is legit."
"The rapport that you guys have is really genuine and you just kind of see you guys riff on something like forever."
"...because you're genuine it has an authentic small business and you're not some conglomerate."
"You have to endorse all six to actually be classed as a genuine addict."
"You're genuine, original, underestimated, and fierce."
"Genuine trust not just an intellectual ascent to understand I understand what Christ has done and can do but I actually trust my life into his hands."
"I can't recall the last time I've been this genuinely excited."
"It's very genuine, unexpectedly poignant, and emotional."
"This accomplishes more than a dozen of these put together could possibly accomplish. This is a genuine, honest-to-god piece of literature with a capital L."
"A genuine smile is the one you get from your dear old mom as you walk up the path to the care home on a Sunday afternoon."
"I genuinely really love this series."
"Finally. Yes, this is genuinely making me feel so many good emotions."
"It's cute and fun, it's just a really genuine book."
"I genuinely, it was a really hit song."
"We live in a world where people don't want to be genuine."
"I've just had way better friendships that are based on reality, not based through a screen."
"You don't need to show authenticity, it's recognized because real recognizes real."
"This person adores you. It's just genuine, this is like this person adores you."
"You know, that's why you need to have people in your life that don't benefit financially off of you and only care the best for you, right?"
"He basically had a real pure, genuine aura and energy about him."
"Real down to earth, just authentic."
"They gave us the honest to goodness genuine article pressure cooker reboot that we had asked for."
"Wow today is a beautiful day! I know that sounds corny, but I'm just the corniness is genuine."
"He's just a genuine guy he helps everybody out and everybody wants to come to his party and they've all turned up."
"We genuinely love you. If we express interest in you, it's genuine. We don't put fake interest into people. We're going to be your biggest cheerleader. We're so happy for you when you succeed."
"We want genuine sustainable life change."
"This is amazing. I highly recommend it. I'm not just saying that."
"It's different when you find somebody that you can just genuinely like."
"I honestly can't believe it. It's surreal, it really genuinely is surreal."
"It's nice to be able to advertise something that you actually genuinely believe is really useful, isn't it?"
"What Christ offers is not fake, it's permanent."
"He's the real deal through and through."
"This felt like a true authentic experience."
"Not sponsored, just very very excited!"
"I'm looking for love, not an empty page full of stuff that means nothing."
"Now I get real true feelings of Happiness."
"I think it adds to the genuine, authentic, kind of emotion filled song he's going for."
"Bastard is thoroughly insane but so genuine in the contents illustrated on every page."
"His performance is just, oh my God, it was so organic."
"I love people. I really genuinely am a people person."
"I'm getting excited, you know, for real this time."
"It is sweet and straight out of the heart."
"Our wedding day may not have been a grand spectacle, but it was imbued with genuine emotions."
"It's one of those shows that is so special and it touches on something so genuine and real."
"Michael actually loves her for her."
"We wanted to make sure that experience for them feels genuine, it feels authentic."
"It's the authenticity, man, it's just real stuff."
"You made us feel very comfortable, it really felt genuine."
"Unconditional love... it's genuine."
"Wow, they're like a genuinely really nice person."
"Jollibee does not pay us to do this, okay guys, but we genuinely love Jollibee."
"Genuine friendship which lasts to this day."
"It's natural, for real, for real."
"It's amazing when you find someone who genuinely likes you."
"This something coming straight from the heart, I sincerely mean this."
"This is genuinely really warm as well."
"I want happiness, I want to be genuinely happy."
"I'm genuinely wishing her the best."
"He really cared about people... he just was a genuine dude."
"That's love, that's real love right there."
"Whatever Nick Jonas is going with Priyanka Chopra appears to be the real deal."
"Brian was the most genuine human being ever."
"Tyler Hines and Andrew Walker's friendship isn't just a facade for the camera; it's a bond that predates their stardom."
"I believe she was genuinely happy because she cried so much."
"Just because you genuinely give a about them."
"I genuinely feel like it's worth it."
"His performance just felt so organic, it felt genuine."
"I genuinely thought of you all as family."
"They genuinely care about their supporters."
"I do genuinely, genuinely, genuinely use these all the time."
"It's more than just a thing, it's the real thing."
"We're a genuine friendship, we're not faking it on camera."
"I'm friendly, open, and I'm down to earth."
"Authentic and organic friendship."
"You see our love's an old love, it's a real love."
"As he catches the falling snow, he smiles genuinely for the first time."
"This is what real love and affection looks like; this is family."
"We can do this work and do so in a way that feels mission-driven, genuine, and organic."
"I don't have to ever fake the happiness because my happiness isn't based on the circumstances of that day or the situations I'm going through, it's based on the joy of the Lord."
"It doesn't get any more authentic than that. Hallelujah!"
"You want to have as genuine reactions as possible."
"She's probably one of the top three, if not the sweetest, genuine person that I've ever met."
"Being real and authentic comes off real and authentic."
"Some people cry because they're genuinely just very sad."
"It was a sweet reunion that felt very genuine and understated."
"I hope that she experienced genuine true love."
"This is what you call true genuine love."
"He actually likes her for who she is; there's no strings attached."
"Every single piece of advice I give you guys is genuine; it's from lessons I've learned from my experiences, from my friends' experiences, some from my parents actually."
"This is somebody here that genuinely loves you."
"I wasn't scared because his reaction was completely genuine and he had the same stupid look of bewilderment I wore."
"Yes, I am smiling because I am genuinely pleased and excited."
"It's gonna come back and if you let it come back as a genuine feeling and a genuine want, it's gonna be so much better in the end."
"This is rare, this is genuine, this is a person for me."
"I love him. I genuinely love him."
"I truly love them, I'm not just lusting."
"This is going to be an authentic relationship, an authentic connection, not going to be fake."