
Celebrity Culture Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Joe Namath is actually a great comp. The Jets quarterback that stunned the world in Super Bowl three became a sex symbol and that started to change. He was a celebrity, which was different."
"A lot of people love to follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram and the Kardashians, and be really, you know, invested in that Kardashian lifestyle, the fashion, the makeup, the glamorous lifestyle, the holidays."
"Influencers, many have the personalities of celebrities, most of them, well, they just aren't, and that's why people tend to trust them more. But can they be trusted? Absolutely not."
"Many of these YouTubers are similar to celebrities in that they want to sell you that facade that they have a perfect life, a perfect face, and a perfect body naturally."
"If you can look past the airbrush marketing and Hollywood magic, eating and exercise disorders among celebrities are everywhere."
"You can't stunt someone's growth like that forever, it's not natural, celebrity or not, people need to grow up and explore."
"Nobody cares when they show... Jack Nicholson at Lakers games... but I'll tell you what, people get mad about women being interested in sports."
"I mean, can you imagine never being able to go outside without having your picture taken?"
"Do not follow them nor give them your trust. They do not get the benefit of the doubt and they need to do a lot to gain your trust because they did a lot to lose it."
"It's when it's at an unhealthy level that I fear... our fascination and our interests in celebrities and what they do for us, it's unhealthy."
"Flavor Flav said he's the king of the Swifties."
"Princess of the paradox Diana yo-yoed between posing for stills and pleading for privacy."
"Oftentimes when you talk about the fact that a lot of people are doing ritualistic things and sacrificial things, like when a big celebrity decides to be a big celebrity out of nowhere, somebody close to them passes away and then they skyrocket in popularity."
"Celebrities have far too much time on their hands and that Hollywood seriously needs new ideas."
"Somebody else said, 'This looks like an SNL parody trailer.'"
"In a world obsessed with celebrities, Tiger is always headline news."
"Harry Styles is the quintessential man written by a woman."
"In celebrity culture, we destroy what we worship."
"He's fully invested in Meghan Markle in a way that I feel like is perhaps both unhealthy and really unrealistic."
"There's tons of huge celebrity channels on YouTube in which the people running the channels never even show their face."
"I'm not like a celebrity. I just have someone that people start they keep following me on Twitter because I do this work, but I still use Twitter the same way I've always used it."
"The most famous teens on TikTok just broke up: 'Keep searching, boys. We gotta find who the hell asked.'"
"Our icons, our living legends, our princesses have become full circle: Britney free, Lindsay acting again."
"Is the contemporary form of celebrity making us all fame-crazed monsters, or is the democratization of fame actually empowering?"
"Celebrities are materials to be branded and sold. Fame is a manufactured product, manufactured in and by a mass media for public consumption."
"If we... talk about Jeffrey Epstein as much as we do Kanye West, the world would be a better place."
"It's true, male celebrities are allowed redemption arcs that female celebrities can't seem to access. It's a double standard that's both fascinating and frustrating."
"We are all humans. Celebrities are humans. And celebrities can have bad days."
"You do not have the right to walk up on stage and smack somebody in the face because they said words."
"Money, influence, fame, and power would always protect them. Thankfully, they've been proven wrong."
"Over the last decade, many Hollywood stars have had their masks ripped off to reveal the monsters they always were deep down inside."
"Diddy is going down, down, down. Listen, that's another thing where is Diddy's mom? She owned everything. Where's Diddy's mom?"
"I think the plan backfired, well I mean let's think about it, Rick Ross and that August, they made a new song called Entanglement."
"Everyone deserves happiness, and that includes Kim Kardashian."
"If you have real trauma and you're not just afraid of an elderly Justin Bieber conspiracy piece..."
"See if you ever meet me on the street, just come up to me and be like, 'Yo B Ford, do this player for the player rewind,' and I'll be like, 'I got you bro.'"
"Drake is still winning the nice guy Awards. Let me just say, he's back."
"I never really wanted to be a superstar. I just wanted to be myself."
"He's so famous you don't think about how famous Ed Sheeran is if you're in America but when you get outside of America every [ ] knows Ed Sheeran I guess I don't know how big he is in China."
"I love my fans, my haters, and all my motivators."
"Chris Rock was hella uncomfortable, I wouldn't have co-signed it."
"Lifestyles of the Rich and the famous always come and go but true Legends stick around for the Long Haul."
"The reason I think talking about the Tom Cruise story is important it's not just because it's sensational or tabloidy this really is the most dis for I have said."
"It feels like you either have to achieve celebrity status or if you're not a celebrity you have to have a high number of subscribers while retaining a good subscriber to views ratio."
"If asked to audition for the role of girlfriend and to sign an NDA prior to meeting the would-be Bachelor, run, run in the opposite direction."
"Is it just the girl who was butthurt that she got dumped or ghosted by a celebrity?"
"Celebrities exist and they have for a very very long time and they are a big business."
"...like any chance there's, there is to kind of break down the walls of traditional celebrity and digital influencer is a good thing..."
"I do think that we need to celebrate when celebrities do speak up openly. We need to talk about the issues both the positives and the negatives of plastic surgery and of societal judgment."
"Is this why black celebrities don't give back? Because when Dr. Dre met the game he had nothing... Kanye West did more for him in two weeks than Dr. Dre did in his whole career."
"The line between celebrity and influencer just continues to get blurrier."
"Celebrity culture is dying and they have to start paying attention to the people that younger generations care about."
"All celebrities, politicians, and influential people you see on TV are not in fact human."
"Luxury cars have become almost synonymous with celebrity lifestyles. When success and fame bring abundance, no vehicle price tag seems outrageous for these stars."
"He's just being groomed early on in his life so they know every step, every image, and everything he does in the public eye."
"Selena Gomez was the OG, my number one, she took the first spot of my celebrity obsession."
"This whole country will come out, they love AJ, they've been running after him all day."
"Once you get a little bit of taste of that real class A fame and all the attention that comes with it, you thirst for it more."
"Does overnight fame transform your life for the better or for the worse?"
"I don't want to let the fans down and I don't want to stop doing what they love me for, but I am a person who evolves constantly."
"It would ensure that people actually could get a test for coronavirus, that they could get treatment for the coronavirus."
"Let her live in privacy; she'll show you what you need to see on Instagram, just go follow her there."
"We love anonymity, we love our privacy. We don't really think celebrity does much to improve your life. We think it actually worsens your life." - Tom Hanks
"For every millionaire celebrity, there are a lot that actually are working multiple jobs to make it in the industry."
"So now it's like the tides are shifting Tik Tok star okay and this article hates me but honey they're calling me a star any way you slice it whether you like me whether you hate me whether you think I'm lying whether you think my dad's lying."
"Jenna Ortega was a last-minute entry for 'it girl' of 2022."
"She stole the title of most liked photo from John Stan Bieber."
"Celebrities who needs them we all have them they're just like us."
"2020 is revealing all and you will continue to see these celebs basically turn on one another."
"If there is anything good that could come out of the coronavirus pandemic, it will certainly be the exposure of celebrity culture."
"Celebrities who have sold their soul actin up, they don't want to feel. But true art is feeling."
"You always see celebrities getting pictures of them kissing at the beach."
"Once you're famous for being famous all you can really do is become more famous still."
"Kim became known for her butt in the early 2000s and though it was initially seen as an oddity it later helped to acquire more fame and more money."
"Let's talk about ex's right? They say here we're going to be best friends oh okay isn't that what every celebrity says?"
"We can't all be celebrities, but today we're encouraged to act like there's always a camera on us."
"I love it because they get so popular because Jane's doing like a residency now and I'm like gosh like I want a Vegas residency but it's like to be unreal."
"Miss Viola Davis, you will never be canceled by me."
"New scientific research has found that celebrity crushes are not only common but maybe even healthy."
"Everyone knew about them, practically a celebrity."
"Celebrities are people, like workers, and just because their job makes them celebrated in our culture, it doesn't mean that they're not people who are valid of humanity and criticism all the same."
"They traffic almost exclusively in negativity, searching out the weird, the bizarre, the stupid, and the inane in celebrity culture or mainstream news reports."
"Questions like 'what does it mean that pop stars exist? Are the people who love them and see them as idols helped by that fact? Can these artificial one-sided relationships be positive, or are they fundamentally toxic?' They just get thrown out."
"That's so LA that you get to see your Hollywood crush, movie star crush."
"Drake was kind of a dork and it was hard not to notice early on."
"Celebrities need to talk less, and I agree, except when they come here. Yeah, come on here, talk more."
"When Keanu Reeves was photographed with his girlfriend Alexandra Grant who had gray hair and looked her age 47, he was inundated with congratulations and back claps as though he deserved praise for dating a woman his age."
"We are in the midst of something that I think is deeply stupid and that is treating our celebrities like politicians."
"We value what celebrities value, that's why we value the Met Gala."
"Audiences almost never react well to this explanation because the celebrity's mistakes are typically unrelatable to the average person."
"Donald Trump is not a president, he's a celebrity."
"Ultimately, celeb normo stories remind us just how much can get lost when you chase fame and prioritize the wrong things."
"I wish Cardi B would have had that moment, she's more deserving of that moment."
"You're not Cardi B, and that's what people need to realize."
"Now, obviously, we're gonna go for Celebrity Chef."
"I'm tossing up... we've got some celebrities in Springfield so we should probably give them big mansions."
"He had become Britain's first modern celebrity."
"Well noticed, well Stephen Taylor said did Dan design Larsty's new hairdo."
"Support pouring in for Cat Williams from both celebrities and regular folks is just mind-blowing."
"We live in a world where celebrities come and go."
"Meghan Markle, right? From the height of privilege to claim victimhood. That's what it is she's done. That that smells like a Markle. Do you smell that? That was definitely season one Dirty Jobs."
"The Houstons are practically Hollywood royalty."
"This ain't no son versus a Cas. This is Dean Child using my platform as a distraction to shine light on weirdos like he, Casanova, and King of Poop Radio."
"While Diddy's on his phone conducting business, you're dancing naked outside of his window."
"Elvis mania was in high gear... Broadway hadn't seen anything like it since Bobby Soxers had jammed the streets waiting to see Frank Sinatra over a decade earlier."
"Celebrity is a line of credit to be exhausted in the act of telling the truth."
"We can make fun of celebrities all day... but there's been a complete merger now between media and celebrity."
"I'm just blown away by some of these celebrity attitudes. It's just been very, very disgusting."
"White girls can do anything and be famous. A white girl could slip and fall in the middle of Rodeo Drive and all of a sudden she's a star."
"Not only did Disney have a hit show on their hands and all of the merch accessories or Hannah Montana branded things that come with that but they also had a musical artist under their control becoming this Larger than Life icon."
"Ryan Reynolds is just so unanimously loved apart from like maybe some people in our community or something right but it's just like it makes it so much more obnoxious that this is like yes this is the uh this is the apex of of what an actor is."
"It's just like she's a great philosopher or something like Dixie or whatever said it. People root for you on the way up and then once you get to a certain point they want to tear you down. That's just how it goes. It's the name of the game."
"Megan's sole goal in life is to be as infamous as possible, to have as much money as possible with doing the least amount of work possible."
"Yella was obviously just clout chasing and using Cardi B and Offset to get his name in the headlines."
"Privacy is something that's really getting chipped away at these days, especially with actors. The more you know about an actor's personal life, you see it on screen when they're playing a character."
"I think a lot of the super wealthy people are celebrities that we exalt."
"The age of the celebrity really is dead, and you're one of the ones that killed it."
"It's taken the concept of a celebrity and brought it down to our level."
"Scientology's rules are the reason Tom Cruise disconnected from his daughter."
"The Kardashians have scammed the public... Let's analyze the Kardashian web of lies"
"Oh, that star gets a star from me instantly."
"But you're at a different level so okay so you're at Coachella and I know that I saw you guys hanging out you're hanging out with a lot of people who are there on the bill."
"Christopher Walken... he was just like [ __ ] it and I love that about him."
"You don't replace genuine people in your life with Hollywood celebrities."
"Gemma Collins spent £1,450 on a 24-carat gold steak at Salt Bae's restaurant."
"How is this person not cancelled like Chrissy Teigen, right? John Legend, all that stuff like that." - Trisha Paytas discussing Chrissy Teigen's past behavior.
"I do like the idea of Cena facing all his failures."
"The spectacular rise and fall of Meghan Markle is rather fascinating."
"Fame is a weird thing right especially in this day and age."
"Everyone is fame chasing, prey for corporations."
"Many of these celebrities are in the same circles, they know the same people, they know the same surgeons."
"Nobody's safe, nobody, not me, not Steve Harvey."
"Be careful when you meet your Heroes because they often turn out to be a-holes or bastards."
"He stays relevant without actually doing anything."
"They're only this upset because Jada is Hollywood black, is black Hollywood royalty, and that's what that is."
"Tik Tok is brutal when it comes to canceling people. If you have any sort of following and you show weakness or make a mistake, thousands of people will be ready to tear you down for content and clout."
"Honestly, for celebrities, that set life for them, you know? Like, whoever is the top of the call sheet, everyone treats that person a specific way. So then you got Scientology, you know, again preying on that aspect. It's super dangerous."
"It's the equivalent of looking at toilet seat. It's the celebrity toilet."
"Prayer is important obviously we we all been talking about are surviving are Kelly you know did you watch bad at all i watch 1 & 2."
"With this status as the world's most famous artist, Banksy was now inescapably part of the over-inflated commercialism, fashion, and celebrity of the mainstream art world."
"Being held accountable publicly for one's public Behavior comes with being a public figure."
"Both press and the princess knew how to manipulate her image."
"Kim K is the newest national treasure, we must protect."
"Free Britney." - Supporters rallying outside the court
"We have to stop treating politicians like celebrities and saviors."
"He's always shown love for his fans and has never been afraid to poke fun at himself or the world around him."
"The show actively tries to interrogate the power of celebrity culture but Wyatt Reese and Shatner and the rest all remain willfully ignorant of their implicit sense of superiority over those they see as ordinary unimportant people."
"I feel like I'm in the presence of greatness of an American icon. Wow, really."
"We making superstars outta these shows and they super relatable."
"Money isn't everything. Sometimes you have to have some loyalty to your fans."
"Deal or No Deal is basically what she said to Harry when she was threatening to leave him if he didn't come out publicly and name her as his girlfriend. Let's get down to it, dealer. That's something Kate Middleton should have tried years earlier."
"Every content creator that's like you, again, Cardi B, she is me, she is everyone else who didn't get hand-picked."
"If I take the stage and say 'Justin Timberlake, what's up man?' you've got something that's non-formulaic, this is real, this is happening."
"What does everybody want? Head! What does Al Snow want? A time to shine."
"You know it's sad when you can't crack jokes or none of that no more, people come up there whoopin' Will Smith, of all people."
"At this point, everything I say, every comment, every 'like,' it's going to become a headline."
"We tend to put artists, especially celebrities, up on pedestals, conflating the quality of their art with the quality of their character and turning them into role models when maybe they shouldn't be."
"Maybe these are individuals with more experience than me so they've been doing this for a while but I found the effects of the celebrity culture and the big red carpet conference speaking experience to be a real turn off for me."
"All you have to do is pay for a star." - And then boof, you're a famous person with a star on Hollywood Boulevard.
"Celebrities are not your friends, popular culture is not designed for you, popular culture is a psychological weapon that's used against you."
"Celebrities are engineered personalities designed to either sell you a lie or distract you from the truth."
"Celebrities are weapons of mass distraction. Anytime the media is telling you about something that a celebrity did, the question you should be asking yourself is: what kind of important news in the world are they trying to cover up?"
"Celebrities exist to dazzle you. They don't give a about you and celebrities absolutely do take for granted that they will remain loved by you and the public forever no matter what. Your exchange with celebrities is non-mutual, they're using you."
"With or without makeup, she is beautiful, but she does look a lot different even if you go off pictures you see in magazines versus the ones the paparazzi take."
"Caitlyn Clark's legit like the Beatles...they're following everywhere buses."
"Either Travis Scott sacrificed his fans or his fans sacrificed themselves."
"Well, it seems those scandals are starting to catch up with her as she was recently called out and canceled by the vast majority."
"The only thing people love more than celebrities is hating celebrities."
"I always think it's funny when actors get jacked for a role... when they go back to not being jacked, something looks off."
"The number one personality on Facebook is not a Kardashian or a politician, it is Jay Shetty."
"Beyonce ain't turning down no bag ain't she the same one that performed for Muma Gaddafi before they killed him wasn't her Usher Mariah that was all out there in Libya performing in two step in Beyonce ain't turning out no damn bag you know."
"I don't know. It's interesting, right, this idea of fame, 'cause what is that even now, right?"
"I love Beyonce, my anti-capitalist billionaire queen."
"They're more interested in my 40 21 35 than they are in me." - Jane Mansfield
"We live in a society where we raise our adulation towards entertainers."
"Just because you can date a rich celebrity who's over twice your age simply because he is rich and famous doesn't mean that you should."
"Harry and Megan have sold their Royal souls for a life as reality stars, trading every private cough and splutter for cash."
"The truth is that many of the famous people in Hollywood were already rich from birth."
"Daydream Barrymore like so so down with AJ Barrymore oh man"
"The shape of the earth doesn't seem that important until you really expound upon the deepness of this conspiracy and how far-reaching it is."
"When your favorite artists become so big, they stop being human to people."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is about a TV actor and his stunt double... living next door to the Tate's during the Manson murders."
"I would love to see just a bunch of social media posts from Vin and The Rock about how we're back together, we're the boys again."
"I find it so strange I can poo come up to me like oh my god yummy mommy you're like I said lip and I'm just like guys it's just me like I'm just a past one as you."
"For many idols, their physical appearance is just as important as, if not more important than, their talent."
"Erica Mena ain't gonna never make you feel like a man."
"None of this mass-marketed t-shirts and none of these autograph stamps like Joan Crawford used to use in the 20s."
"Don't compare yourself to celebrities, we're all human."
"Stop looking up at celebs, focus on yourself."
"The goal is never to shame or bring hate to that celebrity."
"It's not that rewarding to cape for a movie star."
"Shout out to Joe Rogan, the hundred million dollar man. Goodness, my man!"
"Oh my god, they look stunning, they look so good on the cover."
"Somebody needs to tell me man I'm out the loop why is Ronaldo on his neck."
"Then then eventually they'll get bored and they'll move on to the next person that's just how it is okay we all know why they can't be publicized."
"The idea that people protected Kanye is just so funny. He's a billionaire. Yeah, we can't make fun of billionaires."
"Real heroes are teachers, doctors, not Hollywood celebrities."
"Kanye has his own religion, aka Kanyeism, in which Kanye is his own God."
"I attempt to drown the child but she's more protected than the Hollywood stars who visited Epstein's Island."
"Celebrities don't owe you anything except what they are selling or what their exact job description is."