
Jupiter Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"You're gonna experience a lot of blessings and new directions as it pertains to your career."
"Jupiter shepherds its asteroid belt, preventing asteroids from falling into the sun or accelerating into the earth, which would make it so we couldn't have life."
"Understanding the celestial maelstrom not only unravels the secrets of Jupiter but also sheds light on the broader principles governing atmospheres, including our own."
"Among the pantheon of celestial bodies that have fascinated us, Jupiter stands out as the largest planet in our solar system."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is the strongest of any planet in the solar system, created by electrical currents driven by its fast rotation."
"Jupiter's immense gravity not only influences its surroundings but also plays a critical role in the dynamics of our solar system."
"The Great Red Spot, a storm large enough to engulf two or three Earths, symbolizes the dynamic and turbulent nature of Jupiter."
"The discovery of water molecules in Jupiter's atmosphere challenges previous assumptions and opens new questions about the planet's composition and formation."
"Jupiter's magnetic field, the strongest in the solar system, is a testament to the planet's dynamic internal processes and immense power."
"Jupiter helps to keep asteroids and comets from bombarding Earth, protecting the inner planets by acting as the vacuum cleaner of the solar system."
"Technically, Jupiter doesn't orbit the sun; it actually orbits a spot in empty space between it and the sun called the barycenter."
"The James Webb Telescope's mission to Jupiter was part of an international collaboration."
"Juice will also study Jupiter's complex weather, chemistry, and climate in detail."
"In a way, Jupiter can even be considered our shield."
"Venus represents our need for love and for the good things in life, but Jupiter's influence could lead us to exaggerate this need, potentially leading to more problems than solutions."
"Jupiter represents success, evolution, progress, optimism, enthusiasm, and so on."
"The opposition with Jupiter is going to trigger the energy of Jupiter which represents optimism, enthusiasm, progress, success, evolution, positive."
"Jupiter represents evolution, expansion, and progress. Success is represented by Jupiter, whereas Saturn represents work, the effort that you put into what you want to achieve in life."
"Juno doesn't try to study the whole Jovian system it doesn't try to study multiple planets it tries to study Jupiter and specific aspects of Jupiter that we now know to ask questions about."
"For five billion years Jupiter has kept its secrets to itself... we are finally discovering what our most important neighbor is really like."
"New moons around Jupiter: amateur astronomer Kai Lee discovered an entirely New Moon orbiting Jupiter."
"The Great Red Spot extends much deeper than previously thought."
"Jupiter only does this Taurus stint every 12 years."
"Jupiter's red spot... a conspicuous red spot can also be observed... the wind speed is up to 422 miles per hour..."
"Jupiter is the lucky planet... in determining how the planet of good luck success and good fortune bestows this lucky energy onto us."
"Jupiter is a very powerful Planet when it's in a try aspect in the chart it can see what it's looking at 100% of the way."
"Jupiter is a massive ball of gas and radiation, more than twice the mass of all the other planets and moons in the solar system combined."
"It means that there is a lot of energy, Jupiter of course being the biggest planet in our solar system, it represents intensification."
"So now Jupiter can give some very important actually positive development in certain area of your life."
"Jupiter is going to fly through this sign again. You get a redemption."
"The light to higher wisdom and knowledge that liberate humanity is becoming stronger."
"The 11th house was called the joy of Jupiter."
"Jupiter is a complex and turbulent world data collected by instruments on the Juno spacecraft challenge many scientific assumptions."
"Two benefit planets in the sky, Venus and Jupiter."
"Jupiter is also the representation of the personality."
"Success is represented by Jupiter; it is growth, optimism, enthusiasm."
"Jupiter is happiness and joy so it's worth taking a foreign trip if you possibly can."
"Juice, the Jupiter icy Moon Explorer spacecraft, is on its way to Jupiter."
"Jupiter comes in and says, 'I'm gonna help you rebuild your life.'"
"The Voyagers captured more than 33,000 images of Jupiter and its satellites."
"Jupiter is expansion, abundance, prosperity, and wisdom."
"Jupiter was one of the first planets to emerge in our solar system..."
"One thing is certain: the largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter."
"Juno is equipped with a suite of instruments capable of penetrating Jupiter's thick cloud."
"To say Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system doesn't do it justice. Jupiter is a world so roomy that it could swallow every planet and moon in the solar system and still have room for more."
"Jupiter's ancient and tenuous ring system is nothing when compared to that of its sibling."
"The presence of Jupiter nearby is amplifying the energy because that's one of the things that Jupiter does - he just expands everything."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a gargantuan storm that's been raging for at least 400 years now."
"Jupiter's red spot is a storm that has been going constantly for hundreds of years."
"Once they heal, look at the Jupiter energy, Jupiter energy is beautiful."
"Whenever Jupiter is retrograde, these people have great problem-solving ability."
"Jupiter provides not only the expansion and amplification but also acts as spiritual protection."
"The sun is going to conjunct Jupiter, which is the best and luckiest day of the entire year."
"The brightest, biggest star Jupiter is the biggest star or planet, the most benevolent in your 10th House of expansion of career."
"This is going to be absolutely huge because Jupiter is going to be here for an entire year."
"Jupiter shines its beautiful energy upon us all."
"Jupiter brings expansion and it brings good luck and good fortune to the zodiac sign that it's in."
"A mysterious green light coming from Jupiter... it's believed to be lightning."
"Jupiter in the 10th house can also put you in a position to become recognized as a leader or an authority figure."
"Jupiter is the planet of wealth abundance happiness joy good fortune and pleasure."
"One of the most positive and interesting aspects of this year is that Jupiter is going to conjoin the planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus."
"This is the day the sun will conjunct Jupiter, the luckiest day."
"Jupiter moving into Gemini... will be there for the next one year."
"Jupiter expands, it brings new opportunities, it brings joy."
"Jupiter's abundance, it's traveling, expansive, it's been very fortunate for Capricorns."
"Jupiter is a growth, spirituality, religious things."
"Jupiter is the planetary amusement park when it comes to windy conditions."
"The mother of all hurricanes in our solar system is actually on Jupiter."
"The Great Red Spot never seems to dwindle in strength, powered by the internal heat of Jupiter."
"Jupiter, the most auspicious planet of prosperity, shining its beautiful energy upon us all."
"Jupiter in the ninth house opens the door for traveling abroad, for educational pursuits, for teaching others, for learning."
"Especially when you have Jupiter in the Eighth House, it aspects the second house, so many times it will give you such great intuition abilities."
"Jupiter in the fourth house often signifies a nurturing environment, a strong emotional foundation in family."
"With Jupiter in the sixth house, you might have to work hard in your professional life, but it will definitely bring you recognition, appreciation, rewards."
"Say yes to opportunities, Jupiter presents us always with more, more opportunities."
"Jupiter brings expansion, even in relationships."
"Jupiter can sometimes, in this case, bring a great quality of presence and illumination."
"Our greatest fulfillment highest purpose usually comes through Jupiter."
"Jupiter inspires us to have faith and Uranus pushes us to break free of any constraints."
"Jupiter has already transited to the 10th house, very good inner peace and happiness."
"Jupiter's clouds feel like you can almost touch them. Mysterious and deadly."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is the largest anticyclonic storm in the solar system, persisting for at least 358 years."
"Jupiter yeah like the planet you know."
"Jupiter is a pure satvic spiritual being. He has it hard all of our well-being because his job is to give us knowledge."
"...thankfully for us it does because it acts like a vacuum cleaner for the solar system and sucks all these materials into Jupiter rather than hitting us is probably why we are still around."
"They just think of you as someone who's going to expand their life as well because Jupiter talks about luck and expansion, this is, you know, like the happiest of planets."
"This year is a time of expansion and growth, with Jupiter in your sign."
"Whatever you start when Jupiter enters your sign, it can grow a lot."
"What we learn about the gravitational effects of Jupiter will be used in planning multi-planet missions to the outer planets in the last half of the decade."
"May the 17th to the 22nd, Jupiter is going to come into the heart of the Sun for a death and rebirth experience."
"Jupiter defines God's grace. It defines the blessings which we receive from the universe, the blessings which we receive from God Almighty."
"Jupiter and its moons have already transformed our understanding of our place in the solar system. Now, new missions to Europa may finally prove that life on Earth is not unique."
"Jupiter is a northernmost town in Palm Beach County, Florida, with spectacular beaches and scenery like the lighthouse, and it's home to the 2023 PDA tour Super Slam cup presented by Bolero."
"She's ruled by Jupiter so she's very expansive, yet she's very optimistic. She always believes that the best is yet to come. That's the bottom line of her life."
"So not only is Jupiter what we're all looking for—the joy-giving wisdom and the love that accompanies that—it's also initiating and sparking and making the sun happen."
"Jupiter rewards you if you face your fears and persevere."
"Jupiter in Taurus brings more luck, opportunity, and growth."
"Jupiter is stocky, in fact, some people might even call him fat."
"This combination of Jupiter and Uranus could be highly, highly favorable for Bitcoin."
"Jupiter brings all that expansiveness and luck."
"Learning more about Jupiter and its Great Red Spot could help scientists understand Earth's weather system better Jupiter's weather functions under the same physics as Earth she said just millions of miles farther from the Sun."
"Jupiter's archetypal influence is one of magnifying and supporting, bringing success and fulfillment."
"Jupiter in B nakshatra is going to help you in the matters of your 10th house."
"Jupiter is the largest one in our system, 11 times the width of Earth."
"Jupiter is a gas giant; that means it has no solid surface."
"Jupiter, the great benefic, the bringer of good luck, of opportunities, of growth, of positivity, of optimism, of joy, because let's face it, I think we might need some joy."
"Jupiter in Taurus brings blessings, expansion, good changes in your domestic sector, home, family, children, everything."
"Jupiter in the 12th house is also said to be the guardian angel placement, so sometimes out of nowhere, if you're going through a hard time, at the very last minute, someone or something comes in and saves you."
"Jupiter represents higher ideals, our highest visions for what our life could be..."
"Over the past few decades amateur and professional astronomers have noticed bright short-lived flashes of light coming from Jupiter."
"To turn Jupiter into a star such as the sun, you'd have to make it 1,000 times more massive."
"Jupiter Uranus contacts, especially the conjunctions, are like seeding points. The seed of the cycle is being planted right now, and the fruit is coming onto the tree around the full moon."
"Jupiter is 11 times larger than Earth and 300 times more massive."
"Giving back is the great message of Jupiter because that's how the planet of good begets good in the world."
"If your Jupiter falls into your partner's first house, this is how you will affect your partner: You may feel a desire to give them advice, to help coach them, to guide them personally. You may be someone who is a benefactor to this individual."
"And it's crazy to think that that huge machine is going to go to Jupiter."
"Through Juno’s data, we now have a highly detailed map of Jupiter’s magnetic field which is only getting more accurate with every passing orbit."
"Our understanding of Jupiter is gradually increasing, and with this knowledge comes better understanding of how our solar system formed."
"You're done waiting I feel with the Wheel of Fortune it was like you felt there was something to be happened through this like at first it felt very powerful with Jupiter energy."
"Yeah, Jupiter is really big but you know that Jupiter is not made of metal or ice or Earth, no it's made of gases."
"Jupiter is likely to help you develop new skills...and maybe also help you bring in that new source of income."
"Jupiter transiting your second house is also likely to bring a feeling of growth and expansion when it comes to your sense of self-worth and self-esteem."
"Jupiter is a planet that likes to help us feel hopeful."
"Wow, this is all about expect the unexpected. But this is Jupiter we're talking about, so good luck, good fortune, prosperity, expansion, profit."
"Jupiter is the karaka for husband, so do study the karakas as well."
"Jupiter entering your ninth House of spirituality religion a higher education and far distance travel."
"Wow, it looks like we're on Jupiter now!"
"Jupiter is the guru, he's a good energy."
"Jupiter blesses it, his aspect and placement is a blessing, where Saturn is a trigger."
"Jupiter will never try to do harm, Jupiter will either protect or bless."
"The James Webb Telescope has also produced beautiful images of Jupiter, its moons, rings, and auroras."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is nearly 20,000 times more powerful than Earth's."
"Jupiter is the colossus of our solar system, beneath its swirling clouds, there's enough room to fit 1,000 Earths."
"The ocean on Jupiter is larger than any other on the rest of the solar system's planets."
"The longevity of the Great Red Spot is intriguing. While storms on Earth last for days or weeks at most, the Great Red Spot has persisted for centuries."
"Jupiter has a faint planetary ring system composed of three main segments: an inner torus of particles known as the halo, a relatively bright main ring, and an outer gossamer ring."
"What made this a bit shocking was that despite people all knowing about Jupiter, they didn't figure out it had rings until 1979, when the Voyager Probe passed by the planned and got pictures of the rings."
"Jupiter is very well known for being the great benefit because whatever area in your chart it touches it tends to bring a sense of abundance in that particular area."
"Jupiter is so massive, about 300 times more heavy than the Earth."
"Jupiter is entering Taurus on Passover next weekend. Only the Son of God saves us, the Lamb of God."
"There are so many questions we have about Jupiter's icy moons."
"We're only just entering the outer solar system, so home of the giant planets, and our next stop is Jupiter."
"Jupiter is the largest and one of the brightest and most challenging objects to observe for JWST."
"Jupiter in Sagittarius expands your capabilities."
"Jupiter will increase your potential to succeed whatever you want to do, to obtain, to reach."
"Jupiter and Uranus conjunction signifies the beginning of the upper hand for freedom and democracy, but possibly through challenging means."
"The explosion of Jupiter is so strong it evaporates smaller planets like Mars and Earth."
"The first of these belonging to the European Space Agency is the Jupiter icy moons Explorer probe."
"Jupiter, the solar system's largest planet, is so big that more than 1,300 Earths would fit inside."
"Jupiter is huge. If it had only been a little larger, it could have become a brown dwarf star circling our sun."
"The atmosphere of Jupiter is almost psychedelic in its nature."
"That's Jupiter, you guys can probably see Jupiter. I can see it clearly in my screen. That's Jupiter. Awesome."
"Jupiter is made of exactly the same stuff that the sun is... why isn't Jupiter a star? Because it doesn't have enough mass."
"We have the amazing Jupiter Lighthouse."
"Jupiter might have originated outside of our star system."
"Jupiter's atmosphere contains heavy elements such as nitrogen, argon, xenon, etc."
"Jupiter can even be considered our shield to some extent."
"Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter when he appeared to hapless Semele."
"Jupiter's giant red spot is shrinking."
"So intro to RNA seek with Jupiter, and it's going to be part one, and we're gonna focus the science part of it on a little bit of background about the experiment."
"You can actually see up to four, sometimes five of its moons that are actually going around it."
"The great red spot, a great column of gas reaching high above the adjacent clouds, so large it could hold half a dozen Earths."
"Jupiter and its moons are a kind of miniature solar system."
"The red spot has been raging for over 300 years."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is actually a 400-year-old storm, and you could fit four whole Earths inside of it."
"The Great Red Spot is the most powerful hurricane in our solar system."
"Juno, the aircraft, flies over Jupiter's cloud tops at speeds 75 times as fast as a bullet."
"Jupiter is a very normal planet. 'Failed stars' are quite another matter..."
"Jupiter could only become a star if its mass suddenly became 85 times greater than the mass it possesses now!"
"Jupiter is the planet that gives opportunities."
"The Great Red Spot, that's an enormous spinning storm the size of our whole planet."
"My name is Jupiter, I am covered in clouds and I'm the fifth planet from the sun."
"I'm Jupiter, a gas giant and largest planet shown here, the first biggest of all planets."
"Jupiter is not only responsible for spreading all these objects around the solar system but thanks to its enormous gravity it protects the inner planets from this rubble too."
"Jupiter is abundance, full of hope."
"Jupiter gives a generosity, healing process that ex takes place, quite futuristic, you're very creative, contentment and serenity."
"My name is Jupiter, the biggest planet you've seen, no planet in our solar system is bigger than me."
"Although we do not know all the secrets of Jupiter yet, we know just enough to imagine the wonderful and terrible spectacle that a hypothetical astronaut would see if he tried to venture into its turbulent atmosphere."
"Jupiter is in fact like a giant dynamo: because of its fast rotation period the speed with which the metallic hydrogen 'slides' on the inner core of the planet generates strong electric currents that give rise to a magnetosphere 20 thousand times more powerful than the Earth."
"The mighty columns of gas emerging from the deepest layers of the planet make Jupiter resemble a huge pot full of bubbling water."
"The darkness is torn by a web of lightning that vaguely resembles a spider's web. We are sailing in a vast ocean of metallic liquid hydrogen!"
"Jupiter is the so-called greater benefic."
"The optimism of Jupiter, the sort of an unbridled optimism versus the more cautious or pessimistic or pragmatic sort of insights or wisdom of Saturn."
"Jupiter is a huge and fascinating planet, made mostly of hydrogen and helium, just like our sun."
"Jupiter has belts and zones; it also has this great red spot, which astronomers call the Great Red Spot."
"Jupiter actually gives off twice as much energy as it receives from the Sun."
"Jupiter has a wonderful reputation, wherever Jupiter is, it brings blessings, it expands."
"Next up is the giant Jupiter, bigger than all the planets combined."
"The Great Red Spot, the largest storm in Jupiter's atmosphere, has been raging for more than a century."
"The great red spots was nearly three times bigger than it is now about 100 years ago."
"Jupiter is the planet of innate wisdom and that capacity to understand the greater whole and how everything fits together."
"Eight spacecrafts have visited Jupiter, wow."
"Jupiter's day lasts under 10 Earth hours."
"Jupiter gives you good luck, pure and simple, in gaining assets in your life."
"Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, it bestows generosity and abundance on humanity, enlarges and expands."
"As Europa goes around Jupiter, it's flexing, and sometimes it's a little closer to Jupiter, sometimes it's further away."
"You get really good coverage of the hemisphere that faces Jupiter."
"Jupiter is essentially a filter for the solar system that its gravitational pull helps protect the inner planets."
"It's almost an insult to call Jupiter a planet; it's essentially a miniature solar system."
"He was appointed by Jupiter and nothing less than Jupiter's agent on Earth."