
Value Addition Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"I'm not here to take your value; I'm here to add value to you."
"The more you put people together who can benefit each other, whether it be as friends or in business or career, you're adding value to all other people in multiple ways."
"For me personally, high value means you add value to people that are close to you and away from you."
"There's no greater feeling than doing something that people appreciate and adds value to someone else's life."
"We should be adding value to each other's lives."
"Business analytics has applications in every field... No matter which industry you work in, there's room for analytics to add value."
"The more that I serve this person, the more that I help people, the more that I add value, then the money will follow from that."
"Every interaction is an opportunity to add value."
"Creating an adding value for the people who actually watch your videos is the most important thing."
"If I think we can bring value, I'm more than happy to be part of that process."
"Give first and overdeliver. Whatever the industry's doing, try and deliver fivefold above that."
"You don't stay with somebody for two and a half years if they don't also add value to your life."
"Streetmosphere really does add value to the park experience; it helps guests feel as though they've got more to do that's already included with their park ticket purchase."
"They would beat piracy the only way they knew how, not by using DRM, but by making the official boxed copy of the game worth that extra cost."
"Add value first before you ask anything in return."
"We will only commission what we add value to and what we build with you because we want to build this for the long term."
"It's almost like turning water into wine, it's the way that you're going to balance something, you turn something that is necessary but ordinary into something that is quite exquisite and sought after."
"It's like free added value. It's like gravy."
"We've added nearly 10 trillion dollars of new value to our economy."
"The better approach briefly is information based... You are adding value rather than just kind of copying and throwing everything else up that everyone else already has."
"I think we've actually added close to four hundred thousand in value."
"I'm so happy I'm here to my platform and hopefully bring some more value to you."
"What distinguishes the best of the best is what else they offer."
"The best way to do affiliate marketing is to add free value to people."
"Being helpful and adding value, especially for free, you're gonna make a hundred times more sales."
"Speculation would transform into an endeavor to add value to existing relationships."
"You need to add value and if you want to add value you have to remove pain."
"A game can be far more than the sum of its parts."
"We seek profitability rather than growth, because growth doesn't necessarily add value."
"There's a lot of additional value beyond just the Office apps."
"There needs to be a reason, there needs to be value added."
"Hopefully I can add some value to the conversation."
"The regular content that you want to add value once a week is a perfect sweet spot."
"It's not just a piece of technology that we're using but something that adds benefit and adds value to their process."
"Off the record was a great example of how just a little extra content could go a long way and make an even better game out of an already great one."
"It's about stacking on that value, you know? It's that's how you differentiate yourself from being that commodity."
"I believe God's about to add some major value to your life."
"We want to make sure that we can add as much value to your financial lives as possible."
"Finding out who you are, what you're good at, so you can add value."
"He complements their existing personnel, he fills a need, and most importantly he's a great value."
"Try to add value to the people you're email blasting or marketing to."
"If you can turn one of the animations into a joke then you've legitimately like added to the production value of the show."
"The more you add value, tell the truth, and help your audience, the easier this will be."
"See every problem as an opportunity to add value."
"Maintain a day one culture. Even with 600,000 employees, it's about adding value every day."
"Revenue growth and actually being able to scale up your value add to customers doesn't matter at all despite common sense."
"The inclusion of the sentry guns easily scores another point for the Special Edition being the superior version of the film."
"Be here and thank hopefully we're adding some value to your life by this. This is our goal." - Dwayne
"Adding value creates trust, integrity, and ultimately, value for your audience."
"Sometimes it takes people a while to realize: what really makes me feel good is adding value to other people."
"Anything gives extra value to a really cool feature."
"Make sure the content's adding value, that's all."
"To keep this channel free, I want to add more value to you guys."
"It's all of the additional stuff that makes these games so special."
"My goal is just to keep adding more and more value to everybody."
"Create content that solves problems and adds value."
"Your partner should add value, not take away."
"It's probably a lot smarter to go find a failing business, jump in, add value, and see if you can 10x that."
"Find a going concern that's got a brand. Add value, and see if you can 10x."
"Relationships should add value to your happiness."
"Even beyond just adding enough content to make it feel like a good value, it’s nice that Nintendo went the extra mile and actually created something genuinely special."
"Hopefully I provide you guys with a little bit of value rather than just giving my opinion on somebody."
"If you're gonna do OTS, I'd say it's well worth it if it means properly preserving the original game and adding more content value to the overall package."
"We bring so much more to the table than just survivability."
"We can force the property to appreciate through a renovation."
"Tesla now says standard connectivity is included in your vehicle at no additional cost for eight years."
"An extra couple of pods to me is a huge, huge plus."
"It's a gigantic value add and it brings down stress, it makes you feel safe."
"Downloadable content is a tricky proposition. When it's good, it's a precious extra serving of a game we already love."
"This Robert Sperry piece is really going to help my tally at the end of this video."
"How can I increase the value? Well, I know that the text version works one thing but the audio version might be worth more."
"I've always wanted a video game that you heal the enemy to win."
"As we continue to pave this path of our own, this Josh and Easy path, it's to make sure we're always bringing value to you guys' lives."
"Excess is that which does not add value to our lives."
"I know that I can potentially add value to the kids' lives."
"True Value add it's always the people willing to put in the hours to do the things that most people are not willing to do."
"Real estate is the only asset class that gives you the control to actually add value and create your own wealth."
"If you can take care of yourself, now all of a sudden, you're not a liability, you're an asset."
"Remember, with every interaction you have with the prospective customer, have a plan in place to help them and add value."
"Consume only the things that benefit you, that add value to your life."
"The best part about these wines is it's really about taking these local ingredients and just adding local value, making something completely new out of it. It's really interesting."
"That's why they get such unbelievable returns and they're adding value."
"This is how Real Estate Investors in 2024 need to be thinking: don't buy it if you cannot add value to it."
"Having a deck can add value to your home and expand your living space, giving you a unique place to entertain family and relax with friends."
"Pick projects that add value to the firm."
"The only reason to lead is to give the people the benefit. The only reason for you and me to lead is to add value to others."
"You've got to make sure that you've built a good relationship, they trust you, you're adding a lot of value, and then ask."
"You make money when you add value to a niche."
"This project was a lot of work time and energy spent but well worth it in the end because you have such a beautiful well-supported wall that really adds tremendous amount of value to your home because you just added so much more useful space as you can see here."
"What you want to do is you want to buy a property add a lot of value and then pull out as much money as physically possible."
"Wherever you are, make sure you're adding value. Purpose. Purpose."
"What I'm looking to do is to add more value to you to where you're thrilled to have made that purchase that's my thought process how do I make you thrilled right."
"Goal is like all the things that you're creating... it's the content, it's the words, the design... all the things that are going to add value."
"...if you're selling cover art these type of things are only going to add to your value because you don't have to charge for it but if somebody buys a cover from you and you give them a thumbnail and a story for free they are more likely to come back to you."
"To some others it's also a platform where they can use to add value and impact the world."
"the difference between what we would deliver is a Cott solution and what our business partners could add is a value add"
"...there's scope in them to add significant value."
"I love the idea of adding value, and what I mean by that is that your band is better off with you playing with them than if you were not."
"Your band is better off with you playing with them than if you were not."
"...be a sponge, go in there, see where you can add value."
"And then finally, I wanted to show how we can add a value to the Elasticsearch programmatically."
"Every age, every time of your life, there is something you can do and you can add value."
"They didn't have to give us this added accessory but again it adds a lot of play value."
"Your difference is often the source of where you can add the most value."
"I think we're trying to in our way add value to people's lives so in whatever way that it's resonant for them and whatever category across whichever vertical that we're providing something that's additive."
"Hopefully, we can add some value."
"Whatever skills that I have acquired till now and whatever solutions that I have built till now, the knowledge and everything will be a good value addition to this particular role."
"Leveraging the power of social networks is about creation, creating content, creating conversation, and creating added value to the world."
"Force value when you actually add more bedrooms, more bathrooms, and create more living square footage."
"But do you know how to add value to that token?"
"The higher the risk, the higher the reward if you do a value add of course there's going to be more in it."
"Provide that extra value is going to help you show up for those search terms on Google."
"How do we add value to other people's lives?"
"How can you add value? How can you make people... You've added value, but sometimes people don't take it that way."
"I like development; I like being able to see something and see how I can make it better, how I can add value."
"We just keep adding value to it, and it's just growing organically, which has been awesome."
"Try to eliminate those things that aren't congruent or the things that don't add value to you."
"Good taste turns ordinary agricultural products into high value-added tourism products."
"Strategic alliance is where you bring your skills to be able to expand into a market and then probably come up with a new product or something which is going to bring added value to both parties."
"The BTR7 comes with some pretty good accessories."
"This is why I keep on saying, agriculture is the backbone of Ghana's economy, but value addition actually has more power."
"The most important thing is adding some form of value to someone's life."
"How do you add value? We always get to think about how you add in value."
"I think we were created to really be our brother or sister's keeper and to add value to them."
"My next chapter is adding value to other people's businesses."
"This is the real value that I can bring to the hiring process."
"Incremental life cycle: the project deliverable is created through a series of functional increments, each increment adds value to the project deliverables."
"This enables a layer of high-value services that really make a difference to the bottom line of your business."
"Focus on speaking to your target customer, getting them on your email list, and showing how you can add value and transform their lives."
"If there's going to be a man in your life, he's going to add to your life."
"You need to be looking at the fundamentals of property, whether you're doing lease options, whether you're purchasing, whatever strategy you're using to secure the deal, there has to be the potential to add value to that property."
"Instead of managing servers, they're able to provide additional new value to the company."
"Asking good questions changes everything about how you support your customers and the value that you bring."
"Bonuses are really, really good where it's like, hey, I'm going to get you this product, and one of the best bonuses... is teaching them how to use it."
"If you want to get rich in life, bring value to people's life on a large scale."
"I like the way I can rapidly add value with the ink wash."
"I think unseen bits add a lot of value to the characters that we don't actually see on the show."
"I really want to bring value to your lives."
"I always try to only make videos when I have something to add, when I can give value."
"As we move from left to right in a supply chain, I am adding more value to my product."
"You look for ways to help them, serve them, serve the team, have you follow all in, just be valuable."
"It's a good strategy, going for a less attractive building and bringing it up to the standard of its neighbors can really add value."
"You're getting a five in one type machine."
"Wise move making a compromise and choosing a kitchen that works for you and a future buyer will add value."
"Become a person who adds value to everything you touch."
"What's going to add more value, or what's going to align more with your values and beliefs?"
"Having somebody in the creative team, that's a big plus. Really big plus."
"Let's get out of the mode of money; let's get into adding value to someone else."
"We just trying to be informative, we trying to give love, show love, add value to whatever type of life anyone has."
"It's in my DNA to look around and see where I can add value."
"Trying to add a little bit more value to your use of Fusion 360."
"When you add value to people, everyone wins."
"I hope this is useful, that's really all I want to do with these live streams, just adding some value to your day."
"You need to be adding value when it comes recommended from you as the creator; your audience will appreciate it so much more."
"If you can help them accomplish their goals better than they can, your value has risen."
"If I was able to bring value beyond just the product that I was selling, I could get more appointments with higher level executives."
"It's about adding value, like getting to know somebody, paying attention to energy."
"As you track forecast value added, you can start to highlight teams that add value or do not add value to the process."
"The value that you will add is just so huge and people will remember that."
"Our goal is to be helpful and to bring more to the table than just economics."
"These activities... have a cost... this is the added value that you are bringing."
"Think about what you are good at, what special skill you have or special interest you have that other people need and would add value to their life."
"They see you as a partner to the business who adds value and then they begin to rely on you in order to fill their roles and find good staff."
"Think about what is it that I can add to what I'm already offering that makes sense."
"A really useful way of adding value is to use a well-honed 'maybe it depends on' point but explain why."
"I absolutely love the fact that they included both the shock mount and the regular mount, both with the 5/8 to 3/8 inch microphone stand adapter."
"By adding value to the cuts of meat, such as making a round roast into jerky, the producer becomes more profitable through their versatility."
"Nearly 100 years ago Osler said that we don't create any time in our very habit-driven souls for just lighter things in life that add value to it."
"It allows you basically more flexibility and they've kind of put some thought into and provided more value."
"Production involves the transformation of inputs to the output, but during this transformation, there is value added."
"People you follow on Twitter, on Instagram, you comment on, there are also the people who can add value also in your life."
"Added square footage is the best way to add value."
"If you build an audience in a specific need and you follow along, everything else is gravy."
"Increasing value to their pets' lives as well as increasing the bond they share with their pet; it's pretty awesome."
"It's about really what makes you happy and what makes it so at the end of the day you're like 'whoa, like I added value to this world or to my life or to other people'."
"You can attach documents to any kind of journal entry you may be doing, just to add more value to it."
"It's bringing a lot more to the table."
"The inclusion of dedicated media controls... definitely adds to the value of the keyboard."
"Your business case goes beyond just how I can save money on hardware and software, but now how I can actually impact the business, how I can add value to the business."
"Your business's mission becomes adding that value to as many people's lives as possible."
"Value add is adding value, forcing the appreciation of the property."
"You always want to see if you can get a half bathroom on the first floor so people don't have to go upstairs when they're entertaining, and it adds value."
"Build a community... we are here to add value to their life."
"A skill is something that an individual can bring to a table that adds value in solving a problem or completing a task."
"Another way is to add value by improving the product features."
"Anyone who joins our course, anyone who signs up for our courses, now has is now gaining extra content."
"I think that's what makes me add value to things because everyone could read the same things, right? But then based off what I read, I'm able to produce something additional that no one else [does]."
"Supporting not just more customers but adding more value to what you can offer customers with using less resources on your end, that's ideal."
"Your job when you're creating websites for people is to figure out how do I add more value to the site."
"It's about adding value, the more value you can add, the higher your chance of creating success of satisfying your customers."
"People add value to your content that you are not providing yourself."
"If you're value-adding, eventually you become indispensable."
"Adding value is the difference between the price of the finished product or service and the cost of the inputs involved in making it."
"Having a certain amount of budget allocated towards them going to classes or conferences... can add more value."
"So don't go running after anything that will not add value to your life."
"Value is added by the integrity of the network."
"We should have this care, this concern to be beneficial, to add value, to give of our time to the community."
"Hope you learned something; this is just trying to add a little bit more value to your Fusion experience."
"She's adding that value system to you because she sees you as her boyfriend."
"You're the value; you bring value to everything and everyone that you touch."