
Ancestry Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Our spirits are hiding here; if this house disappears, our ancestors will disappear too, and they won't be able to do any more for us."
"You are the ancestors. You're the best of their genes, the latest version, and the highest tech model."
"You're essentially coming back to a planet that was the home of your ancestors."
"You come from some huge thing like this... if you go back to 1650, you very quickly have almost over 4,000 people... all of whom are one 4,096th of you."
"Someone in your ancestry went through a living nightmare for you to have the chance right now that you're throwing in the garbage."
"We have to give them a dignified path just as our ancestors had, into this country, and this is a program that promotes that."
"Your ancestors are highly protective of you and highly watching over you."
"We have a new spirit, each person is now, but our body is an earth suit of all our ancestors together."
"I've started like a men's workout group... I've never felt so in touch with my ancestors."
"You are coming from the genes and the blood of very strong people."
"Are you sure you're not Jewish? Have you done a 23andMe?"
"Technically, we all go back to the same set of parents, so we are technically related."
"We are descended from an unbroken line of successful ancestors."
"We meet in the year 1999 in Ohio, and 150 years ago, our ancestors came from two towns separated by a hill less than a mile away from each other."
"Most of our ancestors aren't brutal conquerors; most of us just don't know anything about them."
"Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships because they knew death was better than bondage."
"There's something truly captivating about uncovering the stories of our ancestors and understanding where we come from."
"You are all the ancestors that went before you. And all of them survived grief."
"The family is made up of the dead, the living, and the yet unborn."
"You're the product of this unbelievably complex multi-generational exchange of information."
"You and I have a 95% chance of having the same common ancestor just 600 years ago."
"Our freedom, our pride, does not need to be fiction because our ancestors got by just fine without homophobia."
"The average ancestry DNA user has about 50,000 DNA matches. That's 50,000 opportunities to make a new discovery."
"It means that King Louis and I, and what it doesn't say is half of Western Europe, all share a common ancestor from 10,000 years ago."
"The beauty of an African ancestry test is we don't just tell you that you're West African or that you're from Nigeria, but we found your actual people, the tribe that you share ancestry with."
"Your mother's mother's mother's people are indigenous American to the North American region."
"The descendants of people who made it across the ocean during the transatlantic slave trade, and now you can explore your culture to understand where that woman came from."
"When I found you in my DNA, I learned where my strength comes from."
"I think it's important people know their ancestry... That's your foundation. You can't know who you are if you don't know where you come from."
"The history of an entire bloodline pumping through the veins of the present."
"What we were trying to do is use the new sophisticated tools of genealogy, ancestry tracing, and genetics not to take our people back to the future, but to take them black to the future."
"Do you share the blood of a Roman Emperor? Is Charlemagne your grandfather? Is Isaac Newton your great uncle? Could you even be distantly in line for a throne somewhere?"
"You are a link in a chain that goes way back to your ancestors, and those beliefs actually got you here."
"When we know ourselves, when we're comfortable with ourselves, and allow ourselves to be the vessels to which these ancestors will speak and do their best work, there is nothing that you can't do. That's how the universe functions."
"The evidence is compelling; could every single human being trace their family tree back to an original man and woman?"
"Your ancestors are surrounding you with their love and support, they bring to you the wisdom of their life experiences."
"Your genetic makeup, Your Existence, your children's existence exist because of those ancestors."
"Most Native Americans trace their ancestry to a single migration from East Asia to Beringia between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago."
"Dr. Phil, we found that you have three distinct ethnicities in six different countries."
"If you want to learn more about where you come from, just do what I did."
"Respect those of you that have been respecting your ancestors, you're getting nothing but respect."
"Like the strong female rulers who were her ancestors, Anna had found herself in control of her own life."
"He's like a freaking beautiful delicious cocktail he's got native American native American Indian he's got Egyptian English Irish what else has he got there's a lot going into him."
"It's also a way of saying that whatever our skin color, our ancestors were black."
"Your ancestors are strongly present around you."
"You can assemble a pretty decent match of DNA for any organism from its descendants."
"Your ancestors have your back, blocking their return."
"It's terrible and now you have individuals who have lived through the experience coming out and speaking out against it."
"Working with your ancestors is literally your cheat code."
"I'm always interested in humanizing our ancestors, humanizing the past."
"Can we blend the inventiveness of modern technology with the connectedness of our ancestors and create a brighter future?"
"There is at least a portion of the genome present in this individual from 37,000 years ago that survived through time until today."
"You gotta protect yourself and your ancestors and your galactic family and most high very protective over you."
"Your ancestors are just trying to protect you."
"Ancestral DNA studies are important in understanding population change through time."
"Realize you're half woman yourself from all your descendants."
"Nobody is responsible for the actions of their ancestors and one man cannot and should not apologize to another man for events that occurred before both of them were born."
"Keepers of the earth: You are not alone. Ancient ancestors stand behind you."
"Connecting to your ancestors is like the family name, the family lineage. Guess who you're more connected to now than your family lineage?"
"Life is about survival and you're only here because your ancestors were survivors." - Benny Johnson
"So many of your ancestors are rooting for you to break the cycle."
"We're all descendants of immigrants - Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Huguenots, Jews, Poles, Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Afro-Caribbeans, Africans."
"You have some sort of invisible cloak of protection from your ancestors."
"Your lineage is the jet fuel for this entire Black Lives Matter movement."
"Show me your lineage, sir. Show me your lineage."
"Recognize that you've got a whole body of ancestors and loved ones who were actually with you at every point."
"Every person living today, including you, can trace their haplogroups back even further."
"You stuck to that and the main thing that's coming in here is how favored you are by your ancestors."
"You are favored and you're joining forces here with your ancestors."
"My journey has taken me from tantalizing signs of life to intimate signs of ways of life so familiar that they can't fail to bring our ancestors alive in our minds."
"I'm a unique ancestor return, I'm one of a kind and I'm ancient, I'm Primal, I'm primordial."
"Adventure was the through line for my ancestral history."
"We are kings and queens, we are the beginning of the earth."
"There's a little bit of Viking in all of us."
"A lot of the West Africans and black people are descendants from Bani Israel."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"We are all descended from one remote ancestor which lived probably between three and four thousand million years ago and we are therefore all cousins."
"I swear by my ancestors that you are the lawful rightful emperor."
"The crime scene DNA sample corresponded to an individual that was 85% sub-Saharan African and 15% Native American."
"Genealogically speaking... almost everyone across the globe at 6,000 years ago is really an ancestor of everyone."
"And now it seems a part of them still remains in many of us."
"Your ancestors are clearing a path for you, especially in your studies or pursuits."
"Your ancestors are literally you; they're inside of you, your blood, your genetic makeup—everything is you and your ancestors."
"The best thing to do is mock them. The best thing to do is simply say I'm not guilty of anything. I'm not afraid of my ancestry. [__] you."
"We are the creatures of our ancestry... we have descended with modification."
"Not only because we're all very shades of brown but look at the so-called white people, most of them are Central Asian in the origin."
"Your ancestors have just wrapped you up in a blanket and they are guiding you through the mysterious unknown."
"We inherited from our ancestors so we can use DNA as a record of the past."
"Jane Doe Kern was finally identified as a Cree woman named Shirley Sus."
"Shem's descendants: Assyrians, Hebrews, and more."
"I already thought going back to Thomas Trowbridge in the 1600s was, you know, that was pretty impressive and pretty far back and then we jumped almost a thousand years to Charlemagne."
"This guy that is always kind of up against the odds you know and just and doesn't get knocked down as you see that's that's why I wanted to look I wanted to know about our ancestors."
"Your ancestors walk with you, whispering counsel."
"Your ancestors petitioned to end this contract."
"You can't have descendants without ancestors and vice versa."
"This connection was divinely guided; your ancestors brought you together for a reason."
"We're more connected than we think we are. These are not my ancestors in many cases, they are our ancestors."
"Humans, our last common ancestor was 6 million years ago with the chimps."
"Remember our ancestors, the Moorish side of the family was the one that educated Britain."
"Be willing to communicate and share this information and all of us will be able to have a more positive experience with ancestry DNA."
"Our ancestors wanted us to have a better experience on planet Earth than they did."
"The division of races and claimed common ancestry does paint an image of Kind's original creation being far more powerful."
"It would surprise a lot of people when they see, you know, where their bloodline goes."
"I was always curious to know my genetic heritage, to find my proverbial roots."
"Your ancestors come to you, communicate to you through manifestations of nature."
"We are the children of the survivors of some great catastrophe."
"There must have been earlier people here."
"Let's not screw this up; we could be the early ancestors in a long series of life forms to come."
"The results show the father's side of the warrior's genes appear to have come from Scandinavia."
"Connect with your lineage; a family wound or pattern can be healed now."
"All her life Gabby has known one thing: that they must atone for the sins of their ancestors."
"The psyche is not of today; its ancestry goes back many millions of years."
"I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
"Having such a blessed soul is a sign that your innate magic might come from a distant but powerful familial connection to a divine being."
"Thank all of those people, especially my ancestors and through my family and through everyone's family, thank all of them for knuckling down and getting on with it or we wouldn't be sitting here now."
"You are maybe choosing to learn about your ancestral roots and lineage."
"You carry Stardust in your bones, your ancestors' wisdom in your blood, and the whole universe in your soul."
"I'm just carrying on a legacy of my ancestors."
"Ancestral forgiveness is really about creating some kind of a resolve or a healing with especially something some wrong that was done or some pain that was experienced."
"Ancestors telling me right now you are protected, don't worry about it."
"You've been healing has been guided not only by your ancestors but by your first people, the first ever energies that set foot on this planet."
"The ancestors are connecting with you and your dark side, with harm to none."
"The blatant resemblance between them isn't a coincidence but rather it's the result of these three Titans descending from the same Titan hybrid."
"We have their genetics and their DNA inside of our bodies."
"It's moments like this in the field when the distance between now and then seems to shorten and the lives of our distant ancestors become tangible."
"Ever wondered where you come from? Who were your ancestors?"
"Maybe you’ve got a war hero in your bloodline. Or an award-winning scientist. Or a selfless humanitarian who advanced the interests of humankind."
"All Germanic languages have a common ancestor."
"I'm excited to find out where I'm from."
"Your body is wise beyond years, you hold genetic imprints and information from your ancestors."
"Let yourself be the one to heal the wounds passed down from your ancestors; the release and growth begins with you."
"Jane could be a great-great-granddaughter of Belle."
"When you heal yourself, you heal your ancestors."
"Last week I looked up my family tree. Two dogs were using it."
"You're initiated with the highest ancestors and the highest descended masters, mother and father God. You're protected."
"Our ancestors, black Africans, built the first great kingdoms."
"Perhaps one of my ancestors on my elven side was a blade singer."
"One of the beautiful things about restoring your African memory is that once that memory has been restored, you now can look anywhere in the world and find traces of your ancestry that have literally been hidden in plain sight."
"We have to restore the memory and the legacy of our ancestors to its rightful place."
"I did one of those genetic tests. I was surprised to find out I'm all Asian."
"Just bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage."
"You are truly someone who in your family line is meant for greatness."
"If you had exactly your dad's biology, history, parents, in the exact same time, you would have been your dad."
"Up to 4% of DNA in people of European and Asian ancestry comes from Neanderthals."
"The Kelts spread out far and wide, even I have some Celtic ancestry."
"Are we in fact all related to each other? And if so, how closely?"
"Number 40: 99% of all Europeans can trace their origins back to just seven different women."
"My wife did that ancestry.com. She discovered that one of her ancestors graduated in the first graduating class at Harvard in 1636. And get this. Two weeks ago, he finished paying off his student loans."
"You don't need to have a full cup of Valyrian blood, you just need a drop."
"There is power in ancestry; we learn how to behave and how not to behave from the people who went before."
"So where does J2 haplogroup actually come from?"
"Your ancestors are not with the bull at all."
"Plankton is absolutely terrified to death of whales and you can't really blame him. The genocide of his ancestors at the hands of whales has instilled a likely genetic fear of them into his DNA."
"Your heart is pure like a child, and you're protected by your ancestors."
"You cannot do anything about your ancestors but you can do something about your descendants."
"I feel a certain weight of responsibility towards certain ancestors. Whether it's nonsensical or not, it is sincere."
"Your great great grandfather with the seven billion plus people that are on the planet, he just happened to intersect lives with the woman who would be your great great grandmother."
"I don't feel any connection to a past life per se, but I do feel a very strong connection to the people who have come before me. 'We're all standing on the shoulders of those who've come before us,' and that really resonates with me."
"Many claim mixed Native American ancestry does this prove that the colonists indeed survived blending in and starting families with members of the Croatoan tribe it's an interesting Theory."
"Your ancestors' abilities can be transferred to you."
"It's a disgrace to my bloodline it's a disgrace to my parents who struggled to raise me for me to be anything other than the best version of myself that's honor I have honor to my last name and to my and to my ancestry."
"money questions pet cartoon about his alleged French ancestry"
"I'ma tear down this family tree. When you go on Ancestry.com, search up the family, you ain't gonna get nothing. I'm the last one."
"I've been operating this whole time thinking that I was mostly Colombian and then second was German, but actually someone in my family did a DNA test and it goes Colombian and then Irish and then German."
"Somebody's ancestors are wealthy."
"I think it's at least it's a great start to look into your own ancestry first and look into what your own ancestors believed."
"You cannot be a person without all those generations before you building up to who you are."
"Justice isn't just due to you because of something that happened to you, it's due to your bloodline."
"I'm convinced tribes like a lucky are the descendants of the first settlers in these high pastures."
"My maternal grandmother uh is uh from uh I think she is atlascal taken uh ancestry they're the ones that Allied themselves with the Spanish when they came really yeah Warrior people."
"Ramis II was alive in a time before his grandfather had been appointed."
"I 100% believe that the ghost of my maternal grandmother decided to pay me a visit."
"The diversity of mitochondrial DNA lineages was high, and none of the individuals shared an immediate maternal ancestor."
"The souls of my ancestors are all I have left."
"I wanted to fuse my mythology and the stuff my ancestry, my culture, with this, and create something truly primal and ferocious."
"Embrace your fate. Embrace your fate that's what your ancestor wants to tell you."
"When you get out on Country, you're free and you connect back with your ancestors."
"His mother's family had lived there for generations."
"While unsettling to many viewers, Joey's action suggests a profound, personal relationship with his ancestry."
"Our traumas and also our wisdom doesn't just come from our parents and grandparents but for many many ancestors."
"All three of Eris II's great uncles, his grandfather, and his own father were all big believers in the prophecy."
"It offends me when you have people out here saying, 'Oh, these people, they sound like slaves.' So you mean to exult me and basically say that my ancestors sounded like that?"
"It's lovely to actually be somewhere that one of my ancestors actually was, to think that Dennis was in this very room doing what he loved doing, entertaining people. That's a really lovely feeling."
"I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."
"Yes, Gavin, I live in a haunted house. Haunted by the spirits of all my ancestors who have died over the last century."
"One of those nameless people could be my great-great-grandfather Mars, but because he was a slave he wasn't deemed important enough to be named."
"Then you shall enjoy your inheritance no longer,’ said Húrin; ‘for I am Húrin son of Galdor, returned out of Angband"
"This is the journal of my great-great-grandmother," she whispered, her heart pounding.
"We carry in our DNA the memories of all of those ancestors, which means that we have a 295,000 year head start on the memories of those people classified as Caucasians."
"Generations of my ancestors have built onto, improved, knocked down, and re-engineered it so much I do not think much of the original remains."
"Could she be a descendant of that king in those end credits?"
"You're divinely orchestrated to help heal ancestral issues."
"I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."
"...Mexican Americans make up the second most common ancestry group in another Western State, Colorado, as well as Illinois."
"The idea that the land remembers, you know, and that the ancestors are still here in a way is pretty powerful."
"It's literally my ancestors right there."
"It's kind of exciting to see that there is a connection somewhere between me and that language and my ancestry."
"Once you acknowledge the ancestors in their reality, it helps you to have a different energy, helps you to have another power level."
"Modern Palestinians' genomes look a lot like ancient Levantine genomes 3,700 years ago."