
Matchmaking Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"When Fay decides to play cupid, things quickly get out of control."
"We built a system that's more accurate while also helping convey the meaning behind the mathematical complexity of a modern Matchmaker."
"I ended up getting matched with a great therapist on the first try."
"I met so many wonderful people through matchmaking and custom games alike."
"Having more players using their primary accounts will have a positive effect on both ranked and unranked matchmaking."
"I think, um, my plan shouldn't feel the same play whether it's competitive whether it's whether you're in bronze whether you're in GM will give you a better experience through matchmaking."
"The goal of our matchmaker is to make each match feel as fair as possible."
"The bigger leap though is to move much closer to a Matchmaker model and setting up dates with a much higher likelihood of success." - Justin McLoud
"Players who haven't played in a while will find their internal matchmaking rating lowered to help us re-evaluate and determine their current skill level."
"We're implementing roll Delta changes that will match similarly ranked players within each role."
"Skill or performance seems to outweigh platform in matchmaking."
"We're actively exploring ways to mitigate concerns about matchmaking."
"Our matchmaking process does not Impact gameplay elements."
"Money spent does not in any way, shape or form factor into matchmaking."
"Call of Duty multiplayer does not use Bots as part of the general matchmaking process."
"Reverse boosting... the game says actually this person kind of sucks let's give them an easier Lobby."
"Custom games serve as the perfect break from regular matchmaking."
"Skill-based matchmaking is very good for short-term gain but very bad for long-term community growth."
"Preferential matchmaking meant that you could avoid being a tier 8 tank against all tier nines and tier 10s."
"Are you experiencing the same kind of thing in your tier 8 tanks where you're constantly either getting to tier 8 only at a tier 8 tier 9 or t89 and tier 10 matchups?"
"When you look at other games who have started to implement skill based matchmaking you can see that a lot of huge titles have been thrown because of this."
"she's into like no i'm matchmaker I'm gonna burn up yeah and I love that I love the fact that we have one of those girls and it's obviously her like if you pay attention to her she's like absolutely"
"No one wants skill-based matchmaking, give us screwdriver-based matchmaking."
"Sometimes white men, and when I have white men that call me and ask for matchmaking, I'll question if it's a fetish."
"This person is actually going to be an amazing match for you."
"Your next person will be single and available, and you will end up with them."
"Let go of your fears; don't attract something bad into your situation."
"Hopeless matches should never take place in my opinion. A match where one team stood zero chance of winning, that's a match that should never have happened to begin with."
"I would never see that number before skill-based matchmaking. I would never see that number next to my name on a scoreboard that was unheard of for me."
"In competitive, we want to improve the speed at which players climb to the rank that most matches their Crucible skill."
"Meet Your Match was the greatest update in terms of modernizing the game by adding matchmaking."
"Cross play looks like they're taking cross play in the right direction... It's input based matchmaking."
"GT Sport's online mode ensures you always have a full field of cars racing at your skill level."
"With over 30,000 licensed therapists, you’re matched based on your individual needs, ensuring you find someone you can connect with."
"We're definitely looking at ways to improving our matchmaker's view of skill in the game."
"For the time being, we are confident these changes will allow us to create fairer matches without losing sight of our goals."
"Skill-based matchmaking, BOTS, and training modes are proposed changes to fix the problems."
"Look like a match made in heaven, this beautiful high society horsewoman, only daughter of a wealthy Oil Man."
"Show the image of the perfect match because seeing it is believing and you'll be feeling too."
"Bart's department store is also the home to the Matchmaker."
"We have a couple right now that we matched that's been together about three and a half years."
"I'm finding people for you to fall in love with."
"Good players can be in bad lobbies and bad players can be in good lobbies organically."
"Money can't buy you love, but it can help you hire a matchmaker."
"We need good matchmaking and we need people to not be dicks."
"Selecting quick match offers four options: any duels, United combat, and combat ordeal."
"I'm going to take it upon my hands to help you find the love of your life."
"Therefore, Akira intends to unite the two lovebirds to find happiness."
"Dating.com provides a premium dating experience."
"Dating.com doesn't just match people that are near each other geographically."
"They recognize your specialness... what a good match you are."
"How many black rappers you've seen dying left and right?"
"Cacao is definitely the one that I'm marrying off. Brandon, because he's young and beautiful."
"Skill-based matchmaking is meant to come in, but it can't be a perfect system."
"One of the things that I think is interesting is the matchmaker is doing a very good job of trying to focus people on the issues that actually matter."
"Ultimately, MMR is like our best guess about your skill, right?"
"For all the conspiracy theorists out there, I actually think that it would require a level of matchmaking sophistication that is untenable."
"If you ever get bad matchups just realize that you're gonna eventually get good matches."
"Love is in the air, or at least it will be once I sprinkle a little of our matchmaking magic."
"And they are bringing back card based matchmaking... So if you're out there and you play on Friday and Saturday... You should have a little bit better time on Sunday and Monday."
"I think having good matchmaking is always good for a game."
"Competitive changes also include matchmaking adjustments that hope to better pair solo and duo players against similar groups."
"Competitive matchmaking will now have a higher chance to match solo and solo duo players against similarly sized pre-made groups."
"He called out Anthony Smith, which I think is a very smart matchup."
"Granny showed up and explained that he was being sought after as there were no men in the village."
"They're waiting, taking their time, but they know that you and them would be a good match."
"Sometimes I think one of the greatest things is when somebody has been vetted for you."
"This is the reason we do matchmaking."
"The Matchmaker of all matchmakers answered for me."
"Aunt May genuinely knows Peter inside and out and thinks MJ is perfect for Peter."
"Imagine the power of bringing all together the single people."
"Be a Matchmaker. There is money to be made in the ability to find matching puzzle pieces that need one another but don't know one another."
"I think that lisa is good for tom."
"If you want to find your true love, just hide in the closet; for sure, they'll find and marry you."
"When I see someone who is single, I see exactly how I could fix that."
"Would you two go on the second date with each other?"
"It's super simple just take the quiz, answer some questions about how you like your coffee, and trade will curate matches just for you based on your preferences."
"This particular placement would be favorable for you to meet your partner on a dating app or even a social media platform of some sort."
"Legal recruiters are that barrier between the two [law firms and potential candidates], they really do make it easier for firms and companies to get good employees and potential employees to get good jobs."
"Sci-fi speed dating has become really successful. We had a couple that met at our very first session. They just got married."
"All SEO really is, is Google playing Matchmaker between what the Searcher wants and the content they serve up as the answer to that question."
"I just cracked the code on why our parents and grandparents all approach us when we're single and are like, You're single. She's single. What else do you need?"
"This person sees y'all as a match together."
"Why don't you have feelings for anyone, Tobias? As long as you love anyone and ask the love goddess, I will make her fall for you."
"Superman's computer matchmaking skills are 10 out of 10."
"A good Agent is going to essentially build a profile in terms of what you're looking for and who you are."
"Don't let people set you up on dates. Doesn't work out most of the time, at least not for me."
"They call me the hood Cupid for a reason. Bless up."
"I feel they might also want to help you find um a suitable partner for you they might want to introduce you to someone possibly so just take that if it makes sense for your situation."
"Tinder for golfers. Why don't they have tinder for golf partners?"
"The matchmaker is not the patient woman."
"You're going to dance tomorrow night with some good-looking redhead, huh? Ask her if she's got a friend for me, will you?"
"Everybody is worthy of love, and unless I'm missing something, I don't think that's what this Matchmaker said to you."
"I was rejected by a Matchmaker this week. You wouldn't be able to work with me."
"So that actually shows me that's a Matchmaker with Integrity."
"Parents would have just gone through their family and friends, but the matrimonial website opens a whole new world for them."
"How much would it be worth to you if I could help you find the love of your life in less than six months so you can have the wedding of your dreams, start having babies, start creating the legacy you always want?"
"So ladies, if y'all are interested, um, Ralph is available. He's single."
"Never, man! Never, I assure you. I think seriously of Miss Smith. Miss Smith is a very good sort of girl, and I should be happy to see her respectively settled. I wish her extremely well."
"They don't own the cars, they don't hire the drivers. For being matchmakers, that's all they are."
"Listen, if he passes his test, he's proved he's one of those fighters that can skip levels. And that's the thing, the matchmaking, Tom Dallas, get this right and you're a genius."
"Yuri tells her that she enjoys seeing the two share moments like these because that's her job."
"Your boss feels like you would be a great match."
"So, the other part of matchmaking that I learned in my research is that it's very, very hard to match people up using any scientific method or any method at all. It's nearly impossible to figure out what two people are actually going to fit well together."
"With both seasons of Indian matchmaking, I have had some serious issues with how they have portrayed certain people on their show."
"Well, our ghost played matchmaker and now we're trying for a kid after being married for five years so that part worked out I guess."
"You might be also the connecting Force. I guess there's some matchmakers out there too."
"Can you get me a man? That's it. That's the gift. I'm getting you a man for your birthday."
"Meet your soulmate now with Tender."
"If you watch this show and you have an attractive woman in your life that is single, show her some of our shows and see what she thinks."
"If you would like to submit a swatch of fabric to the Fabric Matchmaker, just go to fabriccafe.com."
"Someone will catch your eye one day, my dearest friend. I only hope I am present to congratulate him on the feat," Josephine remarked, a gleam of mischief in her eyes.
"Okay, Mom, Mom got some matchmaking talent. Okay, okay, okay."
"I'm counting on you to play Cupid," he told her, slipping a 20 bill in her hand.
"I suspect we owe Miss Eleanor a great debt of gratitude," John said, "for without her contrivance to ensure you received the pea from the 12th night cake, you likely would never have allowed me to spend enough time in your company to persuade you to consider me."
"'I'm single,' Granny Zeta declared, hustling over. 'Think I can still catch a man, girls?'"
"I always tell everybody in real estate, what you're doing is matchmaking. And the more inventory you have in your head and the better you are at listening, you're going to be able to process it and match make the deal."
"When you go and put yourself out there and meet matchmakers and dating companies... it's about putting yourself out there."
"Amy couldn't wait to leave afterward, the system matched Amy with many new partners, but her time with each person was always short-lived."
"Unfortunately, one of his best friends is looking for someone exactly like you."
"I want to set you up on a blind date."
"We all agree that if mom finds you somebody that fits your criteria, you will all be happy, right?"
"I wanted to find a really suitable husband for her one she could learn to love."
"I have given more thought to your new list of eligible gentlemen. There are men in London whom I believe capable of such devotion and attentiveness as you would wish in a potential suitor."
"They didn't found Terence a match, man. God bless them, man."
"Metal Matchmaker, ready to make all my friends play on it."
"We're out on the mission to actually find true love for people. Whatever happens after the show, it's up to them. But at least we ensure that we brought them one step closer to finding their true love."
"All of these people needed to be entertained, so there were lots of dinners, routes, suppers, balls, trips to pleasure and tea gardens, and other social occasions where women could see and be seen by potential suitors."
"He's my cousin, Pearl. Boy, girl's back home right now with Jeffrey and his sister trying to get her married."
"There has to be somebody out there that you know is like on some kind of dating website where they do the matching for you and they vet that person out."
"When he corrects it the app gives a score of 100 suggesting a perfect match between Cito and Karen."
"We are experts at making people fall in love."
"He's been working out with us. Oh my my, look at that. And he's single."
"Gamer dating would work because you could be like cool you matched, you guys are both interested in each other."
"I am setting up my cameraman Andrew with his dream girl."
"A reality show of Rampage looking for love I think would be huge."
"I just knew you two had hit it off, just like you and I did!"
"God is a Matchmaker... my timing is right."
"How wonderful for our girls! A single man of large fortune, he has an income of four or five thousand pounds a year."
"I simply cannot take the girls to see him unless you have already met him."
"Everybody knows that means he's very likely to fall in love."
"One lucky person will be getting the chance to find romance as they enjoy three very special meals cooked for them by three very special blind dat."
"What favor? I'll tell you what favor. The favor was, look, Toshi is a very important businessman, okay, but he is not the right guy for you."
"I feel like if you get a Matchmaker, you're going to meet people like a certain caliber of people who match you. Good credit is important."
"I think she'd be the right one for you."
"I think my sister knows me very well to help me pick out the right guy. I'm really excited that she's on the show helping me. Let's do this."
"He's trying to hook his sister up with Rocky."
"It's the perfect time for you to find the perfect match."
"Matchmaking is such a deplorable adventure."
"I like Amani and Woody. I don't know why or how they work, but it seems to me the experts got it right."
"Everybody is single and I am here to make sure to find love."
"I believe that God is the perfect matchmaker."
"Those matchmakers are golden, you know, we get to talking, we would get off topic and go on a tangent and start talking about, you know, sports or whatever, you know, you gotta sell the people buying you first."
"God is a matchmaker; he brought Adam and Eve together."
"Well, ma'am, it seems you're in luck. Out of all the gentlemen Mrs. Miller could have paired you with, you got me."
"For most of us, we do truly believe that our loved ones would pick our perfect match and help guide us together."
"I immediately start texting Alicia and I'm like hey girl I think I found you a mans and she was like hold up and she was like details I need all the details."
"I'm not gonna lie bro we went from uh finding a match to finding a wife oh man oh man awesome yo what is going on bro nah it's cool you're my wife knife."
"When you have two good talkers and they can engage each other back and forth and both of them are making valid points, the only thing missing then is your match. Then you book the match and you take it from there."
"So, what did we figure out the match basically right?"
"I mean if your mom introduced you to a good girl that would be half the battle."
"They have never chosen a better bachelor, a better person that you'd actually want to marry and hang out with, than this guy Matt."
"I think the two of you would suit as it happens."
"I think I could find matches for everybody. Looks are a factor, but personality matters more."
"I kind of want to ask, out of all your friends, who you guys would set each of us up with."
"That's adorable, so she was trying to set you up with someone, just not the person she um set you up with."
"If you're not gay, my friend thinks you're cute. Here's her number. And if you are gay, here's mine."
"You hear your mother all in a flutter trying to get Daphne and Eloise married off."
"She's actually been trying to set him up this whole time."
"This show is thought through. The experts spent an inordinate amount of time trying to match you up with somebody who can be your partner for life."
"You guys would both be very cute on a date with my family."
"You want me to go out with your sister? Yeah, you and I could be best friends, but you love my sister, you'll like her."
"Elvira shares with us the story of how her father and nesty played matchmaker to our grandparents."
"Friends don't let friends stay single, Sandra."
"Choose the right person for her. Your daughter is better than Hafsa."
"'He needs a girlfriend. That's my opinion.'"
"So we are going to be doing today, 'Who are you meant to be with?' So, that's kind of a big question, huh? No pressure. We're going to be asking the question, who are you meant to be with?"
"Seeing Chandler set up Rachel on a date, that was pretty fun, you know?"
"The church should be the place first and foremost where we can meet people and where godly Christian couples are inviting single people over to their home and like trying to encourage connections and relationships."
"Eharmony creates up to 15 million matches per day."
"Somebody find Robin some love all right that's who I want to see [__] happy."
"How do you compete with free? And so there's a business to be had between your Citadel, okay, matching your Citadel with merchants that want to sell to you, matching you up with them."
"We're not done because we still have to find you a date."
"He's the greatest matchmaker in the world."
"Marriages are made in heaven, but this one was made on blind date."
"Damn, look at the matches over there. We got three matches. Everybody should be going home with a match today."
"Yo, we got another match. Let me get a round of applause."
"I got set up by Brad from my season on a blind date!"
"If you love someone then love them, you know? As long as I'm at the wedding and you literally tell me that I put you guys together, period."
"I was just on the phone with your perfect guy."
"Miss Bennett, the perfect solution to help Caroline find her place in my household and in society is for me to marry and bring a wife into my home."
"I have confidence that my two oldest will make brilliant matches," said Mrs. Bennett.
"'The solution is simple my dear... Marry Her Off,' Fitz leaned back in his chair."
"I'm gonna get her a boyfriend right now."
"I think with my experience... it's not about selling homes for me, it's problem-solving and matchmaking."
"I thought we had a lot in common. I could clearly see why the experts matched us."
"Through matchmaking, I was able to meet the love of my life."
"Honestly, I would have loved it. I think letting us pick who gets coupled up with who works well yeah from a viewer perspective I thought that was a good sort of introduction into this series."
"I knew it! You like him, and I think he likes you too."
"Who would you think would be good for me?" Naruto asked.