
Human Touch Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Human touch is not a sentimental human indulgence; it is a biological necessity."
"When I go to a concert, I hear that mistake, I like it. I think it's great; I want to hear the mistakes."
"Putting a little bit of human into the massive procedurally generated sludge is often vitally important."
"Touch releases relaxing brain chemicals and increases empathy."
"Touch actually lowers our levels of cortisol... makes us feel safer and more calm."
"It actually feels like it was written by a human being."
"Touching releases oxytocin, a feel-good hormone."
"Human touch can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol."
"Laughter, warm connections, another person's touch not only calms us down but enhances our well-being, our sense of connectedness."
"The human curation is still the powerful beautiful thing."
"Reportedly Fish's last words were: 'Nothing is so healing as the human touch.'"
"We decided we wanted this movie to look exactly like concept artwork, and we want the concept artwork to feel distinctly human and not computer generated."
"Touch is important but it has to be tender touch as well as violent touch, and men need both."
"That moment when he turned that conversation, he showed his humanity. He showed he was a father, he showed he was the proud American."
"The only thing that a machine can't do is be a human being."
"Adding back some of that human feel, adding what he calls these little imperfections."
"What added value to my book was the kind of thing that AI can't absolutely do at all."
"That leaves the human to focus on the creative."
"Our mantra is the human touch powered by technology."
"As AI models get powerful, and they will, I'm not a believer that AI will replace human creativity when it comes to images, videos, and other forms of creative expression."
"Psychologists deeply understand a patient in a way AI can't."
"Hiring humans is the perfect mix."
"There's a good quote by Carla Geyser from Google: 'If a human operator needs to touch your system during normal operations, you have a bug.'"
"How do you put that into an AI calculator? You can't. You have to have that human interaction."
"I hope you're starting to see how amazing this AI technology is but I also hope that you're seeing that there is a human element of collaboration to this process as well."
"When I called here I got humans. I love that."
"Show physical tenderness, the power of the human touch."
"Machines no matter how sophisticated cannot match skilled hands or trained eyes."
"All those cliffhangers, a surprise twist, or something that thank god only we humans can provide."
"Machines don't make a home, people do."
"AI can definitely create content, but it can't create the personality. It could mimic the Wikipedia videos or the Reddit threads, but it can't replace the unique voice and perspective of a human creator."
"Sometimes chat GPT scripts do need a human touch."
"That steering wheel is the last thing they do on a Toyota when it's built. It gives you that human touch."
"Humans are the only species that have that built into them that we know of so so to utilize that tickle somebody you love touch them baby touch that little [ __ ] and beat and make somebody feel good make somebody kick start that joy you know."
"I'm not exactly welcome there. Nice job requires a human touch."
"These are assembled 100% by people, they're not robotic."
"We need human-written content more than ever."
"With operators in Bitwig, you can apply a spread to almost any parameter bringing back the human element to computerized music which I think is a fantastic option to have."
"We want to keep it human, so you can look at me. It feels like I'm standing inside the box."
"These are the human jobs, the human touching jobs that we can once finally afford to have because AI will make all this money and then we can turn that money and tax those techno elites and create jobs like this."
"There's a human admissions officer at the other end of your application."
"We're talking here about things that I've experienced in the past and chat bots don't have that."
"What high performers do is invest their time and energy into the human bits that machines can't quite figure out."
"You're a real old-school nursing. Nothing can compare to a person in their hands and the human physical touch, the caring part of caregiving."
"A computer didn't make this. A person thought of this. That's our advantage."
"Sometimes like a hug is really therapeutic."
"Machines make great guitar parts, but people make great guitars because the people make the difference."
"AI will take away the basic grunt work when comping or retouching, but the quality and adaptive creativity will always be a human quality."
"It has a human quality to it where some of the other brands I find a little bit cold."
"We're musicians; we can't improvise and you can't sort of get the same feeling from a machine that you do from a person."
"The success lays in the ability to touch each other, or to be touched."
"It's the human element, it's like the humans interacting and stuff always shows up that wasn't there before and that's what makes it tight and that's what makes it magical."
"Our bodies are exquisitely designed to respond to touch as a signal of care."
"When two hands touch, there is a sensuality of the flesh, an exchange of warmth, a feeling of pressure, a proximity of otherness that brings the other nearly as close as oneself, perhaps closer."
"When you take the human element out of creating art, it ceases to become art."
"There's nothing that can replace the human touch when it comes to bike fitting."
"It's just a nice kind of gesture and just humanizes that cab experience a little bit more."
"I really like the results; it gives it a more human quality, like a dude is actually wearing a bucket on his head."
"Nobody wants to see robots play... human beings with opinions."
"It's still human beings... I love that human beings make it."
"When we touch, we enter touch entirely. No one's alone."
"So much more groovy and a little more unique with that human feel."
"I like to see that it was made by a human."
"...he feels better because he's being touched by a human being and he's being cared for in a way that he wants to."
"I connected with these people from the second I touched hands with them."
"Even though these programmes can be very convenient and cost-effective, they are never going to replace that human element."
"It wasn't made by a machine; it was made by a human being."
"I think the human ear hears things that are made by humans, like actual things, and maybe it just adds some sweetness to what we're hearing."
"Machines will never replace experience."
"You're really in touch with a human being, a full human being in all their truth and honesty."
"A piece of art created without human touch, devoid of soul and heart, is unlikely to resonate with the audience."
"Stop right now, thank you very much. I need somebody with a human touch."
"For me, that has really come together well, and even though it's incredibly tight, you've still got these human elements in there, you've still got these little imperfections, meaning that you can almost subconsciously hear those little changes."
"This is a human that's doing this for an artistic purpose, it's not a robot."
"That heartbeat gives it the human touch."
"Automation is cool, but sometimes you just gotta pick up the damn phone."
"It's more important at the end to get that quality, that human touch."
"It's that human element, it's just somebody did this with great care."
"Our challenge here is a little bit of creative writing to make this sound like it was mostly written or at least put together by a human."
"...the idea that bringing artificial intelligence is a way to get back to more humanity in medicine."
"It's another way of layering up the shaking to make it a little bit more random, maybe make it a little bit more human and imperfect."
"It's those little elements that add a human touch."
"You don't have to talk like a machine; you want to talk like a human."
"One thing robots can't provide is that emotional support."
"This is a piece of art made by a human using tools in combination with other artistic tools like Photoshop and my own artistic ability."
"I like the art form hand-drawn better because it feels more human to me."
"AI design could do a lot of mainstream, but the value of human design will increase dramatically when you can say this is designed by a human."
"There's magic in that human touch when it comes to flying an airline."
"The touch of compassion, understanding, and genuine attention can't be coded or digitized."
"Bingeable collections handpicked by humans, not robots."
"I almost forgot what hugging feels like."
"There's simply nothing more reliable than a human that can listen to the beat of the music and tap the spacebar."
"When observing it in action, one not only witnesses the power of the machine but also feels the power of the woman operating inside the cabin."
"For all the science and technology... the interesting thing is that medicine has become more human."
"We still technically value the human touch and handcrafted objects."